The dream in which you see the king, signifies the fortune that will be reached through hard work. The king is also a symbol of your achievements, especially if you were in contact with him during your sleep. You will be appreciated by others. If you see king being in rags, you should be careful of your enemies, they will do much harm to you and those you love. Make sure you stay away from them as much as it is possible.

If you were testifying in a dream, then it shows the beliefs and convictions the one has and is sure about them.

If you dream of some kind of the disease, then it means you are going to get some illness in your waking life. Make sure you take care yourself enough. Very often the dreams indicate the illness that you didn’t recognize with the conscious mind of yours. If you got the disease that is incurable, then it means you will stay on your own without anyone to support you.

Dreaming you are drinking when you are very dry, is a sure sign of sickness.

If you dream of something that is absorbed in things that you are doing, it means that you are too much concentrated on your own stuff, ignoring people around you and not paying attention to them. Make sure, if you are not egoistic person and care about the others who are around you. Dreaming about absorption could also have the interpretation of the insecurity. Maybe you not accepting the situation you’re in, or not feeling safe and comfortable in your own skin….

If you dream of playing or watching a badminton game it signifies that there are possibilities and you will have to make up your mind about those choices otherwise you will not get the same chance again in your life. Make sure you are not in doubt, have an opinion for everything and go on with your gut.

Dreaming of having a high abundance of adequate element, means that you have to look after your incomes and supplies which you have. Dreaming about abundance in the dream also foretells you to look after your health, make sure you are not ill. If you dream having a huge abundance of different type of things, represents your future as happy, successful, lucky and profitable.

If you have a fair and great nose, then it is a good sign, except for a sick person, for him it is a sure sign of illness.

If you dream of wearing a backpack it symbolizes solutions, resolutions and obligations that makes you feel weak. Make sure you do not “pack to much and not taking too much stuff in your bag”, which means that you shouldn’t take too much of responsibilities and duties….

If you read the Zodiac and feeling awkward about this fact, then it means that some kind of unpleasable incident will make you sad or even angry. Make sure you prepare yourself for that, then it won’t be a surprise of something unfavourable. If you read the Zodiac and enjoying it, it means that the growth of your finances are on the way and you will also be happy with your current relationships. If you see your own Zodiac, you know yourself very well and like to examine your thought, feelings and emotions.

To dream of the devil, denotes many troubles. If he appears in fire, immediate misfortune will befall you. If he vanishes in smoke, expect a returning calm. If he soars in the heavens prosperity will attend you. If he falls suddenly from the heavens, denotes you will conquer all your evil passions. A widow to dream of the devil, after she has buried a bad husband, is sure to have another devil — so, widows, beware!

…disaster happens, such as a collapse from which you’re trying to escape, suggests that you’re engaging in risky businesses that’ll likely cause failures and losses. Dreaming of yourself as an actor in a play may mean that you’ll soon receive satisfactions and joys, even though they’ll be temporary and inconsequential. It also insinuates that you want to be the center of attention, but you must make sure that you don’t exaggerate it, so you don’t leave a bad impression on others. Dreaming of yourself as an owner or manager of a low-profile theater insinuates that you’re in risk of suffering important losses because of your own squandering, which could simply mean you’re wasting energy, or that the plans or ideas referring to the matters you’re handling in life are not clear enough. Dreaming of yourself as a manager or director of a big theater, in which serious plays are presented,…

I became thoroughly demoralised. I quarrelled with the young man to whom I was engaged, and got engaged to someone else, and within six months terminated that engagement and took on with a third. I had no pity for the men I jilted, but laughed in their faces when they upbraided me, and took a fiendish delight in parading about with my latest lover in the face of the one I had just discarded. I spent money recklessly, and when I got in debt —I stole! The end of it all was I was sent to prison, and when I came out I drifted — anywhere. And I am sure I owe it all, all my folly and subsequent blinding damning misery, to the dream of that bear — that cursed, fascinating, and hellish bear”I think these two illustrations will suffice to show the significance of bear-dreams in general….

