Unfaithfulness, dishonesty.

Happiness, prosperity in future life.

Bad success.

Death in the family. 7.

Getting into bad reputation. 17.

Coming out of danger.

Luck with one’s children. 55….

Coming to want and poverty.

Great sickness. 148.

Getting hurt. 154.

Mourning and sadness.


…nasty “turns” by enemies, failures in work.I have often dreamed about fish. I remember once having a very vivid dream about a shark.I fancied I was bathing in a fresh-water pool close to the house where I was staying, when, to my surprise and horror, I suddenly saw the fin of a shark bearing straight down on me. I shouted for help, and the next moment found myself falling down a well with the shark, an enormous white shark, in full pursuit of me. On arriving at the bottom, I was abruptly transferred to the drawing-room of a house I had not visited or thought of for at least twenty years, when the first thing I saw on the tea-table, its baleful eyes fixed on mine with a malicious grin, was the head of the shark.I awoke in fear and trembling — as indeed I might after such a startling…

To dream that you have a facelift means that you are in the hunt for a new appearance. Maybe your old selfidentity is not useful anymore. Are you seeking for new selfimage? Maybe you have something to hide. Furthermore, you may have experienced huge growth in the levels of your self-assurance and self-confidence. Alternatively, dream about a facelift symbolizes narcissism, egoism and your concerns about your exteriors side rather than what is inside you. Maybe you are not advanced spiritually.

…now no longer strange to her, and she found herself turning first to the right and then to the left in the most familiar and natural manner possible, until she came to 119th Street, where her anxious eyes immediately travelled to the house she imagined was her own. It was a mass of flames, and at one of the windows she saw the white and agonised faces of her husband and children.With the fury of a tigress she beat and pushed her way through the dense crowd of fugitives, whom she besought — but besought in vain — to assist her in the rescue of her family. Eventually she arrived opposite her house. Her husband and youngest child were still at the window clawing frantically at the iron bars, through which neither of them could crawl, and as soon as they saw her they yelled and grinned, and thrust out…

If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

If you dream of a corpse, a death, or a funeral, you will hear of a birth, engagement, or marriage; but not necessarily in connection with the person you dream about. Occasionally, however, the dream is literally verified and the person dreamed about dies. I recollect dreaming I went into the dining-room of a house in which I was staying, and saw on the table a coffin. Horrified out of my senses at so ghastly a spectacle, I would have fled at once, had I not been compelled by an irresistible curiosity to go up to the coffin and peer in. My terror then was inconceivable, for the body I saw was that of my host, his face marred with all the horrible disfigurements of advanced decomposition. But the climax of horror was not yet reached, for, as I gazed, the corpse slowly opened its eyes, and, with a…

If one saw himself standing, then such dream indicates the self confidence the one has. The standing is also interpreted as the symbol of self-trust and high standards the one has made for him.

…Dreaming that a police gets near in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows he or she is innocent of any guilt, signifies that someone is betraying the dreamer, and putting his honor and property at risk. In case that the dreamer actually feels guilty of wrongdoing, then the dream is a warning or self-criticism due to the behavior that the dreamer has in daily life, which must be corrected. Dreaming of a policeman threatening to arrest you or that he hypocritically approaches you could mean that fake friends are trying to defraud the dreamer. It also indicates that the dreamer desires to improve, but hasn’t achieved it due to lack of preparation or necessary ability. Dreaming of calling a policeman insinuates insecurity in one-self. Dreaming of being watched by a policeman insinuates that there are mistakes being made that could become serious and dangerous. Dreaming of an energetic…

