…If you dream of being in a place that is extremely hot, or if the weather is so hot that the heat affects you, it shows that some person is preparing either to attack you or give you a good scolding. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7 1, 6….

To dream one sees a bath, is a sign of affliction or grief. If a person dreams he goes into or sees himself in a bath, and that he finds it too hot, he will be troubled and afflicted by those that belong to his family. If one dreams he has only pulled off his clothes, without going into the bath, he will have some disturbance, but of no long continuance. If one dreams he goes into an extremely cold bath, the same signification is to be given of it as when it is too hot. But if it be temperate, and as it ought to be, it is a good dream, presaging prosperity, joy and health.

…The anvil and the hammer are the two main and indispensable tools of any blacksmith, a job that constantly uses fire, hot iron, and spark. That combination in itself is a very ancient symbol of intense and creative work, which tends to appear in dreams symbolizing firm and productive work. When you are dreaming only about an anvil, then it can mean that you are enjoying a good health and solid business. When you are dreaming about an anvil in which hot iron is being forged and is giving off the sparks, then it is a symbol which shows that in real life, the dreamer is comfortable with what he has, because it will produce permanent gains, satisfaction, and happiness. This dream could also mean that one can count with the sympathy and help from affluent people, who can facilitate the path to success. When, in this dream, the…

…body is in need of it, but when this is not the case, it symbolizes that we are living hectic moments, with a lot of tension, and long for peace. Dreaming of bathing in water that it’s not very clean suggests a burning desire to meet and get along with a person of the opposite sex; this dream is common in women and young widows of marriageable age. Dreaming of swimming with others, for example in a pond or pool, is warning that indicates that you need to avoid bad company that will create rumors, and other damaging things, this dream is more serious if the water is muddy. Dreaming of bathing in very hot water is usually a bad sign, because it could mean that the body is beginning to have a fever, or that the atmosphere surrounding the dreamer is exceptionally hot. If these are not the cases,…

…To dream of being scalded with hot water, is usually a sign of injuries by the elements; it may foretells losses by floods, by fire, or by winds, or by thunder-storms: if you dream of scalding your tongue with hot tea, it is a sign that you will scandalize a neighbour with some ill-natured remark. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 12, 36,…

If you dream of being in a place that is extremely hot, or if the weather is so hot that the heat affects you, it shows that some person is preparing either to attack you or give you a good scolding; if you perspire freely, it is a sign you will meet them at advantage, but if you are feverish, it shows that you will be either injured, or else will have your feelings badly hurt.

If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.

To watch your fingers indicates a financial gain or a salary increase. To see five more fingers states there will be new sentimental concerns. To see an injured finger indicates strong discussions of all kinds. To see your toes in a dream indicates that you manage life with a lot of tolerance and balance. On the other hand, toes may represent some minor details to you. Dreaming that your toes are growing indicates an extension of your desires. Dreaming that you lose a toe means anxiety to overtake something. Dream that someone is kissing your toe indicates that the problems will calm.

Dreaming of one or more crosses is a warning that suffering is approaching for various reasons, not necessarily caused by the dreamer (natural disasters, fire, etc.). Dreaming of one or more people carrying a cross, perhaps to take it to a cemetery, suggests that soon someone will approach for help. Dreaming of a crucifix is a symbol of upcoming problems that affect several people, including the dreamer. Dreaming of kissing a crucifix with respect suggests that in the immediate future problems will arise but will be able to be tolerated. When a woman dreams of owning a crucifix it indicates that she accepts with serenity the life that she has, which attracts the understanding and affection of her friends.

…one’s beard in his dream seems longer than the usual, it means being a spendthrift, wasting money, engaging in gambling and sportinggames, or suffering from depression, or beingtroubled by circumstances. If a subversive and a sinful person sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means that he will repent of his sins. If a misguided person sees himself having a beard in his dream, it means that he will receive guidance. If a woman grows a beard in her dream, it means that she is trying to be a man, or it could mean insolence or engaging in wrongdoing. If a child sees himself having a beard in a dream, it means longevity. Loving a beard and kissing it in a dream means lacking determination or will, regardless if it is his own beard or if it is someone else’s beard. If a straw or anything sticks to…

