…Dreaming of being in a coffin means that you should check your own behavior, since the coffin announces various losses, including the death of someone close. This symbol is especially important if the dreamer is praying beside the coffin. Dreaming of a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreaming of lying inside of a coffin, without knowing anything else indicates long life for the dreamer. Dreaming of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or in the marriage if the dreamer happens to be married. In case you are about to marry, this dream can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreaming of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transports it to the cemetery, it announces major disorders…
Dream dictionary: home affairs south african id check app dream meanings
…Dreaming that you engage in a fight, denotes that you will have unpleasant encounters with your business opponents, and law suits threaten you. To see fighting, denotes that you are squandering your time and money. For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip. For a young woman to see her lover fighting, is a sign of his unworthiness. Dreaming that you are defeated in a fight, signifies that you will lose your right to property. To whip your assailant, denotes that you will, by courage and perseverance, win honor and wealth in spite of opposition. Dreaming that you see two men fighting with pistols, denotes many worries and perplexities, while no real loss is involved in the dream, yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted. Dreaming that you are on your way home and negroes attack you with razors, you will be…
…If you dream that you see images, you will have poor success in business or love. To set up an image in your home, portends that you will be weak minded and easily led astray. Women should be careful of their reputation after a dream of this kind. If the images are ugly, you will have trouble in your home….
…the flesh of a dead person in a dream means enjoying a long life. If one discovers that he died suddenly in a dream, it means that he will rejoice. If a deceased person eats something in a dream, it means that such a commodity will become expensive. If one sees himself laying on a washing table in a funeral home in a dream, it means that his sins will be washed away and that his debts will be paid. If a deceased person asks someone to wash his cloth in a dream, it means that he needs the prayers and forgiveness of the person who saw him in his dream, or it could mean that one needs him to pay a debt he left behind or to ask people to forgive him his sins or to fulfill his will. If one washes the deceased person’s clothes in the dream,…
…To dream that you pass across an orchard that’s in bloom accompanied by your loved one (girlfriend, spouse, mother, children) indicates that your dreams will come true, as long as it’s something reasonable and feasible to achieve. To dream that in this garden abounds ripe fruit, suggests gratification due to the faith put in what you’ve done, a near future reward that will bring peace and happiness into your home. To dream that you’re in an orchard and some animals arrive and start eating the fruit that has fallen to the ground suggests that you’ll lose in disputes and conflicts that are about to happen, because what you are claiming doesn’t belong to you. To dream that you pick up a ripe fruit of any kind is a sign of prosperity and many successes. To dream about an orchard thats infested with worms indicates problems and tribulations of all…
…When a woman dreams that her husband abandons her without giving her any explanation, it suggests upcoming serious trouble between the couple, but they’ll reconcile soon. When a woman dreams that her jealous husband unjustly accuses her of infidelity, it suggests that she has been indiscreet and insinuating to other men. When a woman dreams about her dead husband, it symbolizes that she’ll soon experience problems with his family. When a woman dreams that her husband seems gaunt and has a sickly appearance, it suggests that he or his family actually may actually suffer a disease. When a woman dreams that her husband is cheerful and festive, it indicates that everything is doing well at home, and it may also suggest that all that she desires may come true. When a woman dreams that her husband is unfaithful, it suggests that he’s actually walking in the wrong direction, and…
…little present. Are you fond of roast mutton?””Yes, ma’am,’ I replied, feeling very hungry all of a sudden, for the smell of all those good things I have told you about, sir, really made my mouth water.”And tripe? She went on”.”Again I answered, ‘ Yes”.”Then that is all right,’ she said, with a sigh of relief.” My husband and I ordered what we fancied you would most appreciate a good, homely fare and plenty of it so don’t be afraid to have a second helping. Now, Willie dear, let us begin”.”Well, sir, we all sat down. It was by far the” queerest meal I have ever had, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, for the meat was tough and the vegetables half raw. But there was no help for it.When I had got one plateful down and was congratulating myself that I could now give my jaws…
…When a woman dreams that her husband beats her, it suggests that her family relationship will be affected by bad faith, intrigues, and slander. When a man dreams about his wife in her normal behavior, it indicates that he understands what life is about, what gives him peace and tranquility. To dream that you have the kindest and understandable wife suggests that you will soon have benefits in your job or business. If a man dreams that he’s arguing bitterly with his wife, it symbolizes misunderstandings at home, within his family or business. To dream that your wife is unfaithful suggests that soon youll experience difficulties at home, work or at your business. It is a warning so that youd be able to avoid such problems on time. To dream that you’re leaving your wife or concubine suggests that you seek to obtain easy money (e.g. buried treasure or…
