Dreaming of anything somehow related to making an announcement indicates that you’re being careless with your personal affairs, because you’re paying more attention to unimportant things, which will obviously cause damages and losses. Dreaming of announcing something in the dream means that there is a deep concern that something is wrong, and you don’t know how to correct it to avoid probable losses and diseases for you or your relatives. Dreaming of placing ads of any kind implies that, deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied with what you have, and you want to make a change, taking the risk of making everything worse. Dreaming of reading ads suggests that someone is planning somehow to harm you, like giving you bad news. Dreaming of taking ads from some places anticipates that you suspect of someone cheating on you, or backstabbing you in business.

…If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be…

…To dream that you’re a mountaineer or alpinist and are hiking through difficult slopes, but you finally reach the top, suggests that you have a great capacity to overcome obstacles and will soon achieve success, but if you fail to reach the top, the dream suggests the opposite. To dream that you’re climbing a ladder to reach the top indicates success in your affairs, but if for any reason you can’t reach the top or if the ladder breaks, it suggests the opposite and the risks will be greater. To dream that you’re climbing a wall or other means to enter a house through a window suggests that you want to experiment, usually in illegal matters, like stealing or having dishonest, dangerous and adventurous love relationships. Dreaming that you’re climbing a slope indicates that to achieve your goals you must make a greater effort. The higher you climb during…

To dream that you have an abscess and is growing means that you’ll get something you have been longing for a lot of time, but you’ll have to overcome some obstacles before getting it. If you dream that you’re starting to get an abscess, it means that you’ll face some difficulties.

…Dreaming of passing through a green and luxurious corn-field, and seeing full ears hanging heavily, denotes great wealth for the farmer. It denotes fine crops and rich harvest and harmony in the home. To the young it promises much happiness and true friends, but to see the ears blasted, denotes disappointments and bereavements. To see young corn newly ploughed, denotes favor with the powerful and coming success. To see it ripe, denotes fame and wealth. To see it cribbed, signifies that your highest desires will be realized. To see shelled corn, denotes wealthy combines and unstinted favors. Dreaming of eating green corn, denotes harmony among friends and happy unions for the young….

Dreaming of being in a library looking for a book means that you’re living with something unpleasant and you want and you are reaching for a way out, perhaps in an intellectual or economic way. Dreaming of being in a library but having no intentions of reading any book, suggests that you’re acting wrongly in your daily life and perhaps committing crimes. To dream that you are next to a bookshelf, or taking a book, suggests that you’re living and working with joy. Dreaming of an empty bookshelf in a library announces upcoming difficulties at work or business, with risks of losing your jobs or completely failing in business.

…Dreaming that you’re taking a bath in clean and transparent water is an announcement of success, joy, fun, etc. On the contrary, if the water is dirty, or worse, muddy, is at least an announcement of diseases or bad news. Dreaming of children playing with clean water is a sign of future success and happiness in the family, but if they are playing with dirty water, it indicates the opposite. Dreaming of a young woman bathing in clean water suggests that the relationships she has or her honest desires are likely to be materialized and reach a successful end. Bathing involves using water, and water in dreams, since ancient times, has well known meanings: Crystal clear water indicates health, happiness and joy. Turbid water indicates discomfort, unpleasantness and disappointments. The muddy water indicates illness, misfortune, poverty and hate. Dreaming of wanting to take a bath can indicate that the…

Dream of a wooden spoiled and ugly object indicates that you feel discouraged and unemotional inside. Dream of a nice-looking wooden object means success but with help of good people. Dream of working a piece of wood indicates power and development. On the other hand, wood also symbolizes spirituality and vital energy. Dream of wood symbolizes prosperity and tranquility. Dream of wood represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. On the other hand, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. Dream of walking through woods means your return to a spiritual aspect of yourself, also indicates you’re starting a new phase of your life. You’re expressing some anxiety to go behind a relative. Dream of some dried wood in suggests there is an unsolved situation in your life. It may also mean you’re overwhelmed with problems.

Basements, much like attics, are usually isolated from the rest of the house, and they store all kinds of useless, old and deteriorated things; all of this symbolizes the dream, which means this is how the dreamer feels. Dreaming of yourself inside a basement may mean that you’re seeing success and prosperity opportunities, but you’re letting them slip, you’re wasting them because of your own absorption. Dreaming of yourself in a poorly-lit basement announces a prestige loss due to your bad behavior. When, in dreams, we find ourselves trapped in a basement, it usually symbolizes upcoming adversities and sufferings that’ll make life that much difficult; if during the dream we manage to escape, it’s a sign that our situation will improve and we’ll receive very interesting proposals, especially in the job field.

