…In a dream, lips represent man’s pride, strength, virility, his helper, clarity of expression, eloquence, or special love for one’s friend. The lower lip has more advantages than the upper lip in a dream. The upper lip represents a close friend, or someone one depends on in everything. Anything that affects one’s lips in a dream, will manifest in any of the above. Lips in a dream also represent one’s wife, child, or relatives. If one suffers pain from his lips in a dream, it means that such pain will come from one’s friends. If one’s lips are chopped off in the dream, it means that he engages in backbiting others. If only the lower lip is chopped off in the dream, it means that one may lose a helper or a provider. If the upper lip is missing in a dream, it means that one’s life is void…

…Dreaming that you see a friend but you don’t speak to him, implies that someone is willing to help you without asking for something in exchange; if your friend slowly goes away until getting out of sight, it suggests that the dreamer has multiple projects and dreams, but no one offers help (this is worse if it’s dark in the dream). When a woman dreams of being very depressed because she has very few friends, it means that she won’t have immediate success in her economic life, because there is no one to help her to achieve the things she wants. When a woman dreams of many friends means that she aims to have a comfortable, relaxed and even rich and luxurious life. If it is a young single woman who dreams of friends, it indicates that she wants to find a husband who is opulent. Dreaming of talking…

…Dreaming of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. Dreaming you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future…

…Dreaming of thick, unsightly lips, signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decision, and ill temper in the marriage relation. Full, sweet, cherry lips, indicates harmony and affluence. To a lover, it augurs reciprocation in love, and fidelity. Thin lips, signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects. Sore, or swollen lips, denotes privations and unhealthful desires….

…between them, and if he sees himself riding over the shoulders of a friend in a dream, it means earning something from him. Carrying something over one’s shoulders in a dream means debts. If one sees himself carrying a hypocrite over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he may work in a lumberyard or carry wood to earn a living. One’s shoulders in a dream also represent his parents, brothers, partners, station, or beauty. Anything that affects them in a dream will manifest in any of the above. In a dream, one’s neck represents an embrace, a donation with terms, a legal will, or a conditional endowment. The neck and the shoulders in a dream represent one’s trust or trustworthiness. A healthy and strong neck in a dream means trustworthiness and ability to meet one’s obligations. Wounds, festering or purulence in one’s neck in a dream mean betraying…

…If you see a friend in the dream, then such dream represents your waking life and the relationships you have with the people you are surrounded by. The dream shows that the people make the big influence to you and your personality. The friendships and relationships you have, made the person you are today. The dream about certain friends could also show how you wish to integrate the features of these people into yourself. If you see the friend from your past or childhood, then such dream shows that you have missed this certain person or you wish to be less responsible in your waking life and live carelessly. Perhaps you wish to become the child again and live the life without any responsibilities and duties. There is also a possibility that you are acting very childish in some situation, therefore you dream about the friend from your childhood….

The lips are the symbols of love and interaction. If you see the lips that are talking, you wish to communicate more with others. If you kiss someone on the lips, it shows your desire to be kissed.

Fleshy lips indicate deep and sincere love. Thin lips mean fragile and easily breakable union. If you talk, it indicates desires of relationships. If you are not talking, then it indicates profound rejection of the other person.

Fleshy lips mean deep and sincere love. Thin lips mean easily breakable fragile union.

To dream you see a friend dead, denotes hasty news, and a legacy. If the friend is a female, you will be married in instance.

To dream you see a friend dead, denotes hasty news, and a legacy. If the friend is a female, you will be married instantly.

Meeting a long absent friend or patron, or hearing from them.

Have them red or vermillion, which is a brilliant red pigment made from mercury sulphide, means health of friends and acquaintances from whom there is no news.

If we speak, it indicates desire to communicate. If you do not say anything, profound rejection to other person. If other person is silent, rejection is from them to us.

(See Mouth.)…

Welfare and health of distant friends and relatives.

…I who had been duped — not he — he had never been in the police force at all — which so annoyed me, that I awoke! In this dream the significant features (which were fully verified afterwards) are as follows: Tobacco portends a visit to the seaside; a policeman, loss of a pet animal or some much-treasured article; silver, a present of flowers or vegetables; knives a quarrel; red (in the socks and handkerchief), great changes; yellow (in the lady’s dress), treachery on the part of a friend; jewellery in general, trouble; eating, an accident to the teeth; drinking, a visit to a place of entertainment; the swoon, danger from lightning; burglars, breakages; money, minor ailments and a surprise visit.When staying in York Road, Westminster, some years ago, I had the following dream — and I think a more vivid one I have never dreamed. I fancied I was…

Falseness and deceit from others.

Good; for an enemy, bad. 9.

(See Book)

…For a woman Dreaming that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend. Dreaming of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggles with fortune and remorse. To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunity of advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies. To walk over them, you will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish persons will seek to usurp your place in your companion’s life. If they bite you, you will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will injure your business. Dreaming that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it…

Hearing about unfaithfulness in your sweet-heart. 83.


Unexpected news, postponing of marriage. 45.

Reconciliation with enemies, having wealthy patrons.

Richness and luck. 7.