…To dream that you’re attending a funeral and burial of a very dear person or a family member suggests that in your family everything is doing great and that soon there will be a wedding. In some cases this dream reveals that the dreamer deeply desires for someone to die. If it rains during the funeral, it suggests tears, in which case something bad is expected to happen, such as an illness, a terrible business or an unfortunate accident. Dreaming about an epitaph suggests up coming bad news, or at least a very unpleasant notice. To dream that you’re standing alone in front of a tomb reading an epitaph announces an up coming disease. To dream that you’re writing an epitaph indicates loss of a friend for which you have great esteem. To dream about your own burial sometimes implies that in real life you’re giving much self-gratification, self-tolerance,…

…likely to meet with and give displeasure. She will quarrel with her dearest friends. Sickness sometimes follows dreams of old negroes. To see one nude, abject despair, and failure to cope with treachery may follow. Enemies will work you signal harm, and bad news from the absent may be expected. To meet with a trusty negro in a place where he ought not to be, foretells you will be deceived by some person in whom you placed great confidence. You are likely to be much exasperated over the conduct of a servant or some person under your orders. Delays and vexations may follow. To think that you are preaching to negroes is a warning to protect your interest, as false friends are dealing surreptitiously with you. To hear a negro preaching denotes you will be greatly worried over material matters and servants are giving cause for uneasiness. See Mulatto….

…and then boarding her craft and rubbing their noses caressingly against her; and, a day or two later, she received a quite unexpected invitation to accompany a friend on a yachting voyage to the Baltic. And now for my own experience. The night before my husband presented me with a magnificent sealskin coat, when I all but collapsed with astonishment, I dreamed that a big black cat was sitting on a chest of drawers in my room, and that directly it saw me, it leaped into the middle of the room and sank through the floor.”A striking example of the cat-dream that is invariably, with some people, followed by misfortune, occurred to a lady I met in Llandudno. “Shortly before my father lost most of his money in a big bank smash,” she said, “I dreamed I saw a tortoiseshell cat on the mantelshelf. And again a day or two…

…are grimmer stories in connection with Pomeranians. One man I met told me that he once dreamed he saw his little boy worried to death in the most horrible manner by a Pomeranian dog, and that, on the following evening, his house was broken into by burglars.Another person — if I remember rightly, an Anglo-Indian doctor — once told me that he dreamed he was alone in a very gloomy church, and that a gigantic man in a black surplice suddenly appeared in the pulpit, and, after making the most hideous faces was transformed into a monstrous Pomeranian dog. What happened then the dreamer could not recollect, but he thinks it must have been something very alarming, as he was bathed in perspiration when he literally awoke to the fact that his bed was gently rising beneath him. Unable to determine whether he was still dreaming, he gave himself a…

The dream, in which you saw a snake, represents hidden sexual desires the one has. Maybe you have suppressed wishes, which were not fulfilled completely. The snake is also a symbol of secrets and dangerous unknown places or people. Maybe there is a person around you who acts like a snake – keeps the distant from you, but can bite very deeply and poisonous. Consider that the dream in which you saw a snake could show the features of you such as the negative one and positive ones, for example your ability to be quite. If you caught the snake, it shows that you are very powerful and able to sonfront whatever the situation.

…Dreams about pigs are decidedly unlucky, and mean anything from slight accidents to downright calamities.One lady, prior to her youngest child falling down a well and nearly being drowned, dreamed she saw him riding up and down the front lawn on a big white pig, which eyed her with an expression of fiendish malignancy; whilst someone else, shortly before he lost all his money in a brewery, dreamed that he saw a herd of white pigs outside his front door, pawing the ground and uttering the most piteous cries….

