…(God Almighty | Governor | Mayor | President | Royalty | Sultan) The true King is God Almighty. If the king is pleased with someone in a dream, it means that God Almighty is pleased with him, and if the king is angry with him in the dream, it means that God Almighty is displeased with him. If one sees the king frowning in a dream, it means that he fails to properly perform his prayers or show true religious devotion. If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means profits in one’s material as well as spiritual life. If one sees that God Almighty has appointed him as a king over a land, it means that he will receive such a regency, should he qualify. Later on, unrest will bring tyrants, or dictators to justice, while people of knowledge and piety will survive and regain their authority….

…unlawful practices before contracting unknwon illness. Kissing one’s beloved from the mouth in a dream means money. Kissing a woman in a dream means desiring her, or receiving news from one’s beloved. Kissing an old woman in a dream indicates an excuse or regret for a slip of the mouth. Kissing a young girl in a dream means drinking a glass of wine. If a scholar kisses a beautiful woman in a dream, it could mean reciting the Qur’an, or speaking words of wisdom. If such a scholar is known to love the world and its pleasures, then what he has kissed in his dream is the world itself. Kissing God’s right Hand in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca and kissing the black stone. Kissing God Almighty in a dream means kissing the holy Qur’an, or kissing God’s holy Name. If one sees God Almighty kissing him…

…Dreaming that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. Dreaming that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity. Dreaming of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes. To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem. For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life. Dreaming of kissing a person on the neck,…

…(Murder | Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin. If one kills himself, or commits suicide in fear of the consequences of his sins in a dream, it means that he is offering true repentance from his sins, though committing suicide is a major sin that will lead its author to eternal sufferings in hell-fire. Killing a human being in a dream means committing an evil and an atrocious sin. On the other hand, committing an outrageous sin, or a conspicuously objectionable act in a dream may mean killing someone. If one is killed in a dream, it means longevity and that he will acquire a great wealth from the one who kills him in the dream. If one kills someone without slaughtering him in a dream, it means that the victim will benefit greatly from his assailant. Slaughtering in a dream means injustice. Killing someone in…

Dreaming of kissing a stranger effusively, suggests the desire of having illicit relationships that will harm you in some way. Dreaming of children kissing insinuates that you’re living comfortably and in harmony. Dreaming of kissing your mother suggests that you’ll be successful in the immediate future, both in the sentimental and business area. Dreaming that you kiss a relative means that you’ll have a quiet life and all your affairs will be going well. Dreaming of kissing someone of the opposite gender in the dark implies serious threats of being socially discredited due to illicit relationships. Dreaming of seeing an enemy kissing your beloved one means that your self-esteem is not good.

If you are kissing someone in romantic way, it shows your romantic feelings towards that particular person. You have a very close relationships to that person. If you kiss someone who is not your partner, it shows that you have the feelings to this person or would like to see the features of him/her in your partner. If the romantic kiss is not enjoyable, you do not have the sexual affection to this person or simply are angry for something and have unsolved problems. The romantic kissing could also show how much you are longing for it, because it don’t experience romantic kissing in a very long time. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of non-romantic kissing.

…For a woman Dreaming of a beautiful fat, white kitten, omens artful deception will be practised upon her, which will almost ensnare her to destruction, but her good sense and judgment will prevail in warding off unfortunate complications. If the kittens are soiled, or colored and lean, she will be victimized into glaring indiscretions. Dreaming of kittens, denotes abominable small troubles and vexations will pursue and work you loss, unless you kill the kitten, and then you will overcome these worries. To see snakes kill kittens, you have enemies who in seeking to injure you will work harm to themselves. See Cats….

…Dreaming of being kidnapped basically means that you feel very uncomfortable in the environment you live, so you crave for an immediate change of life. Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she’s getting old and still doesn’t find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but can’t find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that…

…Dreaming of a king, you are struggling with your might, and ambition is your master. Dreaming that you are crowned king, you will rise above your comrades and co-workers. If you are censured by a king, you will be reproved for a neglected duty. For a young woman to be in the presence of a king, she will marry a man whom she will fear. To receive favors from a king, she will rise to exalted positions and be congenially wedded….

…To dream that you’ve forgotten your name or another person’s name means that you feel overwhelmed and overloaded. It also indicates that you will forget your family roots. On the other hand, it suggests that in real life you’ll behave like someone else. If you hear your name in a dream it indicates that you are connected to your spirituality and emphasize your individuality. If you see the name of another person written in the dream, it symbolizes your opinion about that person. Pay attention to the form of writing, your intuition may be true….

