To dream that something or someone who expresses anger has hit you indicates discord and dislikes of various kinds, but these are almost always caused by you. To dream that you’re hitting a child or a weak and defenseless person suggests that you have taken too many liberties and advantages over others and probably plan to continue doing this for your personal benefit. To dream that you hear impacts, for example when a door shuts close, it suggests that you’ll soon receive expected news. In some cases it typically involves someone who wishes to apologize for hurting you. To dream that you hear a door, a wall, a floor, etc. knock, suggests up coming pleasant surprises, or such surprises can even be unpleasant ones….

To dream of seeing rockets flying in the air, foretells joy and gladness at some event about to happen: to married people it denotes the birth of a child, or the marriage of a daughter if they have one old enough. If a young girl dreams of seeing a rocket, she needn’t trouble herself further, as her speedy marriage is certain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15….

…stingy ones. It also represents a meeting place where the rich and the poor, the righteous and the insolent gather. A garden in a dream also may indicate a religious center, a school, a center for scientific research and studies, a place of worship, etcetera. If one enters a garden at the season of plucking its fruits in a dream, it means glad tidings, money and increase in one’s good deeds, marriage or children. On the other hand, if he enters a garden in the fall in a dream, it means defamation, indebtedness, divorce, or it could mean loss of a child. Seeing a deceased person in a garden means that he is in paradise. A garden in a dream also represents a source of nourishment. Its fruits are colorful and their taste ranges from sweet to salty and from sour to bitter. (Also see House garden | Qur’an)…

To see young lambs frisking around their mother, is an excellent omen, as it denotes thrift, and also happiness in your family ties; if you see them sucking, it is a sign of an increase in your family by the birth of a child. For lovers to dream of young lambs, foretells a speedy and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 60….

To dream that you are in kindergarten as the child, means that you wish to have the life with less of the responsibilities then you have at the moment. If you are the teacher of kindergarten, you feel that you have too much to take care of.

…When you dreaming of being abandoned, it means that you have to forget your past and focus on your future. You’ve got to let go your past. The interpretation of your dream about an abandonment is showing, that you have a fear of being wasted, left alone of the ones you love. You shouldn’t be afraid of people neglecting your feelings. The meaning of dreaming that you are abandoned, might mean that you’re suffering from recent lost or are afraid of losing someone you love. The fear of abandonment might mean that you are getting better already, from what you’ve suffered before and are moving forward. This dream also can be the meaning of something you’ve suffered as being a child. When you abandon other people in your dream it can mean that you are shocked by the decisions you made earlier in your life. The main thing you…

…her vagina in a dream, it means his death. A vagina in a dream also could represent a blood sucker, a murderer, or a deceitful person who portrays piety during the day, then shows his teeth at night. A vagina in a dream also represents a shameless and an insolent worker, or it could represent a bird’s nest. In this sense, capturing a bird, or looking inside a bird’s nest in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees water entering her vagina in a dream, it means that she will conceive a child. If a woman’s vagina turns into iron or into any metal in the dream, it means that she has lost all hope in accomplishing her aspirations, satisfying her desires or needs. (Also see Blowing into the va- gina | Looking at a sexual organ | Semen | Effeminate | Sexual intercourse | Sod- omy)…

…A child’s cradle, many children; if the cradle be of green leaves, loss and sorrow….

it means that he will beget a child who will live in sickness during his childhood and that his father will fear for his death. It is said that a bird in a dream also represents a rich and a tricky leader who constantly fights for his earnings and to insure his success or superiority. A bird in a dream also represents a beautiful woman. The singing of birds in a dream means hearing good words or receiving a valuable knowledge. A flock of birds in a dream represents easy earned wealth. A bird in a dream also represents a boy. Capturing a bird in a dream means having control over a powerful person. Killing a bird in a dream means fulfilling one’s goal. Plucking the feathers, cleaning and eating a bird in a dream means earnings, prosperity, or a woman. Slaughtering a bird in a dream means raping one’s…

…When you dream of babysitting someone it symbolizes that you need to take care of yourself, as there is a part of you which need to be looked after. If you dream of asking for babysitter’s service, shows that you need to recognize on your inner child….

