In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one’s mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one’s religious life and nature of one’s devotion. If in a dream one sees his stomach open, it means that his business may be temporarily put out of commission, or that he may lose any benefits he used to derive from it up to then. The other aforementioned elements also may apply. If the person in question is a pregnant woman, and if she sees her baby or any part of it comes out of her open stomach, this may mean that a jailed person in her family will be set free, or that the family graves will be desecrated, or that the body of someone in her family will be exhumed, thus uncovering its diseases and infestations, or it could mean that one’s personal life will become public…

…(Government) The element of ocean in a dream represents a prison where sea lives are incarcerated, and it means losses, fear, despair, limitless knowledge, a city without walls, or the world, its trials and wonders. An ocean or a sea in a dream also represents a strong ruler who is just, compassionate toward his subjects and whom people revere, have access to, and seek for their daily needs. If a businessman sees an ocean in a dream, it represents his merchandise. As for a worker or an apprentice, the ocean in a dream represents his veteran teacher or master. If one sees the ocean in a dream, it means that he will succeed in his goals. If one sees himself entering into the ocean or sea in a dream, it means that he will enter before a ruler, or stand before someone in authority. If one sees himself sitting…

…(Crocodile | Guardian | Mercury | Thunder | Watchman) A policeman in a dream represents security and peace, prayers, a secret friendship, a hidden love, protection against Satan or his party, or perhaps he may represent one’s guardian dog. A policeman in a dream also represents the angel of death, a fright, or distress. If a policeman brings his helpers with him in a dream, it means a scare, sorrows, sufferings, punishment, or a danger. He also may represent an evil person, a perfidious and a harmful beast or a lion. If someone in authority sees himself befriending a policeman in a dream, it means that he will make a new covenant, or introduce an amendment to the law, or draft a new constitution which he will sign. If one sees himself putting a policeman in prison in a dream, it means that he will engage in a political…

…(Burial ground | Grave | Graveyard) Seeing a cemetery or a graveyard in a dream means appeasement and comfort for a terrified person, and dismay to a comfortable and a relaxed person. A graveyard represents the elements of fear, hope and return to guidance after heedlessness. A cemetery represents the hereafter, because it is its vehicle. A cemetery in a dream also represents the prison of the body, but in a dream, it also means seclusion, devotion, abstinence, asceticism or admonition. A cemetery also can be interpreted as the dead looking drunkard in a bar, a man laying flat in a prostitution house, the home of a heedless person who often sleeps rather than pray or a hypocrite whose deeds are not subject to receiving a heavenly reward, etcetera. If a sick person walks into a funeral procession in a dream, it means that his illness will culminate in…

…call for prayers or the standing of a preacher on the pulpit to give his sermon, payment of one’s debts, performing one’s obligatory pilgrimage or the end of one’s life. If the new crescent is opaque, or if it is created from yellow copper, or if it has the shape of a serpent or a scorpion in the dream, then it denotes evil. Seeing the new crescent in a dream in the same night it is supposed to be born means that one’s wife will conceive a child. In a dream, a new crescent also represents a little child, repentance from sin, dispelling adversities, release from prison or recovering from an illness. Seeing the crescent when it is rising in a dream is better than seeing it when it is declining. If the new crescent suddenly disappears in one’s dream, it means that one’s project, object or intention will not…

…(Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation, speaking…

…(Hajj | Eid-ul Adha | Feast of sacrifice | 10th of Zul-Hijjah | Greater Bairam | Manumission | Sacrifice | Pilgrimage | Responding) Witnessingthe Feast of Immolation (arb. Eid-ul Adha) in a dream means reminiscing the past, renewal of past celebrations, reviving a state of joy, recapturing moments of one’s pleasant past, escape from destruction, salvation, redemption, release from prison or freedom from debts. (Also see Feast of Breaking the Fast | Ram | Sacrifice)…

To dream of large rings put in prison you shall be, small finger-rings denotes grandeur you will see. To lose a ring is sickness, to receive one strife. Gold rings bring great honour, silver rings a quiet life.

If a man dreams he is confined in a prison or jail, it shows that he will have honours or dignities conferred upon him, as such dreams go contrariwise; if his arrest and imprisonment worries him, it only shows that he will be the more delighted with his new dignities. This is an excellent dream for politicians and office-holders, and as many of that class of people are great rascals, the jail is what they would naturally dream of.