…if she weighed each syllable in her mind very carefully before she spoke, ” I have heard of you from the Rev. Mr. Towell.” At the mention of the name of the chaplain at Dartmoor, Lil — you know the fellow who laid it on so thick when I was doing time there, three years ago last May — at the mention of his name, Lil, I jumped as if I had been shot.”Then you’re a lady missionary, are you?” I said, with a scowl. ”If that’s your game, all I can say is that you’ve come to the wrong shop. I don’t cotton to prigs of that kidney.”” I spoke so savage, Lil, that the lady shook all over, and I saw her eyes flash round the room as if seeking the quickest avenue of escape. Then she suddenly grew calm, and, lifting her veil, stared me straight in…

(Small hawk) In a dream, a kite means an insouciant or a languorous ruler who is audacious, defiled and stouthearted. If one catches and trains a wild kite to hunt for him and he finds that it is not obeying him or holding fast to his wrist in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a ruler. Otherwise, if the kite flies away from his wrist in the dream, it means that the fetus may die before birth. Its chicks represent boys and girls banding at wrongdoing. A kite in a dream also represents an adulterous wife and a secret affair. (See Introduction)

…(Aircraft | Soar) In a dram, a kite represents exaltedness, rising in station, determination, or gaining respect. A kite in a dream also means being dis- missed, or banished, or it could mean sorcery and magic. If one sees himself playing with a kite in a dream, it means that he might suffer from a spell of black arts. If a kite falls over one’s house in a dream, it means that he will be evicted from it….

…Dreaming of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all. To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment and failure. Dreaming of making a kite, you will speculate largely on small means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations. To see children flying kites, denotes pleasant and light occupation. If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss….

…Dreaming that you’re a king suggests that you want to have a high-level positions in the social, economic, or political area. However, you want all these to be material things, this is nothing related with your spiritual aspect. In some cases, dreaming that you are a king is synonymous of egotism, therefore this may be sign of self-reproach. In this case the dreamer is usually exhibitionist and vain, and likes to stand out in any gathering or place he goes. In elder people, this dream means that the dreamer is cheap and greedy, in some cases. Dreaming of being scolded by a king suggests that you will soon face some difficulties as a result of the mistakes you have made. Dreaming of traveling next to a King indicates that you will surely succeed in what you’re doing. When the journey is made by boat, it suggests that the success…

Kissing a person of the opposite sex and not our partner means harbinger of infidelity, but kissing our partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kissing the ground is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared of arriving penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, presages heritage. Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.

…If you dream of wantonly killing any animal, or insect, it predicts bad luck and poverty; but if the killing be done by accident, it shows that, though you may have a misfortune in consequence, it will not materially affect your interest. For butchers or farmers to dream of killing fat and healthy animals for food, is a sign of thrift and abundance; but if they dream of killing a hog that does not squeal, it shadows forth a death in the family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41….

To dream that you’ve killed someone means that you have unexpressed anger issues. The dream could also indicate the empathy towards particular person, because you haven’t deal with your issues. If you kill someone, because he tried to do the harm to you, or you tried to escape of being killed, it means that you are feeling insecure about some things in your life, therefore the killing is interpreted only as the self-defense. If you kill someone by accident, it means that you did some harm for someone and feel sorry and guilty about it. You could also be afraid of taking some of the responsibilities because of the harm that could be possibly done.

represents everything about our food. If the kitchen is well stocked with utensils, then it indicates the organizational skills of the dreamer. If you lack the most essential things in the kitchen, then it shows you are not prepared for the future. If the kitchen is well stocked, then it indicates good material conditions to face the future. If the food is burnt or not cooked, then it warns you that you have much to learn in order to succeed.

When you see a killer in a dream, then such dream shows that there are certain things within you that been putted away. Perhaps you feel like you are no longer yourself. The killer in a dream could also indicate the fears of life dangers you meet every day. On the other hand, the killer in a dream shows the final stages of particular subject in your life. Perhaps you are getting over with something in your waking life.

To dream of seeing a king with his throne, surrounded by his courtiers, indicates deceit, cozenage, tricks, traps, flattery. To see the king could also mean, mean clemency, pardon for injuries, and forgiveness of faults. To speak to a king, denotes rebellion, conspiracy, treason.

…If you are kissing a person of the opposite sex portends unfaithfulness, unless it is your partner, in which case announces a good fortune. If it is a beloved person, it announces their departure. If we kiss someone of the same sex without affection, we will receive benefit from them. If we do the same but with affection, they will be benefiting from us. When kissing dirt then it symbolizes sorrows. When kissing the dead person you will receive a great inheritance….

