(See Tongue)
Dream dictionary: k i s s dream meanings
Steadiness and increase of domestic happiness. 254.
…(Endowments | Inheritance | Profits. See Endowment | Fulfilling one’s goal)…
Vexation and trouble. 86.
…In real life, it represents the opposite of what is seen in a dream. It means rejoicing, reunions, pleasures and respect. Sometimes it is also interpreted to portray an intention of one’s children or wife to separate from the family or to live on their own. (Also See Child)…
(See Saw)
(See Sacking needle)
Loss of property or honour. 4.
…In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters….
This dream tells us how to avoid dangers without the need of confrontation. It is also a symbol of subtlety and sensuality of movements.
Denotes obedience of the same, 20.
Unfaithfulness of the same. 96.
(See Nest)
Having law suits, coming in need. 3.
Dangerous sickness. 6.
…Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering. To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord. (Also see Exclamation of God’s Sovereignty)…
(See Masjid)
…To dream of a birth signifies a death. One afternoon, at a garden-party, I met an old friend, who told me he had just dreamed his sister had had a child, and as he was curious to know whether that event had actually occurred, he was going to write at once. The dream was verified, but in a manner he did not anticipate; for, on arriving at his house he found a telegram awaiting him there to say his sister was dead! And again, at a cricket match one baking hot day in July I was speaking of dreams, when one of the players exclaimed with a shudder: I fear your interpretation of the birth dream is only too correct. A lady once told my wife that she dreamed she had given birth to a remarkably fine boy, whose eyes, however, were not both of the same colour. Two…