…If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your enjoyment will be marred by the action of malicious persons. For a friend to visit you, denotes that news of a favorable nature will soon reach you. If the friend appears sad and travel-worn, there will be a note of displeasure growing out of the visit, or other slight disappointments may follow. If she is dressed in black or white and looks pale or ghastly, serious illness or accidents are predicted….

To dream of coming into wake of good friend means that you will have bad news very soon. If one of your friends is coming to a wake, it means that this friend needs your help and support. Maybe you should ask people around if they need your help.

To dream you have a pair of shoes, denotes success in life, in love matters, they signify marriage, which will turn out an equal advantage to both parties — each will taste of the same pleasure. If the male journeys, the female will be his companion; and it is a sign they will travel different countries. To dream your shoes are worn out, denotes poverty. If a sole falls from the right shoe, a male friend will die; if from the left, a wife, or female friend.

…A wall in a dream represents knowledge, guidance, cognizance, knowing secrets, judgment, or separation between friend. Standing by a wall or sitting on it, and depending on its conditions in a dream represents one’s own state. A wall in a dream also represents a strong, wealthy, powerful and religious person. If the wall needed urgent repairs, and if a group of people come to rescue it in the dream, it represents a man of knowledge, or the Imam of a mosque who has lost his control or respect, then some friends will come to his rescue and to help him restore his rank. If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure. If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed…

…If you dream that you commit adultery or cheating on someone, this is a sign of you not being honest with yourself. Maybe there are some things in your life you can not admit to yourself and hiding the feelings deep down inside of you. Also, this could be a sign of you being invoked into something against the law. If you see your partner or your friend cheating on you, this is a sign that you are afraid of being neglected by the ones you love. You should consider, as there might be something missing in the relationships you are having, that why you are having those fears. What you should do is not humble yourself down. If you dream of cheating on your partner with his friend, this is a sign that there are changes that has to be done in your relationship with your partner, as…

…Since each flower, fruit, tree and vegetable in dreams has a specific meaning, and to deal exhaustively with each would fill volumes, I am again beset with the difficulty of limited space.Speaking then as briefly as possible, in my experience to dream of:Buttercups portends presents and kisses; carnations, weddings; convolvulus, an enemy, intrigues; cornflowers, success in courtship and work; cow-slips, petty troubles; daisies, births; daffodils, inconstancy of lovers; dandelions, illness and minor worries; ferns, a journey; foxgloves, presents; honeysuckle, deceit on the part of a friend; ivy, weddings, friendly actions; lilies, engagements, also death; mignonette, sorrow at loss of a friend; pansies, success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses (red),…

…Dreaming of skulls grinning at you, is a sign of domestic quarrels and jars. Business will feel a shrinkage if you handle them. To see a friend’s skull, denotes that you will receive injury from a friend because of your being preferred to him. To see your own skull, denotes that you will be the servant of remorse….

…To feel that you are afraid to proceed with some affair, or continue a journey, denotes that you will find trouble in your household, and enterprises will be unsuccessful. To see others afraid, denotes that some friend will be deterred from performing some favor for you because of his own difficulties. For a young woman Dreaming that she is afraid of a dog, there will be a possibility of her doubting a true friend….

…(Armor | Kingdom | Money | Peace | Shield) In a dream, a coat of mail represents protection from one’s enemy. If one sees himself making a coat of mail in a dream, it means that he will build a castle. To see oneself wearing one means becoming a leader. If a merchant sees himself wearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means that his business keeps growing, being completely sheltered and protected from losses. If the coat of mail is understood to mean a friend in the dream, then it will represent a gracious friend and a good helper when one needs him. A coat of mail also represents one’s son who is strong and capable, who suffices himself and helps his father. Wearing a coat of mail in a dream is a blessing and a favor one receives from a third party who will support…

…Dreaming of wearing another’s coat, signifies that you will ask some friend to go security for you. To see your coat torn, denotes the loss of a close friend and dreary business. To see a new coat, portends for you some literary honor. To lose your coat, you will have to rebuild your fortune lost through being over-confident in speculations. See Apparel and Clothes….

