If you see yourself as an addict to something or someone, it symbolizes that you are not handling context very well. No matter how much you try, everything is falling apart. This is the sign, that you are not capable of controlling things you should be able to control. This dream could also mean how insecure, helpless, weak, fearful, upset and depressed you are. Make sure you know what kind of insecurities you have.

Dreaming of a compass indicates that you are not very sure of yourself and you seek for advice to guide you. It also means that your life is too influenced by customs, traditions or discipline and you want to break free from it. Dreaming of a boat compass announces that you will soon improve your life in many ways. Dreaming that a compass doesn’t move because it’s damaged, or the needle is broken or bent, it is the announcement of upcoming difficulties, losses or problems that perhaps even are sentimental.

If you dream as having an addiction to something, it represents the mania you are suffering from. This dream tells you, that there is someone trying to handle something that you are managing. The other meaning of this dream is that you are having troubles with people who are around you. Make sure if you spend enough time with your family, friends, colleagues. You should try to rebuild the relationships you had with those people.

When you are dreaming of trying to find the right answer to an addition case, it represents how difficult and hard is going to be for you while you will compete with your competitors. If you want to achieve the task you always wanted to reach, make sure you are working hard enough. If you see a miscarriage in an addition case, it represents that you will be the first one to find out about your competitors plans, and you will be the one who will fulfill it.

When you dream of having bandages it shows that you need to be cured and taken care of. It seems that your soul is hurt and you are trying to hide your bad emotions from the others. Make sure you noticed which part of your body was bandaged as it would tell much more about the dream if you knew what was hurt in your dream.

If you ate the spaghetti, then the dream shows your worries towards particular relationships you are in at the moment. Maybe the person you are in love with or have a very strong bond with him is not the one who he pretends to be. Make sure you pay attention to the words he says to you and generally the way he acts with you, as the spaghetti in a dream shows the dishonesty and falseness.

If you see the roadblock in a dream, then such dream means that you feel paralyzed in some situation of your waking life. If someone has stopped you with the roadblock, it shows that you are not sure you are acting the wright way.

If you dream of admiring someone, this is a sign that you have to take magnificent characteristics the admired person has and incorporate it into yourself. If you see that you are admiring yourself, this is a sign that you need an acceptance from people around you. Keep in mind that this could be a sign of you trusting yourself too much and being too cocky, so make sure you are not over confident. This dream could also symbolize how selfish and ignorant you are.

The bathroom in dreams is known as the symbol of clean mind and soul, because it is the place where people take the shower, wash themselves and take care of their bodies. If the bathroom is clean and tidy, your mind and soul are as clean as the bathroom is. If the bathroom is very dirty or simply messy, you should look better after yourself. Perhaps you have too much stress and experiencing negative emotions. Make sure you get rid of it as soon as you can. If you are in the bathroom with someone else, it shows your desire to interact with this person better then you did before. To get more detailed dream interpretation please see the meaning of toilet and bathroom stall.

If you saw the citrine gemstone in a dream, then it shows the power and force you have within yourself. Make sure you do not lose the power and stimulus to move on.

If you see a sparrow, then such dream indicates the honor of the dreamer. Make sure you do not minimize the people or ideas that look minor at first.

If you eat a hamburger in a dream, then it denotes to things that are missing in your waking life. You are looking for fulfilment, therefore you are eating a hamburger. The hamburger could also represent the unhealthy lifestyle you have. Consider to start looking after yourself. The dream could also symbolize the past, experience you’ve had and the lessons that needs to be learned. Make sure you look at the dream from wider perspective, only then you will get a right interpretation of the dream.

…success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses (red), weddings and legacies, falling in love; sunflowers, accidents (chiefly on land); sweet peas, reunion of parted friends and lovers, kisses; tulips, deaths, journeys to foreign parts; wallflowers, visits from old friends and to old places.To dream of forget-me-nots portends visits and presents from old friends, new clothes, success in work; heliotrope, falling in love, visits to places of amusements, meetings with those likely to influence one in after-life; violets, reciprocation of one’s affections, presents from lovers.If a girl dreams she is given a bunch of violets by her sweetheart, it is a sure thing he is sincere in his protestations of love….