…Dreaming of seeing a lantern going before you in the darkness, signifies unexpected affluence. If the lantern is suddenly lost to view, then your success will take an unfavorable turn. To carry a lantern in your dreams, denotes that your benevolence will win you many friends. If it goes out, you fail to gain the prominence you wish. If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doing lose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking. To clean a lantern, signifies great possibilities are open to you. To lose a lantern, means business depression, and disquiet in the home. If you buy a lantern, it signifies fortunate deals. For a young woman Dreaming that she lights her lover’s lantern, foretells for her a worthy man, and a comfortable home. If she blows it out, by her own imprudence she will lose…
…at a party and there are healthy and happy children indicates that you want to start a family and a happy home. When you’re young and single it suggests that you want to enjoy entertainment, parties, field trips, etc. To dream about a cheerful elderly party, for example a party held in a nursing home, suggests that your business is doing great by now, but you’re already thinking how it may be in the future. To dream that you’re dancing at a party suggests that you expect good results for your activities. When a woman dreams about a party implies that she awaits the return of a friend who left with one of her rivals, but she is not confident that this can really happen. To dream that you’re at a party usually announces joys and benefits, but it also indicates that youre indifferent to life’s reality, i.e., that you…
Dreaming of rabbits indicates favorable changes in life. For people who manage business, this dream indicates lawful earnings. White rabbits, for single people, indicate upcoming satisfactions, and for women it hints promises of love. For married people it indicates peace at home. Dreaming of being surrounded by rabbits that run happily suggests that children will bring happiness to the home. Dreaming of a rabbit that is fleeing insinuates that there is a risk of mysteriously losing valuable objects, but that the dreamer will be able to recuperate everything. Dreaming of making a good luck charm with the leg of a rabbit reveals naivety or superstition in the dreamer. Dreaming of people being chased by a rabbit indicates that the dreamer will have difficulties with friendships. Dreaming of shooting or hitting a rabbit hints that all that energy should be applied against others who are creating problems for the dreamer.
…thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that shes worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because she fears receiving bad news. Dreaming of leaving children to their fate might mean that theres a risk of losing everything won by committing follies and errors. If dreaming of very young girls, who are happy and healthy, then it suggests that in the dreamers home there is happiness, health, and prosperity. If these young girls appear sick in the dream (weak, thin and sad) then the meaning is the opposite. If a man dreams of himself being a girl or a young woman, it suggests that he has an inclination towards homosexuality….
If a person who is traveling or sojourning abroad dreams of returning home, it is a sign he will hear bad news; to dream of returning from a journey before you have started to go on it, foretells that you will suffer from a serious accident should you go. If a girl dreams that her lover returns after starting to go home, it foreshadows his death.
…A flood in a dream also means blocking the roads to extremism or isolating a danger. When one sees a flood in his dream but outside of its season, it means that he is following some psychic influences or pursuing religious innovations. It also means wrath, destruction, impeachment, penal- ties or a plague, unless if it is falling from the skies, then it means rains and blessings. If one sees himself coming out of his home to swim into an inundated town in the dream, it means that he will escape from a ruthless tyrant. Should one fail to cross, and if he is rather forced to return to his house in the dream, it means that he should be careful about staying in that town or about disobeying his boss. Stopping the flood from reaching or entering one’s home in a dream also means reconciliation with one’s enemy….
The pigeon in dreams is the symbol of your safe place such as home. Many of people who dream of pigeon are about to return home after some vacation or simply visiting their childhood house. The dream about pigeon could also indicate some person you are waiting to meet in some time. This person should be someone who is very dear to you or you know him/her for a very long time.
Seeing tiles in good condition in your dream means that youre protected against the hazards of daily life. Its usually a sign that well use our advantages to provide greater comfort to our home and that well achieve happiness in our family. The dream acquires an opposite meaning if the tiles seem broken or damaged, and it depends on the seriousness of their condition. Generally, a roof symbolizes protection for your possessions and wealth, as well as safety for your family, and home relief.
