In a dream, a den represents a bastard son, a child of adultery or the retreat of an ascetic. (Also see Hole)

…Dreaming that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you | but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. For a young woman Dreaming that she is under strange influences, denotes her immediate exposure to danger, and she should beware. Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state….

The dream, in which you are taking the part of some game show, indicates the variations that need to be done in your waking life. Perhaps you are not sure about the thing the future is holding for you.

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

Dreaming about a wand symbolizes energy of love. Waving a wand in a dream represents power and influence over others. If someone is holding the wand, it means that you are the master of the situation.

…moon in a dream represent one’s father and mother. Seeing the reflection of one’s face in the moon in a dream means one’s death. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees his resemblance reflected in the moon in a dream, it means glad tidings of a son. If one is looking into the skies and he suddenly sees the moon in his dream, it means that his enemies will be subjugated to him. Holding the moon in a dream means receiving a gift from a ruler or a rich person. If a ruler sees the moon dimmed in a dream, it means that his subjects will rise against him. If the moon turns into a sun in a dream, it means receiving honor and wealth from either one’s father or wife. The moon in a dream also represents one’s wife, sons, daughters, sister, properties, business, craft, a vessel,…

…Dreaming of working in your office indicates that you like your job and you don’t want to leave it. Alternatively, it symbolizes the state of your accomplishments and your place in the world. Dreaming about holding a public office suggests that you accept the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for what you do….

…dream, it means that he indulges in drinking alcohol or uses intoxicants. If he is lashed eighty times in a dream, it means that he slanders married women. If he is whipped by a deceased person in the dream, it means that he is pursuing wrong ideas and should reverse his course, for a deceased person dwells in the kingdom of truth and follows only what pleased God Almighty. However, if one sees himself in a dream beating a deceased person, this could be interpreted to denote the strength of his faith, certitude, prayers and charitable nature. It also could mean benefits from a business trip or pursuing a lost interest. Beating in a dream when it causes no pain, bleeding or scratches means receiving a new garment, paying debts, or hearing sarcastic comments. Beating an animal in a dream means either training him, or it could mean ignorance and…

…the dream, it means that one’s knowledge is true. If it contains change, it means that one is still studying and needs to further his knowledge. A sack in a dream also represents one’s personal and secret life. In a dream, if one makes a cut through a sack and throws its contents asunder, it means that his private and intimate life willbe exposed and becomes the subject of people’s talk. If one’s money falls through a hole in the bag or a purse he carries, the bag also represents his body and the money represents his soul, which is an indication of his death. If one finds termites or moths inside his sack in a dream, it also means death. Thus, a sack in a dream denotes what a person represents, or it could mean one’s heart. (Also see Bag | Pouch | Purse | Suitcase | Trunk)…

If you dream of the crab, then such dream indicates endurance and stamina. The dream could also indicate the tendency of yours to hold on to things that no longer important or impossible to reach. The crab shows that you find it hard to let go things even if its impossible to achieve.

…Dreaming of a lottery, and that you are taking great interest in the drawing, you will engage in some worthless enterprise, which will cause you to make an unpropitious journey. If you hold the lucky number, you will gain in a speculation which will perplex and give you much anxiety. To see others winning in a lottery, denotes convivialities and amusements, bringing many friends together. If you lose in a lottery, you will be the victim of designing persons. Gloomy depressions in your affairs will result. For a young woman Dreaming of a lottery in any way, denotes that her careless way of doing things will bring her disappointment, and a husband who will not be altogether reliable or constant. Dreaming of a lottery, denotes you will have unfavorable friendships in business. Your love affairs will produce temporary pleasure….

…(Books | Credentials | Letter | Newspaper | Records | Revelations | Scrolls | Studies) Papers in a dream represent witnesses, guidance, spiritual leaders, knowledge, warnings, or glad tidings. Holding papers in a dream means glad tidings and celebration. If a woman hands someone a piece of paper in a dream, then one may expect good news to arrive from one moment to another. If the woman who hands him the paper covers herself with a veil in the dream, it means that he should be careful. Carrying a folded piece of paper in a dream means that one may have an accident that could be the cause of his death. If one sees himself carrying a paper in his left hand in a dream, it means that he regrets something he did. Writing a paper with the left hand in a dream means writing poem, or committing abominable…

…Eating butter in a dream means enjoying one’s earnings and using them for worthwhile projects, or it could mean profits from one’s business. It is said that eating butter in a dream means visiting the holy land. Eating butter in a dream also represents good harvest, plenitude, prosperity, good deeds, or the ease with which one handles his daily work. (Also see Cream | Ghee)…

…Recognizing the truth through seeing a light or hearing the admonition of the holy Qur’an in a dream means walking on the straight path and abstaining from falsehood or from mixing with its people. In the case of a sick person, it means his death. (Also see Almond | Sanding)…

…To dream of calling in one, gives confidence: to see a person taken to prison by a watchman, shows that you must be careful in conducting your business. If the watchman take hold of you, it is a very good sign. To see many watchmen together, signifies the loss of money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 52….

