…blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies the target you had no idea you reached. Keep in mind that when the ballon blows up it could also show the difficulties you are suffering from. It seems that you are not able to control these emotions anymore and now is the time when they exploded as it is too hard for you to keep them in. If you dream of being in a hot air ballon it represents your need for the relief. Make sure you will try to get over the things that did not let you moving forward. This dream shows you that you do not remain firm on the ground. Seeing ballons could also be a sign from your subconcsiuos mind that is looking for peace and rest. You want to feel the idol to someone….

The soup is associated with the warm place, where the one is feeling secure and protected. It is also very important to know what kind of soup the one was dreaming, as it tells more about dreamer’s personality is it hot or spicy and so on.

Dreaming of digestive organs (gut, etc.) means that the dreamer is threatened by various problems, including health issues. Dreaming of your own digestive system itself warns impending health problems, so it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Dreaming that when approaching something hot, the dreamer’s intestines become inflamed and make the dreamer feel very bad, it insinuates that a disease has already emerged in the body of the dreamer. Dreaming of being intoxicated indicates that the dreamer is not acting properly in everyday life, which will entail various disorders, including health problems.

…one’s spiritual life. If one’s food turns bitter or sour in the dream, it means changing a spouse or a job. If one cookes a tasty meal in a dream, it means attaining a high ranking job, or it could mean prospering after suffering from a painful poverty. If someone else cooks one’s meal in the dream, it means dealing with a treachrous person and in this case, it means that one should fear for his life or about doing business with him, or it could mean that he may receive a helping hand in doing his job. If one eats an unbearably hot food in a dream, it means adversities. If one finds his mouth filled with food, and if there is still a cavity for more food in the dream, it means confusion, or it could represent the balance of his life in this world. If one manages…

The iron in dreams is very important omen. The iron could indicate something very strict and harsh. Alternatively, the iron can be interpreted as the symbol of power and enthusiasm. If the iron which you see in the dream is red and hot, then such dream represents some kind of failure at some situation. If the iron is old and rusty, then it shows unsolved problems you haven’t deal with yet.

…(Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet. If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness. If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness…

…in the street or the marketplace in public or in a bathhouse in a dream means a scandal, loss and a curse. Taking ablution at the seashore or in a proper ablution area in a dream means dispelling one’s fear, sorrow or distress. Taking ablution while standing over a friend’s head in a dream means inheriting him. Seeing a friend taking his ablution over one’s head in a dream means suffering harm or a scandal that will be caused by such a friend. Taking ablution in a dream also means dispelling fears, recovering from an illness, paying one’s debts or repenting from sin. Taking ablution with hot water in a dream means falling sick. Wanting to take ablution and failing to find the proper means to perform it in a dream means failure of a project or facing adversities. (Also see Tayammum | Enacting | Prayers | Ritual bath)…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

…(Ablution | Ghusul | Ritual ablution | Wash) A ritual bath (arb. Ghusul. Islamic Law) is customarily performed on a festival day, or before the Friday congregational prayers, before starting a pilgrimage, after recovering from an illness, or is necessitated by the emission of sperms either during one’s sleep or following a marital intercourse. A ritual ablution is also given to a deceased person before his funeral and burial, or otherwise is taken by the undertaker himself after washing the dead. To take a ritual ablution in a dream before the Friday congregational prayers means purifying oneself, washing oneself from sin, repenting from sin, serving one’s parents, or being true to one’s friends. Taking a ritual ablution for any of the above reason during the wintertime and using cold water in the dream means distress, trouble or a sickness. If hot water is used, then it means profits, benefits…

…and rising prices. If one is given a piece of dried bread in a dream, it indicates the near end of his life. A loaf of bread in a dream means marriage for an unwed person, and for a craftsman, it means progress in his trade. As for a ruler or a judge, a well baked loaf of bread in a dream represents his justice. Small loaves of bread in a dream represent a short life, while large loaves mean longevity. Eating a hot loaf of bread means hypocrisy, because the effect of the oven’s heat is still in it. Eating bread without a meal means a sickness or dying alone. Eating from a loaf of bread which is half baked in a dream means that one may suffer from high fever. If a poor person eats sweetbread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of…

It’s not a bad idea to be cautious with everything related to fire and hot surfaces. But the dream may also be talking about a wound caused by your love life that should be healed and cured.

Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. If one sees himself drinking cold refreshing water from the regular water tab in a dream, it means comfort and joy. (Also see Cup | Drink | Mug)

…This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer. Dreaming of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression. To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations. To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future….