When the dreamer makes a vow in a dream, then it shows the actual promise he made to others or himself. Perhaps the dream tries to remember you something you promised. On the other hand, the vows show the respect and affection you have towards your partner.

The furniture in dreams is showing your view towards yourself and those you are surrounded by. The dream represents the connection you have with other people and what part of your life they are taking in. The dream in which you are moving the furniture from one place to another, shows your effort to cater others. On the other hand, the dream may show your desire to make some changes in your waking life including the relationships you are in or position that you are taking at the moment. The furniture that is vintage or old signifies the conservative views of the dreamer. Perhaps the dreamer finds it hard to change the opinion about something particular or is unable to be more tolerant towards the others. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of the particular piece of furniture.

When you dream about gargoyle, then such dream foretells the apprehension the dreamer has. Perhaps he should share those worries with others in order to escape this kind of stress. There is no need to be afraid to talk to someone, because these people could help you find the way out, or simply get their opinions and maybe you won’t be so stressed out anymore. On the other hand, the gargoyle is a symbolism of reputation which you might lower down.

When you dream of providing assistance to someone, it means that there is someone who is looking for help and you are the one who should help him. If you see yourself receiving an assistance, it means that you need a hand from someone in particular situation. This dream is a sign how fragile and hesitant you are. Maybe there are areas in your life that can be changed and you could become more self confident person.

If you dream of the syrup, then such dream symbolizes the childhood and past memories. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the glutinous situation that is also adhesive and does not make you perform easily.

…In a dream, pebbles represent men, women, little children, or counted money. They also mean memorizing a book of knowledge, understanding it, knowing it by heart, or writing poems. They also mean performing one’s pilgrimage to Mecca and pelting stones in the valley of Mina at a placed called Jamarat. Pelting stones in a dream also means harshness, toughness, slander, or youth. Collecting pebbles for pelting from a marketplace, a street, under the trees, or in a farmland in a dream means receiving financial benefits. Collecting pebbles at the foot of a tree in a dream means receiving a gift from a person in authority, or profits from the sea, learning at the hand of a good teacher, a gift from a wealthy wife, or they could mean the birth of a son if one does not have a son. Throwing pebbles in the sea in a dream means…

Dreaming of a helicopter means your ambitions and achievements. Dreaming of being inside a helicopter means that perhaps you live beyond your means. On the other hand, it may mean that in real life you’re beginning to experience a new kind of freedom and conscience.

To dream of being a voyeur, denotes to your fears. Probably you are afraid of the things you have dreamed of. Maybe the wishes and desires you have seem like the unreal task, but you should not your hand down, because you are able to achieve whatever you want.

When the dreamer sees himself gaging, then such dream represents the aspects, thoughts and emotions the one is not expressing in the waking life. On the other hand, the dream could also suggest you to keep your thoughts for yourself instead of minding not your own business.

When you dream of seeing the cuckoo, then such dream indicates destiny of your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start changes the circumstances of the life. On the other hand, the dream could represent someone in your life you wish to avoid.

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

To dream of yourself writing a letter, a note, a message, etc., indicates prosperity and great economic achievements. On the other hand, it means your some kind of communication with someone.

…Dreaming that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you | but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. For a young woman Dreaming that she is under strange influences, denotes her immediate exposure to danger, and she should beware. Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state….

Some authors point out that what we caught in our dream is what has our mind in captivity. So if you catch an enemy, it means that deep down you feel overpowered by it and if you catch insects, then it symbolizes that some matter or the control of some problems are getting out of your hand.

Marriage in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life. Dreams involving marriage generally have some negativity, some highlights and some anxiety or fear. Often they referred to teardrop sensations, pain, or your independence. A dream that you remarried with your current partner represents truth, happiness and highlights a strong relationship between you. It can also foresee a new phase in your life. If in real life you will get married and dream about your future wedding, then it indicates stress of organizing the wedding and can be the cause of anxiety. On the other hand, the dream indicates an era of happiness and well-being. Dream about planning your own wedding is a metaphor symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine side. Attending a wedding means changes and certain times in your life.

