To dream about magnifying glasses, especially if they are high powered, it suggests that you dont have a clear idea or you are somewhat insecure about what you want. When a woman dreams with one or more magnifiers, it suggests that she wants to stand out in society, but she doesn’t know how….

If you dream of tickling, and you’re sick, dont wonder. Good news from a friend is shown by hearing thunder….

…Be careful with certain mysterious people who might do you great ill. Dont trust strangers….

This dream warns us to watch over our freedom and independency. If in our dreams we recognize the person who give us the Rosario will be that person who will bring the danger. If we don´t recognize the person who give us the Rosario, the danger will come from ourselves, from our vanity or sensuality. If we are the one who give the Rosario, then it indicates that we want that person as a couple or just because of sensuality. To this we can add the meaning of the material the Rosario was made of.

To see a promissory note, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion for liberation and relaxation. You need to give the necessary time or opportunity for yourself to do something. Dont be so hard, strict or precise on yourself. Be more free! Give yourself freedom in your daily activities….

…Dreaming that you are being crucified, is interpreted as suggestion that you are punishing yourself. Maybe there is situation in your life, which makes you feel guilty. Dont let yourself to be crucified for the actions of other persons….

If we see ourselves pedaling alone on a bike that indicates desire for independence. If someone else pedals that means we dont feel like we control our own fate….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see or use a crock pot, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to seek for various methods, if you want to solve your problems. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it means that you must be hard-working . Patience, endurance and hard work will pay off in the future. Dont let for difficulties and obstacles to stop you….

…Reveals the unconscious desire to escape from a situation, occupation or person oppressing us. If we dont finish packing our suitcase, then such dream indicates that we feel frustrated about something concerning our daily lives but without the desire to escape. If we carry a heavy, huge suitcase, it reveals that there is in us a secret that haunts us and we wish to be free. If someone steals our suitcase or we lose it that reveals we suspect that someone is exploiting us or trying to seize our property….

To dream that you’re extorting a person suggests that you’ll soon experience failures and frustrations due to your association with other individuals, and that will cause you losses. This dream is a warning that such association is inconvenient. To dream that you’re being extorted suggests that you feel uncomfortable with certain friends, coworkers or neighbors because you dont trust them….

From the interpretation of dreams, as omen this dream indicates that we will soon find the solution or the expected help but dreaming about a shutdown lighthouse will indicate that we don´t see the way out from our concern yet.

…Seeing or dreaming that you’re in a swamp suggests your emotional instability. You may be in a flooded situation, feeling insecure, or you dont know how to skip some difficult situations….

To dream of digging in clean and healthy ground, is a sign of thrift, and good luck generally: if the ground be dirty or wet, it shows trouble: if you are digging for gold, and find large and rich lumps, it shows you’ll have some good luck, but if the product is meagre, or if you dont find any, it foretells disappointment li you lose any of your tools it is a sign of a quarrel. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 71….

To Jump in dream is always a good omen, because it shows happiness no matter how you jump with or without a pole. Pole vault indicates that we will receive help from other people. When the jump is not a sporty the nature of the obstacles or dangers will be explained with the name of what we are trying to skip. If we are forced to jump, it means that we will be in a difficult situation. If we must jump and we don´t dare to do it, then it reveals our fear to be imprudent.

…Struggling within a net means you feel trapped and helpless in a difficult situation due to an emotional bond, or a vice, or a habit which you want to quit. If we don´t get out of it, then it indicates that we have resigned. If we are fishing, what we are trying to do is to keep memories and feelings. Fishing also indicates the desire to delve into ourselves to discover our innermost being and seek for improvement. If the net breaks letting scape everything we have catch, then it reveals the fear to lose what we have get so far. To dream that we repair a net means the craving to prevent or fix a mistake, imprudence or a fault committed that could be dangerous to continue the affection. There are dreams in which we try to hunt birds and the environment and feelings that arise inside us,…

To dream that you’re working on a sculpture without being a sculptor suggests that you always try to do something for which you’re not prepared or skilled, for example, doing businesses that you dont know anything about, what will obviously cause you problems and losses. However, when you’re able to finish the sculpture and it ends up being beautiful, it suggests that you’ll successfully solve such problems, but if it’s ugly, defective, and poorly made, it suggests constant setbacks and difficulties. Dreaming about sculptures, especially if they are old, it announces upcoming changes in your life; these changes will worsen your economy but at the same time may improve your social status….

If we dont have a cold in reality to sneeze in a dream is a sign that we will receive a surprise….

To dream of your complexion (general character, aspect, or appearance), has the symbolic significance of your social status. Complexion in the dream indicates your deep integrity into society. Alternative interpretation suggests that you may be the person, which is very interesting, but also there may be some persons, that can’t understand you. Maybe they dont have such abilities to see your character clearly….

Symbolizes concealment and deception. If we are the ones who wear the postiche, then it is a sign that we desire to hide any features or facets of our character from others, which we are not satisfied. If we see ourselves wearing the postiche, then it indicates that if we could, we would hide from ourselves. If others wear the postiche it is about people we know in real life of whom we don´t want to recognize their behavior to us. That dream warns us that something is being planned behind our backs.

To dream that you are contestant or that you’re entering in any kind of a contest, shows a condition or situation of your life in which you are required to be excellent and valuable. You need to be important person, but for achieving this, you have to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. If in the dream you win the contest, then it has the symbolic significance of your honour, dignity. It shows your confidence in own powers and abilities. If you lose the contest, then it shows the way of your negative thinking about your powers. Do you think that you dont have enough worth? Are you feeling worthless? Change your mind because it is incorrect thought. And you should be more active. Apply yourself with full power to the task, that is very important….

