If you are the maid of honor in someone’s wedding while dreaming, then such dream means that you are accepting these people love and wish them good luck in their future relationships, but only if you felt happy about it while dreaming. If you are not happy while being maid of honor, then it means you are not accepting the love of these people.

Dream in which you have a house means that your goals are well defined and are on track; also it indicates that your family life is full of satisfactions. Dream of building a house means that the promises will be carried out shortly.

…Taylor.”Mr. Fox, in order to attend the House of Commons, had taken an apartment in St. Anne’s Churchyard, Westminster. On the evening when he took possession, he was struck with something that appeared to him mysterious in the manner of the maid-servant, who looked like a man dis- guised, and he felt a very unpleasant emotion. This feeling was strengthened by a similar deportment in the mistress of the house, who soon after entered his room and asked if he wanted anything before he retired to rest. Disliking her manner, he soon dismissed her and went to bed, but the disagreeable impression made on his mind by the maid and the mistress kept him long awake. At length, however, he fell asleep. During his sleep he dreamed that the corpse of a gentleman, who had been murdered, was deposited in the cellar of the house. This dream, co-operating with the…

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

…To see a glass house, foretells you are likely to be injured by listening to flattery. For a young woman Dreaming that she is living in a glass house, her coming trouble and threatened loss of reputation is emphasized….

…(Water) A watering hose in a dream means rain, or watering the grass or the garden plants. A watering hose in a dream also represents positive developments in one’s life, or it could mean correcting oneself, becoming more vigilant, having less need for excessive sleep, or it could mean overcoming one’s adversities….

When you dream about something being hot, then such dream points the dangers and menace that is lurking for you. The hotness could also indicate the fact that you feel attractive and sexy. If you see someone being very hot in a dream, then it show your sexual attraction towards that particular person.

When you see the hourglass in a dream, then it shows that the time is ticking about some matter. You feel that there is not enough time for something to finish. The hourglass could also indicate some situation that has been turned completely upside down.

…means that his wife will beget a son who will grow to be a renowned man of knowledge and piety. A fire lighting one’s house in a dream also means that one’s wife will get pregnant. Kindling a fire on top of a mountain in a dream means seeking nearness to God Almighty by making offerings, giving charities and increasing one’s devotion. Consequently all of one’s needs will surely be satisfied. If one who sees this dream is on a journey, it represents his safe return to his home. Sitting inside a fire and suffering no harm in a dream means working for, or associating with the ruler of the city or country. It also means becoming the ruler’s confidant or intimate friend. Fire in the desert in a dream means war. Setting people on fire in a dream means creating division and enmity between them. To stand in the…

…Dreaming of a bake-house, demands caution in making changes in one’s career. Pitfalls may reveal themselves on every hand. For a young woman Dreaming that she is in a bake house, portends that her character wil{l} be assailed. She should exercise great care in her social affairs….

If you dream about the echo, then it means that someone doesn’t hear you or doesn’t believe you, therefore much of work will have to be done in order to be heard by that particular person. If you are making an echo in wildness, then you are going to suffer from illness or will become free from all your worries.

Dreaming of horror means restlessness and anxiety. Also, horror indicates danger of falling into contradictions if you do not speak the truth.

Honey is known as the symbol of sweetness, kindness and stickiness. The dream about honey could indicate the necessity to become sweeter with others. Maybe you are not tolerant and kind enough towards the others?

…(Slippers) In a dream, an animal’s hoof, or an ostrich’s hoof means strength or travels. It also means to wend one’s way and prepare for the better. (Also see Slippers)…

To dream you are mounted on a fine young horse, and that you are well dressed, with the horse or mare gaily caparisoned, denotes you will marry some rich person, who will make you happy.

…Dreaming of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. Dreaming that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building….

Honey symbolizes the Higher Self as a last result of internal development work on inner self. Honey is also an omen of wealth, prosperity and happiness, especially amorous happiness.

To get the explanation about the hog dream you have to look into the emotions that are caused while thinking of the hog.

If you see a hole in the dream, it shows the unsureness and unknowingness. If you felt into the hole, you feel hopeless about some situation.

To dream that you are enjoying the holiday party means that you are looking forward for your holidays. Alternatively, the dream about holiday party could mean that you are feeling very tired, therefore you are looking forward for the rest.

The cozy home indicates the domestic happiness. The building of your home and the way it is located signifies the things in your waking life. The basement symbolizes the unconscious mind of your, the top floor of the building is related to your spirituality and the other floors of the building shows your present life.

