…or a ‘Tec?”I see I must explain myself,” she said, pulling out a chair from the table and sitting down.”Though I’m living in a big house in Park Lane, Mr. Bailey, I’m a poor woman. My husband has all the money, and not I.” “That doesn’t sound quite fair, ma’am,” I muttered, not knowing exactly what other remark to make.”Fair! Of course it isn’t fair!” she snapped. “Nothing is fair, is it? But come, I’m not here to expatiate on injustice. Have you ever been hard up, Mr. Bailey? You have. Good! Then you can sympathise with me. I am hard up— so hard up that I am anxious to sell my diamonds — a wedding present from my husband — and, being a wedding present and positively the only present he has ever given me, you can understand my difficulty. In short, I want to sell it, but dare…

The bee in the dream indicates the hard work and effort you put into anything you do. The bee could also indicate the sweet side of your personality. These features could be applied not only to you, but to people you know. Alternatively, the bee signifies hidden danger.

…Dreaming that you are in want, denotes that you have unfortunately ignored the realities of life, and chased folly to her stronghold of sorrow and adversity. If you find yourself contented in a state of want, you will bear the misfortune which threatens you with heroism, and will see the clouds of misery disperse. To relieve want, signifies that you will be esteemed for your disinterested kindness, but you will feel no pleasure in well doing….

The bumble bee is interpreted as the suggestion to become more relaxed person who is enjoying the time of his life. The bumble bee means that you have these qualities of happiness and joy, but feeling afraid to use them, in order to feel happy.

If you dream of the want, then such dream indicates the wishes you have in your real life. On the other hand, the want could indicate your ability to achieve particular goals.

It is a symbol of labor, success in job. Seeing bees being free is a happy presage. Seeing them going from a flower to another: it indicates a new love. If a bee stings you, your reputation is in danger. If bees are angry or they attack us, it indicates problems with partners or difficulties at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that disappointment is inevitable and coming up next. Shatter the hive points that we are antisocial and misfit the environment.

Dreaming of feeling that you want something is not good.

The I.D. indicates your own identity and how you think about yourself. If you lost you I.D., it means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. If someone has stolen your I.D., it symbolizes your fear of being influenced by others in the negative way. If the driver’s license or I.D. was taken from you because of the your behavior, you will have to face the consequences for what you have done.

…(arb. Encompassing the two hills of Safa and Marwa | Mecca | Rituals of the pilgrimage) Encompassing the two hills of g_afa and Marwa in a dream denotes one’s righteousness and correctness. It also means reconciliation between two people, quelling a conflict, mediating between two people and bringing about a just and a peaceful agreement. If the one who is walking between the two hills in the dream is a judge, it means that he will be just and equitable. If he is a husband, it means that he will be just with his wife, or true to his parents. If one is ill, it means that he will recover from his illness and return to earning his livelihood. (Also see Rituals of the pilgrimage)…

…turmoil, speed, and darkness; I could feel a thousand objects brush against me, hear the jarring echoes and vibrations of a thousand voices, and then — in one brief instant — all had changed. It was light, a peculiar phosphorous glow pervaded everything, and I found myself in a new plane sitting astride a gigantic beetle with all the trees in the forest running after me. I say “running,” for they all had legs, long and spidery legs, and arms too, whilst their stature having considerably decreased, their proportions differed little from that of tall human beings. As they ran they all laughed, a deep mechanical “Ha, ha, ha!” and raising their hands above their heads, they waved them menacingly at me. But the beetle bore me gallantly on, and, despite the desperate efforts the trees made to overtake us, we still maintained our lead. We had progressed a considerable…

(arb. See Chair | Divine Throne)

It was once considered the symbol of a serpent that would descend in dreams to communicate a message, but the most common interpretation is that there is a connection between various levels of consciousness.

…(arb. Retreat | Seclusion) In a dream, it represents a spiritual retreat, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. (Also see Retreat)…

To dream that you receive the intravenous drip means that you have a feeling of someone interrupting into your life while you don’t know it.