…To dream you wear a diamond, denotes that you will be crossed in love, and that your lover is unfaithful. For a man of business to dream that he is dealing in diamonds, is good, it is a sure thing with, him, that he will become wealthy, and retire to private life much respected. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 3….

If you made a list in a dream, then such dream signifies the things you must do. You are thinking about it even during your sleep. Make sure you organize everything well, because it will be easier to make it work. The dream is interpreted better when you look at other details that are related to your dream.

…To dream of accessorizing yourself, could be the meaning that your wishes or your self-esteem is not fulfilled and accomplished. The dream represents unfulfilled intentions you have. Make sure, that you know what you want from life, what’s your expectations are. The dream wants you to start making the decisions and find the solution to the questions you have….

To dream of the childhood, denotes to the past memories and longevity. Perhaps you feel you have too much of the things that must be looked after and taken care of, therefore you feel tired of all that responsibility. The dream could also show the purity and childishness that lies within you. On the other hand, the dream may show some aspects from your childhood that hasn’t been dealt. Make sure you find the answers to all of your questions that arise from the childhood.

If you dream about your wife, there is a reason for that therefore pay attention to the emotions that you felt while dreaming of your wife. Make sure you look into your dream deeper and what you have said to your wife, what conversations you had and what you were doing in the dream. The feelings you have about your wife in the dreams are the same ones you have in your waking life. If you see the other person being your wife, but not your own, it means that you would like to see some of the features of that person in your waking life’s wife. To dream of somebody else being your wife could also mean that you are fantasizing about this person as being your partner. The dream could simply mean that you like this person and would like to have a wife with some of…

…To hear the accordion playing, symbolizes that the joy and the luck you had is becoming not so joyful and you could get depressed in your near future. If you see yourself playing the accordion in your dream, this could be the warning that you are not as healthy as you used to be. Make sure if you are rested and do not have any physical ailment. If there is someone playing accordion on the stage it could be the meaning of unexpected invitation to a party. If someone plays the accordion, this symbolizes the luck you will have without anyone helping you around. When you see that you are taking the lessons or someone is teaching you how to play accordion, this could be the sign of not trusting the man in your life, as this person could be the one, who is taking you away from succeed…

To dream of seeing or being a soil, denotes to development and productivity one carries. The dream also shows the basic standards the one has set for himself. Make sure you set the right goals for yourself.

When you dream of being accused of something, this could be a sign of your guilt. This dream could also be the meaning of you, not being sure what you want out of life. You have to know what choices you are making and what choices you have to do. If you see in your dream yourself accusing the others, it represents you having cases with people who are around you. If you dream that you are accused as a thief, it represents your financial losses you are going to have in the future. If you dream that you see someone accused, because of being not good person, it symbolizes your own problems you are going to have, in which case you will suffer as a person.

…As sure as you dream of this creature, you will be deceived by your warmest friends. Enemies will assail you at every turn. Dreaming of stepping on a crocodile’s back, you may expect to fall into trouble, from which you will have to struggle mightily to extricate yourself. Heed this warning when dreams of this nature visit you. Avoid giving your confidence even to friends….

If you are dreaming having aches, this could be the sign of you having too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who is stealing your ideas and will make their own business out of your ideas. If you dream of having the aches and the pain on your whole body, make sure you are not carrying any illness.

To dream you are mad, or that you are in company with mad people, shows you should guard against and avoid the company of tipplers, if you follow their example or counsel, you are sure to come to destruction, and get mad in reality.

When you dream of playing with the ball it represents fulfilment. The other meaning of this dream could represent you connecton within your subliminal world. If you dream of seeing others playing with the ball, it shows that you should not be afraid to take the lead in various situations in your life. This dream shows that you do not trust yourself and afraid to take risks. Make sure you pass this barrier, try to act without thinking of consequences and only then you will be able to be bravier.

The soot that is seen in a dream symbolizes the eternal life. Consider that the dream , in which you are all in soot, shows your bad feelings and opinions that lies within your personality. Make sure you get rid of that negativity, otherwise it will cause you guilt and disappointments.