…– “You have not seen him.” Asim Bin Kulayb once said – “I related to Ibn Abbas, God bless his soul and that of his father, that I saw God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Ibn Abbas replied – “Describe him to me.” Asim Bin Kulayb added – “I described him as resembling Al-Hassan son of ‘Ali, upon both of them be peace.” Ibn Abbas replied – “Indeed you have seen him.” Ibn ‘Arabi once explained that the essence of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said – “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means – ‘Expounding upon what…

…Dreaming of white goats suggests that you’ll soon achieve your goals and you will receive good news. Dreaming of being attacked by an angry goat suggests that there are nearby enemies who seek to hurt you in some way, like stealing from you, spreading rumors, conducting espionage, altering documents, etc. Dreaming of controlling a goat by grabbing it by the horns means that having success in your business is really close, and the enemies or competitors will be defeated; but if in your dream the goat beats and defeats you, it indicates that you should take maximum precautions regarding your enemies, whether you know them or not. Dreaming of a herd of goats grazing quietly, insinuates that you’ll achieve economic and health benefits. When the field is dry or the grass is very scarce and animals in the herd are skinny, suggests that poverty is really close to the…

…Dreaming of rats or mice is never pleasant, especially when this occurs frequently. This dream is a bad sign because it announces several misfortunes, among others, risks in your own health or in the health of loved ones. In some cases, it usually announces the start of infections. In any case, it always suggests problems at home, with family, with friends or neighbors, in business or employment. If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful. Dreaming of chasing a mouse or rat but having it escape, it could mean that problems will persist, although they are under control. Dreaming of killing a rat or a mouse signifies triumph over problems and enemies. When a woman dreams of rats or mice it might mean that she suspects…

Scabies in dreams usually have the connotation of a plague and therefore it kind of have similar meaning to measles, smallpox, cholera or the plague itself. It usually isn’t a good omen and it generally refers to family, emotional difficulties, clashes, disputes, concerns and anxieties. Dreaming that you’re sick always indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they will get worse, and this usually also refers to your health. If you feel itching caused by scabies and not an eternal factor during the dream, means that difficulties and sorrows are approaching because of debts. If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way you’re living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.

Dreaming that you sleep with one of your relatives means that you’ll have economic security with your partner and you are both happy; dreaming that you sleep with someone that’s really attractive means that you’ll be disappointed; dreaming that you sleep with an ugly person means death or illness; and if you dream that you sleep with someone of the same sex, it means anger and concerns.

Dreaming of narcotics, sedatives or sleep remedies, whether you’re the one taking them in your dream or they simply appear in it, indicates that you’re trying to escape from reality and the responsibilities you have to face and solve in the future. No matter how much you ignore them, they’re not going to disappear.

…Dreaming of shooting arrows with a bow promises that you’ll soon feel relieved from the sorrows you suffer. Dreaming of one or more triumphal arches means vanity, inconsequential and temporary affairs. Dreaming of arches made of heavy material, such as bridges or portals, suggests that there is a deep satisfaction because you’re in the process of become successful, in your work or business, which announces a nearby prosperity, despite of some people not understanding what you are doing or they being jealous and therefore seeking to humiliate you and cause you any type of harm. When a woman dreams of going under any arch, it means that she will soon suffer disappointments because the things she wanted will be destroyed. Dreaming of bows and arrows, even if you’re not using them, points at your ability to succeed in your affairs, even in love. But it also means that you…

…Dreaming of horses drinking from waterhole means that you’ll experience joy in the future. If the animal that is drinking happens to be a donkey, it means that you will have a fight from which you will come out triumphant. If the waterhole is dry, it foretells a mystery or it may be a harbinger of adversities; if it’s dirty, it predicts the birth of a child. Dreaming of a waterhole usually means tranquility. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. If animals are drinking from it, it’s a harbinger of great news. If the water is clear, is a symbol of joy; on the contrary, if the water is dirty, it indicates the arrival of a new baby in the family. If you see a wild animal drinking water from a waterhole or someplace…

…For a young woman Dreaming that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers. If she avails herself of the opportunity, she will stand in high favor with friends. If she finds she must reach up to shake hands, she will find rivalry and opposition. If she has on gloves, she will overcome these obstacles. To shake hands with those beneath you, denotes you will be loved and honored for your kindness and benevolence. If you think you or they have soiled hands, you will find enemies among seeming friends. For a young woman Dreaming of shaking hands with a decrepit old man, foretells she will find trouble where amusement was sought….

…To see young lambs frisking around their mother, is an excellent omen, as it denotes thrift, and also happiness in your family ties; if you see them sucking, it is a sign of an increase in your family by the birth of a child. For lovers to dream of young lambs, foretells a speedy and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 60….

