Washing a deceased person with boiling water in a dream means that the latter is already suffering from hell in his own grave. (Also see Hot water)

(Kettle | Roasting) In a dream, a boiler represents the seat of honor. (Also see Hot water)

…To dream you drink cold water, is good to all; hot, sickness and hindrance; wine, is good; sweet wine, success in love; oil, sickness; from vessels of gold, or silver, or earthenware, intends tranquillity; of horn, implies good; glass, evil. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67….

…dream means receiving benefits from a woman. Meat in a dream also means forbearance and patience for someone who is hot tempered, or who gets angry easily. Eating meat in a dream also could mean recovering from an illness, an end to one’s distress, trouble and adversities. Eating the meat of an unlawful animal in a dream means receiving unlawful money. Eating a suspicious meat in a dream means earning suspicious money, or having an illegitimate marriage. Eating fowls’ meat in a dream means profits for a traveller. Eating a fish in a dream means easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings. Cooked or broiled fowl meat in a dream means profits and money earned from a woman through deception and dishonesty. If it is uncooked in the dream, then it means backbiting or slandering a woman. Eating the meat of an unlawful bird in a dream means deceiving, defrauding, or stealing…

…Dreaming you see a comedy, farce, or some other recreation, indicates good success in business. To dream you see a tragedy acted, implies labour, loss of estate, with grief and affliction. To dream one plays, or sees another play upon a flute, violin, or other musical instrument, betokens good news, concord, and a good correspondence between man and wife, master and servant, prince and subject. To dream one plays tunes on small bells denotes discord and disunion be- tween subjects and servants. To dream you play, or hear playing on wind instruments, as flutes, flageolets or small bag- pipes, or other such instruments, shows trouble, contention, and being overthrown at law. If anyone dreams he plays at any of those plays which company use to divert themselves as, at questions and commands, cross-purposes, blind-man’s buff, hot cockles, barley-break, and such like — it implies prosperity, joy, pleasure, health, and…

…Dreaming of iron, is a harsh omen of distress. To feel an iron weight bearing you down, signifies mental perplexities and material losses. To strike with iron, denotes selfishness and cruelty to those dependent upon you. Dreaming that you manufacture iron, denotes that you will use unjust means to accumulate wealth. To sell iron, you will have doubtful success, and your friends will not be of noble character. To see old, rusty iron, signifies poverty and disappointment. Dreaming that the price of iron goes down, you will realize that fortune is a very unsafe factor in your life. If iron advances, you will see a gleam of hope in a dark prospectus. To see red-hot iron in your dreams, denotes failure for you by misapplied energy….

Usually it reflects a real need. If not then it symbolizes a burning aspiration of something mystical or religious unless we are being forced to drink muddy or hot water, in which case it reveals deceptions, disillusion or resignation to the inevitable.

…To dream of a birth signifies a death. One afternoon, at a garden-party, I met an old friend, who told me he had just dreamed his sister had had a child, and as he was curious to know whether that event had actually occurred, he was going to write at once. The dream was verified, but in a manner he did not anticipate; for, on arriving at his house he found a telegram awaiting him there to say his sister was dead! And again, at a cricket match one baking hot day in July I was speaking of dreams, when one of the players exclaimed with a shudder: ‘’I fear your interpretation of the birth dream is only too correct. A lady once told my wife that she dreamed she had given birth to a remarkably fine boy, whose eyes, however, were not both of the same colour. Two…

Dreaming of seeing intestines, signifies you are about to be visited by a grave calamity, which will remove some friend. To see your own intestines, denotes grave situations are closing around you | sickness of a nature to affect you in your daily communications with others threatens you. Probable loss, with much displeasure, is also denoted. If you think you lay them upon something, which turns out to be a radiator, and they begin to grow hot and make you very uncomfortable, and you ask others to assist you, and they refuse, it foretells unexpected calamity, which will probably come in the form of a desperate illness or a misfortune for which you will be censured by those formerly your friends. You may have trouble in extricating yourself from an unpromising predicament.

