To watch your fingers indicates a financial gain or a salary increase. To see five more fingers states there will be new sentimental concerns. To see an injured finger indicates strong discussions of all kinds. To see your toes in a dream indicates that you manage life with a lot of tolerance and balance. On the other hand, toes may represent some minor details to you. Dreaming that your toes are growing indicates an extension of your desires. Dreaming that you lose a toe means anxiety to overtake something. Dream that someone is kissing your toe indicates that the problems will calm.
Dream dictionary: i dreamt while kissing my wife and i turned out bi dream meanings
…Dreaming of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings. An ugly forehead, denotes displeasure in your private affairs. To pass your hand over the forehead of your child, indicates sincere praises from friends, because of some talent and goodness displayed by your children. For a young woman Dreaming of kissing the forehead of her lover, signifies that he will be displeased with her for gaining notice by indiscreet conduct….
If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.
…Dreaming that your sweetheart is affable and of pleasing physique, foretells that you will woo a woman who will prove a joy to your pride and will bring you a good inheritance. If she appears otherwise, you will be discontented with your choice before the marriage vows are consummated. Dreaming of her as being sick or in distress, denotes that sadness will be intermixed with joy. If you dream that your sweetheart is a corpse, you will have a long period of doubt and unfavorable fortune. See Lover, Hugging, and Kissing….
…To dream that your hands or your clothing are stained symbolizes a warning that quarrels, anger and misunderstandings will arise among the family, due to inconsequential reasons. To dream that others have their hands stained indicates that you’ll suffer unjustified accusations and insults. To dream that you’re washing your hands suggests that the dreamer wishes to join cheerful and festive groups, but does not know how. When a woman dreams that she is admiring her own hands, it symbolizes that she wants to attract the attention of a man. When a woman dreams that she’s admiring the hands of others, it symbolizes envy and also indicates that she will suffer the jealousy of a man. When a woman dreams that a man is squeezing her hand, it suggests that she is in risk of committing a wrongdoing or something illegal. If a woman dreams that other people are kissing…
To dream of kissing the hands of someone, friendship, good fortune. To kiss the face, rashness followed by success. To kiss the feet, humility.
…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…
…kissing a corpse indicates that the dreamer is about to say goodbye to something that he loves very much. This dream is about definite loss, but also about the beginning of a new form of life. Dreaming that offensive objects are placed on a corpse, for example money, especially on the face, mouth or eyes, indicates that some dishonest people will approach you, and you will mistakenly trust them while they would try to scam you, leaving you with little chances of recovering what was lost. If you hesitate to put these objects on the body, it indicates that either you wont be fooled, or that youll manage to take back some of the things they took away from you. When you identify the corpse as member of your family in the dream, it suggests that death may be near that person or other close relative. Seeing a corpse dressed…
To have interaction or to encounter or to see a horseshoe, when you are dreaming stands as a symbol and sign for luck and success in your ambitions and aspirations. It may also indicate a wedding or some special relationship in the near future. If the horseshoe is turned downward, then it has the opposite meaning and is considered unlucky. All the energy that you are putting into a task, project, plan, or scheme may not be worthwhile.
…When a woman dreams about her oven, which is turned on and is actually very hot, and that she is baking bread or cooking meat, it suggests that she enjoys the sincere affection of her family members and the sympathy of her friends. To dream that what you’re baking burns is a warning that soon youll experience problems at home. If the oven is broken or cracked, it indicates that soon you’ll be subject to humiliations, slander, etc….
…horse, with intensely evil eyes, gazing up at her. Greatly terrified, she turned to run downstairs to see that all the gates were shut, when, to her horror, the horse stalked into the room and rushed savagely at her. She then awoke, and was too frightened to sleep again till the morning.Another curious dream befell a gentleman I met in Liverpool. Shortly before his house caught on fire and was all but burned to the ground, he dreamed he was cycling along a hot and dry country road, when a chestnut horse appeared upon the scene, and commenced to plunge and shy immediately in front of him. Much alarmed, he got off his bicycle, and was preparing to seek the shelter of a garden he now observed for the first time; close at hand, when the horse rushed at him, and, seizing him viciously by the back, threw him on…
To dream of a fox, you will have an acquaintance that will prove very artful. He or she will pry into your secret circumstances, and play the hypocrite so well, that, in the end you will be turned out of your dwelling by the force of knavery. The fox never burrows, but gains one from the badger, then beware.
