…In a dream, seeing a mountain or an edifice or a mausoleum breaking into pieces or being destroyed without an outside interference or blasting, it means fading of one’s name or evanescence of one’s remembrance after his death or disappearance of one’s traces or references. Crumbling in a dream also means fulfilling one’s promise….

…Dreaming of seeing a brood of chickens, denotes worry from many cares, some of which of which will prove to your profit. Young or half grown chickens, signify fortunate enterprises, but to make them so you will have to exert your physical strength. To see chickens going to roost, enemies are planning to work you evil. To eat them, denotes that selfishness will detract from your otherwise good name. Business and love will remain in precarious states….

It symbolizes problems and difficulties often created by ourselves and our behavior. If we see the pit in time it indicates that we are still able to avoid the looming danger. If we jump over we will be able to overcome all the difficulties. If we fall into it we will fail in our enterprises. If the grave is inscribed and the headstone has our name or our companies that indicates that we should give up the fight and take a new direction, changing our attitude which has so far been wrong.

…It symbolizes your soul and the fact that you’re longing for freedom. Seeing birds flying through the sky reflects impatience. If birds are emigrating, you have a desire to change the environment. If they’re caged, you see yourself with limited freedom. Caged and with a broken wing or leg, or shivering, indicates that your soul is imprisoned. Seeing a bird flying in a limited space, crashing into walls and finally landing on your head, reveals that you have fixed ideas and complex thoughts. If the dream is about the struggle with night birds, it will cause you great impression and reveals our fight against destructive thoughts. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, please also see the name of the bird….

…A city in a dream also represents the entertainment it provides for its dwellers. The name of a city one sees in a dream should reflect some of the meanings of one’s dream. (See Introduction). The industry of a city also has a share in the dream interpretation. Known cities in the world in a dream represent their rulers. Entering a city one already knows in a dream means that one will not die until he enters it again, or it could mean that he will receive news from that city. The walls of a city represent a strong ruler. A demolished wall of a city in a dream signifies the death of its ruler or his removal from office. If one sees a flourishing city with its urban construction, factories and farms, his dream will reflect the spiritual awareness and religious devotion of its people. (Also see Village)…

…to hesitate between two offers of seeming fortune, and unless she uses great care, will choose the one that will afford her loss or distress instead of pleasant fortune. To see tangled and unkempt hair, life will be a veritable burden, business will fall off, and the marriage yoke will be troublesome to carry. If a woman is unsuccessful in combing her hair, she will lose a worthy man’s name by needless show of temper and disdain. For a young woman Dreaming of women with gray hair, denotes that they will come into her life as rivals in the affection of a male relative, or displace the love of her affianced. Dreaming of having your hair cut, denotes serious disappointments. For a woman Dreaming that her hair is falling out, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelihood, as fortune has passed her by. For man…

…Dreaming that you are in the path of a whirlwind, foretells that you are confronting a change which threatens to overwhelm you with loss and calamity. For a young woman Dreaming that she is caught in a whirlwind and has trouble to keep her skirts from blowing up and entangling her waist, denotes that she will carry on a secret flirtation and will be horrified to find that scandal has gotten possession of her name and she will run a close risk of disgrace and ostracism….

When you dream of seeing or holding a blade, you are trying to finish something off. There is a possibility that you are trying to make the final decision at some project or personal life. You’ve got to think everything through very well, as it seems that the decision is very important for your future. The other meaning of this dream could represent one of the most popular movies: Blade, therefore maybe you’ve been watching too much of television, because the blades associating with the name of this film.