Dream of a male statue means you’ll have honor and glory. A female statue means fertility. To dream that a statue is walking near you means a big problem is coming. Seeing people you know as statues in a dream means a lack of communication with these people and that those relations are inflexible. On a more positive note, it may represent someone you idealize and admire. To dream that you are a statue means you are out of touch with reality. Seeing the Statue of Liberty in a dream means personal or cultural freedom. You have found your own independence and you are starting to live again. On the other hand, means a symbol of free enterprise and good condition.

The skeleton in a dream, represents the beginning or the end of the project. At the first point the dreamer is willing to get started doing things from the scratch, therefore the skeleton stands as the base of particular object. On the other hand, the dream may indicate something that is over for a long time. Maybe some of the relationships or work you were doing has come to an end.

In dreams marriage is usually the symbol of union between opposites. So it may be an aspiration of balance or consolidation. It may also be the desire to marry or on the other hand, give some individual freedom that it implies. This dream could also show some kind of problem or negative consequences due to decisions that have been made recently.

When you dream of the hickey, then such dream indicates the conflict between your emotions and thoughts. Perhaps you are not thinking clearly, instead you follow your feelings and make the decisions according to what you feel. On the other hand, the dream may show the tiredness and frustration you are suffering from. Perhaps you are tired mentally or physically. The dream suggests you to look more after yourself instead of others.

…If one sees himself entering someone else’s house in a dream, it means that he will defeat him, gain the upper hand in business over him or control his interests. To enter the house of the governor and to feel comfortable and at ease therein in a dream means that he is soliciting the governor’s assistance in a personal business. The coming of a just person to a house in a dream means blessings. If an unjust person enters a place in a dream, it means that evil and calamities will befall such a house. If it is customary for such a person to enter that place, then no harm will incur from his coming or going. If one sees himself entering a house of unfamiliar substance, ground or structure, and if he meets departed souls whom he recognizes in the dream, it means that he has entered the…

Dream of yeast indicates a spiritual quest. You need to look at yourself to improve your soul. On the other hand, yeast is symbol of your renewed energy or increased enthusiasm for an idea or a project.

Dreaming that you have a mole (mark or spot) on your face or body, symbolizes that something is becoming involved in your affairs in a way that is neither needed nor welcome. This situation or person is interfering with your personal respect. On other hand, it shows that you are unable to obtain the approval of others.

…(Capital punishment | Death | Decapitation) In a dream, beheading means freedom from slavery or dispelling sorrows and dismay, payment of one’s debts, or it could mean prospering. If one knows his assailant in the dream, it means receiving wealth at his hand. If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness, and if he is not sick, it means that he will attend a pilgrimage. If the assailant is a young boy, then it means comfort, joy and relief from his burdens through his own death. If a healthy person is beheaded in a dream, it means the end of his comfort or loss of his job or authority. If one sees the governor of the town beheading him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will save him from his sorrows and strengthen him in this life. If one sees a ruler…

…(Arabian camel | Bactrian camel | Ride) Riding a camel who is obedient to his master in a dream means solving one’s problem at the hand of a foreigner. If an Arab helps resolving one’s problem in the dream, it means that the person in the dream will perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. If he dismounts his camel during his journey in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with a disease that will obstruct his journey. If one sees himself leaping over a camel in a dream, it means distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person. If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. If one sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that…

To hear sirens in your dream, stands as a mark for stressful situation or hidden problem. Any of these conditions is giving you much stress. The sirens in a dream may alert you to get attention in order to find a solution for problem at hand.

Traditionally, seeing a tree with new green leaves can be interpreted as an omen of abundance which could mean that there will be economic and sentimental abundance. As well as it could mean that there could be ideas, that will be followed through. But on the other hand, seeing leaves fall from the tree means that you can lose something very important, but only for short period of time. It will come back again in your life.

