When you dream about the hour, then such dream shows how the time goes by. Consider if there are things that you have to remember such as take a class, have a meeting, because the unconscious mind of yours gives you a warning to wake up or remember something important. The dreamer should also pay attention to the exact hour he saw in a dream, because the number would tell much more about the dream. When you dream of the happy time (hour) in your dream, then such dream foretells about the happiness and pleasure that are associated with the particular time. On the other hand, the hour in a dream could remind you of using the time thoughtfully that was given to you by life.
Dream dictionary: ho rengagé dream meanings
…Dreaming of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode….
The horse is the animal that indicates the freedom, capability of work and lifes journeys. The dreamer who is able easily to control the horse the same way managing his own life. The hard work you do is also seen in the horse symbolism. The journey the dreamer takes from one phase of his life to another is also seen in the symbolism of the horse.
If you dream about the horse, then such dream indicate strength, sexual aspects of your personality and liberty. Sometimes the horses are interpreted as those who brings the news no matter they are bad or good, but it depends on people who dreamt about it. When you are horse riding, then such dream indicates how well you are prepared and the fact that you trust yourself a lot. You have no issues with self-confidence. The color of the horse also gives an important message, which shows much more of the interpretation about the dream. For example, the white horses represent purity, love and affection, the black ones indicates the strength, the grey ones our ability to adapt in different circumstances or the wisdom. Piebald horse is the symbol of chaos, different energies and stress. The tan horses indicates the sexual aspects of your personality.
…Dreaming about yourself being a person, seized or held as security for some kind of the fulfilment of a condition, is a symbol of the misfortune in the ability to act freely. In the dream to be a hostage, indicates that you are feeling cruel and unjust treatment. This makes you victimized and powerlessness. Hostage also means the limitations of your will. Are you feeling limited in your choices? Maybe you are somehow immobilized in physical way. Perhaps this dream is the reference to some difficulties in the situation or the relationship of your waking life. Alternatively, being a hostage suggests to be more expressive. Try to escape the thoughts of yours, which are limiting your character. Take off shackles of your mind and let your charisma and/or personality to open. If someone else is a hostage, then by your opinion this person from your waking life is in…
Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.
Dreaming that you ride a horse means prosperity and unexpected satisfaction. If the horse in your dream falls, its a sign of concern and emotional problems. If you dream of a horse running, it indicates that you have the strength to overcome the difficulties that interfere in your way.
…In a dream, a water cistern represents a pouch, a safe, a box, a coffer, a partner, one’s wife, a son, or knowing people’s personal secrets. If the oil cistern is filled with water in the dream, it means stagnation of any of the above. If one sees a water cistern filled with oil in a dream, then it means prosperity. The cistern of a fellowship house, a khanakah or a mosque in a dream represents its Imam or its supervising spiritual teacher or the caretaker and guard of the property. If one sees the water cistern of the house sitting in an unsuitable place in that house in a dream, it represents the spirit of a jinni who pursues such a person or who may haunt his house. If one sees a well being used as a cistern in his house in a dream, it denotes that the…
To dream of the tree house, denotes to your desire to get way from all of the problems and troubles, especially if you are inside of this house. Perhaps you try to avoid the hard and unpleasant life you have at the moment. If you have build the tree house, then such dream foretells about your ability to reach the things you want from life with hard work and stubbornness.
To see in the dream playhouse, which is built in the branches of a tree, may mean that now it is time for relaxation and rest. Dreaming that you are in a tree house, is interpreted as suggestion that you are trying to escape from daily routine and your problems. Are you blocking off the unpleasantly or jarring senses from reality of your daily life? Dreaming that you are building a tree house, is a symbol for fulfilment of wishes. Are you working hard to realize your hopes and goals? The dream about tree house is a reflection of your evolution, growth and maturation. Are you in the process of maximizing your own potential?
If you are dreaming that you see the hole on the ground, then such dream indicates your secret activities. The hole in the ground could also show that you are feeling not fulfilled. Perhaps you have a feeling as being empty. The dream could be understood as the suggestion to do something in order to feel less lonely and empty inside. If you dream that you have fallen into the hole, then it shows some situation you have stuck in. Perhaps you do not know how to escape this position.