…An unknown elderly person in a dream represents one’s good luck, happiness and one’s assiduity and diligence. If the unknown elderly person looks strong in the dream, he represents one’s strength. Otherwise, if he looks feeble, then he represents one’s weakness. Whatever physical conditions an elderly person is seen with in the dream, such condition will reflect in one’s own state. If an elderly person comes toward the person seeing the dream, it means that someone will help him attain a praiseworthy rank. If one follows an elderly person in a dream, it means that he follows a good path. If one sees an elderly person and displeases him in the dream, it means that he will displease a close friend or reject his advice. If he pleases him in the dream, it means that he will consent with a close good friend and they will walk together on…

…Helping a friend, being a friend’s heir. 353….

…To see a dog in your dream, symbolize a skill that you have not used, ignored or even forgotten. This skill needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may indicate intuition, loyalty, protection, generosity and fidelity. Dreaming of dog shows, that your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and / or to dream that dog is growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying in dream, then it symbolizes a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. To dream that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward…

…(Blowing one’s nose | Snot) In a dream, nasal mucus means a son or a daughter. To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife. If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child. If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend. If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife. Blowing one’s nose in someone’s handkerchief in a dream means betraying him with his…

…To dream of quarrelling with a stranger, is a sign you will make a new friend or acquaintance; if you imagine that you quarrel with a friend, it shows that you will soon have a pleasant and agreeable time with him: lovers who dream of quarrels, will be apt to bill and coo harder than ever. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 12, 24….

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

…To dream of beautiful flower bouquets usually symbolizes global joy and satisfaction. This meaning may vary depending on the flower’s condition. To dream that you receive one or more bouquets suggests that soon you’ll receive a gift, an important proposition, or have a stroke of luck associated with the lottery or an inheritance. When young people dream this way it usually suggests celebrations and joys. To dream that you receive a bouquet of wilted flowers announces that a friend or family member will suffer a disease. If those flowers have become black, it announces the death of someone very dear. To dream about one or more red rose bouquets usually announces an upcoming marriage; the dreamer, a friend or relative will get married. To dream that you’re putting a rose in the hair of your beloved one may suggest that soon you’ll experience troubles and disappointments….

The sweater you are wearing is seen as the omen of comfort. The dreamer could also be looking for security and shelter and the sweater is the symbol of it. It protects you from the badness and scary situations you might get yourself into. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of different colors or structures of the sweater.

…(Cover | Happiness | Fears | Veil) In a dream, drapes means veiling one’s private life. Drapes in a dream also represent a confidant or a trustworthy friend or a wife who covers the pitfalls of her husband, protects his business and guards him from looking at other women. If a man of knowledge sees such a dream, then drapes represent his integrity, his honorable wife and children. Unidentified drapes in a dream represent worries or distress. If the drapes are hanging over one’s front door in the dream, it means that such difficulties will come from the world. Old drapes in a dream represent adversities which will not last. Torn drapes in a dream mean happiness and joy. If they are torn vertically in the dream, they represent a quick joy. If they are torn horizontally in the dream, they mean slander against one’s family. Black drapes in…

In the dream to have a weapon, this denotes protection. You defend yourself from negative influence which may affect you emotionally or physically. Also this dream announces that you will have disputes or serious disagreements with your family members or close friends. The dream protects your hidden feelings such as a wish to revenge or to hurt someone.

…(Adornment | Attire | Costume | Garb | Veil) In a dream, one’s apparel vary in meaning depending on their contents, colors or type, etcetera. Wearing one’s garb in the winter in a dream is better than wearing it in the summer. Wrapping oneself with a cloth in a dream means becoming poor. An attire in a dream represents a man and a leader. An attire for a scholar, or a merchant, or a leader in a dream represents his trade through which one earns his livelihood and which protects him from adversities. If one’s apparel is dirty in the dream, then it reflects his life and appearance. If one wears a beautiful garb in the summertime in a dream, it means that he is ostentatious, arrogant and vainglorious. It also could mean that he is under great pressure and suffering from a painful distress, for the heat of…

The worms as the parasites in your body mean that you will have to protects yourself because of the other people’s behavior. The worms as the parasites in dreams also show the sickness you are suffering from, but don’t know it yet.

The lightning rod is an effective help that protects us from the unexpected things.

