If you see yourself eating something on your own, then such dream symbolizes the loneliness, unhappiness, grief and losses. Perhaps you are feeling neglected from your colleagues, friends or family. The eating could also be interpreted as something you are holding on to when you are feeling sad and bad in general. If you saw yourself eating with other people such as your family, friends or colleagues, then it shows the great achievements, growth of friendships and overall happiness. If you are eating very little in a dream, then such dream indicates the shortage of goodness you receive from life. If you are overeating, then such dream shows the greed, which should be taken away. If someone else has eaten your food, then it shows the unexpected obstacles from those you have trusted.

…If you dream of being in a bedroom, it symbolizes your personal and hidden sides of your inner-self. The main explanation of the dream shows your sexual desires. The bedroom is a very private place in everyone’s life, in that case you should consider into more particular objects in your dream you saw: bed or the color of the bedroom. These objects would give you much more of a clue about your dream. The colors, the size of the room or the mood you were surrounded by in dream could explain you much more about exact meaning of this dream….

If one saw himself standing, then such dream indicates the self confidence the one has. The standing is also interpreted as the symbol of self-trust and high standards the one has made for him.

If you saw larks that were flying in a dream, then such dream indicates huge expectations. Perhaps you have a vision of what you wish to achieve. When you see the larks that are falling down, then such dream indicates the desperation which will come unexpected. If you heard the larks in a dream, then such dream promises great professional endeavors. Perhaps you will get the success without much of the effort. If the larks are dead in a dream, then it symbolizes the sorrow and grief. When you kill the lark, then it shows the mistakes you will do.

If anyone should be so unfortunate as to dream that he or she was present at a happy and jolly wedding, it denotes that they will attend a funeral; it will not necessarily be at the burial of either of the persons you dreamed you saw married, but you will undoubtedly be called to mourn some friend or relative. To go to weddings when one is wide awake is exceedingly pleasant, but we should be careful how we dream about them. To dream of being married yourself foretells your death.

If you saw a landlord in a dream, then such dream indicates the factors of you, which are being in control. Maybe the dream reminds you to take the control in all aspects of your life or do not lose the commands you have made to yourself.

If you dreamed of seeing a spy, then such dream shows the mistrust you have towards the others. It could also mean that you are the person who likes to be interested in other people endeavors and lives. Probably you found out something that has nothing to do with you or something you were not supposed to know. If you saw somebody spying on you, then such dream warns you to be careful with those you are surrounded by. On the other hand, the dream may be an indication of your tendency to do things in a rush without thinking of the circumstances.

If you saw the sawdust, then the dream offers to get rid of the emotions that were caused by some serious thoughts.

If you saw or talked to the spirits in your dream, then such dream could indicate what you are afraid of. One of these things could be death, which you are afraid of. On the other hand, the dream may indicate the strong spiritual features you are carrying with yourself.

If you saw a spoon in a dream, then it means that you are looking for help or want to give it to someone. The dream also indicates your desire to be a good person.

To be a tourist in a dream, denotes to the confusion of the dreamer. Probably you feel that you do not know the environment you are in or unable to get along with the surroundings. The feeling of being lost makes you feel gloom and insecure. If you saw the tourist, then it is a good omen, which describes you as very helpful person.

If you saw a spool, then it means that nobody is managing your life, therefore there must be someone who can be in charge to change the situation.

…If the dreamer saw the sauna or was actually in one of them, then such dream symbolizes the need of being more tolerant and open towards the others. Make sure you have no negative emotions or thoughts about others or yourself. On the other hand, the dream could denote to sexual needs and wishes which has been suppressed….

The different zodiacs represents the different type of people. Make sure you pay attention to what kind of the zodiac you saw and find the explanation of that sign.

If you saw a torrent in a dream, then it symbolizes sudden problems.

If you saw the boxcar in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the achievements you will receive through your hard work. You will be able to obtain whatever you want.

(See Saw)

If you saw the ventriloquist, then it indicates the fraud that has been making you feel bad. If you are the ventriloquist, then it shows the contrivance aspects of your personality. Perhaps there are some parts in you that you try to hide from others.

If you saw the VCR in a dream, then it symbolizes your past, memories and longing. Maybe there are some very important opinions you made in the past about someone or something. The dream could also indicate the things your conscious mind didn’t notice, but unconscious one did. Try to look at issues closer as you might discover something unexpected.

If you dreamed of being a superhero, then it means that you have some super abilities and did not show them yet, because of the lack of self-confidence or shame. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.

The foot in dreams is known as the symbol of stability, but only if it is in a healthy condition. The foot that is broken, injured or hurt, signifies your desire to be more independent and free. On the other hand, the injured foot could represent the wrong path that you have chosen. To get more detailed dream interpretation about the foot please see the meaning of Feet.

The father for us is the symbol of security, safety and strength. The current situation may show that you need the appreciation, therefore you wish to be protected. On the other hand, the dream shows the qualities you’ve got from our father and you are able to do things on yourself because you are strong enough.

If you are in the meeting in your dream, then such dream shows the necessity of being more concentrated on things such as the special areas you are working on. On the other hand, the dream could be the indication of your capability to learn from your surroundings. If you are late for the meeting in your dream, then such dream shows the lack of self-confidence. Perhaps you feel you are not as good as your colleagues or simply not ready to do some work that was given to you.

Dream of a mansion symbolizes your potential and greatest growth. You may feel that the current situation or relationship is in a circle. Dream of a mansion symbolizes your ability to grow and develop your potential. On the other hand, it also indicates that your current relationship or situation is stagnant and you need to move forward.