…It symbolizes our being and personality. The front of the house symbolizes the outside of the dreamer and the interior of the house, intimate life. Dining room and kitchen represent food and digestion. Bedroom indicates rest and sex. Bathroom – physical and moral cleanliness. Upper floors represent head and mind. Warehouse indicates the subconscious. Doors represent access to our soul. An old, dilapidated house symbolizes an antiquated condition of life and thought. A floor or ceiling that sinks symbolizes collapse of the ideals and principles….
If we dream that we live in a hotel it reveals a desire for a more luxurious and brighter life. If we see ourselves as managers of a hotel it reflects our desire to have power over others or handle them. -To dream of ourselves lost inside a hotel indicates that in real life we are frightened by circumstances that deviate from those to which we are accustomed.
…(Bathhouse | Boiling water | Hot pepper | Pungent) Eating hot food, or drinking a hot drink in a dream may represent arduous earnings, or abundance that becomes a burden. It may also represent unlawful earnings, illegal profits, losses, or losing any blessing which maybe contained in one’s deeds. Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that he is destined for hell-fire….
…Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream means benefits. Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression, or a scare by evil spirits. (Also see Bathhouse | Drink | Hot)…
…To dream about a clean horseshoes suggests that all your affairs will do well, including your emotional matters. To dream about a broken, rusted, old or dirty horseshoe suggests that unfortunate situations, as failures and illnesses, are up coming for both the dreamer and his/her family. To dream about a horseshoe thats hanging on a fence suggests that soon youll experience a great life improvement, perhaps higher than what you’ve desired. To dream that you’re in a desert and find a horseshoe suggests that you’ll soon receive an unexpected benefit….
…Dreaming of seeing a hoe, denotes that you will have no time for idle pleasures, as there will be others depending upon your work for subsistence. Dreaming of using a hoe, you will enjoy freedom from poverty by directing your energy into safe channels. For a woman Dreaming of hoeing, she will be independent of others, as she will be self-supporting. For lovers, this dream is a sign of faithfulness. Dreaming of a foe striking at you with a hoe, your interests will be threatened by enemies, but with caution you will keep aloof from real danger….
Dreaming of honey, and even better if its straight from bees, indicates that the dreamer has good health. Dreaming of honey being splattered over the table, floor, etc., indicates that the dreamer is exposing his or her health because of trivialities. Dreaming of eating honey symbolizes health, love, and the desire to live.
…Dreaming that you hear the sound of a horn, foretells hasty news of a joyful character. To see a broken horn, denotes death or accident. To see children playing with horns, denotes congeniality in the home. For a woman Dreaming of blowing a horn, foretells that she is more anxious for marriage than her lover….
…(Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception. Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority. Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a dream means being obsessed with virgin girls and desiring to deflower them. Piercing in a dream also means spying, pursuing someone’s tracks, desecrating one’s earnings by bringing unlawful money into them, or it could mean deterioration in the conduct of one’s children. Digging an underground tunnel in a city in a dream means searching for someone. Digging an underground tunnel to reach the inside of a house in a dream means trying to court a woman, exerting an irresistible influence on her, then luring her to deceive her. (Also see Tunnel)…
The dream in which you are visiting the hospital warns about health issues that must be dealt with immediately, otherwise the consequences will be sad. If you see the other person being in the hospital, then such dream foretells about the help this person is required. If you see yourself being a worker of the hospital, but in your waking life you are not working there, then it means that you spend too much time solving other peoples problems or helping them in any other way.
…Dreaming that you see honey, you will be possessed of considerable wealth. To see strained honey, denotes wealth and ease, but there will be an undercurrent in your life of unlawful gratification of material desires. Dreaming of eating honey, foretells that you will attain wealth and love. To lovers, this indicates a swift rush into marital joys….
The house indicates your inner happiness or sadness depending on the state of the house: if it is tidy, clean or messy and dirty, the same way is your mental and physical health. The house could also indicate your subconscious mind if you see the basement of it or the spiritual aspects if you dream of the top floor.
…Dreaming of hounds on a hunt, denotes coming delights and pleasant changes. For a woman Dreaming of hounds, she will love a man below her in station. Dreaming that hounds are following her, she will have many admirers, but there will be no real love felt for her. See Dogs….