…interfere with others’ business or talk about them. However, should one who has to appear in court see himself wearing a harness in a dream, it means that his proof will not be accepted by the judge, and subsequently he will lose his case. If the reins of one’s horse are broken in a dream, it could mean the death of his driver. Reins in a dream also denote chastity, guardianship and protection. They also represent the obligatory payment of alms tax which cleanses and protects one’s capital. If the reins or the harness fall from one’s hand in the dream, it means corruption in one’s religious life, a decline in his devotion, or that one’s wife will become unlawful to him (i.e., living together after a divorce), or that she will remain in his house without a legal marriage. To see oneself bridled in a dream also means refraining…

(Armor | Coat of mail) Abroad piece carried by warriors for their protection during their fight. In a dream, a shield means a faithful but an arguing friend. It also represents a well-mannered and a true person, or a sincere person who protects his friends and helps them. A valuable shield in a dream represents a beautiful and a wealthy wife, or any female acquaintance or relative. If the shield is worthless in the dream, then it means the opposite. (Also see Armor)

…A mold maker in a dream represents a gnostic, or a genius who teaches each and everyone of his students what they particularly need. Since molds are containers, then he represents a man of knowledge who understands and protects people’s secrets. A mold maker practicing his trade, buying and selling what he casts in a dream represents someone who is well acquainted with his profession, and who knows how to promote his services. A molder in a dream is also interpreted as a person who encourages people to travel even as far as China to acquire knowledge. (Also see Mold)…

The ring is a symbol of continuity while protects and insulates. If it is a wedding ring, it indicates a promise of marriage. In case of a seal, it is a symbol of power. If it has precious stones, the meaning of the stone joins the one of the ring. If the ring breaks, it announces the breakdown of the marriage. Losing a ring portends disputes with the person who gave it. Putting it to another person indicates our desire to dominate.

…uses with mastery, it represents his maturity and fulfilment of his goals. However if a sick person sees himself carrying a weapon, it may mean his death, satisfying one’s religious duties, or correcting himself. If he feels fear while carrying that weapon in the dream, it means that God Almighty will cure him from his illness. If he is travelling, it means that he will return home safely. If one is stripped from his weapon in a dream, it represents his weakness. If one adorns himself with a weapon in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge to help him overcome ignorant people, or wealth to shelter him from poverty, or it could mean victory over his enemy. A weapon in a dream also represents medicine, or a wife who protects her husband’s chastity and shelters him against evil, or from desiring other women. (Also see Sword)…

…(Apron | Serviette) A towel in a dream represents one’s servant, employee, housekeeper, or it could represent a pilgrimage to Mecca. In a dream, a towel also represents one’s wife, and for a woman it represents her husband. If a towel is used as a mat during sexual intercourse in a dream, then it represents a discrete servant who protects his mistress’s secrets, or it could represent money that serves woman’s needs and those of her children. To throw a towel at someone in a dream means to slam the door in his face, or it could mean separation between two people. To throw in the towel in a dream also means to give up one’s fight….

…or a castle in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with ascetic detachment from this world and with piety, faith and abstinence from sin. His share will depend upon that section of the citadel or castle where he stands in his dream. If one sees himself wandering in a desolate region outside the castle in the dream, it means that he will fall prey to his enemy. If one builds a castle or a citadel in his dream, it means that he will guard himself from his enemy, protects his chastity, property and person from adversities and humiliation. The opposite will take effect if he sees himself demolishing such a castle or citadel. Seeing oneself standing near the battlement in a dream, it means that he will benefit from a brother, a son or a superior who will save his life. (Also see Castle | Fortress)…

The roof in dreams has a very important meaning, because it is something that protects us. If the roof is leaking or is broken in any other way, you are unable to control the forces that came onto you. The roof that is beautiful and perfectly fine, signifies the confidence you have in yourself. The roof is also a symbol of your desire to be protected from those around you.

The dog in dreams is the symbol of love and friendship. If you were called a dog in a dream, then it shows the disrespected you are suffering from. If someone treats you like a dog, then such dream represents the fact that you are abused by someone. There is also a saying that dogs have some kind of connection with the other world that we don’t know and they are our angels who protects us no matter what, or even sends some kind of important message. The dogs could also foretell about the animalistic parts of our personalities, where we no longer act like human.

