If you dream about your home, then such dream indicates the protection, love and benefits. If you see the home of your childhood, then such dream indicates your desire for your own family. Perhaps you wish to start creating your own family. The dream about your childhood home could also represent the nostalgia of old days. Maybe you have too many responsibilities, therefore you wish you were a child and didn’t need to be in charge of many things. The home is the place where people feel safe and secured, therefore the dream about home could indicate your insecurities and fears. Maybe you are afraid to start something new or do not trust in yourself enough. Alternatively, the dream about home could show the connection you have with your family. You love your family and feel much attached to them.

…Dreaming of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode….

If you receive the check of the money, it shows that you are looking forward for appreciation for the things you have done. The check also is the symbol of your desire to become richer and better person. The money check that is taken away from you shows your frustration for the life that is being unfair to you.

The cozy home indicates the domestic happiness. The building of your home and the way it is located signifies the things in your waking life. The basement symbolizes the unconscious mind of your, the top floor of the building is related to your spirituality and the other floors of the building shows your present life.

The south as the direction in a dream signifies the unknowingness, questions and doubts. On the other hand it could indicate the affection, tenderness and care.

If you dreamed about South America, then such dream indicates the actual trip you are going to take or the barriers you will have to face while traveling from one point to another one.

Heading south in a dream symbolizes going down to hell.

When you have a dream of an African American it is a sign where you came from and your abandonment. This is a sign you need to do some research within yourself and think of your spiritual side you did not find yet. This dream wants to show you, that you are more original and soulful than you thought you were. If you will follow the dream, you will discover what kind of ability, gift and charisma you have.

If you are cashing the check, you have come to the point of your life where you feel safe and appreciated. Your luck is already on the way.

To dream that you cash some kind of check, means that you wish to have more money or you have problems with it and having a dream of receiving it from others.

When you dream of living in a motor home, then such dream offers you to go on with the consider s to some factors you’re your waking life. Perhaps you stayed for too long on some situation or place and now it’s time to go ahead. On the other hand, you are willing to become free and independent.

To dream of home life in early boyhood represents good health and prosperity. Good sign of progress.

Dreaming about this cardinal point is a synonym for success, overcoming obstacles and glory. The dream predicts that we’ll achieve our goals in all the activities we’re carrying out and in those we start in the future.

(See Tap)

(See Rue)

To see one naked represents sadness, sorrows or even some kind of injury.

Receiving it announces a favorable transaction. If you giving it to someone then it shows money urges.

(See Arrival)

This dream is a calling to family union, a return to traditional habits and feelings, greater communication between all the members of the family.

(See Arrival)

…A house symbolizes the physical body of a person| therefore, depending on the condition the house is in, that’s the way the dreamer will feel physically. When the dreamer sees his or her own home in present time and it looks beautiful, it indicates joy for the success in the affairs and business that the dreamer is managing. If there are new foster homes in the dream, especially of children, it indicates tranquility and a pleasant home and work life. When there are small, old, and neglected houses in the dream it indicates that the health of the dreamer is deteriorating and that business, work, etc., will go from bad to worse if they are not given immediate and effective attention. If the dreamer leaves his or her own house it means that there is an internal concern about venturing into new activities in the search of fortune. Dreaming…

Slander, backbiting.

Dreaming of having any part of your body broken or wounded is a warning that means you are at serious risk of experimenting big setbacks and losses in the affairs being handled. This dream, especially if you have it repeatedly, warns that there are problems at home or mental instability (hesitations, changes of opinion, etc.). Dreaming of breaking your own furniture, or someone else’s may mean that there are constant fights at home, which are caused by jealousy. Dreaming of objects that are made of glass, especially cups or glasses, are the symbolism of happiness and prosperity. Dreaming of tearing clothing items can mean complaints and fights at home that can end very badly.

…Dreaming about flying, especially at great heights, suggests, for married people, that there are problems at home that they are trying to avoid. Dreaming about flying very low and impeded by obstacles, means disease, instability in dreamer’s own affairs, however the dreamer will recover from it. Dreaming about flying over muddy water is a warning to remain vigilant regarding one’s own affairs. The dream shows that you should not trust others too much, as your enemies are awaiting for their chance to hurt you. Dreaming about flying over a rocky, steep and difficult terrain suggests that you’ll go through bad times. Dreaming about flying over a green forest signifies that soon you’ll see your wishes come true. Dreaming about flying towards the sun suggests that you’re not satisfied with your life achievements, and you want more. Dreaming about flying in the cosmos towards other planets may mean that you’re…

…Dreaming of a man-of-war, denotes long journeys and separation from country and friends, dissension in political affairs is portended. If she is crippled, foreign elements will work damage to home interests. If she is sailing upon rough seas, trouble with foreign powers may endanger private affairs. Personal affairs may also go awry….