…(Spiritual guide | Letter carrier | Lighthouse | Minaret of a mosque) In a dream, the minaret of a mosque represents a righteous man who fosters unity and love between people, who calls them to live by their religious covenant and guides them on the path of God Almighty. If a minaret is demolished in a dream, it represents the death of such a spiritual guide, fading of his name, dispersal of his community, and perhaps it could lead to the reversal of their conditions. The minaret of the city’s central mosque in a dream represents a letter carrier, or a guide calling people to God’s path. Falling down from the top of a minaret into a well in a dream means marrying a strong minded woman who uses vicious expressions, when one already has a pious wife with whom he enjoys peace and tranquility. It also means losing…

…(arb. Pulpit | Sermon) A pulpit in a dream represents the Imam, the spiritual guide and commander of all the Muslims who also represents God’s Messenger (uwbp) on earth. A minbar in a dream also represents a blessed abode in the hereafter, and an exalted station through which God’s Name is glorified. Standing one a pulpit and delivering a poised sermon in a dream means attaining an honorable station. If one does not qualify for such a position, then it means that he will acquire good fame. If a ruler or a governor is forced to come down from the pulpit in a dream, it means loss of his status, or it could mean his death. If one is seen standing on a pulpit and if he does not speak or deliver a sermon, or if what he says denotes evil in the dream, it means that he will…

…(Dwellings | Face | Look | State | Transient) One’s garment in a dream represents his innermost thoughts that will eventually show in his attitude in life. If one’s thoughts are good, then it will show, and if they are evil, they will also manifest. If one wears a slipper over his head and a turban in his foot in a dream, it means that he is carrying trouble. Depending on its type and name, a garment in a dream could represent a man or a woman. Wearing a new garment in a dream is better than seeing an old one. If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s apparel in a dream, it means that he is a bachelor. If a woman sees herself wearing a man’s garment in a dream, it means that she is unmarried. Wearing a tightly buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight…

…If one sees himself being buried after his death in a dream, it means that he will undertake a long journey during which he will be short of money. If one sees himself being buried alive and if he recognizes the one burying him in the dream, it means that the latter will assault him, oppress him, imprison him or cause him injustice. If he dies in his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he may die from such sufferings. Should he survive such adversities in the dream, it means that he will escape from such fear, prison or injustice. If he sees the other person driving him to the edge of his grave in a dream, it means that he will lead him to his death, though his name will be praised after his death. If the other person places him inside a coffin…

…Light in a dream also means Islam, or submission to God Almighty. Seeing light in a dream denotes good deeds, knowledge, the Holy Qur’an, or a righteous son. In a dream, light also may mean trials and tribulations. Wearing a raiment of light in a dream means receiving knowledge, or it could represent one’s growing devotion. If one sees light beaming from his body in a dream, it means that he will be gifted with a son who will grow to be a man of great knowledge, spiritual rank, and whose prayers are accepted. Thus, whatever he ask, God Almighty will grant. Light in a dream also represents a messenger, knowledge, or it could mean accomplishing one’s needs in the light. Light in a dream also represents the sun, the moon, the daylight, sunshine, moonlight, the crescent moon, or the Arabic proper name Shams. (Also see Earth | Lantern)…

…vigils, being in love, piety, contemplation, or being afraid of something. If one sees his face white and his body yellow in a dream, it means that what he shows outwardly is better than what he hides. On the other hand, if one’s face is yellow and pale and his body is white in the dream, then it means that his heart is better than what others can perceive from his outer look. If both his face and body look pale and emaciated in a dream, it means an illness. Paleness of the face alone in a dream also means sadness or sorrow. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means an illness, unless if it is made from silk. If one sees himself in a dream wearing a yellowish silk -brocaded cloak, it means religious fakery, or committing improprieties under the name of one’s religion. (Also see Yellow)…


To Jump in dream is always a good omen, because it shows happiness no matter how you jump with or without a pole. Pole vault indicates that we will receive help from other people. When the jump is not a sporty the nature of the obstacles or dangers will be explained with the name of what we are trying to skip. If we are forced to jump, it means that we will be in a difficult situation. If we must jump and we don´t dare to do it, then it reveals our fear to be imprudent.