To kiss the earth shows sorrow and care; to kiss the hands of a lady, good luck; if you kiss her face you will be successful in love and trade, through courage. To be kissed signifies disagreeable visitors.

If someone is kissing you like your mother, father or neighbor, it shows the kind and great relationships between you two. The kissing could have the other meanings as well, but only if it is the romantic type of kissing, which indicates passion and affection.

…A killing of a red snake in a dream can be because of an external stimulus reason. For anyone, recently in actual life seen bloody scene of a killing of anything by anybody or a neutralization of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source for dreams. In order to kill a red snake in a dream is enough to see in waking life something that resembles such act. For a woman, a finalization of a menstrual cycle can be an external stimulus for a dream about a killing of a red colored snake. For a man, a release of blood from erected body part can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the killed red long limbless reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away…

The dream in which you see the king, signifies the fortune that will be reached through hard work. The king is also a symbol of your achievements, especially if you were in contact with him during your sleep. You will be appreciated by others. If you see king being in rags, you should be careful of your enemies, they will do much harm to you and those you love. Make sure you stay away from them as much as it is possible.

If you are flying the kite, then this dream may have several meanings. The kite could indicate your ability to control the situation no matter what are the circumstances. The kite could also be a symbol of freedom and ability to be independent from others.

…(See Stranger.) Dreams of kissing work curiously: if a girl dreams that she is kissed by a young man m whom she takes no particular interest, it may be a good omen, and it may not; for if he happens to be a silly fellow who imagines that she is in love with him, it is a sign she will be slandered in a way that will make her unhappy; but if he has no such sentiment, then the sign is exactly the reverse — that is, someone will speak well of her to those whom she esteems highly perhaps to her lover. If a girl dreams she is kissed by her lover, it predicts that he will say something unpleasant to her at their next meeting; if a lover dreams that his sweetheart kisses him the sign is similar. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1….

If you killed someone in a dream, then it means that you have much of anger hidden in your mind. You have problems while dealing with all of the stress, therefore you are willing to kill someone. You lost the control of yourself. If you witness killing, then it means you are not very happy about the variations that happening around you. If you dream of killing the wild animal, you will reach your success.

If you kick someone in a dream, then it signifies the anger, frustration and aggression. Perhaps you are unable to show this in your waking life, therefore you are dreaming about it. If someone has kicked you, then there is some situation in your waking life which you are unable to control and feel deceived. The dream tries to show you that you must stop being a victim. Make sure you stand up for yourself. The dream could also suggest you to stop being so lazy and start doing something about your life. You must understand that no one has to give you better life, but yourself. If you kick the ball in a dream, then such dream indicates the necessity of control in your waking life.

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

…To dream of a king denotes that the dreamer is ambitious and will be disappointed. If you dream you speak to a king it is a happy omen, and is a sign of riches and honour. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 14….

…To dream of flying a kite is a sign that you will soon write a letter to some friend or acquaintance. For a girl to dream of seeing a kite in the air, predicts that she will receive a letter from a young man — whether a lover or not, is uncertain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 53, 62….

If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.

To dream that you are in kindergarten as the child, means that you wish to have the life with less of the responsibilities then you have at the moment. If you are the teacher of kindergarten, you feel that you have too much to take care of.

To appear before a friendly king is a symbol of great success, and before a cruel king is very unfavourable.

To be kidnaped indicates bad luck in business. To kidnap an unknown person, signifies a danger for your activities. To kidnap a beloved one, success in the emotional field. To assist a kidnapping, incidentals events will surprise you.

If you see yourself being on the jet ski in a dream, then such dream indicates your desire to get to know yourself better. You are becoming more and more in contact with yourself. On the other hand, the jet ski could represent your sexual urges and needs.

…To kill in a dream means to erase, to disappear. Killing someone in a dream reveals our desire for this person to stop interfering in our affairs. Seeing someone being killed indicates a state of confusion and bewilderment at the behavior of others. If the victim is you, it’s a dream of death. (See the meaning of death) If what we kill or see being killed in a dream is an animal, then it means that we want to eliminate a situation or an event that is annoying, painful or difficult for us….

…To dream that you kill someone means that you may be feeling very stressed lately, and sometimes may lose your self-control. It’s interesting to remember whom have you killed and how do you feel about that person. Do you feel angry for some reason towards that person and didn’t realize it until now? Sometimes we do things that annoy others, but it’s difficult for us to recognize our anger and our pain. On the contrary, a dream in which you kill a person can represent a part of you that you may dislike and want to get rid of it….