…Dreaming of eating at a table without a tablecloth indicates that the dreamer craves complete independence in how his or her life is being managed, which will soon be achieved by the dreamer, no matter if this will end up of affecting other people (partners or family members, for example). Dreaming about preparing the dining table because guests and visitors are being expected, indicates that the dreamer has good friendships and because of this, there is prosperity in the dreamer’s affairs or business. Dreaming of someone standing or sitting at a dining table indicates that he or she wishes to obtain favors in return of indiscretions. Dreaming of being at a table and cleaning dishes and leftovers indicates that the dreamer’s prosperity and tranquility will soon turn into failures and sorrows. Dreaming of standing before an old table, with no dishes, indicates a risk of loss, poverty and various…

…prosperity at home. If the dreamer, man or woman, is about to get married, it indicates happiness with their significant other. Dreaming about being lost in an unknown path indicates that there are errors being made that endanger what has been achieved, and there may be serious failures and losses. Dreaming about walking on a narrow stony path announces problems and difficulties that in order to be solved, require a lot of dedication and work. Dreaming that the path has been lost indicates mental confusion, which explains the problems that the dreamer is going through. Dreaming of walking down an easy path, lined with green grass and abundant flowers, hints that all of the dreamer’s affairs are going well and will soon reach success. Dreaming of walking on a dark night in an unknown path indicates that the dreamer is intervening in risky affairs that can lead to serious problems….

…Dreaming of your wife, denotes unsettled affairs and discord in the home. Dreaming that your wife is unusually affable, denotes that you will receive profit from some important venture in trade. For a wife Dreaming her husband whips her, foretells unlucky influences will cause harsh criticism in the home and a general turmoil will ensue….

…or social disputes. To dream that it’s raining and the clouds are very dark is a warning that in the near future you’re at risk of experiencing misunderstandings and mishaps in your affairs. Dreaming about a stormy rain is always a bad omen; it predicts foreshadowing problems in business, and fraternal and social relationships, etc. To dream that you hear the rain as it hits the roof of your house suggests happiness and well being at home and a future economic improvement. If you crave rain when you’re awake, and then fall asleep and dream that it is raining and you’re not getting wet, it suggests that the you have a potential fortune and will soon receive a substantial and unexpected income, otherwise the dreamer lacks true love. When a woman dreams that rain has got her wet and that it also stained her clothing, it indicates that she is…

…it also announces that you will soon make changes in affairs that you’re handling, and in this case you should be very careful with your behavior and character, since any mistakes will bring fatal consequences. Dreaming of driving a car accompanied by someone and you have an accident, suggests that even though your affairs are going well, there’s a risk of them ending abruptly and finishing with negative results. Dreaming of being saved from being run over by a car indicates that the dreamer must run away from situations or dubious business, light affairs and rivalries of all kinds. In short, it’s a warning to withdraw from anything that is not clear in the mind of the dreamer. Dreaming of seeking or trying to get a luxury car indicates huge ambitions that can’t be satisfied with simple work efforts. Dreaming of traveling in an old and dilapidated car of any…

…Cows are a very ancient symbol in dreams. It recalls the biblical passage about seven fat cows and seven lean cows, dream of an Egyptian pharaoh played by Joseph, one of Jacob’s sons. Thus this ancient and traditional symbol is considered a good omen. Dreaming of fat and beautiful cows suggests that everything is okay and will continue to be this way at least in the immediate future. If a woman dreams about this, it means her wishes will be carried out. Dreaming about the milking of healthy fat cows suggests affairs are going well. Dreaming of skinny cows on poor pasture fields symbolizes the exact opposite. To dream about a stampeding herd of cows suggests affairs will go from bad to worse due to the lack of control and it threatens to cause significant losses. Dreaming about milking means longing for profit, quick enrichment, fun and pleasures, but…

Dreaming of chickens suggests that there is a constant bad feeling and unrest due to the problems that are being overvalued. Dreaming of eating chicken symbolizes selfishness that hurts others due to the own dreamer’s intolerance, stubbornness, etc. It’s a type of self-reproach or self-criticism. Small chickens: business, affairs, or love relationships that are barely starting. Middle age chickens: business or affairs that are progressing. Chickens or roosters which are already mature: Business or firm affairs. Chickens that are being roasted: someone who wants to harm the dreamer, who is already a suspect.