If you dream of the surgery, then such dream foretells the need of changes or total new recovery. There are certain things in your life that must be removed. On the other hand, the dream indicates the affection other people have on you. Perhaps you are very dependant person who let other people make the decisions instead of you. Consider if you are not having the surgery in your waking life, as it would bring the fear or impatience you are experiencing.

Dreaming of the veterinarian denotes to the suppression that needs to be done in order to control your instinctual behavior. Perhaps you need to behave more like the human instead of the animal. On the other hand, the veterinarian could indicate your anxiety about the pets.

…Harvesting one’s farm in a dream means ease after difficulty, or seeing a fast return on one’s investment. It also could represent destruction, or it could mean receiving admonition. The portion harvested in a dream will equal the size of destruction that will befall the area. If one sees people harvesting a field in the middle of the marketplace or a road in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall them because of their sins. On the other hand, it also means profiting from one’s business. If worshippers are seen harvesting inside a mosque with no outside help in a dream, it means reaping the reward of their devotion and sincerity. Throwing the harvest back into the fields means that one’s deeds are worthless. To see oneself harvesting outside the season in a dream means devastation, war, or death. Harvesting a green crop in the dream connotes…

If you are the victim in a dream, such dream is a warning for you to be aware of those people you are not getting well with. Maybe you feel that the control is out of your hand, therefore you cannot do anything about it. If you victimized other people, then it denotes to your willing to hurt others.

…To dream that you are having some of the false teeth, means that someone will give you a hand when you will need it the most. You should rely on this person. If your teeth are rotten and looks disgusting, then it represents the disgusting side of your personality where you lied to someone or said the things that would make some situation favourable to you. If your teeth are falling out, it means that the bad things you said about others or did something awful to them made lots of damage and those people are suffering a lot. If you swallowed one of your rotten teeth, you will pay for your bad behaviour. To dream about healthy looking teeth, means that you will be the victim of other people’s lies. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, you have to know which tooth has fallen out exactly,…

Ring a hand bell, a warning of something important that is happening in your life but you don’t see it.

…(Bathhouse | Rest room | Sauna | Steam room | Sweat room) Seeing the attendant of a public bath facility in a dream means paying one’s debts, dispelling one’s problems, ending one’s difficulties and washing oneself from sin. On the other hand, seeing him in a dream also could mean depression or a sickness. If one sees himself as the attendant of a Turkish bath facility or a bathhouse, and if he stood by and did not serve the customers in the dream, it means that he is a pimp and a bastard who brings benefits to no one but rather wrath. If one sees himself wearing a white uniform and serving people in a dream, it means that he washes people’s hearts and dispels their trouble. Public bath in itself denotes many meanings. (Also see Toilet)…

Seeing something old in a dream suggests that you should put something somewhere else. On the other hand, it can indicate something of the past that you need to enter into your life now.

…that you in your old age will be completely happy. If the color is black, it means that you’ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave the mustache, it suggests you should be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If you dream about a woman with a mustache, it is a sign of distrust and jealousy. If a woman dreams she has a mustache that indicates she expresses her energy in words. Dreaming you have a mustache when you don’t have it, means hiding some aspect of your personality. You are wearing a costume or you are showing only one aspect of your personality. Dream that you shave your mustache symbolizes that you’re showing your true personality. You don’t longer have to hide under a disguise or some protection. On the other hand, you will try to get in a position of honor and abandon bad companions….

…If you are female and you dream that you are wearing a bra, then your dream stands as a symbol of support, assistance, aid, help or promotion. For a man to dream about wearing a bra, is a sign to be more supportive and protective. For both genders, in the dream wearing a bra, may mean uplifted spirits. On the other hand, bra may indicate your caring and nurturing side. Also, it is indication of maternal feelings. Dreaming that you are not wearing a bra, is interpreted as suggestion that you don’t obey rules or a code of behaviour. Maybe you don’t have enough discipline or control. Alternative, it may reflect your hidden desires coming from your sexual nature….

To see a shroud, when you are dreaming, has meaning of finalisation, death or the end of something. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, the dream is interpreted as suggestion that you are trying to hide something. Maybe you are suppressing your feelings. Or maybe you are not ready to meet (someone) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent. Third meaning is about aspect of your life that is need to be eliminated.

If the one dreams of seeing or wearing the shroud, then such dream denotes to the finish line of something or even death. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the secrets one is hiding or features he has, but is not ready to show them yet.

If you were suspended from school in your dream, then such dream denotes to lost connection with those around you. Maybe you think you are unable to meet other people expectations therefore you feel lost. On the other hand, the dream may indicate the guilt you feel from the things you did in the past.

To play the video game, denotes to your capability of getting what you want from those you are surrounded by. Perhaps you know how to manipulate people, therefore you are able to get what you want. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something you are trying to avoid. Perhaps there are some issues that have not been dealt of. If you were the one who is in the video game and somebody else is controlling you, then it shows you inability to stand for yourself.

Dream of balloons indicates that your hopes for love may suffer a setback. On the other hand, balloons are a symbol of celebrations and joys; maybe you should recognize your internal desires. Balloons may also represent arrogance; perhaps you have too good opinion about yourself. Dream of black balloons symbolizes depression, especially, if the balloons come down. If a balloon explodes in a dream, it symbolizes a not realized object or a desire. Dreaming of a flying balloon means that the time to overcome your depression has come.

See a mouth in a dream means the need to express or talk about an awkward situation. On the other hand, you may have talked too much and should keep your mouth shut. Dreaming about washing your mouth indicates you will have to readjust your personal or professional life, if you really want to achieve specific goals. If the mouth is very small, then it means that someone is speaking badly of you. If the mouth is big means that you will be commended for some work you have done. If you dream you have bad breath is that you have or will have a temporary discomfort.