…someone from behind a veil in a dream, it can also represent a good worshipper, but if the Divine address takes place without a veil in the dream, it means falling into sin. If God Almighty names someone in his dream with his birth name, then adds another title to it, it means rising in station and rank. If one sees God Almighty angry with him in a dream, it means that his parents are displeased with him. This description includes seeing oneself falling from the skies or from the top of a mountain. If a devoted servant sees God Almighty kissing him in a dream, it applies to his growing devotion and reward. Fearing God Almighty in a dream reflects eminence, peacefulness, quiescence, wealth of being and disregard for material needs. (Also see Carriers of the Divine Throne | Divine Throne | Educator | God’s will | King)…

…(The angle of death | Bone-breaker | Death | Longevity) The archangel of death. Seeing him in a dream means martyrdom if one is inspired by it. If one sees the archangel ‘Izrail angry with him in a dream, it means that one will die unrepented. If one sees ‘Izrail standing above him, or battling him in a dream, it means that he will recover from a severe illness. Seeing the archangel ‘Izrail in a dream also means longevity, or going through unavoidable circumstances, or experiencing extreme fear. If one sees himself being ‘Izrai’l in a dream, it means rising in status to govern and to oppress others, or he might become an executioner, or perhaps that some major events may take place at his hand. Kissing ‘Izrail in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Seeing ‘Izrail in a dream also means separations, death of sick people, losses, destruction,…

…(The corner stone of the Ka’aba | God’s House in Mecca) Seeing or holding the Black Stone of the Ka’aba in one’s dream means paying allegiance to the ruler, or it could mean repentance from sin at the hand of a pious Imam, or it could mean kissing one’s son, wife or bosom friend. It also means serving people in the government. If one sees himself touching the Black Stone in his dream, it means that he will follow and learn at the hand of one of the Imams of the Arabian peninsula. Seeing the sacred Black Stone in a dream is perhaps an indication of going to perform one’s pilgrimage. If one sees himself cutting into the Black Stone in a dream, it means that he wants people to follow his personal opinions. If he sees the pilgrims searching for the Black Stone but cannot find it in…

…Dreaming of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings. An ugly forehead, denotes displeasure in your private affairs. To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children. For a young woman Dreaming of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct….

The bride in a dream is very common for those women who are getting married soon in their waking lives. The other explanation brings joy and happiness, but only if the bride is happy while preparing for the wedding. If you are kissing the bride, then this woman who was kissed will become your wife in reality. If the bride has kissed you, but you felt uncomfortable about that, then this woman is not your sweetheart and you will suffer unhappiness if you stay with her forever. The bride who is sad, dirty or unhappy is an omen of sad times in your life with friends. If the bride who is getting married is feeling very bad, then she shouldn’t marry the man she is going to.

If you kiss someone of the opposite sex means you´ll have an unexpected encounter that will make you very happy. If you’re kissing your parents means problems that worries you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger means you should not abuse of the confidence of others.

kissing a corpse indicates that the dreamer is about to say goodbye to something that he loves very much. This dream is about definite loss, but also about the beginning of a new form of life. Dreaming that offensive objects are placed on a corpse, for example money, especially on the face, mouth or eyes, indicates that some dishonest people will approach you, and you will mistakenly trust them while they would try to scam you, leaving you with little chances of recovering what was lost. If you hesitate to put these objects on the body, it indicates that either you won’t be fooled, or that you’ll manage to take back some of the things they took away from you. When you identify the corpse as member of your family in the dream, it suggests that death may be near that person or other close relative. Seeing a corpse dressed…

…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…

…young girl sees her own breasts in a dream, it means that she will get married. If a female child sees herself having matured breasts in a dream, it means her death. If a man sees himself suckling milk from a woman he does not recognize in a dream, it means a long sickness. Otherwise, if his wife is pregnant, it means kissing his wife’s breasts. Suckling milk from a woman’s breast also means imprisonment and deprivation, stress and sadness. If an old man sees the breast of a woman in his dream, it means that he will hear bad news. If a teenager sees that, it means that he is in love. If a man sees himself having a female milk suckling breast in a dream, it means friends, children, or a wife who are of no benefit to him. If such breasts look hanging tall in the dream,…

To dream of kissing the hands of someone, friendship, good fortune. To kiss the face, rashness followed by success. To kiss the feet, humility.