(See Arabic months)

…positive. If they appear torn, it suggests there may be sadness. If the pieces of clothes are stained, it suggests that you’re getting involved with people that are not good for your life. Dreaming that you have abundance of clothes suggests just the opposite, meaning that you want to have good clothes and to live a more comfortable life. Generally, it means intimate dissatisfaction with the life you have, since you aspire to have something better. Dreaming of old, dirty, torn and washed down clothes laying on the floor, suggests that you will soon be filled with concerns and various problems, perhaps more or less temporary diseases. Dreaming of trying on any piece of clothing belonging to someone else suggests intimacy issues, insecurity, and that you hope someone helps you to solve your problems. Dreaming that you are wearing your clothes inside out announces the loss of friends and people…

…To dream of jewels suggests that you are enjoying or want to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life, although the chances of living it, in case you’re not doing so by the moment, are minimal. If such jewels are broken or dirty, it suggests a bad business. To dream that you’re wearing jewelry indicates that you’re too ambitious and that you’ll suffer painful setbacks and frustrations. To dream that others are wearing jewelry indicates that you have met or want to meet distinguished people. To dream about a woman’s dress that is full of jewelry suggests that you want to obtain a fortune by winning the lottery, for example, or by performing stock market speculations. To dream that you’re receiving jewelry announces good news. To dream that you’re delivering or giving away jewelry warns you of an imminent risk of serious losses. When a young woman dreams that she’s…

Dreaming about bees is a sign of economic prosperity, good news, and business earnings. Dreaming that you’re stung by a bee means that you’ll feel a huge moral weight that will make you feel really bad. Killing a bee means economic loss and bad news.

In a dream, bees represent prosperity, or a dangerous adventure. Seeing a beehive and extracting honey from it in a dream means earning lawful money. Taking all the honey from the beehive and leaving nothing for the bees in a dream means being unjust. If bees sit over one’s head in a dream, it means winning the presidency over people. If bees sit in someone’s hands in a dream, they mean a good crop for a farmer, while for someone else, they means a fight. Bees in a dream also represent an army. Killing bees in a dream means obliterating one’s enemy. Bees in a dream also represent scholars, knowledge compilers, striving hard or collecting taxes. Bees in a dream also represent a bread winner who is a hard working person, stern and sometime dangerous, though he does bring some benefits to his companions. A bee sting in a…

…To dream of being sting by a bee or wasp, foretells an injury by unjust and soon she will realize it; a young lady who dreams that a bee stings her, will probably have her chastity questioned. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 18….

If you dream of a beaver that is building a dam, it denotes to hard work that must be done if you want to reach your targets. The beaver represents someone who is very hard working, no matter what the circumstances are. There might be unpleasant conditions, unfriendly people you have to do business with, but remember, that no matter how dissimilar you are, there always must be solution if you want to complete the target. The patience is the most important thing that has to dominate in your life. If the beaver is dead: the accusation is not avoidable for your own behaviour.

…with the honey! Besides, see the amount of labour it saves!” and with that he started whistling. I cannot recollect the air, but it must have been something very infectious, for much as I hate dancing I took off my coat, and holding it straight in front of me commenced to waltz. “And why not your trousers, too?” whistled the boy,” you don’t want them. You are only a monkey” I looked down, and the first thing I saw was my tail, that sat up on end and laughed at me. “Well, really, things have come to a fine point!” I exclaimed, “The lower orders making fun of the upper in this fashion! What next shall we hear!” “You can’t do two things at once,” sneered the tail, “you can’t dance and scold me. Either you must go on dancing and leave me behind or — or” and, suddenly becoming…

If you feel you are thirsty in a dream, then such dream could indicate the actual feeling of thirst while you sleeping. On the other hand, probably you are trying to find the support and incitation from the surroundings. If you overcome your thirst, then it signifies your capability to get what you want wherever you want.

To dream of the scepter denotes to the power of the human beings. The dream shows that you can be whatever you want to be and make whatever you want to make.

If you feel emotionless in a dream, then such dream represents the phase of your life where you are feeling best on your own. You do not want to take other people’s company. The dream could also suggest paying more attention to your feelings and realizing what you want out of life.

…Dreaming that you’re a king suggests that you want to have a high-level positions in the social, economic, or political area. However, you want all these to be material things, this is nothing related with your spiritual aspect. In some cases, dreaming that you are a king is synonymous of egotism, therefore this may be sign of self-reproach. In this case the dreamer is usually exhibitionist and vain, and likes to stand out in any gathering or place he goes. In elder people, this dream means that the dreamer is cheap and greedy, in some cases. Dreaming of being scolded by a king suggests that you will soon face some difficulties as a result of the mistakes you have made. Dreaming of traveling next to a King indicates that you will surely succeed in what you’re doing. When the journey is made by boat, it suggests that the success…

…Dreaming of priests, especially if they are of a certain hierarchy, may mean that you’ll experience some setbacks in the near future that won’t allow you to possess the wealth, social prestige, honors, or the political and economic power that you want, and instead of that you may get ill. Dreaming of any priest indicates the opposite of selfishness. Dreaming of a priest officiating a mass suggests that you’re afraid of someone close to you is dying, so you’re in a state of restlessness perhaps without a real reason. A young single woman who dreams of a priest dressed in white and officiating a mass means, more than anything else, her desire to get married. An adult woman (especially if she has children) who dreams of a priest wearing white officiating a mass, announces that one of her daughters or another relative is soon to get married. Dreaming that…

Dreaming that you are getting a parking ticket, suggests that you are experiencing a sense of loss of not knowing what you want to do with your life. You feel that you are being judged and being criticized for the path you want to take. The dream can also be analogous to your lack of accomplishments or setbacks in your life.

