Dreaming of hominy, denotes pleasant love-making will furnish you interesting recreation from absorbing study and planning for future progression.

…Dreaming that you commit homicide, foretells that you will suffer great anguish and humiliation through the indifference of others, and your gloomy surroundings will cause perplexing worry to those close to you. Dreaming that a friend commits suicide, you will have trouble in deciding a very important question. See Kill….

Dreaming of being homesick, foretells you will lose fortunate opportunities to enjoy travels of interest and pleasant visits.

Moving house always announces a change in the life of the dreamer.

If you are being hooded, it means that you are hiding something from the others. You don’t want to show your real face or you are afraid of something, because it might harm you.

…To dream of eating hominy with a relish is a sign that you will marry below your station in life, or else you will entertain a new acquaintance who is much below you in position, who will eventually command your esteem. To an educated young girl such a dream predicts a runaway match. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 10….

The honey symbolizes domestic happiness, joy and overall sweetness of life.

…(Burrow | Hole | Underground passage) In a dream, a tunnel represents trickery and deception. If one sees himself digging a tunnel or a hole for someone else in a dream, it means tricking and deceiving him. If one enters the tunnel that he dug in the dream, it means that he will fall in his own trap. If one enters a tunnel or a burrow and cannot see light at the end of it, or if a traveller digs a hole, enters it and can longer see the skies or the stars above him in the dream, it means that thieves will rob him from his luggage, or that he will be high- jacked, or stopped by a band of highway robbers. If one sees himself taking an ablution or a bath inside the tunnel or in the hole in a dream, it means that he will arrest…

To see or visit a coffee house in your dreams, foretells that you will unwisely entertain friendly relations with persons known to be your enemies. Designing women may intrigue against your morality and possessions.

To dream that you are connected with the Holy Spirit means that you are finally trying to find the connection within your spirituality. The dream could also mean that an important celebration such as Easter or Christmas are on the way.

…Dreaming of a coal-hod, denotes that grief will be likely to fill a vacancy made by reckless extravagance. To see your neighbor carrying in hods, foretells your surroundings will be decidedly distasteful and inharmonious….

Dreaming you build a house denotes comfort.

…Dreaming of a hoop, foretells you will form influential friendships. Many will seek counsel of you. To jump through, or see others jumping through hoops, denotes you will have discouraging outlooks, but you will overcome them with decisive victory….

…This dream denotes you will have a long and happy life. If you dream you are eating honey it denotes that something will happen that will give you great joy or pleasure. To a young girl it is a sign that she will soon have a lover that will please her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 3, 1….

The honey is always a good omen in dream, because it promises great health, domestic happiness and other joys.

When you dream of something being hollow, then such dream indicates the care and motherhood. On the other hand, the dream could show how vain, useless and unhappy you are feeling.

…(Rodent | Thief | Woman) A mouse in a dream represents a dissolute and a sinful woman, a thief, or someone who feels flattered at exposing people’s private life. To see a large family of mice in one’s house in a dream means money and prosperity. If one sees a mouse playing inside his house where there is plenty of food in a dream, it means relief and money. If a mouse leaves one’s house in a dream, it means that blessings will depart from that house and its earnings will diminish. Owning a pet mouse in a dream means having a servant or a housekeeper. A black mouse and a white mouse in a dream represent the night and the day. Seeing a mouse of either black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream means longevity. If one sees a mouse…

When you see a hookah in a dream, then it indicates the lightness and facility. You are relaxed even while doing the hardest work. On the other hand, the dream might suggest you to pull yourself together and become more serious if you want to achieve something in life.

Dreaming of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence.

When you dream of living in a motor home, then such dream offers you to go on with the consider s to some factors you’re your waking life. Perhaps you stayed for too long on some situation or place and now it’s time to go ahead. On the other hand, you are willing to become free and independent.

To dream one builds a house, denotes comfort. Dreaming of building houses, wearing fine clothes, and talking with ladies, is a sign that the parties will suddenly marry.

When you see the hologram in a dream, then such dream suggests you to look at things in general instead of paying attention to minor things, because you can get confused and mistaken. The dream could also show your desire for idealism.

When you hold something in a dream, then such dream shows your wish to get in control with all of the aspects. The thing that you were holding would tell much more about the dream and its meaning. The holding could also indicate the lack of security and shelter you are suffering from.

…Dreaming of a hornet, signals disruption to lifelong friendship, and loss of money. For a young woman Dreaming that one stings her, or she is in a nest of them, foretells that many envious women will seek to disparage her before her admirers….

If you dream of using a hoe in a dream, then such dream shows that you are going through the obstacles and limitations successfully. You are making your own way of how everything supposed to be.

If you saw or played the hockey game, then such dream indicates the ability to go for your targets. Perhaps the dream indicates the barriers you will have to face while getting what you want.

To dream of the eleventh hour, signifies that time is running out for you. This may be an indication of time limit for your project. Are you approaching deadline for a project? Alternatively, it indicates a decision that needs to be made immediately by you.

Dreaming of a fish hook suggests an opportunity for improvement in the near future that is not properly exploited.

…If you dream that you are a patient in a hospital. you will have a contagious disease in your community, and will narrowly escape affliction. If you visit patients there, you will hear distressing news of the absent….

…To see horns on the head of another person, danger to the dreamer on your own wealth and importance. To dream you are gored by a horned animal denotes unhappiness. To lovers it usually predicts that they will have difficulty in connection with their desires; if they think of marrying, some obstacle will be placed in the way of their union, though perhaps not prevent it in the end. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 18,…

…Dreaming of having your horoscope drawn by an astrologist, foretells unexpected changes in affairs and a long journey | associations with a stranger will probably happen. If the dreamer has the stars pointed out to him, as his fate is being read, he will find disappointments where fortune and pleasure seem to await him….

…(Sandglass) In a dream, the two bulbs of a sandglass represent two sons, or two brothers, or two partners. Whatever happens to them in the dream will reflect in such people. An hourglass in a dream also means makeup, beauty, or marriage. The sand trickling from the upper bulb into the lower bulb in a dream represents man’s semen….