…To find yourself on a roof in a dream, denotes unbounded success. To become frightened and think you are falling, signifies that, while you may advance, you will have no firm hold on your position. To see a roof falling in, you will be threatened with a sudden calamity. To repair, or build a roof, you will rapidly increase your fortune. To sleep on one, proclaims your security against enemies and false companions. Your health will be robust….

…A butcher in a dream represents the angel of death. Taking a knife from a butcher in a dream means falling sick, then recovering from one’s illness to become strong and healthy again. In a dream, a butcher also represents a man who causes destruction or evil, and particularly if he is seen holding his cutting knife, or if he is wearing a white uniform stained with blood. If one sees himself as a butcher wearing clean cloths, it represents longevity. A good looking butcher in a dream represents a prosperous culmination of one’s life, or changing one’s trade. If someone looks at him with despise or in the wrong way in the dream, it means that something is unlawful in what he sells. If the butcher is a man in the dream, he then represents the angel of death. Whatever place he appears in will bear the consequences….

…The hands in a dream represent your ability to connect with the outer world. The hands are also the part of communication, mostly used to express the emotions. The dream about hands could show the necessity to give a hand to those around you. It is known that the right hand is the symbol of manhood and the right one is a symbol of feminine factors of the dreamer. The dream, in which you were holding the hand of other person, indicates the strong bond, love and affection you have towards that particular person. The dream could also indicate the actual fear of being no longer in connection with that person. If you have abnormally large hands, then such dream symbolizes the proficiency in your life. If you hands were closed, then it might show you are hiding something or have made the acceptance about something. If your hands…

…Dreaming that you are in Paradise, means loyal friends, who are willing to aid you. This dream holds out bright hopes to sailors or those about to make a long voyage. To mothers, this means fair and obedient children. If you are sick and unfortunate, you will have a speedy recovery and your fortune will ripen. To lovers, it is the promise of wealth and faithfulness. Dreaming that you start to Paradise and find yourself bewildered and lost, you will undertake enterprises which look exceedingly feasible and full of fortunate returns, but which will prove disappointing and vexatious….

Announces pleasant holidays and joyful reunions.

…(Ring | Bond | Door knocker) In a dream, a link represents the religion of Islam. Holding to the like of a chain in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion. In general, a door knocker in a dream represents the door attendant, an announcer, a messenger, a warning post, or a guard dog. If the knocker is made of gold or silver in the dream, it means honor and prosperity of the people of the house. If one pulls off the door knocker, and if it brakes in the dream, it means that he follows a path of innovation….

…Dreaming of seeing lobsters, denotes great favors, and riches will endow you. If you eat them, you will sustain contamination by associating too freely with pleasure-seeking people. If the lobsters are made into a salad, success will not change your generous nature, but you will enjoy to the fullest your ideas of pleasure. To order a lobster, you will hold prominent positions and command many subordinates….

…Dreaming of eloping is unfavorable. To the married, it denotes that you hold places which you are unworthy to fill, and if your ways are not rectified your reputation will be at stake. To the unmarried, it foretells disappointments in love and the unfaithfulness of men. Dreaming that your lover has eloped with some one else, denotes his or her unfaithfulness. Dreaming of your friend eloping with one whom you do not approve, denotes that you will soon hear of them contracting a disagreeable marriage….

…(Sling | Catapult) Bringing a slingshot before a sick person in a dream means transporting him to a new place, or it could mean his death and burial. A slingshot in a dream also means removal of a guardian from his office, or recovering from drug addiction, or it may represent a messenger. Using a slingshot to cast stones at others in a dream also means rightly invoking a strong curse on them. If one sees a woman using a slingshot to throw stones at him in a dream, it means sorcery or witchcraft. A slingshot in a dream also denotes just and harsh words. Holding a slingshot and preparing to shoot in a dream represents one’s strength and determination to say something just and true. If one carries a slingshot but adoes not use it to cast stones in the dream, it means that he will repent for…

…To dream of the shoes represent the dreamer’s view to life generally. The dream indicates how much grounded the one is feeling. To change the shoes for a different ones means that the one is changing some part of his life. To forget the shoes means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is…

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….