…Snake-dreams are unlucky, and signify injuries by enemies, scandal, unkind gossip, and falseness on the part of those who have hitherto posed as friends.From among the many snake-dreams I have heard and recollect, I select the following, as examples.A lady, who had formed a great friendship with a woman with a peculiar cast in her eyes (a disfigurement which, in my opinion, frequently points to deceit), once dreamed she was walking in her garden, when out of a rose glided an enormous green snake. Greatly alarmed, she was on the verge of running away to solicit help to kill the brute, when she saw, to her amazement, that it had human eyes, and, on bending down to examine it more closely, she found herself looking into the countenance of her woman friend. Hair, features and complexion were exactly similar, but the expression was different: it was an expression of…

…treachery on the part of a friend; act of ingratitude and jealousy.White, deaths.Examples, A lady who is intensely psychic, prior to the death of her husband dreamed the bedroom suddenly became black, and that a huge black lobster slowly descended from the ceiling and settled on her. Another lady, whom I have met in literary circles, shortly before her first manuscript was accepted, dreamed that on all the fingers of her right hand she saw rings set with enormous emeralds, and that the sky, stars, and moon were all of the brightest and most vivid green. Prior to going on a quite unexpected trip to America, a man I met dreamed a red pocket handkerchief fluttered through the air and fell on his lap, and when he put out his hand to pick it up, each of his knuckles emitted a lurid scarlet glow. Lastly, prior to a piece of…

…To dream one is drowning presages trouble, either domestic or financial, for the dreamer. To see someone else drowning portends misfortune, either from accidents (sometimes drowning, as actually seen in the vision), illness, or loss of money, but not always for the drowning person. This dream, I find, is a very common one. I have often seen in dreams friends of mine struggling desperately in some deep pool or river. Frantically I have plunged in to their rescue, but always too late, and, on sinking down, down, down, have at length come in contact with their cold, clammy corpses. Quite recently I dreamed I saw a near and dear friend fall shrieking into a seething, hissing pool of muddy water. In an agony of mind I tried to go to his rescue, but was held back by one of those cruel, invisible forces that ever haunt dreams. Desperately I

…with the honey! Besides, see the amount of labour it saves!” and with that he started whistling. I cannot recollect the air, but it must have been something very infectious, for much as I hate dancing I took off my coat, and holding it straight in front of me commenced to waltz. “And why not your trousers, too?” whistled the boy,” you don’t want them. You are only a monkey” I looked down, and the first thing I saw was my tail, that sat up on end and laughed at me. “Well, really, things have come to a fine point!” I exclaimed, “The lower orders making fun of the upper in this fashion! What next shall we hear!” “You can’t do two things at once,” sneered the tail, “you can’t dance and scold me. Either you must go on dancing and leave me behind or — or” and, suddenly becoming…

…found myself being whirled along at a terrific pace — up, down, dash, smash, through pebbles and puddles, on and on I flew, and I saw all around me thousands of other boots and shoes, all propelled by gigantic, never-tiring Suffragettes, who covered the ground with prodigious, elephantine bounds. This terrible punishment went on for days and nights, till I at length grew so thin that there was scarcely anything left of me. Sometimes I was baked, sometimes drowned, whilst, at all times, my inside and outside were torn and mangled.Then, to my immeasurable joy, I was kicked off, and for some brief moments enjoyed perfect rest.From this happy state I was abruptly awakened, to find myself sitting bound and gagged in a high- backed chair. Bending over me was a very tall and slender dentist with a big, round, babyish face and happy, innocent smile. In one hand he…

When the dreamer sees a trunk in his dream, then such dream symbolizes the past, old thoughts, undiscovered paths. Perhaps the dream shows the troubles that have not been solved in the past. If you saw the trunk of the vehicle, then such dream promises you the joyful trip you are going to have. If the dreamer saw the trunk of the tree, then such dream could represents the strong personality he has, but only when the trunk is firm and hard. On the negative note, the dream shows your weaknesses, but only if the trunk of the tree is lean and petty.

In dreams, the saw and the hand saw are symbols of a desire to end in a radical and definitive manner of situation or conflict, which in most of the cases comes from your family, work or business. Depending on what you cut in the dream, is an indication of what the problem is, or the aspects of the situation that we must resolve once and for all. This dream tends to indicate that there’s an idea usually that worries us intensely, but we shouldn’t worry too much about it, because the solution will show itself.

