Dreaming that you’re being helped by someone indicates that family and friends are willing to provide the help that you require. Dreaming of helping someone suggests that in reality, that help is being received somehow by the dreamer himself. Dreaming of receiving compassionate help to achieve success and self-glorification in the social and economic areas of life indicates a failure that will make you suffer. Dreaming of helping others indicates that benefits will be received soon. Dreaming of friends or close people in situations of ordinary life, in which you could help them, indicates envy of other’s people success.

…dreamer. Dreaming of the dentist extracting the dreamer’s teeth symbolizes bad news and losses, for example, that the dreamer’s enemies await the opportunity to hurt him or her somehow. Dreaming that the dentist fixes the dreamer’s cavities suggests that soon the dreamer will recover affections or missing valuables. Dreaming of the dentist cleaning your own teeth and yet they remained dirty, and with cavities, etc., indicates that even if you think that your affairs are going well, they are actually not, and this misinterpretation represents a serious danger. Dreaming of dentures suggests that very soon, serious and difficult problems that cannot be ignored nor neglected will arrive. Dreaming of dog teeth is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and good friendships, including love. Dreaming of lion or tiger teeth insinuates that the dreamer has full physical, mental and psychological self-control, allowing the dreamer to quickly achieve any goals in life….

…This dream is favorable if you see happy and bright faces, but significant of trouble if they are disfigured, ugly, or frowning on you. To a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers’ quarrels | or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations. To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you. Dreaming of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness | and to the married, threats of divorce will be made. To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends….

Filled with confidence, self-esteem.

…When a woman is looking through a glass in her dream, at several men who aren’t her husband or lover, it suggest that her behavior isn’t very honest which will lead to disrepute. Dreaming of oneself looking through a crystal, usually means that bad times and loss of hope are coming. To dream that there’s another face next to yourself in a glass or mirror, suggests that the dreamer is leading a double life, which will lead him to trouble. Dreaming of smashing glasses, for example doors or windows, may suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to…

…the uterus. The cup could also indicate rebirth and curing. The cup is also a symbol of the new way in getting on the higher level of the conscious mind. Consider if the cup is full, half full or empty, because it would give much more of the clue about your dream. The cup that is full, shows your positive attitude towards life. If you see the cup that is half full, then it shows your views are being in harmony, which shows that sometimes you feel bad sometimes good depending on circumstances. The cup that is empty indicates the negative attitude towards the life. Alternatively, the dream shows that you take life seriously. If the handle of the cup is broken, then it shows the situation in your life you are unable to handle. If the cup is broken, then it means you are suffering from low self-trust….

Dreaming of witnessing a cruelty act towards a defenseless person, especially if it’s a child indicates that the dreamer knows others problems that somehow affect the dreamer. Dreaming of committing cruelty on someone is a self-reproach for the misbehavior that the dreamer is having, which will bring trouble.

Dreaming of suffering from disgrace because of other people, especially when it comes to teenagers, suggests fear of hopes and dreams. Dreaming of being in disgrace because of your own fault is self-reproach to your own misconduct.

The ghosts in a dream represents the aspects of your inner self that are unknown even to yourself. Sometimes ghosts indicates the things that are no longer important to us, but we remember them from time to time. If someone has suddenly passed away, then it means you are thinking about those people in different way. It is very common and normal dream. The ghosts could also show the fears we have of unknown situations or something else.

…Seeing or eating sweets in a dream indicates one’s sincerity in his religious attendance, release of a prisoner, arrival of a traveller, recovery of a sick person, marriage of an unwed person, guidance, repentance, learning the Qur’an, buying new clothing for one’s children, having a loyal servant, or earning blessed monies. Seasonal sweets in a dream represent witnessing an annual festival, or the reinstatement of a just ruler. To feel saturated with sweets in a dream means self-conceit, lies, or it could mean extollment, or speaking nice words. Eating sweets in a dream also means suffering from cold symptoms. Though, eating fermented sweets or preserves in a dream may represent a cure. If a sweet is made from the basic four ingredients (i.e., honey, sugar, flour and manna or dates, or other fillings) in a dream, it means happiness, longevity, or escaping from the consequences of a dangerous busi-…

When you dream of providing assistance to someone, it means that there is someone who is looking for help and you are the one who should help him. If you see yourself receiving an assistance, it means that you need a hand from someone in particular situation. This dream is a sign how fragile and hesitant you are. Maybe there are areas in your life that can be changed and you could become more self confident person.