…This is a bad dream. The dreamer is sure to shed tears and weep. For a young woman Dreaming that she is affronted, denotes that some unfriendly person will take advantage of her ignorance to place her in a compromising situation with a stranger, or to jeopardize her interests with a friend….

The dream in which you receive the letter, indicates the usual lifestyle, where you get to know things everyday about the news that are happening at the moment or simply participating in daily life with your family, children, friends and colleagues. If you are looking at the letters that contains bills, then you might have minor problems, but easily solvable. Make sure you look at the numbers of the bill, because it shows the bigger the amount that has to be paid, the bigger the problems you will have to face. The letters that contains words or are sent from particular person, indicates your desire to communicate with those people more. The letters according to some dream interpretations says that you missed the chance to do something important, but this can be applied only if you feel that way.

To dream that you are drinking wine may have many various explanations. Make sure you pay attention to the way you felt during the dream. Drinking wine could indicate the fact that you are trying to forget your problems, therefore you think that alcohol will help you get over with it. Sometimes the people who are not excited about the life also dream about drinking the wife which means that they are in some kind of the depression. To get more information about your dream please see the meaning of drunk.

…To dream that you are in the ecstasy of joy at anything that has happened, bodes pain and trouble; something will be sure to occur to make you unhappy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46….

…blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies the target you had no idea you reached. Keep in mind that when the ballon blows up it could also show the difficulties you are suffering from. It seems that you are not able to control these emotions anymore and now is the time when they exploded as it is too hard for you to keep them in. If you dream of being in a hot air ballon it represents your need for the relief. Make sure you will try to get over the things that did not let you moving forward. This dream shows you that you do not remain firm on the ground. Seeing ballons could also be a sign from your subconcsiuos mind that is looking for peace and rest. You want to feel the idol to someone….

If the one has seen a sorority in a dream, then such dream indicates the situations which are changing and including more people and makes you fuller more completed person. Make sure you represent the knowing and care to the others. To be in sorority in the real life, shows how much you care about it, as you have dreams about it. The sorority is also the symbol of community and friendship.

The rhinoceros is the symbol of protection and security. The one who is dreaming about this kind of animal is feeling confident, brave and very much sure about his decisions. Sometimes the rhinoceros is the omen of the situations or people in your waking life that are hard to understand. You feel like you are against the fall, therefore you do not know how to treat yourself through it.

…Dreaming of sickness, is a sign of trouble and real sickness in your family. Discord is sure to find entrance also. Dreaming of your own sickness, is a warning to be unusually cautious of your person. To see any of your family pale and sick, foretells that some event will break unexpectedly upon your harmonious hearthstone. Sickness is usually attendant upon this dream….

If you see yourself as an acrobat in your dream, it represents you being afraid of other people who will try to make obstacles in your way, when you will try to achieve the results you wanted to achieve. If you dream about yourself playing an acrobatic tricks, it symbolizes your competitors will be superior than you are. Make sure that you are ready to compete like in a contest with your competitors.

If you dream of irrigating some kind of crops or any plants, then such dream indicates the ideas you have hidden deep down in yourself. Make sure you materialize those ideas into some projects, because it is going to be successful.

If you dream that you are awaken in your dream, it symbolizes spiritual revival. There is a possibility that you involve both of your feminine and masculine sides of yourself. Make sure you pay attention to who awaken you, as this represents what is deficient in your life. If you dream of awaken someone up, it shows that you recognize key sides of that person in your personality.

When you dream of being surrounded by aura it means that there is specific sign in your dream, which you need to find out. Make sure you interpret this message very well as it could be very important for your self growing.

The dreamer that has received the warrant is going to deal with some essential issues. Make sure you noticed the type of the warrant that has been given to you. If you were given the warrant of the arrest, then it means you should rethink your work and take the new path. If the warrant was given to someone by mistake, then it shows the misapprehensions.

If you see an arrow in your dream, it represents how you can achieve something you are looking for. This dream symbolizes your doubts you are having and the disbalance. If you dream of fractured or old arrow it represents frustration and failure in the future. This is a sign that you might think of something not the same way as you used to think before about something specific. If you see arrow with two heads, it means that there is a contract between your thoughts. Make sure you think of all views. The school of psychologists explains an arrow as symbol of penis and its ability to get through.