…(Leather dying factory) A tannery in a dream has the same interpreta- tion as that of a slaughterhouse. It also represents a school, a fellowship house, or similar places where the mind and spirit are taught and reared to correct oneself, to hold to what is true and to discard what is false. A tannery in a dream also represents apatient, forbearing and a hard-working woman, a housekeeper, or a child. Perhaps a tannery in a dream also could denote a harsh, wretched and a contemptible woman, though she likes cleanliness and guards herself from others’ impurities. (Also see Dye | Vat)…

thief will burglarize such a house. If angels disarm someone in a dream, it means that he will lose his wealth and strength, or that he may divorce his wife. If angels offer the person a tray of fruits in the dream, it means that he will depart from this world as a martyr. If angels curse someone in a dream, it means that he has little care for his religion. If one sees a gathering of heavenly angels together with the angels of hell-fire in a dream, it means enmity and divisiveness. If a sick person sees himself struggling with an angel in a dream, it is a sign of his death . If one sees an angel taking the form of a child in a dream, it represents one’s future. If he sees an angel as a youth, the youth then represents the present time and whatever events…

To dream that you are pregnant means that you will have to look after someone close to you because of the assistance they will need. The pregnancy is also very common dream for women who are expecting the child, therefore it is very normal to dream about your current state. The pregnancy could also show your desire or fear of getting pregnant.

To admonish your child, or son, or some young person, denotes that your generous principles will keep you in favor, and fortune will be added to your gifts.

…lap, then if a chick comes and picks all the words written therein in a dream, it means that one will beget a child who will memorize and read the Holy Qur’an as an inheritance, and benefit from the piety of his father, and as a trust, a lawful earning and a source of strength in his life. Buying a copy of the Holy Book in dream means benefits, prosperity and becoming a renowned and a distinguished religious scholar. If the Holy Book is snatched away from someone’s hands in a dream, it means that he will lose his knowledge, or perhaps lose his employment. If one sees himself spreading the pages of the Holy Book on a flat surface in a dream, it means that he is seeking wisdom which he will get, or that he may receive an inheritance. If one sees himself putting the Holy Book over…

…A symbol of motherhood, gentleness and safety. It is associated with images of intimacy, of gifts and shelter. Whenever the dream matches those described above feelings mean: In the case of a woman having the dream it’s an omen of fertility or pregnancy. For a child means protection and security. For a man means love and intimacy. If the feelings are sad or melancholic it reveals nostalgia for childhood and the past. Rarely, but it can be an erotic dream….

…Dreams about pigs are decidedly unlucky, and mean anything from slight accidents to downright calamities.One lady, prior to her youngest child falling down a well and nearly being drowned, dreamed she saw him riding up and down the front lawn on a big white pig, which eyed her with an expression of fiendish malignancy; whilst someone else, shortly before he lost all his money in a brewery, dreamed that he saw a herd of white pigs outside his front door, pawing the ground and uttering the most piteous cries….

…(Displeasing one’s parents in a dream. See Recalcitrant child | Slaughter)…

The embryo in dreams could represent the desire to get pregnant the dreamer has. Maybe you are ready to take the responsibility to become a parent? It is a very common dream for the women who are expecting the child to dream about the embryo, which is only a reflection of reality and means nothing. The embryo could also symbolize new tasks and ideas.