If you see the wart in a dream then such dream offers you to accept and get to know the beauty that is in you. Perhaps you are judging yourself and being too harsh on yourself. Make sure you forgive yourself otherwise it will be very hard to live on.

To dream that you see the wound on your own body, means that you should be aware at this time of your life more than ever. Make sure you pay attention what kind of accident made that wound on you and try to avoid being in these situations in your waking life.

…Dreaming of a corpse is fatal to happiness, as this dream indicates sorrowful tidings of the absent, and gloomy business prospects. The young will suffer many disappointments and pleasure will vanish. To see a corpse placed in its casket, denotes immediate troubles to the dreamer. To see a corpse in black, denotes the violent death of a friend or some desperate business entanglement. To see a battle-field strewn with corpses, indicates war and general dissatisfaction between countries and political factions. To see the corpse of an animal, denotes unhealthy situation, both as to business and health. To see the corpse of any one of your immediate family, indicates death to that person, or to some member of the family, or a serious rupture of domestic relations, also unusual business depression. For lovers it is a sure sign of failure to keep promises of a sacred nature. To put money…

When you dream of an axle it symbolizes how out of control you are at the moment. It is hard for you to focus on significant things. Try to pull yourself together and move on. Make sure you do not lose control of yourself.

If you dream about infidelity that was made by you, then it means you shouldn’t stay the way you are. If there is something you did on purpose and it hurt someone you should apologize for it. The dream in which someone is unfaithful to you, shows that you are afraid of losing this person, or do not trust him, therefore you dream about it. Make sure you talk to that certain person about this situation.

To dream about the devil could be interpreted as the nightmare, because there are certain situations or people in your waking life that you are afraid of. Perhaps the evil and bad things that are heard through media are giving too much pressure for your mind. Make sure you separate yourself from the negativity.

If you are dreaming about the ladder, then it means you will reach the top of your goals. Make sure you pay attention the how long the ladder is, because it will tell you how long you will have to climb to your achievements. If you climb the ladder and then suddenly fall, then such dream signifies unexpected obstacles that are impossible to avoid. If you see the particular person who hold the ladder to you, then it means that you trust this person and give your carrier on his hand. The ladder that is broken signifies your ups and downs in the life that will be also hard to escape.

If you dream of baboon, it means that you should become more open when it comesto your thoughts and feelings. Make sure you tell people what you thinking of and how you are feeling. The other meaning of this dream also explains that maybe you are expressing yourself in an unsuitable way.

Brimstone shows bad luck and a wretched condition. Glittering things are sure signs of ruin and perdition.

When you dream of playing the backgammon game, it signifies new people in you life which you did not expect to see and you will not be satisfied and comfortable seeing them. If you dream that you are being defeated in backgammon game it might be the sign of a failure in your love life. Maybe you start making a new relationships with inappropriate people. Make sure you think twice before making new friends or lovers.

The one who dreams of moving in a slow motion is going through very difficult lifetime. There are lots of frustration and stress that you are suffering from. Make sure you find the way how to deal with the pain and hard feelings.

The casket in a dream shows the necessity for the closure towards some situation or people. The dream could also show the new possibilities that are about to come, but firstly you must finish what you have started. Consider to plan the future and make sure you notice the potentiality in all aspects of your life.

If you dreamed of something very small that is unusually minor, then such dream represents the situation in which you feel helpless and unable to perform properly. On the other hand, the dream could mean that you are trying to avoid something. If you are the one who is abnormally small, then it shows very low self-trust and belief of what you can achieve. Make sure you find the solution of how to accept yourself for who you are.

…one of the houses and fell in a heap at her feet.She then saw to her horror that it was metamorphosed into her father, and, sure enough, the very next day, she received a telegram to say that her father had died, quite unexpectedly, in the night. She also dreamed, a day or two before the death of her greatest friend that she was travelling by rail with two greyhounds seated opposite her in the same compartment. Another person told me; that, shortly before a fire in her house, she had a curious dream about a mastiff. The creature entered the room in which she was sitting, and suddenly flew at the hearthrug and tore it to pieces.Another lady I once questioned as to her dreams informed me that she had been engaged three times, and that prior to the termination of each engagement she had dreamed of a dachshund.There…

If you dream of back-biting about someone, shows that you will be in a trouble if you will not stop doing something you are doing at the moment. Make sure you think of your own actions, because the consequences will be terrible. This might mean that every little mistake you might do will be very unpleasant. If you dream that someone is back-biting about you, means that you will suffer of troubles in your family life.

