…Dreaming of a kitchen, denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman Dreaming that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes….

Dreaming of seeing a kimono means that the dreamer has a fascination with Asian countries. Dreaming of using a kimono in good condition means that the dreamer will defeat any opponents by using tactics of courage and morality.

Dreaming of a king means that you are possibly about to take power and prestige. In dreams, the king symbolizes power, control and male strength.

If it’s a news kiosk it’s possible that you’ll receive news very soon, and if the kiosk is empty it could be interpreted as a desire of starting your own business, starting something on your own.

To see a kingfisher, when you are dreaming, represents the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. Kingfisher also stands as an omen of calmness.

If you kiss someone of the opposite sex means you´ll have an unexpected encounter that will make you very happy. If you’re kissing your parents means problems that worries you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger means you should not abuse of the confidence of others.

If you give one to a person of the opposite sex, you will have an unexpected encounter that will fill you with joy. If you dream that you kiss your parents, it means that some problems that are haunting you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger, it means that it is not good to over trust people.

To dream of kissing the hands of someone, friendship, good fortune. To kiss the face, rashness followed by success. To kiss the feet, humility.

Pleasant news will come if you hear called your own name.

…a level with my face, and, as I peered through it, a tall man in evening dress entered the room. ‘Mr. Montague, I suppose,’ I murmured to myself, mentioning the name of the banker. ‘Why, he’s actually wearing red socks, and has a coloured handkerchief and a sixpenny ready-made tie,” You see, sir, I notice every detail in a gentleman’s dress; and, as you doubtless know, nothing gives a show away so much as loud-coloured handkerchiefs and ready-made ties; no one in tip-top society wears such things.”Now I didn’t know much about bankers, as most of the people at whose houses I visited were real gentry, but I never should have believed that even a moderately well-to-do business man would have dressed like that. I was gazing at him in astonishment, when he suddenly approached the window, and, seeing me, threw up the sash. ‘Are you the policeman,’ he said,…

…Dreaming about your kidneys, foretells you are threatened with a serious illness, or there will be trouble in marriage relations for you. If they act too freely, you will be a party to some racy intrigue. If they refuse to perform their work, there will be a sensation, and to your detriment. If you eat kidney-stew, some officious person will cause you disgust in some secret lover affair….

The heart symbolizes the seat of power and force. What happens to our kidneys in our dreams is a premonition about what will happen to our physical or moral resistance.

…Dreaming of killing a defenseless man, prognosticates sorrow and failure in affairs. If you kill one in defense, or kill a ferocious beast, it denotes victory and a rise in position….

Unexpected gift and news. Honor and fortune. King with his subjects is a sign of hypocrisy, betrayal, and false pride.

…Dreaming of a kid, denotes you will not be over-scrupulous in your morals or pleasures. You will be likely to bring grief to some loving heart….

To dream of flying a kite implies a some of the great luck that is stored for you.

Symbolize parents or those powerful people on whom we depend. If we dream ourselves as being a king or a queen, then it means that we have reached the climax of our existence or it is a dream about a manifestation or our uncontrolled ambition.

The dream is presenting for something that is related to our future, whether in the mental, material or emotional level. You have to look if the kitchen is well stocked or not, because that will tell us if we are prepared to face events. If we are cooking, we’ll know if we still have much or little to learn to achieve our goals, depending on how good the stew is.

Wearing a crown in a dream means increase in money and children. For a woman, wearing a crown means marriage to a foreigner. For a man, wearing a crown in a dream implies overcoming false allegations. If a merchant sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means loss of business and influence. If a ruler sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means failure in his religious commitment. If a king sees his crown being taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may be killed or lose his kingdom.

To receive a kick from a horse in dreams symbolizes ill fortune.

Dream of killing a father or a mother, is the most disastrous signal to the dreamer possible. To kill a fellow being, an omen of security and peace. To slaughter animals, victory over enemies.

Being kidnapped indicates bad luck in business. To kidnap an unknown person, symbolizes danger for your activities. Kidnapping a loved one, success in the love field. Attending a kidnapping, unforeseen events will surprise you.

To kiss a relative in a dream denotes treason; a stranger, a speedy journey.

To see a king, or speak to one, shows riches and honour.

Kittens are harmless diverting creatures. To dream of them signifies many children.

If someone has kidnapped you in a dream, then such dream indicates the stagnation of your feelings. Perhaps there is something in your life that doesn’t let you to perform fully. The limitations and restrictions that are given to you don’t let to be who you wish to be. If you see someone else being kidnapped, then it means you are finding difficult to accept the characteristics of that certain person. If you were the one who was a kidnapper in a dream, then it means you are struggling to leaving your past behind. Perhaps there are some sentiments which you are unable to let go.

To dream of a kite, shows a great fluctuation in your affairs, winch it is in your power to redress, whoever has this dream should make use of their faculties.

…A kitchen in a dream means preparing food, or it could represent a servant, menial work, a cook, a greasy spoon restaurant, ruins, loss of status, spoils taken from others by force, or it could mean a craft, heat, lust, tampering with the elements, or meddling with people’s business. (Also see Ladle)…

…(Courtesy) If a respected person sees himself showing friendliness and kindness toward lowly people in a dream, it means self-degradation, loss of status, dismissal from one’s position, poverty and need for other’s assistance….

Kicking something in a dream means ingratitude. If one is kicked in a dream, it means that someone will demean him in public, or cast down his achievements, or despise him for his poverty, or show haughtiness in dealing with him.

The dream in which you see a kite is interpreted as the symbolism of freedom.

…If it refers to a comet (star), it portends big calamities. If it’s a kite (toy) and flies well, it symbolizes a favorable situation. If it’s broken, then it indicates that we have concerns about something we cannot solve. If it’s on the floor, it portends illness. If we are making one, it warns us not to risk on speculation….

To dream of seeing beautiful and soft kitten, means that you have a childish personality. Alternatively, you have very strong motherhood instincts and willing to take care of someone.

The killer whale indicates the individual strength and power. It also shows the ability to go through life the way you want.

Dreaming you discourse with a king, implies honour.

(Japanese fermented rice drink | slightly sweetened and a non-alcoholic drink also found in Egypt) Drinking amazaki in a dream means comfort and prosperity. If an unmarried man sees himself drinking this fermented rice drink in a dream, it may mean that he considers it lawful to live unmarried with divorced women.

Dreaming you converse with a king denotes honour.

Killing animals, show some accident to thee.

To dream of kids, show, in your trade you’ll have losses.

To dream you are kissing a pretty maid, shows an evil design. In love, it shows that your sweetheart, though she loves you, will act more cautiously.