…from distress. The broken chips of a glass bottle in a dream represent money. A urine testing tube in a dream represents a prostitute. Thus, if one sees himself urinating inside such a tube in his dream, he should beware not to commit adultery. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a housekeeper who is hesitant about carrying money on her. A bottle of wine in a dream represents a pregnant woman who could suffer from hemorrhaging though she will deliver her child safely. Glass bottles of different colors and sizes in a dream represent people of different nationalities. A glass bottle in a dream also could mean exposing people’s secret life or slandering disloyal people. If a glass bottle falls and breaks inside one’s house in a dream, it means avoiding corruption or escaping from temptation that could take place inside such a house. (Also see Bottle)…

Dreaming of a child breathing usually indicates a favor. Dreaming of the breath of a woman means that danger is coming. Dreaming of breath that smells like alcohol can mean benefits and improved luck.

(bot. Mint | Sweet marjoram | Wild marjoram) Smelling a marjoram plant in a dream means recovering from an illness and enjoying a good health for that year. Planting a marjoram in a dream means begetting a healthy and a beautiful child who will grow to possess a good character. Marjoram in a dream also could mean marriage, or something that will not last. (Also see Mint)

is alive or dead. The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child in a dream means blessings. Having two faces in a dream mean a grievous and an woeful end, for God Almighty does not look at someone who has two faces. If a scholar sees himself having several faces in a dream, it means that he is utilizing his knowledge in various applications, or giving a subject several possible interpretations. A frowning face, a crying face, a scarred face, or the darkness of one’s face in a dream also mean loss of job, fear, or they could represent a liar. If the skin of one’s face is cracking in a dream, it denotes lack of modesty or absence of shame. A disgusting look on one’s face in a dream means loathsomeness, and loathsomeness in a dream represents a disgusting face. (Also see Body’ | Jesting)…

To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

…Dreaming of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings. An ugly forehead, denotes displeasure in your private affairs. To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children. For a young woman Dreaming of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct….

…whom I have met in literary circles, shortly before her first manuscript was accepted, dreamed that on all the fingers of her right hand she saw rings set with enormous emeralds, and that the sky, stars, and moon were all of the brightest and most vivid green. Prior to going on a quite unexpected trip to America, a man I met dreamed a red pocket handkerchief fluttered through the air and fell on his lap, and when he put out his hand to pick it up, each of his knuckles emitted a lurid scarlet glow. Lastly, prior to a piece of base deception on the part of one who had always posed as her friend, a lady I knew well as a child dreamed she saw a boy walking in front of her with bright yellow hair, and clad from head to foot in the most startling yellow clothes….

…(Repentance | Throw up) Vomiting in a dream means returning things to their rightful owner, divulging secrets, or of regaining one’s health through control of his stomach. Throwing up clean food in a dream means ease in one’s life. If a poor person vomits blood in his dream, it means receiving money, begetting a son, or the return of a relative from a journey. If the blood is collected in a bowl in the dream, it means that one’s son will survive a major illness, or it could mean that one’s relative may come to stay with him. However, if the blood is spilled on the floor, then it may mean the death of either the son or the relative. If one’s intestines or bowels come out during vomiting in the dream, it means the death of a child. As for a sick person, vomiting in a dream means…

…suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm. If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi-Hil Awwal, and if he is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his money will be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month. If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled. If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. If one’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabihi Tha ru….

(Hoof) Seeing a giraffe without a necessary reason in a dream has a negative connotation. In fact, it may mean an illness or business losses. On the other hand, a giraffe in a dream could represent a beautiful woman, or learning astonishing news coming from a foreign land, or hearing comforting news coming from a close friend, a wife or a child. A giraffe in a dream also represents a wife who is keen to protect her married life or who stands behind her husband under all circumstances.

…A pitcher, a jog or any similar container in a dream means repentance for a sinner. It also means a son for a pregnant woman. A pitcher in a dream also represents an extremely intelligent child who is recognized to fathom many hidden secrets. Collecting pitchers in a dream represents good deeds that can lead one to paradise. A pitcher in a dream also represents a sword. When a pitcher is highly priced in a dream, it denotes the high rank of the one who is interested in buying it. A pitcher in a dream also means playfulness, joy or laughter. A glass pitcher in a dream represents one’s wife, marriage to a rich and a beautiful woman, a secret affair, or a friend one is proud to have. A glass pitcher in a dream also represents a spouse who cannot be trusted with a secret, or someone who…

Trouble and sorrow. Nursing an infant symbolizes long sickness, dangerous at least to the dreamer, or who has been seen in it. If in the dream provided nurse was a pregnant woman, then in this case either her child will be a daughter, who will be ill soon after birth, or the woman herself will lose her great health. A monthly nurse symbolizes health, security, happiness.

