…Dreaming of holding disputes over trifles, indicates bad health and unfairness in judging others. Dreaming of disputing with learned people, shows that you have some latent ability, but are a little sluggish in developing it….

…or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people. If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison. If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted. If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings….

…who is keen at acquiring what he wants, or it could represent a grave digger or bad news, a bad omen, mismanagement of one’s life or business, a long journey, trouble, adversities or calling a curse upon someone, adultery or it could represent someone who mixes good with bad qualities. Seeing a jackdaw in a dream means a bad crop. Fighting a crow in a dream means fighting someone of such character. Holding a crow in one’s hand in a dream means self-deception and pride. A crow inside one’s shop in a dream means a corrupt person in that company. Hunting crows in a dream means gains from unlawful sources. Seeing a crow standing over a grave in a dream means that one will die in that place, or that one will discover something about which he had no knowledge. (Also see Baby crow | Carrion crow | Raven)…

…(Harrow | Mattock | Plow | Scoop | Trowel) In a dream, a shovel represents a wife for an unmarried person. She will keep no secret, though she will spare no expense to save her husband from poverty. A shovel in a dream also means dispelling distress, overcoming trouble, or satisfying one’s debts. A shovel in a dream also may represent a trustworthy person one can depend on during hard times, or in times of adversities. Holding a shovel in a dream means receiving benefits and blessings, for a shovel collects dirt as well as valuables. A shovel in a dream also may represent a woman, profits, or business activities. (Also see Rake | Spade)…

The condom in a dream shows the protection you are using to preserve yourself from unexpected. The dream could indicate the actual fear of having kids and responsibilities that come along with them. The condom could also indicate the fear of diseases that you might get if having unprotected sex. The condom could also show the lack of sexual intercourses in your life, which makes you feel sad and irritated. Perhaps you need to let go the tension you were holding for a while. If you or your companion wore the condom, then it foretells about the protection you get from that certain person.

…If you were dreaming that you were holding a baseball bat then the dream wants to show you how reasoned you are when it comes to getting what you want. There is an expression when someone is calling an “old bat” someone they don’t like. As we know an “old bat” describes an old person, especially an old woman who is annoying, silly and unpleasant to be in contact with. You should consider if there is someone in your life you don’t like or you might also feel neglected by the others. The dream could also represent the other meaning of this dream which represents sexual needs and/or wishes….

Dreaming that you’re holding a bayonet in your hand, or other similar weapon is a bad sign which warns that you shouldn’t get carried away or be dominated by anger. Dreaming of one or more bayonets or other weapons like that indicates that there are some evil enemies around you, with them you must be careful and maybe even fight against them.

To see a fire damper in the dream represents the friendliness of persons around you. They may have a lot of love to offer for you. Alternatively, it may represent your blockings and annoyance. You are holding yourself in your harmful emotions. You must be more positive. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you emotionless and hostile.

…(The corner stone of the Ka’aba | God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean repentance from sin at the hand of a pious Imam, or it could mean kissing one’s son, wife or bosom friend. It also means serving people in the government. If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one’s pilgrimage. If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions. If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in…

…(Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave. However, if he does speak wisdom during such a spiritual gathering in his dream, it means praying hard to have one’s distress and illness lifted by God’s leave. Consequently, and God willing, he will recover from his illness and be able to dispel his adversities. His condition will change from tightness to abundance. He will repay his debts and overcome his oppressors. If one sees a spiritual gathering where God’s Name is glorified, the holy Qur’an is read and wisdom is spoken in his dream, it means…

To dream of the thermos, indicates the tendency of yours to live on the past. Probably you find it hard to let the old things go and move forward. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the ideas that you still holding and not letting them go, because you believe in yourself and what you are able to achieve.

If you dream of holding accounts from the others it represents of hard way in front you, while you will be controling your concerns. When you dream of accounts you are willing to pay, this represents how careful you have got to be, while managing your business. When you dream of paying the bills on time, it means you will not have any difficulties, while managing your business. It could also be the meaning of your personal life being succesful.

To dream that you are recording something means that you are holding on your past too much and do not let yourself to move forward. The digital video recorder could also mean that you love the good times and the people that are related to your life and trying to keep these memories as much as it is possible.

Dreaming about having a scepter in hand suggests the probability of a promotion at work or of occupying an important position in whatever the dreamer is part of. Dreaming of other people holding a scepter in their hand suggests that the dreamer will continue indefinitely as a subordinate to others.

…(zool. ) In a dream, a hoopoe represents a truthful messenger, an intimate person, a spy, an arguing scholar, escape from adversities and sufferings, or leveling a building. A hoopoe in a dream also represents one who knows God Almighty and understands the value of the Divine Laws. If a thirsty person sees a hoopoe in his dream, it means that he will find water. A hoopoe in a dream also represents a great scholar who is constantly barraged with accusations and blame because of the bird’s offensive smell. Seeing a hoopoe in a dream also means profits, honor and wealth. Eating a hoopoe in a dream means receiving news from the governor, or hosting a traveller. A hoopoe in a dream also represents the king’s advisor, the court’s seer, an astrologer, a writer, a scribe, or a critic. Holding a hoopoe in one’s hand in a dream means…

…constant changes in one’s life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death. The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom and protocols, or indulging in something one will regret. The nightfall in a dream also may denote changing times, or changing trends. The night in a dream also could represent an African woman, while the day may represent a Caucasian woman, or a pregnant woman. The night in a dream also represents the evening gown, while the day represents work. The night in a dream also means veiling one’s difficulties and taking refuge in a safe place, except if the one seeing the dream is a traveller, then the night in his dream means injustice and ignorance. The night in a dream also denotes devotion, holding a night vigil, attaining one’s goal, or meeting with one’s beloveds. (Also see Darkness | Evening | Moon | Night of power)…

…(Onion) In a dream, a squill represents an obscene and corrupt person who is notorious for his pranks. Holding a squill in one’s hand in a dream means seeking something that will earn him the worst reputation….