…One’s skin in a dream represents the element that cloaks the human being, veils his wealth and what he wills for his heirs. Skin in a dream also represents the elements of father, might, wealth, garment, farm, state of worship, faith, polytheism, or it could mean one’s enemy, friend, wife, house, beloved, son, or what protects the human being from harm. Ahealthy skin in a dream represents a healthy life, and a diseased skin means weakness. A discolored skin in a dream means sickness. If a deceased person is seen wearing a healthy and a beautiful skin in a dream, it represents his good state or condition in the life after death. If a sick person sees himself being skinned like a goat in a dream, it means his death. Being skinned in a dream also represents a robbery in one’s house, or it may represent a tyrant, or…

The ring is a symbol of continuity while it also protects and insulates. If it is an alliance of marriage, then it indicates the existence of a wedding promise. In case to be a stamp it is a sign of power. If the ring has gems, the meaning of the gems will be attached to the meaning of the ring. If the ring brakes, an alliance announces the annulment of the marriage. To lose a ring, augurs quarreling with the person who gave it to us. To put the ring on someone else’s finger, indicates our desire to overpower them.

…his dream, it means living a comfortable life using the labor of tradesmen. If one sees himself cooking lion’s meat in a dream, it means that he will rise to leadership over unjust people, though one will have to maintain his vigilance and live in constant fear. If one sees himself cooking dog’s meat in a dream, it means that he will manage a lowly job. If he cooks the fat with it in a dream, it means that he will earn unlawful money. Otherwise, without the fat, it means that he will perform a lowly job and remains poor and deprived. If one sees himself cooking a bird in a dream, it means governing or managing a business or earning lawful money from associating with rich and noble people. If one cooks his meal with vulture’s meat in a dream, it means governing or trading with non-intelligent or heedless…

…a woman eats her own flesh in a dream, it means that she will commit adultery. The meat of a yellow cow in a dream means illness. The cooked meat of a snake in a dream means receiving money from one’s enemy. The uncooked flesh of a snake in a dream means slandering one’s enemy. The meat of a lion in a dream means receiving money from a ruler and the same goes for the flesh of all predatory animals or birds. Hog or swine’s meat in a dream means unlawful money. Eating sausages or dried meat in a dream means speaking ill of deceased people. Camel’s meat in a dream means earningmoney from a rich and a powerful enemy unless if the one seeing it does not touch it in his dream. However, touching camel’s meat in a dream means suffering from such a strong person. Eating it cooked…

…Distraction in a dream and especially during prayers means envy and desire to rip others of their property and particularly close friends or relatives. If one is distracted during his prayers by a creeping snake or a lion in a dream, it means that he must be on his guard and cautious with his wife or child. Distraction during prayers represents one’s passions, desires, or it could mean heedlessness, soliciting temporary gains and declining from the eternal benefits of the hereafter. (Also see Delirium)…

…of death, a visitor, or someone asking for marriage. If there is a sick person in the house and a thief enters that house in a dream, it means the death of the ailing person. If a thief comes to one’s house and takes nothing from it in a dream, it means the recovery of sick person from his illness. A thief in a dream also can be interpreted to represent a cunning person, a deceiver, an adulterer, a hunter, a backbiter, someone who asks for things that do not belong to him, a lion, a snake, a Satan, eavesdropping, or one’s mind, desire and passions. If a scholar sees a thief in his dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from an anecdote. A thief in a dream also represents a liar, or the humiliation inflicted upon such a person. (Also see Crocodile | Illness | Robbery)…

…wadi in a dream also could represent a prison because of the steep mountains surrounding it and the difficulty in crossing it. Seeing oneself in a wadi floating in the air until one reaches a desired altitude in a dream means working for a powerful person. A wadi in a dream also represents a warrior, a bandit, a highway robber or a lion. If a wadi obstructs one’s journey in a dream, it may represent a robbery, heavy rain, or having to face a dangerous person. If one is not travelling, then it means distress, adversity, harm, imprisonment, fear, or illness. Crossing a wadi in the wintertime in a dream means escaping from danger. Digging a wadi in a dream means the death of a family member. Falling into a steep wadi in a dream and feeling no pain or incurring no harm from it in a dream means that…

…In a dream, blood represents unlawful or illegal money, or an evil act that will emanate from the person seeing the dream. If one sees himself dragging his feet through puddles of blood in a dream, it means that he will finance his business from unlawfully earned money, profit from an illegal business or commit a major sin then be caught. If one sees blood staining his shirt in a dream, it means that someone will lie to him, though he will not recognize it. If his shirt is stained with blood or pus from pimples in a dream, it means that a thief will lie to him. If his shirt is stained with the blood of a lion in a dream, it means that an iniquitous person in authority will lie to him and take advantage of him. If his shirt is stained with the blood of a…