In a dream, repentance means release from prison. It also means reversing the course of one’s life to attain success and to replace failure. If one sees himself refraining from evil and sins in a dream, it means that he will be tried with an adversity, then repents to regain honor after humiliation. If one repents for a sin he is not even aware of in a dream, it may be feared that he will fall into its trap, though the conclusion will turn positive. If a musician or an adulterer repents from sin in a dream, it means that he may experience poverty after richness. (Also see Prostration | Tithe collector)…

…Dreaming of snakes is not only unpleasant, but it’s the usual harbinger of problems caused by lies, deceit, betrayal and sex, depending on how you dream of it. Dreaming that a snake attacks you and entangles in your body, it can mean that you can be the victim of rumors and soon suffer attacks from your enemies, all of which can lead you to prison (many of these problems will be because of your own fault). Dreaming that you hit a snake on the head and kill it, may mean that you’ll overcome your problems and triumph over your enemies, or that you or one of your close relatives will be healed of a disease. Dreaming that a snake attacks someone that is seemingly asleep and this person jumps, gets up and then both disappear from the scene, can mean that the dreamer will soon receive unpleasant news of…

To see the sun means discovery of secrets and the management of business. To have seen it with sore eyes means cure. When in prison, liberty. To see the sun rising is an omen of good news, prosperity. Setting sun symbolizes longing and sadness. If a woman is the dreamer, that could mean birth of a son. The sun obscure, red, surrounded by a halo, indicates obstacles, minor illness of the child, personal danger. The dream suggests to look after your health better. However, it is a happy omen for people who have enemies, or who, for some reason, keep themselves isolated.

in the dream, it means that he backbites his family members. (6) Teeth in a dream also represent a pearl necklace, a grinder, or an army formation. The right wing, the left wing and the front assault formation, or they could mean severingblood ties. The incisors may represent the heart of a human being. Teeth in one’s pocket or in the palm of one’s hand in a dream represent one’s brothers. If one has an incarcerated relative, and if he sees his teeth pulled out in a dream, it means the release of his relative from prison. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream could mean the return of a traveller to his homeland. Tartar in a dream represents weaknesses in the family. Black or broken teeth in a dream mean sorrow caused by one’s relatives. Wisdom teeth in a dream represent one’s followers, while the incisors and the canines…

(Gruel) In adream, porridge means travel by land, abstinence, piety and fear of wrongdoing. Eating porridge in a dream means release from prison, attaining a high ranking position, finding a lost property, or having excellent religious standing. Porridge is mostly made from flour and milk. The flour comes out of grinding. The milk emanates from the udders of an animal and the porridge is cooked on fire, thus all three can be interpreted according to their individual meaning. Eating porridge in a dream during the summertime means stress, adversities, trouble and a fight. (Also see Breakfast food)

(Mill) Building a press in a dream represents urban developments and prosperity for that place. The lack of a press or a mill in a town in a dream means poverty, the death of a foster mother or that of a wet nurse. In a dream, all types of juices and oils when freshly pressed in a dream represent freedom, relief, release from prison, dispelling distress, money, or sexual intercourse. (Also see Mill | Sugar mill | Oil press | Thrust)

Serpents denote a prison, and the dreamer will encounter many dangers.

…A palace in a dream represents a prison, tightness, shortage of cash, or loss of respect for an abominable and sinful person. If a rich person sees a palace in his dream, then it means rising in station, or repayment of his debts. Seeing a palace from a distance in a dream also means prosperity. A palace in a dream represents an unknown person, or a private person who maintains a steady religious life. Entering a palace in a dream means gaining authority, rising in station, and a growing religious adherence. If one sees himself managing his own palace in a dream, it means exaltation, power and reverence. If the palace he is managing in the dream belongs to someone else, then it means earnings from such a person. A palace in a dream also denotes good deeds. Entering a palace in a dream also means getting married. Entering…

If one sees himself being buried after his death in a dream, it means that he will undertake a long journey during which he will be short of money. If one sees himself being buried alive and if he recognizes the one burying him in the dream, it means that the latter will assault him, oppress him, imprison him or cause him injustice. If he dies in his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he may die from such sufferings. Should he survive such adversities in the dream, it means that he will escape from such fear, prison or injustice. If he sees the other person driving him to the edge of his grave in a dream, it means that he will lead him to his death, though his name will be praised after his death. If the other person places him inside a coffin…

…sick person sees himself entering a slaughterhouse in a dream, it means the end of his life and the dividing of his assets after his death. If a healthy person enters a slaughterhouse and if his garment become stained with blood in a dream, it means a sickness, adversities, or debts. If one sees hogs or pigs being slaughtered therein, his dream means that he will witness the end of innovators, the contemptible, the evil ones, and the abominable people. Meanwhile, if people are afraid of someone, the dream then signals the end of such a person. A slaughterhouse in a dream also represents a dungeon, a torture room, or a primitive prison. Entering a slaughterhouse in a dream may also mean that the police is investigating allegations related to such a person. A slaughterhouse in a dream also represents a procuress or a white slaver. (Also see Slaughter)…