…(zool.) In a dream, a starling represents an ascetic, one who surrenders to God’s will, a true believer, a patient man, a traveller or a companion on the road. If one sees himself holding a starling in a dream, it means that he will meet someone of such caliber. If he eats its flesh, or pulls out its feathers in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits. A starling in a dream also may represent the element of mixing good deeds with bad ones, or a person who is neither rich or poor, neither honest or vile. Seeing a starling in a dream also means humiliation, being content with little, or it may represent a writer. (Also see Swallow)…

…skies in a dream, it means that a war may take place in that land. Riding a horse and holding a spear in one’s hand in a dream means forcing people to do something, or forcing them to pay what they owe. If one sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching. Selling one’s horse in a dream means doing good and being grateful for it. If one’s horse bites him in a dream, it means that he will lead an army in a war. If one kills a horse in his dream, it means that he will be awarded status, rank and money. Slaughtering a horse for other than food in a dream means spoiling one’s livelihood. If…

…Seeing plaster in any form in one’s dream means preserving one’s dignity, holding to one’s status and position, or it could mean persevering in one’s goals. Plaster in a dream also could be interpreted as having a good marriage, good children, assiduity, concern for one’s religious duties, applying knowledge to one’s words, ability to appreciate and to express one’s gratitude, recovering from an illness, buying new clothing, or drafting a just agreement. Gypsum in a dream has the same interpretation. If a renunciate or a pious person sees plaster or gypsum in his dream, it becomes a proof of an unlawful or sullied substances mixing with their earnings, or it could mean engaging in religious innovations, neglecting to follow the prophetic example, or becoming a hypocrite. (Also see Plasterer)…

…(Pawn | Deposit) If one sees himself as a hostage in a dream, it means that he has earned himself an accumulation of sins that made him a pawn for repayment of his debts. If one sees himself holding someone as a guarantee for a promise, or keeping him as a pawn until his demands are met in a dream, it means that he is veering toward injustice. A hostage in a dream also represents mistakes, errors, exposing people’s private life, divulging people’s secrets, slander, or a debt that keeps the person subject to constant harassment. Being a hostage in a dream also means adversities, trials, or falling in love with someone, whereby, one’s heart becomes a hostage of his beloved. (Also see Enemy | Enmity)…

…(Rod | Wand | Scepter | Stick) In a dream, a staff represents a distinctive, strong, generous and a helpful person. Holding a staff in a dream means depending on a person who also carries some imprints of hypocrisy. Through such a person, one will attain his goals, gain strength and overcome his enemy. Leaning on a hollow staff in a dream means losing one’s wealth and keeping it a secret. If the staff of a governor, or a leader, or a manager is broken in a dream, it means that he will lose his post. If he is a merchant, it means that he will lose his business. If one sees himself hitting the ground with his staff in a dream, it means that he will have control over that land, preside over its people, or triumph over the landlord. If one turns into a staff in his…

Holding a thread in one’s hand in a dream means looking for an alibi or a proof to support one’s argument and win a case. Twisting a thread, or tying it around someone neck, then dragging him or her in a dream represents a pimp soliciting clients for a prostitute. Knots in a thread mean sorcery or evil spells. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn, and a black thread represents the night. (Also see Ball of thread | Pimp | Rope | Spool)…

(Small hawk) In a dream, a kite means an insouciant or a languorous ruler who is audacious, defiled and stouthearted. If one catches and trains a wild kite to hunt for him and he finds that it is not obeying him or holding fast to his wrist in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a ruler. Otherwise, if the kite flies away from his wrist in the dream, it means that the fetus may die before birth. Its chicks represent boys and girls banding at wrongdoing. A kite in a dream also represents an adulterous wife and a secret affair. (See Introduction)

…Symbolize the most primitive, voracious and creeping that can exist among us, our low instincts. The reptile´s cold blood symbolizes the lack of warm and good feelings. If we are devoured by a reptile, then it reveals that the instinctive life is taking over our will turning us into victims of the low instincts. –If we fight and overcome the reptile it will reveal the fight that we are holding to dominate our low instincts. (Different from “snakes” and “turtles”)…

…many sins and unless his repents, his punishment will be swift. The caving-in of a wall toward the inside of a house in a dream means an illness, but if it falls toward the outside in the dream, it means death. Seeing a crack in the wall in a dream means that someone in the family will brace against him. Grabbing to a wall in a dream means the nearing of one’s death, pending how firmly one is grabbing to it in the dream. Grabbing to a wall in a dream is also interpreted as holding firmly to one’s interest in a strong person. If one builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt at destroying someone’s livelihood, or perhaps kill him. If one sees and recognizes a wall in his dream, it represents a close friend who may die from depression….

…a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world. If one sees a large number of people gathering around a bowl to eat from it in a dream, it means a reunion of his clan, or it could represent the place of his dwelling. If they are people of true actions, it means that they will become friendly with him. If one urinates in a bowl or in ajar in a dream, it means that he will sexually abuse members of his own family. Abowl in a dream also represents one’s beloveds and its contents represent one’s love. Holding a bowl in a dream means a reunion with one’s beloved. (Also see Pot | Wooden bowl)…