The new moon in July— dreams on this night are very important, and foretells, for a dreamer to love lovers, and indicates marriage. If July is a stormy month, then troubles will lead you.

…(Under the sun, in the dark, or otherwise.) In a dream, a shadow represents changes affecting one’s life in the world and his elevation or abasement. A shadow in a dream also means guidance, repentance, true monotheism and contemplating the Maker and His creation. If one moves but does not see his shadow moving in a dream, it means abrogating the laws, discarding what is permissible, adopting what is unlawful, death, becoming motionless, or losing one’s senses. The same interpretation applies if one’s shadow disappears under the sunlight, or under the moonlight, or in the night lights, or if his reflection disappears from the water surface, or from any shiny surface. If one sees his shadow dancing in a dream, it means falsehood, lies, stealing people’s money, shifting one’s faith according to one’s personal interests, or that he criticize the conduct of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Dancing…

…Wearing an elegant bonnet of a style and fashion above the dreamer’s condition in life, danger of illness or loss of goods. Wearing a night cap, the moment to relinquish his business….

(arb. | See Five times prayers | Night prayers | Smashing)

…(See ‘Aqlq canyons | Night of Power)…

(See Night of Power)

…It symbolizes our aspirations and desires. If this is a night sky that indicates that we are in a stage of projects. If it is daylight, means that the time has come for the realization of these projects. If the sky is clear, it’s a sign that the coming days we will be calm. If it is cloudy, concerns approach. Very cloudy means serious concerns. Stormy foreshadows critical situation….

…To dream of lighted candles, is a night that you will become religious, or will be soon visited by a minister who will tell you good news. To see a candle extinguished, is a sign of a funeral. To light a candle, success in what you undertake. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 67, 46….

…(Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one’s due tithe also represents protection from one’s enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from…

…Dreaming of looking at the sky suggests that soon there will be prosperity in the dreamer’s life. Dreaming of a star-studded sky on a quiet night indicates desires, beyond the capacity of the dreamer’s own ambitions, which can lead to failures. Dreaming of the sky and instead of seeing stars, seeing characters that are not exactly angels, indicates that there are spiritual desires that haven’t been satisfied due to unfavorable conditions in life. Dreaming of being in heaven and seeing familiar people indicates that there are non-honest friendships that are watching the dreamer’s behavior to take advantage of his or her errors. Dreaming of a clear sky hints that the dreamer will receive a promotion or at least a nice gesture from a friend. If the sky appears to be dark, and worse if there is a threatening storm, this indicates that there will be various problems, including sentimental…

Dreaming of walking barefoot and even worse if it’s at night, is a warning that if the dreamer does not take care of his image, he or she will fall victim to gossip and slander that will damage the dreamer’s honor. This symbol is especially applicable to women.

To dream that you wake up and do the usual things you do in the morning, means that you are worrying of oversleeping. You can’t get yourself into the deep sleep, therefore you keep dreaming of waking up. If you dream that you wake up at the night, it shows that you can’t relax properly during your sleep, therefore you should look after yourself better.

(See Darkness | Evening | Night)

Dreaming of a maze means that you will be involved in complicate situations that are absolutely intolerable. The dream of being in a maze of glass or wood means unexpected turn of happiness, where despair and loss were anticipated. Dream of a maze indicates mistake and detachment from reality. It reflects troubles and difficulties of all kinds except when you manage save yourself from this type of situation, then it means you’ll find an unexpected solution that will let you work out a muddled affair. It also indicates the ability to react to the absurd. Dream of being in a maze at night or in the darkness indicates a bitter serious situation or illness.

…Dreaming of seeing your shoes ragged and soiled, denotes that you will make enemies by your unfeeling criticisms. To have them blacked in your dreams, foretells improvement in your affairs, and some important event will cause you satisfaction. New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial. If they pinch your feet, you will be uncomfortably exposed to the practical joking of the fun-loving companions of your sex. To find them untied, denotes losses, quarrels and ill-health. To lose them, is a sign of desertion and divorces. Dreaming that your shoes have been stolen during the night, but you have two pairs of hose, denotes you will have a loss, but will gain in some other pursuit. For a young woman Dreaming that her shoes are admired while on her feet, warns her to be cautious in allowing newly introduced people, and men of any kind, to approach her in…

To adore Christ will signify joy day and night.

…mean death of a beloved such as one’s wife, or it could mean relocating to a blessed place or finding a sanctuary. Seeing oneself at ‘Arafat in a dream also could mean losing a battle to one’s adversary, though the results or consequences of such a battle will bring him honor and exalted station, or it could mean winning the battle against one’s enemy. If a sinner sees himself praying and repenting at Mount Arafa or near the Mount of Mercy in the Plain of ‘Arafat in a dream, it means that his repentance will be accepted, or that a secret will be exposed, or it could mean that a reunion of beloveds will take place shortly after one’s dream. If one sees himself standing in ‘Arafa during the night time in a dream, it means that his goals will be attained and that he will satisfy his quest. If…

The bats that are flying signifies instability, especially if you see them during the night, because you will face some obstacles and troubles. If one of the bats have brushed you, then everything will pass quickly and you will be fine.

To dream an owl flies over your sweetheart, and screeches violently, is a bad omen. It denotes he will be a sot, a rake, and night-walker, and he will be guilty of murder, or some great crime.

When you dream about the hour, then such dream shows how the time goes by. Consider if there are things that you have to remember such as take a class, have a meeting, because the unconscious mind of yours gives you a warning to wake up or remember something important. The dreamer should also pay attention to the exact hour he saw in a dream, because the number would tell much more about the dream. When you dream of the happy time (hour) in your dream, then such dream foretells about the happiness and pleasure that are associated with the particular time. On the other hand, the hour in a dream could remind you of using the time thoughtfully that was given to you by life.