…Dreaming of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy. To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game….

…a very propitious dream for women. To see milk in large quantities, signifies riches and health. Dreaming of dealing in milk commercially, denotes great increase in fortune. To give milk away, shows that you will be too benevolent for the good of your own fortune. To spill milk, denotes that you will experience a slight loss and suffer temporary unhappiness at the hands of friends. Dreaming of impure milk, denotes that you will be tormented with petty troubles. Dreaming of sour milk, denotes that you will be disturbed over the distress of friends. Dreaming of trying unsuccessfully to drink milk, signifies that you will be in danger of losing something of value or the friendship of a highly esteemed person. Dreaming of hot milk, foretells a struggle, but the final winning of riches and desires. Dreaming of bathing in milk, denotes pleasures and companionships of congenial friends. See Buttermilk….

Dreaming of hot chocolate will bring you delight.

(hot. Carnation | Garden heliotrope | Wallflower) In a dream, gilly-flowers signify the death of a newborn, a celebration that will not culminate in peace, a short lived happiness, a new job that will be quickly terminated, or they could mean wearing stylish clothing, or treasuring the art effects of another culture.

…blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies the target you had no idea you reached. Keep in mind that when the ballon blows up it could also show the difficulties you are suffering from. It seems that you are not able to control these emotions anymore and now is the time when they exploded as it is too hard for you to keep them in. If you dream of being in a hot air ballon it represents your need for the relief. Make sure you will try to get over the things that did not let you moving forward. This dream shows you that you do not remain firm on the ground. Seeing ballons could also be a sign from your subconcsiuos mind that is looking for peace and rest. You want to feel the idol to someone….

The soup is associated with the warm place, where the one is feeling secure and protected. It is also very important to know what kind of soup the one was dreaming, as it tells more about dreamer’s personality is it hot or spicy and so on.

If it is nice to eat, then it indicates promising developments. If it is bitter, it means anguish and loneliness. If they have a very strong flavor, it means affronts. Very hot food means nervousness, and very cold, health discomfort. Cooking it means family agreement. Offering someone food means happiness at home, and rejecting someone to give food means family conflicts.

To dream you see an oven burning hot, signifies joy.

If you give one to a person of the opposite sex, you will have an unexpected encounter that will fill you with joy. If you dream that you kiss your parents, it means that some problems that are haunting you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger, it means that it is not good to over trust people.

…If you are pregnant in reality this dream is nothing more than a reflection of your current state. If that’s not the case it reflects a desire to marry or a quieter existence. If the dream is distressing it reveals fear of sex. If it’s a nightmare that ends with a terrible birth, then that reveals an obsession with venereal diseases or physical malformations….

If you kiss someone of the opposite sex means you´ll have an unexpected encounter that will make you very happy. If you’re kissing your parents means problems that worries you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger means you should not abuse of the confidence of others.

Symbolizes the mother and the desire or the need for tenderness and protection. It can also symbolize insatiable for greed, sex and possessiveness.

…If you dream that your navel is out of shape, or looks queer, it is a sign of misfortune in connection with the opposite sex, unless you are married, in which case it denotes the birth of a child: for unmarried people to dream such dreams foretells trouble and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 17….

Dream of being hungry indicates that you lack money, sex, or fame. This dream may also indicate that you want to get something important for a long time. Moreover, dream of being hungry may indicate that you’re really hungry.

Hugging someone from the opposite sex within dreams is a sign of happiness and joy in love; to hug a kid indicates that you don’t want to let go of something or someone that brings you a huge amount of happiness. Hugging a stranger means that you’ll make a small trip.

…Take unusual care of all depending upon you. Calamity awaits you and yours. Both property and life are in danger. Young people should be decidedly upright in their communications with the opposite sex. Character is likely to be rated at a discount….

Dream of being prey of the whims of a person of the opposite sex means your relationship with a loved one can break or be prejudiced if you do not water and care every day as a plant.