The purple color in dreams is known as the symbol of wisdom, royalty and good life. Make sure to pay attention if you were the one who had something purple.

Gold symbolizes everything superior, light, knowledge, wealth, perfection and irradiation. Also, gold indicates the permanent and unchanging value of the goods and the supreme spiritual enlightenment. To dream we seek gold by digging in the ground tells us that our desires will not become reality. If we look for gold in the sands of a river it is that we are not sure of the goodness of our feelings. To dream that we manufacture gold indicates that in life we are wasting time in false utopias and ambitions instead of using it for useful things. Spend or lose gold announces that we will be cheated or robbed of our goods. The gold is a good omen if we find it, especially if it is in the form of a treasure.

To dream that you are married, and the fire burns clear, and the smoke spires from the chimney, is a happy omen : but to dream that the fire is difficult to light and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that matrimony will prove incomplete If the fire ceases to burn, it is a sure sign of separation.

…To dream of eating fried sausages, foretells that you will come in contact with some person who is very poor, and will be disagreeable to you: a girl who dreams this, will be very sure to get a shiftless and needy lover, and perhaps marry him if she is in much of a hurry to get married. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 16….

The chiropractor in dreams shows the lack of suggestion from other people. Perhaps you are looking for some help. Make sure you ask people to give you a hand when it is needed.

To dream that you are using some kind of illegal drugs, means that you are not feeling yourself anymore. Perhaps something makes you feel dizzy, angry or even sad. Make sure you change the situation or whatever makes you feel that way. If someone is trying to give you the illegal drugs, it means that there is someone in your waking life that gives you a bad influence. If you are using some kind of prescript drugs and forgot to take them while dreaming, it shows that you do not take enough of the responsibility of your life.

…The road in dreams signifies the dreamer’s path from one phase of his life to another. Some people who travel a lot dreams about roads a lot either, because they see it all the time. If you see the road that is straight, it means that you choose the right direction to your life. The road that is wavy or has pits in it, means that you are struggling at some aspect of your waking life. If you see more than one road in a dream, then it means you are not sure about something, you find it hard to make a particular decision. The dream suggests to slow down and think very well what you want from your life. The ending of the road means that you are afraid of something that will end, especially if you felt frightened during this dream. If you were feeling happy, you…

…To imagine in your dream that you have had excellent luck, in any enterprise, predicts a misfortune: if a man has had a quarrel with his sweetheart, and dreams that it is all made up, he may be sure that the quarrel will continue a great deal longer than is agreeable to him: to a young lady, the sign is the same relative to her beau. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18….

When you dream of an adder it signifies someone very smart, clever and tricky. Be careful, as you can not trust this person, do not believe anything he says, as the behaviour of this person could make you many problems. This dream could also be the meaning of losing someone or something. Make sure you are prudent at this time of your life.

If the one has dreamed about the spa or having some procedures over there, then it means you are feeling wrecked and tired, therefore the organism of yours asking for some rest and relaxation. Make sure you get rid of all the tension and open the new page in your life without worries and problems.

If you dream about the doughnut, then such dream represents you. The dream could show that you do not know which direction to take in your life. Perhaps you are not sure what you want out of life and who you wish to be. On the other hand, the doughnut could signify the processes of some project in your waking life. You are going to the point where you could feel wholeness.

To see in the heaven a moderate fire, pure and luminous danger to your life or to some high place in your mind. See the heaven being very blaze an attack upon the nation, plague, famine, desolation. Make sure you pay attention to the fact from the side this fire falls will come the enemies or aggressors. If this fire jumping and about to extend or descend, the evil nature of the sign is magnified. The heaven that is seen with flowers means discovery of the truth. To ascend to the heaven, overwhelming honor will be received. (See Stars, etc.)