(arb. | Jahannam. See Hell-fire | Malik | Mental hospital)

…(Mecca | Pilgrimage) Performing a pilgrimage during its season in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, distress, apprehensions or trouble. Praying or delivering a sermon at the valley of Mina during the pilgrimage season in a dream, and if neither the person seeing the dream or anyone in his family or clan qualify for that, it means that someone with the same name among his acquaintances will do so. If this is not feasible, it means that he may face adversities, though become known for his good nature and deeds. If a learned person sees himself delivering a sermon at Mina, and if the people listen to him attentively in the dream, it means that he will rise in station and lead his people, or he could be appointed as a project manager or become an administrator. If one does not complete his sermon or prayers in the dream,…

…(Rodent) A jerboa in a dream represents a liar who often swears in God’s Name that he is speaking the truth. Fighting with a jerboa in a dream means having an argument with a person of such qualities. A jerboa in a dream also represents a body snatcher or a researcher….

…but lies, falsehood, affectation and hypocrisy. If the person who recites the incantation in the dream is a craftsperson, it means that he defrauds the people and fakes his product. If he is a man of knowledge, it means that he lies or hides his true knowledge, abstains from giving true advice, or perhaps he offers a poor quality of worship. If the one reciting the incantation in the dream is a judge, it means that he will give a wrong judgement. If one is given to drink some water over which specific prayers were recited in a dream, it means longevity. If one sees himself reciting an incantation, or if he hears incantations recited on his behalf in a dream, it will all be false except for a prayer that recites – ‘In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate’ or contains a Qur’anic revelation….

…Dreaming that you are an abbot, warns you that treacherous plots are being laid for your downfall. If you see this pious man in devotional exercises, it forewarns you of smooth flattery and deceit pulling you a willing victim into the meshes of artful bewilderment. For a young woman to talk with an abbot, portends that she will yield to insinuating flatteries, and in yielding she will besmirch her reputation. If she marries one, she will uphold her name and honor despite poverty and temptation. See similar words in connection with churches, priests, etc….

Consult the names of the things that were given or received.

…Father of humanity, upon whom be peace. In a dream, Adam represents the elements of sin and repentance. He also represents one’s father or the governor of the land. When seen standing in a noble fashion, Adam also represents attainment and honor. If Adam addresses the person in question in the dream it means that the latter will acquire knowledge. If one becomes Adam or a companion of his and should he qualify for such promotion, it means that he will attain it. Adam also represents the element of temporal existence. Seeing him in a dream also implies understanding, for he was the first to see dreams in this world and to interpret the name of things. Adam also represents reunion with one’s family, concerns, forgetfulness and worries….

…For a lover to dream that he has a rival who annoys him, is a sign that he is in high favour with his sweetheart; such a dream to a young lady has a similar omen, and she has only to name the happy day to settle the matter to her mind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 70….

…Seeing one’s picture on a wall in a dream means one’s death and that his name will be itched on a gravestone. (Also see Paintings)…

…(Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave. However, if he does speak wisdom during such a spiritual gathering in his dream, it means praying hard to have one’s distress and illness lifted by God’s leave. Consequently, and God willing, he will recover from his illness and be able to dispel his adversities. His condition will change from tightness to abundance. He will repay his debts and overcome his oppressors. If one sees a spiritual gathering where God’s Name is glorified, the holy Qur’an is read and wisdom is spoken in his dream, it means…

…Dreaming of seeing acrobats, denotes that you will be prevented from carrying out hazardous schemes by the foolish fears of others. To see yourself acrobating, you will have a sensation to answer for, and your existence will be made almost unendurable by the guying of your enemies. To see women acrobating, denotes that your name will be maliciously and slanderously handled. Also your business interests will be hindered. For a young woman Dreaming that she sees acrobats in tights, signifies that she will court favor of men….

