Dreaming of traveling in a cargo boat, sailing freely in clean waters suggests that, through hard work, you will soon achieve the things you want, including those related to business and money that was honestly earned. Dreaming of a cargo ship sailing in stagnant and dirty water insinuates that your affairs are going wrong and that you’ll hardly succeed.

If we are flattered, we must distrust the person who the dream reflects. If we flatter sincerely, we will get what we want. If we do it falsely, we will be humiliated in reality.

Dreaming of having a mustache, when in real life you don’t have one, is a warning which indicates that your own vanity and selfishness will cause different problems, especially in the emotional and social areas of your life. When a man dreams of shaving his mustache off, it suggests that he want important changes in all aspects of his life. When a woman dreams of admiring a man’s mustache is warning that there is a risk of starting behaving in an illicit way.

When you are dreaming about stilts, then it is a warning and an invitation to be cautious in your actions and your own behavior especially, if you don’t want to serious mistakes that could bring unsuspected consequences.

…Dreaming of packing your clothes in a trunk hints that you will soon make a pleasant trip. Dreaming of a broken trunk with its content all scattered around indicates lack of order in one’s life or a forced trip that will cause discomfort. Dreaming of an empty trunk means unnecessary troubles at home. Dreaming of someone else’s trunk announces traveling mainly for business or studies, but having bad luck. Dreaming of trying to force a trunk to open implies that you want wealth, regardless of the means you have to use to achieve it. If a young woman dreams of this, it means she wants a rich husband….

A closed book symbolizes a part of our lives that we want to keep hidden. If the books appear to be dusty or unorganized, then it indicates that we have many unfinished projects. It will be important to interpret the dream and see if we can remember titles or other references.

Dreaming of carnations means love and passion. Almost all authors interpret that if carnations are yellow, the dream is announcing the appearance of jealousy in the relationship. If in the dream you see yourself giving carnations to others we must always consider their color. If they are red, means desires of a sexual relationship and if they are pink, you want to declare your love. White carnations are more related to family feelings.

…Dreaming of ice, betokens much distress, and evil-minded persons will seek to injure you in your best work. To see ice floating in a stream of clear water, denotes that your happiness will be interrupted by ill-tempered and jealous friends. Dreaming that you walk on ice, you risk much solid comfort and respect for evanescent joys. For a young woman to walk on ice, is a warning that only a thin veil hides her from shame. To see icicles on the eaves of houses, denotes misery and want of comfort. Ill health is foreboded. To see icicles on the fence, denotes suffering bodily and mentally. To see them on trees, despondent hopes will grow gloomier. To see them on evergreens, a bright future will be overcast with the shadow of doubtful honors. Dreaming that you make ice, you will make a failure of your life through egotism and selfishness….

If you dream of sleeping in a sleeping bad, then it symbolizes the comfort and security you are willing to get. You want to explore more about yourself.

To dream that you are writing the journal means that you need to stop and ask yourself what you want out of life. Are you happy? Give yourself these kind of the questions.

The one who wore the cap in a dream is trying to use the shelter to protect him from surroundings. Maybe you are afraid to be hurt by those you trust. The dream could also indicate the secrets you have and do not want to show to others.

This fish means ignorance, discretion and longevity. If we dream of it in a previous period of being sincere with someone, it warns us not to do it. If we dream of the fish and do not want to be sincere with someone, it portends health and long life.

If you dream of an ax it means that you want to be in charge of everything that is around you. This dream symbolizes disappointment and breakdown you are suffering from. Maybe there is someone in your life you wish to punish for something they did to you in the past. If you dream of using an ax while shattering the wood it signifies your problems which you should not try take care all of them at once. Try to solve your problems step by step, only then it will be much easier than it is at the moment. This dream might represent your resistance to challenges you are having

Reading in dreams reveals a finding, surprise or desire to know a thought or personality of another person. To read a letter augurs news. A newspaper means that we are waiting for the successful conclusion of a business or company. If this is a well-known book, the argument or any circumstances will give us the clue about what we want to know.

Good for those who want to marry, or wish to have one children; for others it denotes trouble, sickness, and sadness. 97.

Dreaming of flies announces diseases that can be contagious. It also indicates that the dreamer is surrounded by undesirable and annoying people, as well as being in an unpleasant environment that makes the dreamer want to leave. For a woman of any age who dreams of flies, it indicates what was said above, and in addition it means that there is infidelity around her, for example from her lover or friends. But if the dreamer kills the flies, then it indicates that he or she will come out victorious from any problems.

If we are in it, it incites us to be cautious. If we build it, it indicates that we want security and for us and our goods. If we witness its demolition, it portends losses due to our lack of prudence.

Flies and mosquitoes, these insects symbolize annoying people or equally annoying external impulses. Killing of a fly in dreams expresses a desire to move away from conceited people, to make them disappear from our lives and thus avoid discomfort and problems. The mosquitoes warn us to protect ourselves from strangers who want to meddle in our lives, as well as the aggressive impulses that awaken in us.

The dream symbol of a wasp indicates negative emotions and attitude toward others. To be stung by a wasp shows that there are persons around you who feels full of bad emotions such as detestation, intense dislike, anger and envy. They want to make damage and destroy you. When you kill a wasp in a dream such an action indicates that you are fighting against your enemies and you stand for your beliefs.

Dreaming of being at a festival, denotes indifference to the cold realities of life, and a love for those pleasures that make one old before his time. You will never want, but will be largely dependent on others.

