…of it. The dream, however, foretold good fortune; for my friend, who was in the army, received unexpected promotion shortly afterwards.In one instance my own experience of the naked dream was very similar. In this dream I went to a fancy dress ball attired, as I thought, in some very fantastic but complete costume of the MiddleAges. To my surprise, however, the moment I entered the ballroom there was a loud chorus ofOh! And every one stopped dancing to stare at me. Feeling rather flattered than otherwise, I was making my way to one of the only available seats, when the host, his face aglow with fury, strode across the room, and, in a voice quivering with passion, said, ” How dare you, sir! How dare you disgrace yourself and me by coming to my ball like this? “Thoroughly taken aback, I replied that I did not know there was…

…If you dream of a corpse, a death, or a funeral, you will hear of a birth, engagement, or marriage; but not necessarily in connection with the person you dream about. Occasionally, however, the dream is literally verified and the person dreamed about dies. I recollect dreaming I went into the dining-room of a house in which I was staying, and saw on the table a coffin. Horrified out of my senses at so ghastly a spectacle, I would have fled at once, had I not been compelled by an irresistible curiosity to go up to the coffin and peer in. My terror then was inconceivable, for the body I saw was that of my host, his face marred with all the horrible disfigurements of advanced decomposition. But the climax of horror was not yet reached, for, as I gazed, the corpse slowly opened its eyes, and, with a…

…To dream you are on a talk show or that you are friends with a talk show host can mean that your subconscious mind considers that person a friend because you “interact” with them often, or like to “interact” with them by watching their show. (The subconscious mind doesn’t see much difference between a person talking to you from the TV and a person talking to you in person.)…

If you’re welcomed within dreams and it’s nice and warm, it may indicate indiscretion from woman; on the contrary, if you’re poorly welcomed, it’s a warning and it means you should listen to the advice and warnings you receive. If the host is rather neutral, it usually means infidelity.

(Glass bottle | Water skin) In a dream, a bottle represents a money pouch, knowledge, a womb, or a despicable person. Seeing or carrying a bottle of honey in a dream means learning a trick from a loathsome person. Seeing or carrying a bottle of fuel in a dream means earning unlawful money through an evil person. Blowing into a bottle in a dream denotes having a son. The same interpretation is given for blowing air or inflating any sack or a balloon. Seeing a bottle of water in a dream may denote a wife, a husband, a host, a merchant, or a pregnant woman. (Also see Glass bottle)

…enabled me to recognise my surroundings. I was still in the armchair, and before me on the table lay the dessert and wine.”Every vestige of silver had gone; and so had my host and hostess. Here the man on” the bench laughed bitterly. “I was duped, of course!” he added;” the man and the woman were no more Mr. and Mrs. Montague than they were Red Indians! They were part of a gang of notorious burglars who had been wanted for a long time!””Good Heavens!” I cried, *’ they were caught? ‘”Caught, yes” the man on the bench hissed; “seven years apiece, and as for me — I got dismissed! Dismissed! And I have not had the heart to look for another job since!”I gave him five shillings — all I had with me — which he accepted gratefully, and I left him there muttering — muttering that it was…

…To dream that you’re at a party is usually a good sign, especially if people are dancing happily and dressed in a decent or elegant way, as this suggests prosperity. To dream that you’re at a party and feel sad indicates that soon you’ll receive bad news, probably including the death of a loved one. To dream that you’re at a party where there are service personnel implies infidelity in your marriage, losses in your business, lawsuits or jealousy between lovers. To dream that you’re at a party and are drunk and behaving in a scandalous way indicates that the hypocrisy of some friendships will cause you losses and other damages. To dream of yourself as a party host and such party is in disorder because of the amount of wine that has been drank indicates that you’ll soon be victim of ingratitude and calumny. To dream that you’re…

(Hoofer | Show | Soft-shoe dancer) A hoofer in a dream represents a man in trouble if he dances for himself. If so, his parable is like that of seeds pupping on top of a fire. If a hoofer dances for someone, then the host will be struck by a calamity that will affect both of them. (Also see Dancing)