…(Castle | Child | Firmament | Heavens | House | Mother | Oath | Ocean | Prison | Teacher | Town | Wife | Wonders) In a dream, the sky represents itself. Whatever descends from it or comes from that direction in a dream will materialize. If fire falls from the sky over people’s homes in a dream, it means plagues, illness, pleurisy, smallpox, or death and destruction. If fire falls over the marketplace in the dream, it means higher prices. If it falls over the fields and farmlands in the dream, it means that the crops could either burn, freeze, or be struck by a swarm of locusts or by other harmful insects. If what falls from the sky indicates prosperity, such as honey, oil, figs, barley, or money, etcetera, in the dream, it means a good rain and a good harvest for that year. Whatever falls from…

Dream of being lame or seeing one of your friends or relatives in that condition, signifies infamy and dishonor for that person or he/she is afflicted, lazy and wants attention. If the dreamer is in prison, punishment proportionate to his crime will be received. If he is rich, the life and its lessons will reduce him to misery and poverty.

…(Thigh | Limb) In a dream, one’s legs represent longevity, old age, or his source of income. If one sees his legs turned into iron in a dream, it means that he will live a long life. If they turn into glass in the dream, it means that he will die shortly. If he sees his legs crossed in a dream, it means that he has neared the term of his live, or that he is going to face a major challenge in his life, or that he is a liar. If one sees the thighs of a woman he recognizes in the dream, it means that he will marry that woman or a friend of hers. Hairy legs in a dream mean debts, or that one may die in a prison. If one sees his leg twisted in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. Legs…

…Dreaming about round and flat cap without visor and made of wool or fabric in one piece, usually with a small corner or point at the top, indicates gossips and rumors, in which the dreamer will be somehow involved. If the dreamer is a young woman, she should be aware of those around her to avoid being victim of rumors. Beret as dream’s symbol becomes stronger when this piece of clothing is black and is worn by women. Dreaming of having a prisoner cap indicates that legal problems will kick you in danger of falling into prison. Dreaming of a beret as a protective helmet is a warning which tells that you should be cautious when managing your affairs by avoiding anything troubled. When a woman dreams of wearing party hat or a beret, it indicates that she will stand out in social events. It also indicates the possibility…

(Brooder | Hatchery) In a dream, seeing an incubator or a hatchery means marriage, progeny, suspicion, a bastard son, a kindergarten, a theater, spectators, a park, a promenade, release from prison, an effeminate male, homosexuality, or cowardice.

…dream means honest earnings. Cow’s milk also means wealth. A mule’s milk in a dream means financial straits, adversities and horror. The milk of a sable in a dream means an illness or fear. Pouring milk into the drain or wasting it in a dream means losing money, or it could mean longevity, pregnancy, knowledge, or a scandal that will expose one’s private life. Curdled milk in a dream means distress. Rabbit’s milk and horse’s milk in a dream means having a righteous name, or giving a righteous name to one’s newborn. Human milk in a dream represents a trust one should not waste or give to other than its rightful owner. The milk of an unknown animal in a dream means energy and strength for a sick person, release from prison, illegal seizure of property, or extortion and blackmailing. (Also see Breast-feeding | Colostrum | Dairyman | Milking)…

…(Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source. If one sees a fish colony gathering at seabed, where he is fishing, bringing them up and eating them raw as he pleases, or if he places them into baskets and divides them into lots in the dream, it means that he will prosper and invest his wealth in different ventures and savings plans. A whale in a dream represents the minister of sea life, while the sea itself represents the king or the country. A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison. A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality,…

Dream of being at the place of justice means good luck. To be remanded to prison, a love intrigue will occur. To take an oath in court indicate an approaching marriage. To commit perjury, infidelity to a marriage vow.

…Shrouding the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance for a sinner. If someone sees himself brokering on behalf of a friend or a relative to purchase a shroud for him in a dream, it means that he will pay and intercede on behalf of someone who strayed from God’s path, whom one regularly admonishes and advises to correct his actions and thoughts. It also means helping him against poverty or adversities, because death is the culminating phase of practicing one’s religion in this world. A shroud in a dream also connotes a prison, or committing a major sin. Shrouding the dead after washing the body in a dream means washing it from impurities. (Also see Burial | Camphor | Disrobe | Mummification | Shroud)…

…or they could mean money or marriage or a flourishing business. Bereavement of a child in a dream means the opposite in real life. It also means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and earning respect. Bereavement of a child in a dream is sometimes interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family. A little male child in a dream represents worries, responsibilities, hard work, catering to ignorant people or dealing with trivial and time wasting people. If a prisoner sees himself carrying a little girl in his dream, it means that he will be released from his prison. If one who is going through hard times sees himself holding a little girl in a dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted. If he is poor, it means that he will thrive for success and the little girl then represents his glad tidings….

(arb. The person who leads prayers in a mosque | Guide | Leader | Ruler) If one sees himself building a prison in a dream, it means that he will meet a righteous man or an Imam who will guide him on the straight path. An Imam in a dream also represents the spiritual leader of all Muslims. (Also see Five times prayers | Pharaoh)

To talk to a prince is lucky, dangerous also prison shows deceit and much trouble you shall know.