In dreams, the saw and the hand saw are symbols of a desire to end in a radical and definitive manner a situation or conflict, which in most of the cases comes from your family, work or business. Depending on what you cut in the dream, is an indication of what the problem is, or the aspects of the situation that we must resolve once and for all. This dream tends to indicate that there’s an idea which usually worry us intensely, but we shouldn’t worry too much about it, because the solution will show itself.

The dream, in which you saw yourself signing the contract denotes to the preparation for some important decision in your waking life. Perhaps you are ready to take some commitment. Maybe there is a certain person you are ready to grow together or you are going to make an important project that will have magnificent changes in your life. If you saw yourself signing the contract that doesn’t make you feel happy or have the gut about doing it wrong, then it means that unconscious mind of yours is sending a signal to think twice before making any commitments to the person or situation.

…– “You have not seen him.” Asim Bin Kulayb once said – “I related to Ibn Abbas, God bless his soul and that of his father, that I saw God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Ibn Abbas replied – “Describe him to me.” Asim Bin Kulayb added – “I described him as resembling Al-Hassan son of ‘Ali, upon both of them be peace.” Ibn Abbas replied – “Indeed you have seen him.” Ibn ‘Arabi once explained that the essence of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said – “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means – ‘Expounding upon what…

If you saw the cheerleader in a dream, then it could indicate unfulfilled wishes and memories from the high school. The dream could also show your viewpoint towards the others. Perhaps you do not appreciate other people. If you were the cheerleader in a dream it could show the self-trust and confidence you have. There is a possibility that you should do some exercises if you want to achieve the great results….

…Dreaming that you have and enjoy from an enormous wealth, can mean that you live a difficult life so you must put all of your effort and energy, and maximize your abilities to get to achieve the things you saw in the dream. Dreaming of being wealthy too often may mean that what you have, be little or a lot, doesn’t satisfy you and there is a risk of you losing it. This is a warning so you don’t enter in risky business. Dreaming of others enjoying their wealth suggests that some wealthy friends of yours will help in difficult times. Dreaming that you’re rich but that you suddenly lose everything usually means that you will surprisingly receive some economic benefits (by winning the lottery, for example). Dreaming of greedily accumulating wealth suggests that you aspire to engage in uncertain adventures that are likely to more or less make…

…(Cage | Clothing | House | Luck | Robe) In a dream, dwellings are man’s abode or his world. One’s dwellings in a dream are a reflection of his deeds in wakefulness. If one finds himself in a newly built house which is freshly painted and has all the needed amenities and comforts in a dream, it means prosperity. If he is a poor person, then it means that he will meet his financial obligations with ease. If he is under stress, it means that he will become free from such burdens. If he is a craftsman, it means that he will master his craft or acquire authority equal in dominance to the beauty and perfection, size and details of such a dwelling he saw in the dream. If he is in sin, it means that he will repent. The spaciousness or tightness of one’s dwellings in a dream…

When you see underwear in a dream, then it indicates the shame you are suffering from. Perhaps there is something you did, therefore you feel the guilt about it. On the other hand, the dream about underwear could show the things you wish to keep to yourself and do not show the others. If you feel shy while showing of your underwear, then it signifies the things you are afraid to open up about. If you saw the other person being only in his underwear, then it means you see the actual face of that person. When the dreamer sees the unclean and dirty underwear, then it indicates the lack of self-confidence. Maybe the dreamer feels unattractive and not sexy. To get the better interpretation of the dream, please check the meaning of Panties.

If you dream of being in a bedroom, it symbolizes your personal and hidden sides of your inner-self. The main explanation of the dream shows your sexual desires. The bedroom is a very private place in everyone’s life, in that case you should consider into more particular objects in your dream you saw: bed or the color of the bedroom. These objects would give you much more of a clue about your dream. The colors, the size of the room or the mood you were surrounded by in dream could explain you much more about exact meaning of this dream….