Dreaming of getting a bit wet because of a fresh dew suggests that you’re entering a stage of fever or other disease. Dreaming of drops of dew on plants and grass at the beginning of the day suggests that you’ll receive some rewards in the near future, perhaps distinctions and fortune (at least if that’s what you want). This especially applies to young women who want to have an advantageous marriage.

In the dream you became an animal, this dream shows that you follow your instincts, you desire to forget civilization and to act wildly and extremely crazy in your life. You want to express your independence with such a wild behavior. Also this dream may show your primal sexual desires, you want a wild and noncommittal relation or sex. But it is really important what kind of animal you became.

…The dream about the car crash denotes to your attitude, life and targets that clashed with another’s. The dream might also indicate the staggering proficiency you will have. On the other hand, the car crash could also indicate your tendency to drive without any care. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is telling you to slow it down. If you saw the plane crash, then such dream shows the unreal expectations you have from yourself. Perhaps you made very high goals for yourself which is impossible to achieve. On the other hand, the dream shows the lack of confidence you are suffering from. Perhaps you do not believe in yourself and think you are unable to get what you want. Try to believe more in yourself and do whatever you want to do, otherwise you will get nothing from life. To get more information about the crash dream meaning,…

…at a party and there are healthy and happy children indicates that you want to start a family and a happy home. When you’re young and single it suggests that you want to enjoy entertainment, parties, field trips, etc. To dream about a cheerful elderly party, for example a party held in a nursing home, suggests that your business is doing great by now, but you’re already thinking how it may be in the future. To dream that you’re dancing at a party suggests that you expect good results for your activities. When a woman dreams about a party implies that she awaits the return of a friend who left with one of her rivals, but she is not confident that this can really happen. To dream that you’re at a party usually announces joys and benefits, but it also indicates that you’re indifferent to life’s reality, i.e., that you…

…Sex dreams, when they are frequent, mean that some of your real needs are not being met. Dreaming of having sex is generally an indication that you have unmet and repressed desires, or that at least you want to get adventures to please your sexual needs. Dreaming of other people having sex usually means that someone will soon propose something indecent to you, though it may not be sex related. When a woman dreams of having sex with an unknown man, then it indicates desire for having an illicit relationship, perhaps as a result of frequently inappropriate friendships. A married woman who dreams of having sex with a person outside her family suggests that she wants to have sex outside of marriage. If a woman dreams of having sex with an ugly man, then it indicates disease, if on the other hand, the man is handsome, it indicates disappointments….

When we want to move in a dream and we cannot, it means we have a hidden inferiority complex, a fear of not knowing how to behave as the occasion requires. When we do not want to move but simply there is a passivity the dream reflects a state of physical or nervous exhaustion, the need for a break.

If you were shaving in a dream, then it shows that you are making some little differences in your life. Maybe you started to do something new or found the hobby you like which changes the daily routine. The shaving is also a symbol of your appearance in front of the others, which shows how tidy and clean you are. The shaving could also indicate something you already showed for the others, which means that you got rid of something no longer necessary. In some cultures the shaving is inseparable part of cleaning your mind, especially when the one is shaving not only the hair from the beard, but also the head, therefore if you shaved your head it means that you want to be more open about who you are. To leave some hair and do not shave completely indicates the things that you want to keep for…

Dreaming that you obtain a visa to visit other countries represents that you feel isolated and want to free yourself. On the other hand, it can mean that you want certain things to happen.

The shopping that is pleasurable to you indicates your ability to live the life to the fullest. You get whatever you want at any time you want. If the shopping is something very stressful to you, you will have some minor questions about your daily life. The shopping is also something that shows us how we are capable of being around many people and communicating with the society.

…(See Thief.) If you dream of being robbed, it is a sign that you will make a good speculation of some kind, to dream of stealing any particular article yourself, foretells that you will soon want just that thing; thus, if you imagine that you steal money, you will be badly in want of some. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 16….

…Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time….

Dreaming of doing any activity related to art or science suggests that in real life you want to be in contact with important people, you want to be included or stand out in a particular social environment, for example in politics, trades or an intellectual area. This dream usually indicates a desire to stand out as an artist or an intellectual. It is also common in people who already have some notoriety in a social environment, at work, or already have rich friends. Usually, those who have this kind of dreams are cheerful, good-natured and very funny people, who like to attend parties, go on trips, etc.