Dreaming of a prison symbolizes a timeout before upcoming changes, and it will be necessary to remember our feelings in the dream, for a better interpretation. If we are distressed it may signify that we are not ready yet to face the reality, and if also appears a sullen jailer it means that we have to turn back and reflect on past events that originated these changes we fear.

…wadi in a dream also could represent a prison because of the steep mountains surrounding it and the difficulty in crossing it. Seeing oneself in a wadi floating in the air until one reaches a desired altitude in a dream means working for a powerful person. A wadi in a dream also represents a warrior, a bandit, a highway robber or a lion. If a wadi obstructs one’s journey in a dream, it may represent a robbery, heavy rain, or having to face a dangerous person. If one is not travelling, then it means distress, adversity, harm, imprisonment, fear, or illness. Crossing a wadi in the wintertime in a dream means escaping from danger. Digging a wadi in a dream means the death of a family member. Falling into a steep wadi in a dream and feeling no pain or incurring no harm from it in a dream means that…

To dream of calling in watchman, gives confidence; to see a person taken to prison by a watchman shows that you must be careful in conducting your business. If the watchman takes hold of you, it is a very good sign. To see many watchmen together, signifies the loss of money.

In a dream, if one sees himself entering hell-fire, whether he is a believer or a non-believer, it means that he will suffer from fever, become poor, enter a prison, commit a major sin, or mix with disbelievers and repro- bates.

it means that God Almighty will save him from his sorrows and strengthen him in this life. If one sees a ruler beheading his subjects in a dream, it means that he will issue a decree of amnesty for all prisoners. If one is beheaded as a result of a judgment or by robbers in a dream, it means that either one of his parents or a child of his may die shortly. If a condemned person on death row sees himself beheaded in a dream, it means that he will be released from prison and his judgment will be rectified. If an investor or a money exchanger sees that, then it means loss of his capital investment. If a traveler is beheaded in a dream, it represents his safe return home. If rivals see that in a dream, it means loss of their fight. (Also see Cutting off)…

…dream represents money. If the stored grain turns into dirt in a dream, it means that market prices will come down, or it could mean the loss of one’s investment. Seeing a granary filled with food in a dream means that one’s wife is pregnant. If a fire consumes the stored grain in a dream, it means rising prices. If one sees a granary filled with sugar or dates in a dream, it means that prices will stabilize and become attainable, while the type of food stored therein will be in limited supplies and consequently, its price will rise. If a sick person falls into an underground granary in a dream, it means his death, or drowning in the sea, or facing a highway robbery. As for one who is engaged in a fight, an underground granary in his dream represents a prison or a visit to a brothel….

…sees him (uwbp) in a prison or persecuted, or if one fears a major event that could put and end to his life, or an accident that could kill him, or a dangerous sea trip that could drown him, it means that God willing, he will escape and survive such adversity. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means the end of tyranny, or victory in a war. If one is oppressed, worried and distressed by his own family, and if he sees Moses (uwbp) in a similar situation in a dream, it means that God Almighty will guide him to a way to overcome them, or if a traveller sees such a dream, it means that he will return safely to his home. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also indicates trials during one’s childhood, separation from one’s family, witnessing uncommon miracles, or that one may suffer from his…

…(Falcon | Hawk) In a dream, a saker means a son, high rank, authority, or a respected, dignified and awe-inspiring person who comes from noble lineage though he is unjust. If one sees a saker pursuing him in a dream, it means that he has incurred the wrath of a strong and a courageous man who does what he says. Seeing a saker without a fight in a dream means profits, and the same interpretation applies to most hunting birds or animals. Owning a hunting saker who is well trained and obedient in a dream means gaining authority, or becoming unjust and ungodly. Owning a disobedient saker that does not hunt in a dream means begetting a son who will grow to manhood and be independent. A saker in a dream also signifies might, rank, victory, attaining one’ goals, adversities, death, prison, shackles, adornment, or tightening one’s grip on…

…(Padlock) In a dream, a lock represents a trustworthy person or a virgin girl. Opening a padlock in a dream means escaping from jail, or release from prison. If one who is suffering from depression sees himself unlocking a padlock in a dream, it means that his sorrows or sadness will be dispelled. A lock in a dream also represents a proof, a strong point or a tool. Unlocking a padlock in a dream also means divorce. Locking a door in a dream means seeking a cosigner for a loan or a guarantor. If one who is seeking to get married sees a lock in his dream, it means that he will meet with a trustworthy and a caring woman. A padlock for a traveller in a dream means safety. A metal lock in a dream means dignity, safety, piety, deciphering a language, symbols, or acquiring knowledge. Wooden locks…