…yourself from or relationships you are tired of. The dream in which you see yourself drinking from the glass is a good dream, because it brings luck. If you look through the glass, then such dream points the openness you have while dealing with those around you. On the other hand, the dream could show the invisible wall you put between you and others. If you ate the glass in a dream, then such dream shows your apprehension, powerlessness and helplessness. You do not find the way to express your feelings and emotions. On the other hand, eating the glass in a dream could show the times of your life where you felt destroyed and turned away by others. The dream could also suggest you to be more aware the way you talk to others. There is a possibility that you are hurting others with your opinion and words….
…(Anger | Pulmonary | Soul | Woman) In a dream, lungs represent the abode of the soul. Damaged or decaying lungs in a dream represent the nearing of one’s death. If one sees his lungs turned black in a dream, it means cessation of his business or source of his livelihood. Healthy lungs in a dream represent longevity. Lungs in a dream also represent one’s wife, anger, or one’s composure. (Also see Body’)…
…wise men of a land, means increase in one’s wisdom. To see the preachers of a town in a dream means spiritual growth and increase in one’s happiness. To see the righteous dwellers of a land and God’s trustees therein in a dream means increase in one’s devotion. If one sees past companions alive in a dream, it means prosperity, justice and economic growth for the inhabitants, coming from a God-fearing leadership. If one sees himself resur- recting one of the companions, their followers or successors in a dream, it means that he will revive his practices and traditions. If one sees himself turned into one of the known righteous companion or followers of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace in a dream, it means trials in one’s life to equal the exalted station of such blessed beings, though the end is praiseworthy. (Also see Righteous people | Scholars)…
…Dreaming that anyone has acted the hypocrite with you, you will be turned over to your enemies by false friends. Dreaming that you are a hypocrite, denotes that you will prove yourself a deceiver and be false to friends….
…in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. If a person sees himself climbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and if he qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government. The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. If the person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation. If climbing the mountain is easy, then there…
…(Teenage boy) An unknown young man in a dream represents an enemy. If the young man is known in the dream, then whatever strength, harshness, weaknesses, deceit, perfidy, or character he displays, they denote the same character in wakefulness. Walking behind an unknown young man in a dream means pursuing one’s enemy and conquering him. If one meets an unknown young man whom he dislikes in a dream, it means that such an enemy will surface and people will abhor him. If one happens to like him in the dream, then it means that he will face an enemy whom most people like and sympathize with. If a young man sees himself turned into an old person in a dream, it means that he will suffer major losses in his life. A young man or a teenager in a dream mostly represents an enemy, for a teenager rarely respects…
…To dream about lamps, lanterns or any handheld device that serves to illuminate your way as you walk, suggests that you always keep an eye on your own affairs, which will benefit you at the end. To dream that you’re lighting a lamp suggests a successful start. To dream about a lighting object, but that its turned off, suggests that youre experiencing mental confusion and that you don’t know which way to go, but if the light is dim, it suggests that you’re about to loose everything you’ve desired and so must work hard to avoid this and fix any errors. To dream that you’re holding a lamp in your hands and it falls to the ground, and even worse, it’s destroyed, suggests a serious risk of failure. On the other hand, if the lamp’s intensity increases, it indicates certain success in the immediate future. To dream that you’re…
Dreaming that we cook with gas or we use it as light, it is a sign that everything will be fine. If the gas is turned off, it is that we will not realize our projects due to lack of preparation. If there is a leak or an explosion occurs is a warning for us to review our plans because we are threatened with disaster.
It symbolizes external help that can be beneficial in the search for solutions to your concerns. If the lamps are turned off during the dream, then it can indicate that you are losing arguments or failing in certain attempts.