…To dream that your hands or your clothing are stained symbolizes a warning that quarrels, anger and misunderstandings will arise among the family, due to inconsequential reasons. To dream that others have their hands stained indicates that you’ll suffer unjustified accusations and insults. To dream that you’re washing your hands suggests that the dreamer wishes to join cheerful and festive groups, but does not know how. When a woman dreams that she is admiring her own hands, it symbolizes that she wants to attract the attention of a man. When a woman dreams that she’s admiring the hands of others, it symbolizes envy and also indicates that she will suffer the jealousy of a man. When a woman dreams that a man is squeezing her hand, it suggests that she is in risk of committing a wrongdoing or something illegal. If a woman dreams that other people are kissing

…the dream, it means that he portrays himself to be what he is not, or that he impersonates a scholar, or pretends to be religious. Kissing the Holy Book in a dream means revering what it contains and adhering to what it commands. If one looks into the pages of the Holy Book and finds its lines crooked in a dream, it means that he lives satisfied with what he has, and fulfills his required duties accordingly. Stealing a copy of the Holy Book and hiding it in a dream means that one cheats in performing his own prayers, or fails to do them properly. If one sees himself looking in the Holy Book, then writing from what he is reading on his own garment in the dream, it means that he interprets the Qur’anic revelation according to his own liking. If one sees a Holy Book sitting in his…

…Dreaming that your sweetheart is affable and of pleasing physique, foretells that you will woo a woman who will prove a joy to your pride and will bring you a good inheritance. If she appears otherwise, you will be discontented with your choice before the marriage vows are consummated. Dreaming of her as being sick or in distress, denotes that sadness will be intermixed with joy. If you dream that your sweetheart is a corpse, you will have a long period of doubt and unfavorable fortune. See Lover, Hugging, and Kissing….

To dream you see an oven burning hot, signifies joy.

To dream of daggers, denotes the person dreaming to have some hot contest with others.

…a very propitious dream for women. To see milk in large quantities, signifies riches and health. Dreaming of dealing in milk commercially, denotes great increase in fortune. To give milk away, shows that you will be too benevolent for the good of your own fortune. To spill milk, denotes that you will experience a slight loss and suffer temporary unhappiness at the hands of friends. Dreaming of impure milk, denotes that you will be tormented with petty troubles. Dreaming of sour milk, denotes that you will be disturbed over the distress of friends. Dreaming of trying unsuccessfully to drink milk, signifies that you will be in danger of losing something of value or the friendship of a highly esteemed person. Dreaming of hot milk, foretells a struggle, but the final winning of riches and desires. Dreaming of bathing in milk, denotes pleasures and companionships of congenial friends. See Buttermilk….

…Dreaming that you are being shaved, portends that you will let imposters defraud you. To shave yourself, foretells that you will govern your own business and dictate to your household, notwithstanding that the presence of a shrew may cause you quarrels. If your face appears smooth, you will enjoy quiet, and your conduct will hot be questioned by your companions. If old and rough, there will be many squalls or, the matrimonial sea. If your razor is dull and pulls your face, you will give your friends cause to criticize your private life. If your beard seems gray, you will be absolutely devoid of any sense of justice to those having claims upon you. For a woman to see men shaving, foretells that her nature will become sullied by indulgence in gross pleasures. If she dreams of being shaved, she will assume so much masculinity that men will turn…

…If one’s jugular vein splits open and blood gushes forth from it in a dream, it means one’s death. A jugular vein in a dream also represents a strong covenant, or tying a kerchief over one’s head during a hot and a hard-working day. (Also see Aorta | Veins)…

…When a woman dreams about her oven, which is turned on and is actually very hot, and that she is baking bread or cooking meat, it suggests that she enjoys the sincere affection of her family members and the sympathy of her friends. To dream that what you’re baking burns is a warning that soon you’ll experience problems at home. If the oven is broken or cracked, it indicates that soon you’ll be subject to humiliations, slander, etc….

…horse, with intensely evil eyes, gazing up at her. Greatly terrified, she turned to run downstairs to see that all the gates were shut, when, to her horror, the horse stalked into the room and rushed savagely at her. She then awoke, and was too frightened to sleep again till the morning.Another curious dream befell a gentleman I met in Liverpool. Shortly before his house caught on fire and was all but burned to the ground, he dreamed he was cycling along a hot and dry country road, when a chestnut horse appeared upon the scene, and commenced to plunge and shy immediately in front of him. Much alarmed, he got off his bicycle, and was preparing to seek the shelter of a garden he now observed for the first time; close at hand, when the horse rushed at him, and, seizing him viciously by the back, threw him on…

Being cold in hot weather means remorse of conscience. Being cold in the right season means lack of affection and love.