To dream that you eat some jam suggests that you’ll suffer a physical illness. To dream that you are cooking a jam suggests that you’ll have an unhappy domestic life.

Dreaming that you’re in a customs office, in front of the employees that check documents or packages, indicates that competitors are aware of what you are doing to take advantage of it. Dreaming that you’re congratulated by the staff of a customs office indicates that you’ll soon receive a recompense for your actions. Dreaming of leaving a customs agency insinuates that you are going to experience failures and losses that are not going to necessarily be related with your economy.

…Dreaming of dirty, stagnant water, even if it’s streaming, indicates evil, corruption, and larceny. Dreaming of clean, clear water in any form, it is always a good sign of joyful motivation to live in prosperity, tranquility, etc. When you see dirty water within dreams, in whatever form it appears (the worst is the muddy water), suggests poor health or unpleasant events, undesirable and hypocritical friends. Dreaming of clean, fresh water that falls on the face or head of the dreamer, announces that love illusions are going well. When the water is clear, clean and seems still or perhaps with gentle waves, and reflecting the sky, it’s reflection of cosmic things and quiet meditation. Dreaming of playing with clean water or walking on it, announces that there will soon be pleasing illusions, which is more probable if you can see decorative plants and aquatic flowers in the water. Dreaming of…

…Dreaming of pickles, denotes that you will follow worthless pursuits if you fail to call energy and judgment to your aid. For a young woman Dreaming of eating pickles, foretells an unambitious career. Dreaming of pickles, denotes vexation in love, but final triumph. For a young woman Dreaming that she is eating them, or is hungry for them, foretells she will find many rivals, and will be overcome unless she is careful of her private affairs. Impure pickles, indicate disappointing engagements and love quarrels….

…Dreaming of coins without determining their value, usually indicates economic needs. Dreaming about gold coins, and if the value is distinguished, implies that the dreamer leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. Dreaming of silver coins without distinguishing a value, implies dubious business, uncomfortable compromises, and family problems. It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny. If a young woman dreams of her lover gifting her gold coins’, it means that their marriage will be financially stable. If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, it warns that she must remain alert or soon he’ll cheat on her. Dreaming about several copper coins indicates arduous work that is not paid well. Dreaming of nickel coins or other similar metal implies intense activity, hard work, constant business, but of very low standards…

…To see water in a dream symbolizes the state of the unconscious and emotional mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of energy life. It is also a symbol of spirituality, knowledge, healing and relief. Dreaming of boiling water indicates some emotional turmoil. It can also mean that feelings of unconscious are emerging to be recognized. Seeing calm and clear water in a dream means you are in consistency with your spirituality. Calm and clear water denotes serenity, peace of mind and rejuvenation. Seeing muddy or dirty water in a dream indicates you do not accept changes to your negative emotions. You may need to spend some time to clear your mind and find inner peace. It also suggests you’re confused. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates you’re immersed in a situation that overwhelms you. To dream that your house…

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

your own records.” It means that he may go astray. If one sees the angels giving him glad tidings and congratulating him in a dream, it means that he will beget a blessed son who will grow to be righteous and an example to be followed. If one sees a gathering of angels in a town in his dream, it means that a pious man, or an ascetic, or a great scholar will die in that locality. If one sees himself looking at the angels in the skies in a dream, it means that he may suffer the loss of a son or his wealth. Seeing the celestial angels {arb. Ruhaniyyeen) in a dream means gaining honor, dignity, blessings in one’s life, profits and a good fame, developing spiritual inner insight, or becoming a business manager. Near the end of one’s life, one who sees such a dream also will…

Dreaming about an evacuation is the reflection of suppressed reactions to some situation. To dream that you are in an evacuation, symbolizes that you are isolating yourself from expression. You’re holding back your emotions. Are you able to deal with and understand your feelings? To dream that you are in your city or town that is empty because of evacuation represents that you are afraid of being forbidden by your community. Alternatively, you are feeling right now in your waking life that you’re rejected by those around you. Are you feeling unaccepted or departed?

Dreaming of being legally accused, announces that you are at serious risk of having legal problems, or at least several conflicts. Lovers who dream of accusing each other mean that their differences of character, behavior and interests are so strong that their relationship can’t move forward. It’s a dream of warning, if you see or hear the person accusing you in your dream, right or wrong, it’s an invitation to be prudent. If someone is accused of a crime in the dream, it indicates torment and restlessness. If you dream you’re accused by a man, it means success. If instead, you’re accused by a woman, it means bad news. Dreaming of being accused of your own death means good news.