…If a young woman dreams that she is leaving her home or her family, or her job or business, then it symbolizes that she is in uncomfortable environment in which she lives, and wishes for a change. it also suggests to pay attention to various problems, including love life. to dream yourselves being abandoned indicates that there will be difficulties in planning a successful future, due to certain mistrust of others. When others dreamed of being abandoned, then it means that they are facing difficult conditions and limitations that needs an overcome. When you dreamed that you are leaving home, then it indicates that family or money problems will come on your way. You will suffer losses and disappointments due to involvement of bad people. When you dreamed of leaving your girlfriend, boyfriend or lover, then it indicates that you will face losses such as your friendships, relationships or…
(Home coming) The arrival home of a traveller in a dream signifies relief after sustaining depression and distress, or it could mean recovering from an illness, or regaining a stronghold. If one finds himself depressed and annoyed with the arrival of the traveller in the dream, then his dream may signify having to ask for something from someone, or needing others, or confronting the unavoidable.
Joy at home, pleasure of being at home. Emotional intimacy.
Superstitious people may dream of seeing this arch-enemy of mankind. If so, it foretells that they will go away from home to be absent some time. It also shows that they will be very fortunate in life. To a young girl it is a sign that she will either be well married or leave home, or leave for some other reason.
Mugs in dreams tend to symbolize home pleasures. Seeing a mug in a dream is a sign of mutual understanding, and happy emotional relationships and family ties. Nevertheless, if during the dream the mug breaks, or broken mugs appear, this is always a bad omen for emotional relationships, home and family.
…To dream about many large containers filled with milk suggests an upcoming good run and/or good business, beneficial partnerships, etc. But if the containers have little milk, and worse if they are empty, it indicates the opposite. To dream that you’re loading a container with milk suggests that you work serving others and you aren’t comfortable with it because you aspire something better. To dream that you’re drinking milk is a favorable dream as it announces abundance for your home, leisure, good businesses and positive social relationships. To dream that you negotiate with milk suggests that soon your business will improve. To dream that you throw away milk warns that you’re wasting opportunities. To dream about decomposed milk announces that serious problems are coming. To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that youre at risk of experiencing a material or friend…
…Dreaming that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life. To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded. Dreaming of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents. To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster. To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity. To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune. To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities….
…suggests that you have hidden enemies and this can be dangerous, but at the same time it suggests that you can overcome those enemies thanks to your audacity and intelligence. To dream that you’re threatening someone with a club symbolizes that your affairs are going the wrong way and you want to solve your problems violently, and that will only worsen everything. To dream that you’re boarding a vehicle and are carrying a club in your hand suggests that in your next journeys you must take precautions because you’ll be at risk of experiencing discomfort and even losses. Dreaming about one or more mallets or clubs suggests that your family, friends or close people, most likely as a result of your poor economic or health condition, will humiliate you. It also suggests that youre experiencing various disorders and problems at home, to which you haven’t found a favorable solution….
…Dreaming of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. Dreaming that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building….
…Dreaming of healthy, fat pigs suggests that there will be good business in the future, but nothing huge. Dreaming of skinny and sick pigs is a sign that there will be some bad times in business and affairs that are being handled by the dreamer. If a woman has this dream it indicates that there will be various problems, either at home or with family and friends. Dreaming of pork meat without touching it or eating it is a sign that current problems will be solved soon and everything will return to normal. Dreaming of hearing pigs grunting suggests that bad news about absent friends will be received, as well as failure on projects. Dreaming of petting a pig hints that the dreamer desires to get a fortune in a short period of time, but that he or she will have to work hard for it. Dreaming about eating…
…Dreaming of hearing hymns sung, denotes contentment in the home and average prospects in business affairs. See Singing….
Just as in real life, ceilings symbolize protection in dreams, not just for possessions and wealth, but for the safety of your family and home. A ceiling in good condition means that youll manage affairs under favorable circumstances, and it forecasts tranquility in family matters. A ceiling in poor condition, or that is crumbling, is an omen for a serious decease, a passing in the family, or the loss of a loved one.
…Dreaming of a crown, prognosticates change of mode in the habit of one’s life. The dreamer will travel a long distance from home and form new relations. Fatal illness may also be the sad omen of this dream. Dreaming that you wear a crown, signifies loss of personal property. Dreaming of crowning a person, denotes your own worthiness. Dreaming of talking with the President of the United States, denotes that you are interested in affairs of state, and sometimes show a great longing to be a politician….