Dreaming you Bee a pit full of fair water in a field, where there i3 none at all, is a good dream; for he who dreams this is a thriving man and will suddenly be married, if he be not so already, and will have good and obedient children. To dream you see a pit whose water overflows the banks, implies loss of substance, or the death of wife and children; and if the wife have the same dream, it shows her death or the loss of her substance. To dream you see a friend fall into a pit, shows that such a person is then near his end; and if it be a parent, aunt or child, that you dream falls, expect to see the death of such a relation very suddenly.

(Ascent | Creation | Fountainhead | Season) In a dream, a spring represents money, a child who may die young, a short lived marriage, acquiring an important job that does not last, or a fast disappearing happiness. (Also see Fountainhead)

If you dream about the balloons, then such dream represents the new beginning for love, friendships. The balloon could also represent the inner child that lies within your personality. The exploded balloon is an omen of broken hopes.

…(Insubordination) Disobedience to God’s commands in a dream means insubordination or indulging in sin. If one denies his act to be a sin in the dream, then such disobedience signifies that he will suffer from a severe punishment for his arrogance. (Also see Recalcitrant child)…

The Easter eggs indicate the celebration of Easter. If you are dying the Easter eggs during the dream, it shows your creative side and the fact that you are waiting for this celebration. If you are looking for Easter eggs that are hidden somewhere, it is interpreted as the childish side of you and good memories you have from your past. Perhaps you enjoyed being the child where no responsibilities were given to you.

…Dreaming that your child has the croup, denotes slight illness, but useless fear for its safety. This is generally a good omen of health and domestic harmony….

…(Jester | Music) In a dream, a piper represents someone who is longing for something, or who is anxious to say or do something, or he could denote vain talk. A wedding piper in a dream represents festivities. The court piper in a dream represents an army going to war. A piper in a dream also represents an obituarist, an announcer of a murder, someone who exposes an adulterer, or one who uncovers a secret prostitution ring and exposes it leaders. A piper in a dream also may denote one’s anus. An unknown piper in a dream means suffering from a venereal disease. A piper in a dream also could represent a mourner, a good mother, or perhaps a bad mother who is bereaved of her child….

…people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering from a nervous breakdown, or giving birth to a child after completing a full pregnancy, or it could mean marrying a woman after she had observed her Iddah of either the passing of her husband or divorce (See Iddah), or it could represent clean money, or earnings which are purified through paying the due alms and charities, or it could mean knowledge that is free from innovation, doubt or suspicion, or a final guidance after which there is no heedlessness. Purified honey in a dream also means hard earned money, a medicine, or the embrace and kisses of lovers. Licking honey in a dream means getting married. Eating bread and butter with honey in a dream means living a rich life. (Also see Lick | Love)…

…a newborn and distrib- uting an equal measure in gold or silver in charity for his benefit.) The offering of an ‘Aq’iqah ceremony in a dream represents glad tidings, the arrival of a long awaited person, recovering from an illness, or the release of a prisoner. Partici– pating in the sacrament of the ‘Aq’iqah rites in a dream also could represent a growing faith and certitude, and emulating the blessed traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. If the sacrifice presented in one’s dream on that day is a permissible one and if one fulfills all the necessary rituals in his dream, then it denotes his praiseworthy character and the success of his endeavors. If one offers a non-permissible sacrifice in his dream and presents it to people to eat from, then his dream represents a recalcitrant child, or a rebellious son. (Also see ‘Aq’iq canyons | Carnelian-red)…