…of values. Dreaming of putting a crown of any kind on another person indicates self-humiliation or inferiority complex. Dreaming of speaking as king or queen and having a crown placed on your head indicates that there are strong desires to soar in politics, or at least the desire to enter into social relationships at a very high level. Dreaming about being a spectator during a coronation, especially in the case of a king or queen, indicates that you want to relate to high society personalities. When a woman dreams of herself as a participant in a coronation, it doesn’t have to be a king’s coronation, but simply during a festivity, it indicates that soon she will be favored in some way by the intervention of important personalities. However, if during the coronation unpleasant acts occur, that means that the same will happen to the dreamer in the near future….

If you are hemorrhaging in a dream, then it shows the shortage of excitement for life, lost belief in yourself and the lack of self-trust. Consider to pay attention from which part of the body you were hemorrhaging, as it would tell much more about your dream and the meaning of it. To get more detailed explanation of your dream, please see the meaning of Blood.

Dreaming of being in a market warns that the dreamer needs to monitor any affairs that he or she might have. Dreaming of an empty market implies that the dreamer’s own issues are not going well and that they will continue to get worse. Dreaming of a market where vegetables are wilted and on sale, indicates that there is negligence coming from the dreamer and that there are opportunities for selfimprovement that are being lost.

If you heard the symphony in a dream, it symbolizes the peaceful state of your inner self. Perhaps you feel the total tranquility and spiritual rise which makes you feel completely full both physically and emotionally.

To dream that you are a miser, shows the way of your thinking about yourself. It represents your inadequate sense of low self-worth. Maybe you have put on limitation on your abilities, you have decreased your own value. You must think more clearly about potential, that you have for sure. Also look around and see what broad range of resources are available to you.

Loss of self-esteem.

Dreaming of clothes indicates desire of elegance, notoriety and success, in short, wanting to excel by our appearance. We must also consider its symbolism as an element of self-protection against others and the existence of shyness in front of others. Interpreting this dream will depend on the sensations that these clothes provoke on us.

…To dream that you’re attending a trial suggests that you doubt and fear your very own future, so it may be considered as a self-criticism for something wrong that has been done or that has been planned to be made. When a woman dreams with a trial and that the judge has sentenced her, it suggests that her family and friends criticize and reject her due to her misbehavior. To dream that you’re involved in a court case suggests that your behavior within your affairs, business, company, job, etc., is not entirely correct and that it will cause you problems. To dream that you’re being punished in a court indicates that you’ve been behaving incorrectly. However, if the judge acquits you, it suggests that you’ll have control over your problems. All judgments cause life changes, therefore, if you dream that you’re being judged it means that you’ll soon experience…

Dreaming about frosting, represents the results of your creativity and/or hard work. You have renewed confidence and self-assurance. New opportunities now are opened to you.

…Swelling in a dream means increase in one’s earnings, or earnings that will be quickly spent, or it could mean increase in one’s knowledge. Swelling in a dream also signifies pride, self-adulation, or a hidden claim. If a swelling from inflammation subsides in a dream, it means the return of a traveller, calming the fury of an angry person, controlling the exasperation of an outraged person, things returning to normal, appeasement of a repulsive person, or loss of one’s job. (Also see Pimple)…

To see a madstone applied to a wound from the fangs of some mad animal, denotes that you will endeavor, to the limits of your energy, to shield self from the machinations of enemies, which will soon envelop you with the pall of dishonorable defeat.

To dream of an imitation of something, is an indication of lacking a feature or function in your life. To see a dummy in your dream represents that a critical element may be lacking in your relationship. Also, there might be a shortage for some component in a situation. Something is limiting your chances to show up true self. Alternatively, you are feeling unchallenged and unfulfilled. Maybe the relationship is making your emotions empty and blank. The dream about dummy may also show to how you or someone has acted idiotically and stupidly in a situation.