…To jump from one place into another out of fear or with haste in a dream represents accusations, blasphemy, or disturbing news surrounding one’s name. To jump down from a high altitude in a dream means separation, or changing of one’s conditions from convenience to discomfort. An ascending rapid jump in a dream means rising in station and a plummeting jump in a dream means deterioration of one’s status. (Also see Jumping)…

Dreaming of fishhooks, denotes that you have opportunities to make for yourself a fortune and an honorable name if you rightly apply them.

…(Person) When a man is recognized in a dream, he is the same person in wakefulness, or it could be his brother, or a person with the same resemblance or name. If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. If he takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream. If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being” p. 217, seeing the children of Adam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation. The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts. The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers…

…To hear your name called in a dream by strange voices, denotes that your business will fall into a precarious state, and that strangers may lend you assistance, or you may fail to meet your obligations. To hear the voice of a friend or relative, denotes the desperate illness of some one of them, and may be death | in the latter case you may be called upon to stand as guardian over some one, in governing whom you should use much discretion. Lovers hearing the voice of their affianced should heed the warning. If they have been negligent in attention they should make amends. Otherwise they may suffer separation from misunderstanding. To hear the voice of the dead may be a warning of your own serious illness or some business worry from bad judgment may ensue. The voice is an echo thrown back from the future on the…

…Dreaming of your national flag, portends victory if at war, and if at peace, prosperity. For a woman Dreaming of a flag, denotes that she will be ensnared by a soldier. Dreaming of foreign flags, denotes ruptures and breach of confidence between nations and friends. Dreaming of being signaled by a flag, denotes that you should be careful of your health and name, as both are threatened….

Dreaming of an inventor, foretells you will soon achieve some unique work which will add honor to your name. Dreaming that you are inventing something, or feel interested in some invention, denotes you will aspire to fortune and will be successful in your designs.

…him straight forward in the dream, it means that he will help him in his business or support his interests. If one’s eyes turn into iron in a dream, it means distress, a scandal or serious suffering from one’s community. If one sees himself looking at women in his dream, it means that he commits adultery with his eyes by looking and desiring what is unlawful. If one looks at someone’s eyes in a dream and likes them, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, religious corruption or jealousy. If one sees himself having an extra eye inside his body in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. If one sees himself having an extra eye over his shoulder in a dream, it means that he will be named to receive money in absentia. If one sees his eyes transfixed in a dream, it means that…

…Seeing one’s picture reflected in a wall means his death, and connotes that his name will be itched on his gravestone….

…To sign your name to deeds, is a bad sign; to a man, less in business; to a woman, the inconstancy of her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7. 8….

When you dream of seeing or using the jack in a dream, then such dream represents the harmony of your life. The jack in a dream could also show the person who is named Jack.

…To dream of Christianity, means expansion of beliefs. Christianity also relates to the dreamer’s personal beliefs and religious experiences. It can be a sign of inner spiritual growth and development of the new aspect in personality. On the other hand, it may refer to a person in the dreamer’s life whose name is Christian….

…Dreaming of acrobats in action suggests that the dreamer is exposed to misunderstandings and embarrassments because of unfounded fears of other, which is exercising negative influence on the dreamer. Dreaming that the acrobats fail at any of their acrobatics suggests that there will be losses in the businesses you are managing. Dreaming of yourself performing and failing implies that you feel limited or unable to do your things due to constant interference of hidden and hypocritical enemies. Doing a perfect performance suggests a high probability of success in all your affairs. Dreaming of women performing acrobatics suggests that the name of the dreamer will be discredited by rumors, which will disturb your working or romantic life. If a young woman dreams of performing acrobats, it indicates that she is being or will be courted by men that are not serious and not even of her liking. A young woman…

…To ride in a cab in dreams, is significant of pleasant avocations, and average prosperity you will enjoy. To ride in a cab at night, with others, indicates that you will have a secret that you will endeavor to keep from your friends. To ride in a cab with a woman, scandal will couple your name with others of bad repute. Dreaming of driving a public cab, denotes manual labor, with little chance of advancement….