Seeing a yellow bird in the dream, predicts good luck, cheerful time and profit in financial affairs, but not so good in affairs of the heart. Seeing a yellow bird land on your, denotes trouble, misfortune, misery. To see a dead or sick yellow bird, foretells tragedy in your affairs.

…and reaching land, it suggests that all the difficulties that arise will be defeated. If the horse walks into a slope and slides dangerously, it insinuates that dreamer’s affairs are going wrong, so he should pay more attention to them. Dreaming a horse that doesn’t let you ride, it indicates that there will be serious issues in all matters being handled, even in family or emotional related things. If you manage to saddle and ride the horse, it suggests that the problems are not serious and you will overcome them advantageously. Dreaming of killing a horse indicates that dreamer is hurting the sensitivity of people who have trusted him. Dreaming of attending to a horse race suggests the desire to have a dissipated life for some ephemeral successes. Dreaming of putting new horseshoes on a horse, most likely it indicates that in everyday life you’re thinking of planning business that…

…To hear the roar and see a hurricane heading towards you with its frightful force, you will undergo torture and suspense, striving to avert failure and ruin in your affairs. If you are in a house which is being blown to pieces by a hurricane, and you struggle in the awful gloom to extricate some one from the falling timbers, your life will suffer a change. You will move and remove to distant places, and still find no improvement in domestic or business affairs. If you dream of looking on de’bris and havoc wrought by a hurricane, you will come close to trouble, which will be averted by the turn in the affairs of others. To see dead and wounded caused by a hurricane, you will be much distressed over the troubles of others….

…To dream about a train may have several meanings; the interpretation will depend on your current situation. To dream about a moving passenger’s train announces an upcoming trip. To dream that you’re traveling on a train that moves slowly suggests that you feel restless because your business affairs are not progressing as fast as you expected. To dream that you’re traveling on a train and it passes through a tunnel suggests that you are considering getting involved in dark and dangerous issues that will alter your life. To dream with a parked train indicates that your issues will not progress, so you should put special attention to them to avoid the intervention of selfish people and enemies. If the train is parked because the path is broken or obstructed, then it suggests that someone is betraying you. To dream about a parked freight train announces that your business affairs

…suggests that problems are going to be solved favorably because the white symbolizes intelligence and self-control. Dreaming that a donkey licks your face or that brays very near your face, indicates that the hypocrisy of who call themselves your friends, is causing you trouble. Dreaming of abruptly guiding a donkey, for example, hitting him or using harsh words, suggests that you’re spending energy and time uselessly and/or trying to avoid the insidious attacks of opponents. If a lover dreams of pulling a stubborn donkey that doesn’t want to walk, it indicates that he unconsciously know that his passions will cause serious problems, but if the donkey obeys without difficulty, it indicates that the dreamer is properly managing his affairs and ultimately he will succeed in the things he wants, including the emotional part. Dreaming of donkeys suggests that businesses, awards and news that you have been anxiously expecting, will take…

…the dreamer and it will remain that way. Dreaming of fish swimming in clear water is favorable for the immediate future. But if the fish turn up dead it may mean that affairs are bad and they will get worse, causing losses. Dreaming of using a fishing rod and being impatient because of not catching anything and because a long time has passed, suggests that this is the same situation that the dreamer’s businesses are going through. Perhaps they are not that bad, but the dreamer should not expect them to improve in a short period of time. Dreaming of swimming in order to catch fish reveals that the dreamer has good health and has the ability to succeed in anything that he or she wants. Dreaming of fish in clear running water, suggests that the dreamer has the ability to approach wealthy people, and that the dreamer will soon…

Dreaming of a lighted house chimney hints that all matters at hand are going well and that there is prosperity. Dreaming of throwing wood to a burning fireplace indicates that any affairs that the dreamer might have will improve due to the attention that is being paid to them. If the dreamer throws any kind of fuel when the fireplace is off it indicates losses and failures. Dreaming that there is smoke coming out of a factory chimney, indicates that any affairs or matters that the dreamer may have are on track. Dreaming of factory chimney’s without smoke means that the dreamer’s affairs are declining and that bad times are approaching that will bring problems, diseases, etc. Dreaming of a chimney collapsing means that any activities that the dreamer might have will collapse as well.

…or an employee it means that he will lose his source of income. If a woman sees a sun that has no rays in a dream, it means that her husband will deprive her of her needs. If one sees the sun split in two in a dream, it means losing one’s dominion. If one sees the sun falling down in a dream, it means that a major calamity will befall the inhabitants of the earth. If it falls over the earth in the dream, it means the death of one’s father. Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality. If a traveller sees the sun too bright in a dream, it means that he will return home safely. If one sees the sun rising from the East and setting in the West with a clear brightness in…