…Dreaming of the human entrails, denotes horrible misery and despair, shutting out all hope of happiness. Dreaming of the entrails of a wild beast, signifies the overthrow of your mortal enemy. To tear the entrails of another, signifies cruel persecutions to further your own interests. Dreaming of your own entrails, the deepest despair will overwhelm you. Dreaming of the entrails of your own child, denotes that the child’s, or your own, dissolution is at hand. See Intestines….

The dream, in which you have the visions, denotes to the spiritual aspects that has emerged. Maybe the dream shows something that is already known, but fully unrealized. On the other hand, the dream may indicate your inability to get in contact with those you are surrounded by.

To dream about breakfast, shows the start of a new task, project, plan, or scheme. Breakfast also symbolizes the birth of a new period in your life. On the other hand, breakfast in the dream can induced by external stimuli. Your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to eat for breakfast in this morning. It is not uncommon for your conscious ideas, thoughts and conceptions to be incorporated into your subconscious. And that shows up in your dream.

The dream, in which you see the crib denotes to the new idea or project that is lurking in your mind. On the other hand, the dream about crib could represent your desire to care and shelter those around you. Perhaps you are the person who gives more than receives. Consider if you wish to become a parent, because the crib is also interpreted as the desire to have children.

…(Demolishing | Desperado | Destroying | Plunderer | Reversal of sentence) A wrecker in a dream has negative connotations. He represents a person with many contradictions, a violator of others’ rights, someone who breaks things apart, who ruins things, someone who negates his promises or covenants, or one who breaks his own rules. On the other hand, if a wrecker demolishes something to replace it with something better, or to reverse an unjust sentence in the dream, he then represents a true human being, and one’s dream carries a positive meaning. (Also see Spoils)…

The symbol of swastika is mostly associated with Nazis and Jews, because of the impact of history and media. For most of us it is a symbol of hate, mischief and misfortune. On the other hand the swastika is a symbol of the four winds.

A woman in labour, shows deliverance at hand.

Dreaming of a maple symbolizes humility, warmth, and openness. It also indicates increases, positive happiness and fullness of life. Seeing a maple tree falling indicates dissonance and broken family ties. Finding a maple leaf in your dream represents each of the five senses and what it has to offer. Also, denotes a helping or protective hand.

Listening to the radio in your dream symbolizes your knowledge and need to learn new things. On the other hand, it may mean that soon you will receive news. It’s important to know what you hear on the radio. To dream that the radio turns off means you lose some opportunities because of yourself.

To see the frame in a dream is interpreted as the symbol of limitations and walls you will face in your waking life. Maybe you or somebody else is making these boundaries to you? On the other hand, the frame could indicate the loneliness you are suffering from.

To dream that you are x-rayed is a sign that you should review your health. On the other hand, x-rays may indicate false situations or relationships.

Seeing stamps in a dream represents the need for communication with the world. On the other hand, it may indicate that you need to show more strength and encouragement. Seeing a collection of stamps in a dream means worries about money and security.

…Seeing a wall in a dream means obstacles and limitations. There is a barrier that obstructs your progress. You’re too much dependent on your old habits and ways of thinking. Dreaming that you’re jumping over a wall suggests that you will overcome strong obstacles to succeed. Dreaming that you’re demolishing a wall indicates that you will break barriers and you will overcome your limitations. Seeing a wall crumble indicates that you easily rise from your problems and overcome your barriers. Dreaming that you’re building a wall represents a bad relationship. On the other hand, it indicates that you will accept your limitations. Dreaming that you’re hiding behind a wall suggests that you’re embarrassed of some relationships. Dreaming that you’re being thrown to a wall indicates some ways to break barriers and limitations….

Dreaming about a camel with one hump is fortunate omen and means unpredicted achievements. Furthermore, to see a dromedary in dream indicates your hard working nature. This quality of yours is going to reward you with unexpected riches and increase your reputation. Alternatively, to dream about dromedary represents your caregiving personality. You are a generous person. You are always ready to lend a helping hand.