If you dream about some kind of the hole, then such dream foretells about the things you wished were perfect. The hole could also be interpreted as the place to escape unfavorable situations. Perhaps the hole represents the idea you already have, how to avoid unpleasant experiences.
…Dreaming of a hospital is ambiguous symbol of the dreams. To dream about hospital can symbolize issues with your health. Maybe you need to heal or improve your physical or emotional health. Maybe you have some disturbances that kicked you out of your path. You need to get back to the stream of routine in everyday life. Alternatively, dream of a hospital shows your caring nature. You are worried about your relatives that may need medical help….
Dreaming that you are howling, has the symbolic significance of hidden anxieties. Howling in the dream also suggests wounded feelings. Alternatively, to hear howling, when you are dreaming, can have symbolism of isolation, loneliness or solitude. Are you sad because you have not enough true friends?
…(Den | Lair | Hole | Burrow) In a dream, any hole or den of such mammals means pursuing innovations in one’s religious practices, or being attached to following leaders of such ideas and who will lead people astray. A den in a dream also represents the element of charcoal. If one sees an animal coming out of a hole or a den in a dream, it means that he will utter words that befit the character of such an animal….
Dream of having a house means that your goals are well defined; satisfaction in the family. Dreaming of building the house means fulfilling promises.
The dreamer that sees the eleventh hour on the clock is facing the end of something that is very important to him/her. Perhaps some work or relationships are coming to an end. Sometimes the eleventh hour could be a negative omen which shows that you tend to leave the things until the last minute and now when the clock is ticking, you have to do whatever has to be done.
A hornet in a dream represents a fighting enemy, a builder, an architect, a thief, a highway robber, a despicable person whose earnings are unlawful, a singer who sings in the wrong key, eating poisonous food, or disclosing some- thing. A hornet in a dream also represents a slanderer, a troublemaker, a strong fighter, a strong enemy that will argue against the truth, or merciless people, a vile person, a blood thirsty person, a stinging personality, or a harmful connection. Fighting attacking hornets in a dream means a war with evil people.
To dream that your at a hospital, nursing home or sanatorium is a sign that you are suffering from a disease that has not been taken care of or that your business or any other matters are going through a difficult situation that has increased over time, perhaps due to lack of care or clear reasoning or disturbances of your nervous system. It also suggests fatigue being due to the stress youre suffering and an intense desire to rest. To dream that you live in a clinic or hospital indicates that your problems will lessen over time.
…Shying, as in a horse fright, in a dream means hastening to undertake a journey, moving quickly from one place to another, or substituting one school of thought for another, adopting a new ideology, or changing one’s religion. (Also see Horse)…
(Dwellings | House) Sitting on the rooftop of a glass house in a dream means marriage to a beautiful woman from a noble family and who may die soon after her wedding. (Also see Dwellings)
To dream that you are a hostage means that you feel as a victim in a certain situation. To dream that you are held hostage also means that you dont know how to express opinions and desires.
Feeling hot in a dream means joy and satisfaction of your achievements. Also, something hot or warm is symbolizing hope and unconditional love.
Dreaming of a custom-house, denotes you will have rivalries and competition in your labors. To enter a custom-house, foretells that you will strive for, or have offered you, a position which you have long desired. To leave one, signifies loss of position, trade or failure of securing some desired object….
…(Hostel | Inn | Travelling to a foreign country) A hotel in a dream represents one’s house, body, name, property, glory, bathhouse, oven, or a court of justice. Whatever may happen to him in that dream could take place in conjunction to any of the above elements and in relationship to his condition. Staying overnight in an unknown hotel in a dream means travel, or it may indicate the abode of this world from which one travels to reach the abode of the hereafter. (Also see Hostel | Travel)…
To see horses in your dreams is symptomatic of good. If a woman dreams that she is mounted on a strong, handsome horse, it shows that she will marry a rich person, who will love her. To fall from a horse, denotes misfortune and disappointment.
If you hear the echo in a dream, then such dream indicates the necessity to become braver when expressing your opinions. You should also listen carefully to the words that have been said. You are willing to be understood and heard by those around you. The echo is also a symbol of your spirituality.