…If one sees the walls of his house collapsing as a result of a flood in a dream, it means the death of his wife. If one sees his house caving in on him and causing a big cloud of dust in a dream, it means that he maybe afflicted with measles. A collapsed ceiling in a dream means devastation. If one sees a destroyed house standing erect anew in a dream, it means spiritual awakening of its owner. If one is awaiting the return of a member of his family, or if he is awaiting a guest to arrive, and if a part of his house caves in, it means the near arrival of such a traveller. If a daughter or a sister or another woman live in that house, it means that the guest will seek her hand for marriage. If a hurricane destroys his entire house…

…Dreaming of a holiday, foretells interesting strangers will soon partake of your hospitality. For a young woman Dreaming that she is displeased with a holiday, denotes she will be fearful of her own attractions in winning a friend back from a rival….

…To dream of seeing a large garden of hops in full leaf, denotes thrift and wealth: if you see dried hops, and smell their fragrance, it shows that you will shortly come into a good lump of money from a legacy or a successful speculation. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 9….

…If you dream of riding well and easily on the back of this noble animal, your fortune is sure to advance in the world: but if you imagine you are thrown from a horse, it is a sign of disgrace. To dream of swapping horses shows that someone will cheat you in a bargain; of selling a horse, it is a sign of loss; but of buying one, predicts that you will make money by some speculation, or else by selling property. Horses are excellent animals to dream about. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 11, 22….

…Dreaming of horseradish, foretells pleasant associations with intellectual and congenial people. Fortune is also expressed in this dream. For a woman, it indicates a rise above her present station. To eat horseradish, you will be the object of pleasant raillery….

…Dreaming of a horseshoe, indicates advance in business and lucky engagements for women. To see them broken, ill fortune and sickness is portrayed. To find a horseshoe hanging on the fence, denotes that your interests will advance beyond your most sanguine expectations. To pick one up in the road, you will receive profit from a source you know not of….

…Dreaming of a horse-trader, signifies great profit from perilous ventures. Dreaming that you are trading horses, and the trader cheats you, you will lose in trade or love. If you get a better horse than the one you traded, you will better yourself in fortune….

…Dreaming of hops, denotes thrift, energy and the power to grasp and master almost any business proposition. Hops is a favorable dream to all classes, lovers and tradesmen….

If you dream of having horns on your head, it de- notes grandeur. If you see a man with horns on his head, he is in danger of loss of his person and estate.

If you are taking the hot tub, then such dream shows the necessity for relaxation. Perhaps you are trying to get away from your troubles and various issues in your waking life. The hot tub in a dream could also indicate the issues of your subliminal mind that has been opened.

When you dream about the horse, then such dream shows the inner power and beauty that lies within you, except if the horse is black then it means bad luck.

…To dream that you witness a homicide or crime is a bad dream and at the same time it is a warning that you may discover dangerous secrets in which you should not intervene. To dream that you see someone talking to a murderer and one or both of them have their clothes stained with blood suggests that you’re in danger of suffering hardships due to your own recklessness. If you dream that you’re committing a homicide, it suggests that you’re feeling guilty for doing something wrong, and this may cause you problems within your family and friends, it may also suggest a romantic disappointment….

To see a honeycomb in the dream symbolizes good outcomes. Honeycomb means that after hard work you are trying to find the sweetness, pleasures and harmony. You will experience delightful happiness in your life. It is also the symbol of love and affection. Do you have a strong desire for friendship and warmth?

…(Barn | Byre | Coach | Cowshed | Stall) A carriage house in a dream represents the assembly place of politicians, leaders, scholars, merchants, visitors or spectators. The condition in which the carriage house appears in one’s dream reflects the state of such groups of people. (Also see Barn | Stableman)…

…It could mean that maybe a new space is opening in your life or you’re trying to get to the bottom of an issue that still you do not see it very clear, especially if in the dream you see yourself digging that hole. But if you suddenly stumble with a hole or you fall into it, you should think that you are the one who is putting obstacles to some progress in your life….

If you dream that you are in the house of the glass, then such dream indicates the possibility that you will be hurt unexpectedly. If you see yourself living in the glass house, then such dream symbolizes that you have lost good reputation from those around you. On the other hand, the dream could show that you are being watched by someone in your waking life.

To dream that you are in hospitality, is symbolism of someone quality of being kind and generous. To offer hospitality in your dream, means that you are generous and kind toward others. It is symbol of your positive activity. You do things without expectation to get it back.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a horseshoe, when you are dreaming stands as a symbol and sign for luck and success in your ambitions and aspirations. It may also indicate a wedding or some special relationship in the near future. If the horseshoe is turned downward, then it has the opposite meaning and is considered unlucky. All the energy that you are putting into a task, project, plan, or scheme may not be worthwhile.

When you dream about the houses, then such dream represents you. The way the house looks the way you feel and look and your overall view towards the world. The interior of the house shows how much you take care of yourself.