…from an illness, attaining one’s goals, or perhaps he may become a true servant of God Almighty, who commands good and forbids evil, establishes regular prayers, pays his charities and fears wrongdoing. Being a slave in a dream also means distress. Being sold in a dream also means worries, unless if the buyer is a woman, then it means that he will be honored and well treated. His value and comfort then will depend on the price he is sold for in the dream. If an unmarried woman is sold as a slave in a dream, it means that she will marry the one who bought her. If a man sells his wife in a dream, it means that he will divorce her. If one is captured and turned into a slave by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will learn something about humiliation and submissiveness….
…Lions in dreams portend marriages; success of all kinds, viz.: in love, work, and sport; and unexpected journeys.Prior to a voyage to the West Indies, planned on the spur of the moment, a lady once told me she dreamed she was crossing the road opposite the house when, on glancing up, she perceived, to her terror, the face of a lion glaring down at her from the nursery window. In an agony of fear for her children’s safety, she turned to seek the aid of a man with a gun, when, with a tremendous roar, the Hon leaped down and dashed after her a proceeding which awoke her.I recollect, too, dreaming I was eaten by a lion, shortly before I made up my mind to go to Oregon, in the summer of 1894….
…Stags in dreams indicate a change in one’s life, as, for instance, prior to deciding to migrate as a farmer to Canada, a bank clerk dreamed he was walking through a park, when a beautifully marked stag came bounding up, to him, and lifting him up with its antlers, in such a manner as to cause him no inconvenience, whirled him away o’er bank and brae, till it finally arrived on the margin of a silvery sea, where it turned into a yacht and swiftly sailed away.Another stag-dream someone told me was to the effect that a man, before changing from a parson to an actor, dreamed a white stag appeared by his bedside, and, picking him up in its mouth, sank through the floor into a cabbage-field, where it engaged in a deadly combat with another stag, and, after running the latter through with its horns, was advancing…
…(Thigh | Limb) In a dream, one’s legs represent longevity, old age, or his source of income. If one sees his legs turned into iron in a dream, it means that he will live a long life. If they turn into glass in the dream, it means that he will die shortly. If he sees his legs crossed in a dream, it means that he has neared the term of his live, or that he is going to face a major challenge in his life, or that he is a liar. If one sees the thighs of a woman he recognizes in the dream, it means that he will marry that woman or a friend of hers. Hairy legs in a dream mean debts, or that one may die in a prison. If one sees his leg twisted in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. Legs…
…or gener- osity. The narrowness of one’s chest in a dream represents heedlessness, or it could mean going astray, loss of money, or one’s stinginess. If one sees his chest turned into a stone in a dream, it means that he is a hard hearted person. However, a broad chest in a dream also could signify being unjust. The chest in a dream also represents the house of worries and anxieties. Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it. If a man sees himself having a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal. (Also see Body’)…
…For a person Dreaming that he holds office, denotes that his aspirations will sometimes make him undertake dangerous paths, but his boldness will be rewarded with success. If he fails by any means to secure a desired office he will suffer keen disappointment in his affairs. Dreaming that you are turned out of office, signifies loss of valuables….
…(Helper | Loins | Offspring | Spinal column) In a dream, one’s backbone represents man’s helper or his right hand man. If one has a strong backbone in a dream, it represents his sedate manners, calm and serious composure. Whether one’s backbone is weak or strong in the dream, it could also represent his son. If one finds his backbone strong in the dream, it means that he will develop wisdom or beget a son who will grow strong and become a just person. Perhaps one’s backbone could be interpreted to mean crucifixion, or it could mean marriage to a virgin. If one sees a tree growing from his backbone in a dream, it means an illness. If a sick person sees his backbone turned into iron in a dream, it means recovering from his illness. (Also see Back)…
…Seeing a drum in a dream means false news. Dancing on the drumbeat in a dream means that a calamity will befall that house. If one sees himself turned into a drum in a dream, it means that he is experiencing confused dreams. A one sided tambourine represents a woman with many faults. Women’s drums in a dream mean a wild business, an esoteric commerce, selling gadgets, hideous- ness, or a stingy woman with many enemies. Hearing the sound of drums in a parade in a dream means false news. Hearing the drumbeat of an auctioneer’s drum, a herald, or a harbinger in dream means death. It is also said that hearing the drumbeat of a procession represents someone who is grateful to his Lord under all circumstances. The sound of pilgrims’ drums in a dream represents a wise man and a spiritual guide. (Also see Drummer | Tambourine)…
If you dream that you are turned out of the office it means that you will die or lose all property. This is a very bad dream for all people.
