Jasper is an omen of and equals pregnancy and birth.

According to tradition, jasper is the symbol of fertility and fecundity. So when it is seen in a dream, many authors interpret it as a harbinger of pregnancy or imminent childbirth when the woman is in gestation period.

It symbolizes willpower so we have to look at the size of the person’s jaw who is in the dream in order to interpret it.

…To see a jackdaw, denotes ill health and quarrels. To catch one, you will outwit enemies. To kill one, you will come into possession of disputed property….

When you dream of the jackal, then such dream foretells about your inclination to use others for your own good.

When you see the jackhammer in a dream, then such dream indicates the necessity for variety in your life. Perhaps you should become more tolerant and opened to the outside world.

In a dream, a jackal represents a man who deprives people from their rights, or one who causes evil. Ajackal in a dream also could mean friendliness, or a light and fun companionship.

Jasmines symbolize loyalty and politeness, especially, if they’re white….

The jars that are empty are the reflection of your condition, you feel empty, numb and dull. The ones that are full, signifies the joy and fulfilment of your dreams. The cans of food shows your tendency to prepare for the best.

…(Chin | Indignant talk) The lower jaw represents the chief of a group of people who has a large offspring. If one sees his chin elongated in his dream, it means that he will become reproving of others, and he will gossip in vain. It also means weakness after strength. (Also see Body’ | Chin)…

Dreaming of a prison symbolizes a timeout before upcoming changes, and it will be necessary to remember our feelings in the dream, for a better interpretation. If we are distressed it may signify that we are not ready yet to face the reality, and if also appears a sullen jailer it means that we have to turn back and reflect on past events that originated these changes we fear.

Riches, unexpected happiness.

If it is seen in a dream is interpreted of joyful tidings.

Indicates needy people.

(See Milk | Milking)

Dreaming of this month, denotes you will be afflicted with unloved companions or children.

You are sensing that you are faced with one last chance and you need to hold on to it.

Affective commitment.

Indicates that your property will be increased in accordance with what the animal whose skin we dream of symbolizes.

…(Cage) Imprisonment in a dream means benefits, money and comfort. It also could mean the reversal of one’s condition for the worst. Becoming a prisoner in a dream also could mean making unnecessary and wasted efforts to unveil a secret. In general, prison in a dream means difficulties and humiliation. If one sees a known personality or a government administrator imprisoned or jailed, it could mean the same. If one sees himself incarcerated in a large prison in a dream, it means that he will stand before a strong person who will delegate an important responsibility to him, and from which he will gain spiritual advancement. If he is incarcerated in an unknown jail which is built from plaster in a dream, then it represents his grave. If one sees himself locked and tied-up inside a house in a dream, it means a positive advancement in his life. If…

If you dream that you are jabbing someone, then such dream indicates the necessity to become more enterprising. Make sure you start to believe in yourself.

Announces happiness and family pleasure.

(See Sound of animals)

(See Crow)

If it is a pipe or ourselves, it means that there is a fact that we have not been able to assimilate in real life. If it is a car or vehicle in which we travel, it means we have made a mistake.

(See Arabic months)

To dream that you’re incarcerated means you are going to have a difficult time in your life but will leave with a victory. Dreaming that you’re in prison – there are problems, foresees tough problems. See a prison suggests that you feel thwarted in your professional environment. Going out of a prison indicates that you will have a very healthy time and solve all conflicts….

Being cheated or deceived by others.

Riches, fortune.

Shows that the merit of your work is appreciated especial if you don’t want to be condemned to anonymity.

(See hell-fire)

(See Arabic months)

(See Pelting stones)

(See Masjid | Mosque)

(arb. See Five times prayers)

(See Earthquake | Thunder)

(See Dog)

You will be forced to make important decisions.

Risk of loss to all of the money.

Indicates fear and confusion.