To have interaction with a laser, means your direct potential for success. Overall, to see a laser, when you are dreaming, is an omen for the condition of being transparent and state of being true. You have sharp mind and you’re seeing things much more clearly. You dont have any misunderstanding in your life. If you are playing in the dream with a laser, then it can be interpreted as symbolism of distraction. You must be more attentive in order to succeed. Do your best: focus your attention and concentrate on one project at a time….

Dreaming of love and the beloved person means enjoying prosperity, happiness and fortune. To dream that your love is rejected means you have hidden sufferings and sorrows, that don´t let you live in peace.

…When you dream of being allergic to something, it means there are some kind of circumstances which makes you feel emotional. You should consider if there are things you dont like doing, maybe it is very enervating and hard and if you feel that way, then you should stop doing it, even if it will cause serious damage to others. You can not be responsible for the others, you have to look after yourself. Maybe you should take a short break, relax and think of what has to be changed….

If we dream that our own suits or dresses are sent to the dry cleaner to clean or dry them, then it means that we should be more responsible with the way of acting and behaving with the friendships, in order to avoid people considering us as being vain and thoughtless, if they dont think about us that way already….

…When you dream of seeing an alloy it symbolizes the work you do and danger you will have. Make sure you are not tricking your colleagues and are honest doing your business. However, dont make any rush decisions as this might lead you to bankrupt and there is a possibility loosing all you have. Anyway, even if the things will go not the right way, it won’t involve your personal life….

If they bite you, don´t trust on a miserable and mean person who will want to take advantage of you. If you see or feel, it means abundant money….

To see someone knitting or to see a big amount of tissues portends prosperity, wealth and fertility. If the tissues are destroyed or damaged, then it signifies misfortune and loss of property. To dream that we want to knit and we can´t or we don´t know how to knit, reveals a creative incapacity or infertility.

…Dreaming about being behind the wheel may mean that both at work and in business, you can succeed if you put effort into it, because you can’t expect things to go as you want, especially if you dont really commit to them….

If you dream of being a beggar it shows that you feel unsafe and have no respect for yourself. Maybe you think you are not worth of things that life has offered you, or maybe you feel like you don ot appreciate enough the things you have got from those around you.

…(Emergence | Manifestation | Visibility) In a dream, if one sees something that is kept away from him as a secret, it means experiencing comfort after suffering from trials, receiving compensation after suffering from injus- tice, conceiving a child after having given up hope or the like examples. A revealed secret on time in a dream means fulfillment of a promise, satisfying one’s needs, repayment of one’s debts, arriving of a long awaited person from a journey, release of a prisoner from his jail, and for a woman, it could mean becoming pregnant. If something emerges at the wrong time in a dream, it means debts….

(See Recalcitrant child)

(See Profligacy | Recalcitrant child)

…Dreaming of horses drinking from waterhole means that you’ll experience joy in the future. If the animal that is drinking happens to be a donkey, it means that you will have a fight from which you will come out triumphant. If the waterhole is dry, it foretells a mystery or it may be a harbinger of adversities; if it’s dirty, it predicts the birth of a child. Dreaming of a waterhole usually means tranquility. If you dream that you drink from it, it usually means you’ll lose money, but it won’t be a substantial loss. If animals are drinking from it, it’s a harbinger of great news. If the water is clear, is a symbol of joy; on the contrary, if the water is dirty, it indicates the arrival of a new baby in the family. If you see a wild animal drinking water from a waterhole or someplace…

This dream foretells success and triumph but short-lived and only if there are no accidents during dreaming. If you have this dream as a child or teenager it reflects the desire for adventures typical of that age. If we’re going through a difficult time in our lives the dream may reflect the need to master inner passions of contradictory nature….

…and speak. If love songs of light nature are played during such a gathering in a dream, it means that falsehood will overtake such a place. If one sees himself sitting in the center stage, in the middle of learned people and religious scholars in a dream, it means that he will receive a greater knowledge and honor in his life. A gathering that involves a court case, or a marriage in a dream represents an unknown adversity that will safely pass. Admonishing people in a public gathering in a dream means that one’s command will be obeyed. Sitting in the center stage in a spiritual gathering in a dream represents one’s station or rank, or it could represent one’s wife, child, property, or personal secretary. Anything that happens to such a gathering in the dream may reflect on any of them. (Also see Fellowship | Gathering | Mosque)…

…(Person) When a man is recognized in a dream, he is the same person in wakefulness, or it could be his brother, or a person with the same resemblance or name. If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. If he takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream. If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being” p. 217, seeing the children of Adam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation. The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts. The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers…

…A crow indicates expedition in business, adultery of a thief; if croaking, an ill omen; if it flies on to the head of the child will be in great danger of a misfortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 6….

To dream of keys is favourable to a person in trade and, to a sailor, it shows that he will return in safety, but, if he dream that they are lost, he may be lost in his turn. To dream of finding a key, denotes an addition to your property, it may be a legacy. If married, it foretells the birth of a child, if a ribbon is attached to it, you may expect a girl.

When a woman dreams that she has changed her sex, it symbolizes conception of a male child who will do honor to his family. When the dreamer is a man, it indicates dishonor and infamy.

…(Antelope | Deer | Woman) In a dream, a female gazelle represents a beautiful woman. Capturing a female gazelle in adream means taking advantage of a woman, or it could mean marriage. Throwing a stone at a gazelle in a dream means raping a woman, or committing a sin, or divorcing one’s wife or being violent with her. Hunting a gazelle in a dream means profits. Shooting a gazelle with arrows in a dream means slandering a woman. Slaughtering a gazelle in a dream means deflowering a female servant. If one sees himself turned into a deer in a dream, it means that he lives solely to satisfy his pleasures, lust and sensual desires in this world. If one receives the gift of a gazelle in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance and become wealthy. A gazelle in a dream also represents a child. If…