…let perform fully. When you dream of being surrounded by many eyes, then it shows your fear of being seen or noticed. Perhaps you think that others getting in your private life in order to realize and know intimate details. If your eyes have turned inside your head and you were able to see your own head and brains, then such dream symbolizes the insight you have gained. You have the ability to see deeper into yourself including your feelings and emotions. This kind of dream also suggests believing yourself and trusting the instincts that you have about some situation. If you have got only one eye, then such dream indicates the how you do not see more than one point of view. If you have got a third eye in a dream, then such dream indicates the wisdom you have achieved. The dream suggests to trust your intuition when…
The corner is a symbol of necessity to put less pressure to yourself. If you turned to the corner, then you will find out something new which will be surprisingly pleasant.
…To dream of joining a society of this order foretells sickness and distress: if you are already an Odd Fellow, and dream of strife in the Lodge, and that you are in danger of being turned out, it is a sign that you will attain a higher station in life by riches or honours. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….
When you see the hourglass in a dream, then it shows that the time is ticking about some matter. You feel that there is not enough time for something to finish. The hourglass could also indicate some situation that has been turned completely upside down.
To dream that one is beheaded, and that the head is separated from the body, denotes liberty to prisoners, health to the sick, comfort to those in distress; to creditors, payment of debts. To parents, good fortune, and that their cares and fears will be turned into joy and confidence in their children. If one dreams that a person of his acquaintance beheads him, he will share with him in his pleasures and honours. If anyone dreams that a young child, who has not yet attained the age of his youth, hath cut off his head, if the dreamer be sick, he will not live long; if in health, he will get honour. Also see the meaning of Head.
To dream that you turned the light on means that youve got a new idea or you finally realized something you havent been able to do it before.
Symbolizes the unquenchable desire to live, use all of your features without any consequences. If we see a vampire, then we must be aware that there are people who consciously or unconsciously are able to absorb our energy to their advantage. If we are attacked by a vampire, then such dream warns us that there is someone who wants to use the advantage of our energy and also our money or our sexuality. If we dream of us turned into vampires, then it reveals the danger that we let ourselves be carried away by our appetites increasingly vital and impossible to appease hunger and becoming a threat for us and for others.
…greatly confused, it whirled round and round at a tremendous rate until it tied itself up in a hopeless knot.” If that isn’t a misfortune, I don’t know what it is!” whistled the boy. ” Have some honey?””But how am I to get it?” I enquired.” I can’t cut you open!””If you were not quite so big,” he said,” I should suggest you let yourself down into my inside by your tail, but alas! Its your size that’s in the way. And, after all, honey may not be good for you!”That is because you want it all for yourself, I cried, trying in vain to stop dancing, and all but tripping over my partner, who had the most irritating knack of flapping between my legs, “Life is full of gluttons,” whistled the boy. ”I’m one, you’re one, and so is your partner,” and, leaving off whistling, he turned very pale…
…shadows from the great, gaunt trees that stole out one by one to look at me. At length I came to an opening in the wood, in the centre of which was a fountain; and standing by it, with his back to me, I saw the figure of a man in a tight-fitting suit of Lincoln green, his head covered with a hood, a quiver full of arrows at his side, and a bow in his right hand. At the sight of him my heart leaped into my mouth, for I guessed, at once, he was the huntsman of whom I had so emphatically been told to beware. Had I not been prevented by one of those spells so common in dreams, I should have turned back, but try how I would I could not stir from the spot, and I had no choice other than to stand there, sick…
When you see yourself riding a landau in a dream, then such dream promises joy and satisfaction you will receive from the certain person in your life. If the landau turned over, then such dream indicates the finish of the pleasure in your life.