If you saw the teacups in a dream, then it relates to the lost connection within yourself. You need to find the way you can express yourself properly.

The dream about the show that is called David Letterman show, means that you are the person who like to socialize with others a lot. Some people who watch a lot of television dream about the previous shows they saw before they went to bed. In this case the dream means nothing, it simply shows the reflection of your waking life.

When you are mourning in a dream, then such dream indicates how you are holding on the past. Perhaps you should make some new space for the future in your heart and your mind. If you are wearing the mourning, then such dream symbolizes losses, sadness and misfortune. If you saw other people wearing the mourning, then such dream shows the unpleasant experiences for those that are close to you such as your friends and relatives.

To dream of the wand, signifies the power you have towards the other people. Perhaps people trust you and believe in your opinions. If you saw the other person holding the wand, then it shows their influence that has a much importance to you.

To dream of the Tarot cards is an indication to keep reading your thoughts, because the inner you tell what it wants out from the life. Consider to pay attention of what the cards were saying and what kind of symbols it had written. If you saw the Wands, then it indicates your creativity, spiritual state of mind and curiosity. The suit of Swards denotes to strength, huge power, fearless. The Pentacles indicates the wisdom, business and communication with earth. The Cups foretells about your innocence, clearness and feelings.

If you saw a tapeworm in a dream, then you should prepare yourself for illness and overall disappointments.

The dream about carnival symbolizes fraud and deceit. If you saw the unpleasant views, then it means the disturbance and troubles. Perhaps the happiness that you thought will come easily will be swiped away by the devastation. If you are in the carnival and wearing the mask, then it means you are trying to pretend different person than you actually are. The carnival on the positive note is interpreted when the dreamer wears no mask, but goes along with the carnival.

…If you saw or felt the slime it means that you are unable to rely on other people. There is a gap between you and others which you find it hard to fulfill….

In the dream you weigh something, this means that you try to evaluate and discover its worth. You have to consider what kind of importance this thing has to you which you saw and weighed in the dream.

…(Hearing | Language | Listening | Talking | Words) Speaking different languages in a dream means richness. The words of a deceased person in a dream are always true. The same goes for birds speaking in a dream and their speech denotes glad tidings, prosperity, knowledge and understanding. If an animal talks with someone in his dream or tells him – “I saw a dream…” then if the animal refrains from relating such a dream, it means a fight, a battle, losses, or an argument. If a dog, a panther, or a falcon speaks to someone and tells him a dream in a dream, it means glad tidings, great earnings, benefits and joy. In general, birds talking to humans in a dream mean benefits and rising in rank. If a snake speaks gently with someone in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits from an enemy. If…

…existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke. That day, I found myself the proud possessor of some hundreds of pounds I won in a lottery; but I attributed it all to the fox.”Another man dreamed he was flying a kite, when his coat-tails were violently pulled, and, on looking round, he saw a white fox that darted swiftly between his legs, and was suddenly metamorphosed into his uncle. The shock was so great that he awoke, and, a day or two later, heard the very same uncle he had seen in his sleep had died and left him his entire fortune….

The dream, in which you see the cattle, denotes to the necessity to deal with certain problems as soon as it is possible. If you saw the herd of the cattle in a dream, then it means there is the shortage of particularity. Perhaps you are the type of person who goes along with the things.

…Bees in dreams foretell good fortune, very often in love affairs, work, or money. Prior to inheriting an unexpected fortune, I have known instances where people have dreamed of swarms of bees buzzing around them; and I well recollect, before my engagement, dreaming I saw myriads of bees trying to get in at my bedroom window. It was a beautiful sight, for their wings and the yellow markings of their bodies sparkled and flashed in the rays of a typical dreamland sun….

The one who sees the compact disc in his dream is suffering from the lack of joy, happiness and activities. The dream also indicates the new chances you are going to get. The very important part of the dream is what kind of music the compact disc you saw? Many songs or artists are associated with certain memories or people, therefore you should find out the title and kind of songs were.

To dream of your backyard signifies your memories from the past or it could also represent your hidden thoughts and feelings, the ones you did not express in the meanwhile. Anything you saw in that dream shows your unwillingness to express those thoughts towards those around you. Make sure you pay attention the way the backyard looks, as it is the reflection of your lifestyle.

The raccoon is the animal which symbolizes false friendships and lies. If you saw the raccoon, the dream suggests to be aware of the fact that some situation might be misleading in your waking life. The raccoon is also and animal who stands for lies that are being told to you, therefore you shouldn’t trust the people as you did before or there is a possibility that your spouse partner is cheating on you.

To see a chainsaw in your dream, suggests sadness and bad feeling about something. Chainsaw might be a symbol of some drastic changes is about to happen. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, chain saw can be interpreted as symbolism of your quickness to understand issues in your life. Are you the person, who can get right to the heart of the matter quickly? The chainsaw may be seen as a male symbol, which represents phallus. In this case it refers to your hidden sexual passion and unfilled desires.

To dream of something being very large, means that you put yourself a very high expectations. The dream could also indicate something that is very important to you, therefore pay attention to what item you saw as being very large and look for interpretation of it.

The champagne in dreams is associated with the celebrations and achievements the one has obtained. If you saw the champagne that was opened, then according to Freud it relates to the sexual intercourse.

If you saw a tannery in your dream, then it signifies the illness and sickness you will suffer. If you are the tanner, then it means that you have got to do things you do not like doing, because there are other people who depends on you and you must support them towards your hard work.