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

young man once told me that he dreamed a huge shaggy bear, with an intensely diabolical expression in its little brown eyes, entered his room, and) approaching the foot of his bed, reared itself on its hind legs and peered at him. In a great state of alarm, he got out of bed, and had almost reached the window-sill, when the bear stalked up to him, and, placing its paws on his shoulders, deliberately breathed into his face. He awoke with its hot breath burning into his brain, and from that night, he assured me, he was a changed man; and, one bad act leading to another, he was at length smuggled out of the country to escape jail.A destitute girl I once befriended on the Thames Embankment, and who, in return for the supper I gave her at a neighbouring restaurant, stole the teaspoons, told me she was quite…

…down, swirled round and round her face, though never near enough to touch her, and whilst they were still swirling, she awoke. A day or two afterwards, her favourite sister was drowned in Lake Lucerne. A Major Roper: writing to me some time ago from India, said: Here is an experience that may be useful to you in compiling your work on dreams. I have twice dreamed of bats, and on each occasion the dream has been followed by a calamity. In the first instance, I thought I was sitting in my bedroom in my old home in Bedford (I am an old B.G.S. boy), when six bats, one after the other, flew in at the window, and, after whizzing round the room, vanished in the marvellous fashion that seems so natural in a dream. The next day I had a cablegram from England to say my brother was drowned…

…Seeing an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in the dream, may have two a lot of meanings in relation to the feeling of dream. If the dream was good and the connection with ex-boyfriend was huge, then dream represents your longing of that feeling. Alternatively, it means that you are reliving the past in order to have better future. You are recharging yourself with old good emotions throughout your dream. When old connection with your ex of childhood was very simple and without big expectations then such dream represents your freedom. It refers to a freer, less overloaded relationship. The dream brings you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn’t restrict the spontaneity of youth and the romance of undiscovered feelings. You need to recollect the enthusiasm, freedom, and energy of youth that may be lacking in your current relationship. To dream that your ex-boyfriend…

…Religion themed dreams are often related to facts and thoughts of daily life, so its explanation lies in the problems of conscience, and it’s only the dreamer who can usually discern them. A young woman who dreams of being very attached to religion, to the point that makes her have frequent discussions about it, may mean that she will soon have troubles with her boyfriend, lover or husband. A religious young woman who dreams of being overly attached to religion indicates vanity; it may mean that she craves admiration, love and respect from others, which makes her to force herself to behave in a certain way, which is unpleasant to others. This dream warns that you should be humble. Dreaming that you’re declining your religion can mean that you are experiencing a lack of emotional and psychological balance and that you need to find harmony and be reasonable beyond…

Dreaming of somehow self-regenerating suggests that in real life you’re trying to reach a balance between your own behavior and mistakes, but still haven’t made the decision to correct them, which make them appear in your dreams. This dream is often a memory of events in your youth, in this case it might mean you’re missing what has been lost (opportunities, time values, lovers), and none of those things are recoverable. It can also be the effect of a painful failure of any kind.

Seeing yourself smiling in your dreams is usually an omen of understanding among the members of your own family or your close friends. It’s always a sign of satisfaction with life itself and the projects that are moving forward. Dreaming of yourself smiling and being happy, sloppily and for no reason, means that you’re not paying the right attention to your activities. Smiling among friends means that you have faith on a promising and pleasant future in your own family, society, business, etc. Nevertheless, if something unpleasant interrupts the joy, then the meaning is often the contrary, and indicates approaching problems that could end everything you’re enjoying.

Depending on the dreamer’s religion and beliefs, this dream is usually a good sign and announces that you’re getting some benefits, but they won’t necessarily improve your economy. This dream is usually an indicator that you have the necessary conditions to smoothly run your life in good way and also warns you that you shouldn’t deviate from the current path you’re following, since it’s the correct one; if you follow this path your life will be filled with peace and you’ll be free of concerns. This dream’s meaning can vary widely depending on the saint you dream of and the conditions and circumstances in which the saint appears.

Dream of being a lawyer indicates that you’re responsible for solving some dispute between others. If you’re in litigation process and you see a lawyer, it indicates that you will have problems and difficulties.

…Dreaming of making candy, denotes profit accruing from industry. Dreaming of eating crisp, new candy, implies social pleasures and much love-making among the young and old. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that disgusting annoyances will grow out of confidences too long kept. To receive a box of bonbons, signifies to a young person that he or she will be the recipient of much adulation. It generally means prosperity. If you send a box you will make a proposition, but will meet with disappointment….

If the dreamer sees himself/herself being suffocated during the dream, it’s an omen for diverse contrarieties, impediments and tiredness for having had a difficult struggle without obtaining any valuable result. It’s a warning about being under too much pressure from our opponents. Seeing another person being suffocated means that you’ll beat the difficulties and that you’ll have authority and complete control over your enemies. Suffocating a fire during a dream implies that we’re already tired, disenchanted and we lack the necessary strength to keep fighting.