You don’t want to accept the events as they are and you try to turn around your life. The dream symbolizes some kind of rebellion.

Dreaming of one or more barrels with wine is an announcement of spontaneous joy, but if they appear filled with water instead of wine, it indicates a lot of work before achieving what you want. If they are empty, it indicates you’re neglecting or not paying proper attention to the things you’re handling, which will result in losses, failures, etc. In general, seeing a full barrel in dreams is an announcement of prosperity, but if is empty, is an indicator of suffering financial difficulties.

When you see a hookah in a dream, then it indicates the lightness and facility. You are relaxed even while doing the hardest work. On the other hand, the dream might suggest you to pull yourself together and become more serious if you want to achieve something in life.

To dream that you are ignoring some person or situation, means that you have unsolved issues with this particular person. Perhaps you do not want to know what other people are trying to tell you or you don’t like what they are telling you.

Scantiness, coming to want.

Fortunate omen, great luck. From fright, safety. With precipitation, unexpected happiness. After an enemy, indicates victory, profit. To run naked means betrayal of relatives. To see people run one after the other, denotes temporary problems or fears the dreamer has. If they be armed with clubs or other weapons, then it signifies problems to be apprehended, internal dissensions, however if you run fast enough, none of this will be applied to you. It is a bad omen for a sick person to dream of running, because it shows he doesn’t want to stop and heal himself. Make sure you take the time to looks after yourself.

When you dream of an ass it symbolizes shortage of perception. This dream is a sign of coming irritations. When you dream of an ass which is carrying burdens it represents that you will attain in professional and personal life. This dream indicates that everything you wished for will become available. If you want to find out more about this dream, please see the meaning of donkey as well.

…This dream is fairly common and frequent and has vast hues. First we must distinguish from seeing ourselves being abandoned or if we abandon someone or something. When the abandoned is oneself, is typically a bad dream, unless we are abandoned by powerful people, indicating the possibility of being free from their domain, which gives hope for a better life. Also when in our dream we are abandoned by a lover it may mean that we are being freed. In other cases, it always predicts problems and difficulties. If our mother leaves us, it signifies material difficulties, if is the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if is the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles

…Dreaming of a king or queen’s crown suggests the desire to change your life, especially if you have bad habits or bad friends, or annoying and difficult chronic diseases. Dreaming of wearing a king’s crown or a crown of flowers on your head is a symbol of vanity. When is a wreath for the dead, then it indicates illness or loss of values. Dreaming of putting a crown of any kind on another person indicates self-humiliation or inferiority complex. Dreaming of speaking as king or queen and having a crown placed on your head indicates that there are strong desires to soar in politics, or at least the desire to enter into social relationships at a very high level. Dreaming about being a spectator during a coronation, especially in the case of a king or queen, indicates that you want to relate to high society personalities. When a woman…

…Trick or ploy in a dream shows that you should try to be more distrustful if you don’t want what’s legitimately yours to be taken away….

If a young girl dreams of being fondled and hugged by her lover, it is a sign he will soon get sick of her and want to be off: is not half so bad to let him hug her in real earnest as it is to dream of it. The same sign holds well with the other sex. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 11,…

When you dream of the asters it denotes to your desires, wishes and expectations. The dream is a sign that all of your hopes will come true. If there is something you really want and dreamed about it for a long time, it will be fulfilled.

To dream of being a voyeur, denotes to your fears. Probably you are afraid of the things you have dreamed of. Maybe the wishes and desires you have seem like the unreal task, but you should not your hand down, because you are able to achieve whatever you want.

It indicates you want to have other activities that deviate from your concerns.

Dreaming about murders means that soon you will be forced to take a trip. You will be intermixed in trouble and some other difficulty. To dream that you have committed a murder indicates you must put an end to an old habit and to your previous ways of thinking. This could also mean the end to an attachment. Alternatively, you may have some repressed aggression or anger. To dream that you witness a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards someone. Consider how the victim represents aspects of himself that you want to destroy or remove. To dream that you are killed suggests you are separated from some important and meaningful relationship and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unusual talents. Also note that these dreams of murder often occur during periods of depression.

In a dream, itching means poverty and suffering from the pressures of a demanding wife and children. If one’s itching results in bleeding or puss in the dream, it means that they will get what they want. Otherwise, one’s toiling for his livelihood will prolong. If one sees himself itching in a dream, it also means that he will investigate the conditions of his relatives and suffer from their state. If one’s itching seems to last with no solution in sight in the dream, it means that he will suffer from a condition he cannot bear in wakefulness. If one sees people on the road afflicted with itching in a dream, it means that he will earn money but with a headache. A state he will become known by it. (Also see Mangy | Plague | Scratching)…

To dream of being blind, threatens the dreamer with want of money.

To dream that you bought many vegetables is a good omen, because it shows the abundance you’re living in. The vegetables could also indicate the fact that there are missing nutrition in your organism and your body is calling out for help during the sleep, because it wants food that is good to your health. The different vegetables have different meanings, so make sure you pay attention to which want you wanted or saw in your dream.

…When you dream of seeing an athlete or of being one (a sportsman, or just a person who is skilled in sports) it signifies that you are exhausted and came to the point where you are not able to do anything else, that is already been done. Athlete in dream is very good omen. This dream means that you reached the final destination of something you never thought of being able to do. You became strong person and you’re able to achieve anything you want, without thinking of how much energy you will have to put into this….

Denotes for rich people, good news, also favourable for those who want to buy and sell. 7.