To dream you see pigeons is a good sign; to wit, that you will have content and delight at home, and success in affairs abroad. To dream that you see a white pigeon flying denotes consolation, devotion, and success in good undertakings. Wild pigeons signify wild and dissolute women, and tame pigeons signify virtuous women.
…Dreaming of finding money, denotes small worries, but much happiness. Changes will follow. To pay out money, denotes misfortune. To receive gold, great prosperity and unalloyed pleasures. To lose money, you will experience unhappy hours in the home and affairs will appear gloomy. To count your money and find a deficit, you will be worried in making payments. Dreaming that you steal money, denotes that you are in danger and should guard your actions. To save money, augurs wealth and comfort. Dreaming that you swallow money, portends that you are likely to become mercenary. To look upon a quantity of money, denotes that prosperity and happiness are within your reach. Dreaming you find a roll of currency, and a young woman claims it, foretells you will lose in some enterprise by the interference of some female friend. The dreamer will find that he is spending his money unwisely and…
To find yourself on a meadow, happy omen for those who having their home in the country, for all others, it warns about an embarrassment in various affairs.
…companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man Dreaming that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. Dreaming that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises. You will have distant friends to visit. To see a large conflagration, denotes to sailors a profitable and safe voyage. To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors | to business people, unlimited success….
…Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. If one sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights. To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness. To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver, jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. If one sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and…
…drinking fresh and exquisite water is an announcement of the realization of your wishes and desires. Dreaming of drinking from a beautiful waterfall or a beautiful fountain that shoots water, indicates that you will soon receive a big and well deserved reward for your efforts, and you will have good health. When this water appears in some places in hectic streams, it indicates honors, social success, etc., especially when you work in the intellectual sphere. Dreaming of carrying clean water for domestic use indicates that your business will and you will soon reach new goals with success. Dreaming of happy people carrying clean water for domestic suggests that your affairs are on the right path, and youll soon have significant gains that will allow you to enjoy trips and other benefits you have been longing for. Dreaming of dirty water, with mud that you suppose is pestilent (and its worse…
…Dreaming that you can’t find your abode, you will completely lose faith in the integrity of others. If you have no abode in your dreams, you will be unfortunate in your affairs, and lose by speculation. To change your abode, signifies hurried tidings and that hasty journeys will be made by you. For a young woman Dreaming that she has left her abode, is significant of slander and falsehoods being perpetrated against her. See Home….
…The mule is a symbol of slavery in any kind of dream. Therefore, the dreamer subconsciously is considering himself or herself to be a slave due to undergoing situations, tasks or humiliating treatment. If a young woman dreams or riding a white mule, it indicates that marriage is near, but just for benefits and not for actual love. If the woman is already married, it indicates that the husband is achieving a comfortable economic position. When a young woman dreams of a herd of white mules running past her, and worse if they are frightened, it indicates that she will continue to have admirers and propositions of love affairs, but none of serious marriage. When a woman who is engaged to be married dreams of a dead mule, and worse if the mule is black, indicates that the engagement will end and there will be failure in other relationships…
…Dreaming of looking at a thermometer, denotes unsatisfactory business, and disagreements in the home. To see a broken one, foreshadows illness. If the mercury seems to be falling, your affairs will assume a distressing shape. If it is rising, you will be able to throw off bad conditions in your business….
…Dreaming that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person. Lying to protect a friend from undeserved chastisement, denotes that you will have many unjust criticisms passed upon your conduct, but you will rise above them and enjoy prominence. To hear others lying, denotes that they are seeking to entrap you. Lynx. Dreaming of seeing a lynx, enemies are undermining your business and disrupting your home affairs. For a woman, this dream indicates that she has a wary woman rivaling her in the affections of her lover. If she kills the lynx, she will overcome her rival….
…Dreaming of loving any object, denotes satisfaction with your present environments. Dreaming that the love of others fills you with happy forebodings, successful affairs will give you contentment and freedom from the anxious cares of life. If you find that your love fails, or is not reciprocated, you will become despondent over some conflicting question arising in your mind as to whether it is best to change your mode of living or to marry and trust fortune for the future advancement of your state. For a husband or wife Dreaming that their companion is loving, foretells great happiness around the hearthstone, and bright children will contribute to the sunshine of the home. Dreaming of the love of parents, foretells uprightness in character and a continual progress toward fortune and elevation. The love of animals, indicates contentment with what you possess, though you may not think so. For a time,…