To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.

The condom in a dream shows the protection you are using to preserve yourself from unexpected. The dream could indicate the actual fear of having kids and responsibilities that come along with them. The condom could also indicate the fear of diseases that you might get if having unprotected sex. The condom could also show the lack of sexual intercourses in your life, which makes you feel sad and irritated. Perhaps you need to let go the tension you were holding for a while. If you or your companion wore the condom, then it foretells about the protection you get from that certain person.

It is considered to be a sex symbol and it’s often related to some kind of fear or feelings of jealousy. In relation to sadism or even the fear of being dominated by a possessive passion.

Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.

Kissing a person of the opposite sex and not our partner means harbinger of infidelity, but kissing our partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kissing the ground is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared of arriving penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, presages heritage. Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.

If you hear it, it means you’re listening to the call of an instinct and if you are playing it perhaps you are trying to get the attention of someone from the opposite sex.

It is symbol of finality, total achievement or a perfection which itself holds something sacrosanct. Its corolla symbolizes the wealth of your soul. The constitution and distribution of its petals symbolizes the highest perfection. The delicacy and colors variety represent the infinity of feelings. White roses symbolizes pureness and innocence. Red roses indicate passionate love. Blue roses denotes to impossible or unattainable love. A golden rose promises absolute realization. For a young girl, dreaming that she is contemplating the roses but not daring to catch them because of fear for thorns, reveals the fear of sex.

…To dream of the screwdriver could relate to the same symbol of the screw, which means that you are thinking about having sex with someone. Or the dream may be an indication about small details you really care or do not care, because of the saying “all screwed up”….

To dream ourselves gagged means a dependency that weighs on us too much. If we manage to take off the gag we will find liberation. If we gag someone that means we will commit an injustice, unless the person is of the opposite sex it means attraction.

…To dream of purchasing a pair of ear-rings is a good dream to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; to those that have no children, that they shall have children; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these decking, so shall they be stored with husbands, children, and goods. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 32….

…are dreaming that you are with shoes that are too tight, then it can mean that there soon will be upsetting situations involving friends and family members; for example, that they will ridicule you in public through harsh and offensive criticism. When you are dreaming that you are with shoes that are tied or stuck to one another, then it symbolizes diverse arguments and material or health losses. When you are dreaming about losing your shoes, or that someone stole them from you, then it indicates losses of various kinds that unlikely will be recovered. If one has spare shoes in the dream, it can mean that the losses will not be permanent and that the dreamer will recover professionally, perhaps with new gains. When you are dreaming that you are wearing shoes of the opposite sex, then it can mean that your name and personality are being slandered and…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a boa constrictor, when you are dreaming, is a sign of problems in relationship. Boa constrictor can be interpreted as symbolism that you have feeling of suffocation in daily life. Maybe you are restricted in some situation or personal relationship. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it has the symbolic significance of secret desires. This means repressed sexual fantasies and urges or hidden enjoyment of sex.

…For a young person Dreaming of taking a bath, means much solicitude for one of the opposite sex, fearing to lose his good opinion through the influence of others. For a pregnant woman Dreaming this, denotes miscarriage or accident. For a man, adultery. Dealings of all kinds should be carried on with discretion after this dream. To go in bathing with others, evil companions should be avoided. Defamation of character is likely to follow. If the water is muddy, evil, indeed death, and enemies are near you. For a widow Dreaming of her bath, she has forgotten her former ties, and is hurrying on to earthly loves. Girls should shun male companions. Men will engage in intrigues of salacious character. A warm bath is generally significant of evil. A cold, clear bath is the fore-runner of joyful tidings and a long period of excellent health. Bathing in a clear…

Dreaming of roses is interpreted as the achievement of a sentimental desire, but if during the dream we hurt ourselves with its thorns, then it’s an omen of betrayal or deception. Dreaming that we are facing the roses but we don’t dare touching them, could be a reflection of fear towards sex.