…If the bathroom is nice, it indicates both physical and spiritual health, especially if the water is clear and transparent. If it’s cloudy, too hot or too cold, it indicates that something is wrong, but if it ends up being nice, we will get a profit. If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities….

Hot tar in a dream represents a guard who prevents saboteurs or subversive people from causing damage to one’s property. Wearing a garment drenched with tar in a dream means indulging in sin and mixing with its people….

If you dream with: the sea or troubled waters, it means misfortunes, anger and sorrow. Calmed and clear waters indicate that you have peace of mind and good health. Walking on water is a sign that you will be successful in a business you’re about to start. If you dream about a place where water is scarce and you want to drink some, it means that you are going through a difficult and overwhelming period. Dreaming about swampy and marshy water is a sign of illness or near death. Throwing or pouring water is a premonition of a possible loss or theft. Jumping on a river or a stream of water indicates that you are trying to get rid of some situation that causes you stress. Drinking cold water means good events and joy. Drinking hot water is a sign for trouble and bad news.

…is scarce appears in the dream means you are going through a difficult and uncertain time. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If in the dream you are spilling water, then it is a sign of loss or theft. Dreaming of walking on water is a sign of success in companies you intend to start. It also suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you must control your emotions. Also symbolizes faith in yourself. If in the dream you jump over river or a stream of water, it is a sign that you are trying to get rid of certain situations that haunt you. Dreaming of drinking cold water means good events and joys are approaching. Dreaming of drinking hot water means you will get upset and receive very bad news….

To dream you drink cold water is good to all; but hot signifies sickness and hindrance of affairs.

…and humiliations. If there are leaks in a house without rain, it announces mourning in that house. If it is just a leak, it means suffering and danger for the dreamer. If water runs through the walls, it indicates mourning relatives or friends. Seeing water flows inside a property of the dreamer, it announces great material prosperity accompanied by good feelings. Walking on water tells us we are going through a dangerous period. If we sink, we are in great danger. Seeing a lot of water stirred by strong waves indicates sorrows, if it reflects ourselves, it clearly indicates that we will achieve wealth, and if it reflects us more beautiful than we really are, it means we will find love in others. Drinking cold water presages health; and cold, disease. Taking a cold water shows incomprehension. A warm shower means happiness; and very hot means separation or divorce….

If we are taking a bath we must take into account the feelings that bath produces in us. If the bath is nice and we see the clear, clean water, it bodes health and prosperity both material and spiritual. But if we do not take the bath because the tub is empty, or the water is dirty or hot or cold, almost all authors consider it as a notice of lost opportunity due to lack of foresight or the difficulty of adequately address the events.

…young man once told me that he dreamed a huge shaggy bear, with an intensely diabolical expression in its little brown eyes, entered his room, and) approaching the foot of his bed, reared itself on its hind legs and peered at him. In a great state of alarm, he got out of bed, and had almost reached the window-sill, when the bear stalked up to him, and, placing its paws on his shoulders, deliberately breathed into his face. He awoke with its hot breath burning into his brain, and from that night, he assured me, he was a changed man; and, one bad act leading to another, he was at length smuggled out of the country to escape jail.A destitute girl I once befriended on the Thames Embankment, and who, in return for the supper I gave her at a neighbouring restaurant, stole the teaspoons, told me she was quite…

Dreaming about cockroaches is not only unpleasant, but implies various risks and nervous diseases. Dreaming about a few cockroaches, hints that the dreamer will soon go through moments of shame and sadness. When there are many cockroaches it indicates that something serious is about to happen and the dreamer must be prepared, and must exercise self-control. Dreaming of crushing and killing one or more cockroaches and having them leave water instead of blood announces a prolonged illness. Dreaming of roaches climbing on a white wall and having hot water thrown at them, hints that the dreamer feels powerless against the disease that afflicts him. If the water thrown kills the roaches, there are many possibilities of relief, however, if the roaches are still alive and climbing the wall, the disease will follow its normal course.