To dream of any religious figure means that you are trying to figure out your spiritual aspects of personality. The dream shows that you are ready to look deeper into yourself. The Mary who is mother of Jesus could be interpreted and seen as your own mother who always loves you and takes care of you.
Dream dictionary: je veux me déconnecter dream meanings
When you see a jester in a dream, then such dream indicates stupid decisions youve made in the past and now you are getting the pay time.
If you see a jellyfish in a dream, then such dream foretells about your negative past. Perhaps there are some hidden anger you were unable to express, therefore you are dreaming about it. There is also a possibility that you feel some kind of anger towards particular person in your waking life. On the other hand, the dream indicates the lack of self-trust you are suffering from.
Dreaming of eating of jelly is a very good omen.
…Dreaming of a Jew’s-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger….
To see a jellyfish in a dream represents some painful memories. It can also mean a hidden aggression to a certain person or an unpleasant situation.
…To sell or lose jewels. Is an unlucky dream. For great loses you’ll have, but to buy them, is gain….
When you dream of the jewelry box, then such dream indicates the potentiality, self-respect and values of your personality. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start using your abilities in order to gain the success.
Seeing or eating a jelly in a dream represents a certain penetration of a dubious and unsafe situation.
Seeing a jester in a dream symbolizes that the little things and hobbies prevent you from paying attention to important things.
…Chains, pearls, or precious stones, etc., and all adorning upon the heads and necks of women, are good dreams for the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; and to those that are married, riches. If a man dreams of possessing jewels, it is a sure sign he will lose something of great value. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 75….
To dream of seeing Jeannie in the dream means that you have wishes and dreams that seems impossible to be fulfilled. Maybe you should try to do something about it and make it become true?
Dreaming of Jesus Christ or dreaming that you have talked to him means long life, ease, overcoming of obstacles, harmony and peace.
To buy or possess jewelry means prosperous future.
Dreaming of a jester, foretells you will ignore important things in looking after silly affairs.
Dreaming of jessamine, denotes you are approximating some exquisite pleasure, but which will be fleeting.
The jellyfish indicates deceptive people or situations in your waking life. You should be aware of everything, because it doesnt mean that whatever you like is good for you, it could be completely different.
Dream of a jeweler means unhappy business, lost money, and debts.
Seeing a jet flying overhead in the dream is the representation of bad news from distant friends or envious misfortune in business.
(See Alum)
(see jewels).
Getting released of pain and sorrows.
It announces something irreparable, although we will not be sorry.
If we are believers, it foretells providential help, comfort, increased material and spiritual goods. If we are not believers, it announces evils and calamities unless they speak to us, in which case the dream announces the end of our pains.
Misunderstanding towards you.
Obstacles and disappointments and if it stings us we will be deceived.
Reveals a surreal and deceitful appearance.
To be jealous shows that you are betrayed.
To dream that others jeer at you, means that you will beat your enemies.
See Jewelry.
Your interests will be a priority.
(Gem | Son. See Carnelian-red)
Discovery of stolen goods and lost thoughts.
In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters….
(See Piper)
(See Limping)
(See Brace)
If you dream that a genuine Israelite comes along and annoys you in any way, it is a sign you will quarrel with your father; if you imagine that he cheats you in a bargain, it predicts that you will probably receive a present from some near relative; on the contrary, if he gives you an advantage in the bargain, it shows that your father, or some elderly relative, will ask a favour of you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 58, 21….
Becoming haughty.
Temptation, perhaps seduction.