…(King | The Fourth heaven | Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. If one sees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream. If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government. If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate. If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons…

…one’s wife, child, material growth, business success, good harvest, awakening, victory, love, or a beloved with two faces. Whether the world appears beautiful or ugly in one’s dream, it could mean any of the above interpretations. Seeing the world in one’s dream also could be a divine guidance, snowing the person what he or she must see and understand in this world. If one sees himself walking away from the world in the dream, it means that he may become a renunciate. If one embraces the world in the dream, it means that he will amply satisfy his desire for it. If one sees himself running after it and the world running away from him in the dream, it means that the world will ultimately deceive him and lead him into temptation. In a dream, the world also represents the holy Qur’an, which is the radiant full moon of this…

…Dreaming that you receive a telegram, denotes that you will soon receive tidings of an unpleasant character. Some friend is likely to misrepresent matters which are of much concern to you. To send a telegram is a sign that you will be estranged from some one holding a place near you, or business will disappoint you. If you are the operator sending these messages, you will be affected by them only through the interest of others. To see or be in a telegraph office, foretells unfortunate engagements….

…after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in an uncouth action, lacking knowledge of the Holy Book and prophetic traditions, because what one has built lacks a foundation. Flying in the air in a dream may mean travels. Flying with wings in a dream has stronger connotations and is safer. The wings here will represent money or power. Swimming in the air means benefits or business travels. If the air looks opaque in one’s eyes, so he cannot see the skies in his dream, it means problems with one’s superior. If one does not have a boss, then it means that he may lose his sight. If all the people witnessed the air opaque or red in the dream, then it means a major calamity and a trying adversity. (Also see Ascending in the Skies | Flying)…

…In a dream, the beams of a ship represent religious people, faith, holding fast to one’s faith, or it could mean complications. (See Light | Ship)…

If you dream of holding or smelling odoriferous flowers in their season, it means joy. On the contrary, to dream that you see or smell flowers out of season, if they be white, it denotes obstruction in business, and bad success; all other colours denote sickness. To gather flowers, lasting friendship; to cast away, despair, quarrels. See Garden and Bouquet.

…reverse indicates that you’re experiencing major obstacles in reaching your goals. If you drive in reverse into a pool of water, then it means that you feelings are too much reactive. These strong emotions are factually holding you back. To dream that you are driving drunk indicates that your life is not in anyone control. You must make important decisions, because there isn’t any other option. Is life out of control good for you? Driving on drugs or narcotics, suggests that some relationship or somebody is dominating in your life. To dream that you drive off a mountain road, suggests that the higher you rise in life, the harder it is to remain at the top. Maybe you feel that your advanced position is a precarious one. Because of that, dreaming about driving off a mountain shows as a fear to lose it. You know, that it takes a lot…

…If your breath in a dream was hard, then it means you are suffering some negativity, fear or pressure depending on the circumstances in your waking life. If you saw yourself breathing while being under water, then such dream denotes to your connection with the mother and the times you were in the womb. Perhaps you are looking for some security, therefore you are hiding under the shelter. The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you. If you were holding your breath, then it means you are unable to make some certain decision. Probably you keep to our own opinion and do not let others to give the advice. If you dreamed of having difficulties while breathing, then it means you are emotionally wrecked and tired. Perhaps you need to take some…

…neutralize half of the enemy’s power. Discovering a snake skin which is made from gold in a dream means that one will discover a hidden treasure. If a snake swallows someone in a dream, it means that he will reach a powerful position. If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority. A field which is covered with snakes in a dream represents a destructive rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving…

To dream of calling in watchman, gives confidence; to see a person taken to prison by a watchman shows that you must be careful in conducting your business. If the watchman takes hold of you, it is a very good sign. To see many watchmen together, signifies the loss of money.

…Dreaming of seeing or being commanded by a colonel, denotes you will fail to reach any prominence in social or business circles. If you are a colonel, it denotes you will contrive to hold position above those of friends or acquaintances….

…(Box | Fist fight | Strike) In a dream, punching someone means speaking to him with roughness. Holding a fist in a dream means abstaining from performing one’s obligatory prayers. Punching someone in a dream also means using base and ignoble words in a fight between believers, or it could mean revenge, indebtedness, a court appeal, a summon or a lawsuit. (Also see Spur)…

…To dream that you are drinking water represents energetic vitality, refreshment of strengths, increasing spirituality. You have a purpose and any trouble in your way will be eliminated. Additionally, you are learning from your past and you will find resolution to any future issues. Alternatively, drinking of water suggest for you to care yourself more. To dream that you are drinking alcohol indicates that you are trying to escape from current period of your life. Alternatively, drinking of alcoholic beverages, which are delicious for you in waking life, means that you are seeking illusory and deceitful feeling of happiness, delight, or satisfaction. In specific, if you are drinking wine, it is often the reflection of the image from our religious culture. Drinking of any wine in the dream has symbolism of a divine power. Also, second meaning of wine is interpreted as induction of external stimuli, but you must…

To have interaction with a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard material in your dream is a symbol of fresh start and new beginnings. To see a drill, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are headed toward a new direction in life. You are opening yourself up to new experiences. You will get new insights in your own life throughout practical contact with and observation of new facts and events.