The James Bond in dreams could simply indicate the movie that was seen while watching TV in the last days before the dreamer had this dream. The James Bond in the dreams could represent the person who has the features such as smartness, coolness and ability to adapt in various situations. The good looks are also inseparable from the description of the James Bond.

The dream in which you see one of the James Bonds shows that at some point of your life you feel you have the features like this person has. Perhaps you wish to be stronger, bolder and cooler than you already are. The woman in your life must always be weaker than you are. The dream could also indicate that you watch too much television and movies.

…in a great state of excitement. ‘Lil,’ he said, ‘ here’s news! The very thing we have been longing for has come to pass, and it is the softest job imaginable. What do you think? This afternoon, as I was taking forty winks in my wicker chair before the fire, there came a timid knock at the door, and in walked a lady!’”A lady, Jim!’ I exclaimed.” Not a real lady? ‘”She was, though,’ Jim went on, ‘ a real lady bred and born. I could tell that the moment she opened her mouth — though I guessed as much from her dress, which was just moderate, nothing more. ” I believe, she said, with a nervous little” smile, “I’m speaking to Mr. James Bailey? “” That’s right enough, ma’am,” I replied, “I’m Jim Bailey and no one else.”” ‘ “Well, Mr. Bailey,” she said in slow, measured tones, as…