…away impurities. Taking ablution inside a tunnel, or taking a complete ritual bath in a dream means recovering a stolen object. Taking one’s ablution and engaging in prayers in a dream means relief from distress and offering thanks to God Almighty for His protection and guidance. If a merchant sees himself praying without ablution in a dream, it means that he has entered into a business venture without capital. If a worker sees that dream, it means that he has no home to shelter him. If a ruler sees that dream, it means that he has no soldiers to protect him. If a sick person sees himself taking ablution while in bed in a dream, it means separation from his wife or a close friend. Taking ablution inside one’s house in a dream means that one will move to a new house. Taking ablution in the street or the marketplace…

…Dreaming of the ghost of either one of your parents, denotes that you are exposed to danger, and you should be careful in forming partnerships with strangers. To see the ghost of a dead friend, foretells that you will make a long journey with an unpleasant companion, and suffer disappointments. For a ghost to speak to you, you will be decoyed into the hands of enemies. For a woman, this is a prognostication of widowhood and deception. To see an angel or a ghost appear in the sky, denotes the loss of kindred and misfortunes. To see a female ghost on your right in the sky and a male on your left, both of pleasing countenance, signifies a quick rise from obscurity to fame, but the honor and position will be filled only for a short space, as death will be a visitor and will bear you off. To…

…unfavourable or rather repulsive countenances and demeanour of the two women, precluded all hopes of renewed sleep; and it being the summer season, he rose about four o’clock in the morning, took his hat, and resolved to quit a house of such alarm and terror. To his surprise, as he was leaving it, he met the mistress in the entry, dressed as if she had never gone to bed. She seemed to be much agitated, and enquired his reason for wishing to go out so early in the morning. He hesitated a moment with increased alarm, and then told her that he expected a friend, who was to arrive by a stage coach in Bishops gate Street, and that he was going to meet him. He was suffered to go out of the house, and when revived by the open air he felt, as he afterwards declared, as if relieved…

…prospect of being now able to quench my thirst, I hastened to the pool, and, kneeling down, dipped my mouth in it. But alas! Try how I would, I couldn’t drink the water — every time I touched it with my lips it slipped away and I gulped at nothing. With a tin dipper, that I found lying close beside me, I tried to ladle the water out of the pool, but all to no purpose — ^the water was in the pool, and in the pool it meant to stay. At last, worn out with trying to coax the water into my mouth, and perceiving some luscious-looking plums growing on a tree nearby, I resolved to slake my thirst with them instead. But the moment I touched a plum it changed into a reel of cotton. One plum after another I touched, but there was no exception to the…

…not. Dare not, because my husband would never for- give me if I did. Now, Mr. Bailey, do you under- stand how I became acquainted with your old friend, Mr. Towell. I got to know him because I wanted to know you, and I remembered the robbery for which you were convicted — one of the cleverest and most daring cases of burglaries on record — and thinking that you were still at Dartmoor, I asked Mr. Towell to get me permission to see you.He informed me, however, that you were out of prison, but, at my request, obtained me your present address.””From the cops,’ of course, ma’am?” I interrupted, smothering a curse.”She nodded. “Well, ma’am, “I enquired a trifle, what is it exactly that you want me to do?””Then she came a foot or two nearer and, fixing her brilliant eyes on me with a gaze I wouldn’t care…

…(Friend | Responsibility | Support) Riding over the shoulders of one’s enemy in a dream means committing a wrongdoing or a shameful act against someone. If there is no enmity between the two, and if one sees himself riding over the shoulders of his friend in a dream, it means that he will earn something from him. Carrying someone over one’s shoulders in a dream means being indebted to him. Carrying a hypocrite over one’s shoulders in a dream could mean that one may work at a lumberyard, or deliver wood for living. One’s shoulders in a dream also represent his parents, brothers, partners, one’s station, or beauty. Anything that affects them in a dream will show in any of the above. Shoulders in a dream also represent one’s partner, his employee, assistant, or a close friend. As for a prisoner, having large shoulders in a dream means serving…

…If a woman dreams that she has beautiful hair and combs it, she will be careless in her personal affairs, and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. For a man Dreaming that he is thinning his hair, foreshadows that he will become poor by his generosity, and suffer illness through mental worry. To see your hair turning gray, foretells death and contagion in the family of some relative or some friend. To see yourself covered with hair, omens indulgence in vices to such an extent as will debar you from the society of refined people. If a woman, she will resolve herself into a world of her own, claiming the right to act for her own pleasure regardless of moral codes If a man dreams that he has black, curling hair, he will deceive people through his pleasing address. He will very likely deceive the women who trust…

…To dream one is drowning presages trouble, either domestic or financial, for the dreamer. To see someone else drowning portends misfortune, either from accidents (sometimes drowning, as actually seen in the vision), illness, or loss of money, but not always for the drowning person. This dream, I find, is a very common one. I have often seen in dreams friends of mine struggling desperately in some deep pool or river. Frantically I have plunged in to their rescue, but always too late, and, on sinking down, down, down, have at length come in contact with their cold, clammy corpses. Quite recently I dreamed I saw a near and dear friend fall shrieking into a seething, hissing pool of muddy water. In an agony of mind I tried to go to his rescue, but was held back by one of those cruel, invisible forces that ever haunt dreams. Desperately I…

…If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be…

…If a young girl dreams that a friend has intrusted her with an important secret, it is a sign that the friend will become her enemy: if her lover tells her a secret, they will surely quarrel within a week, if she dreams of disclosing a secret to a friend, she will be much vexed at some scandal that is afloat respecting her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 2, 8….

…Snake-dreams are unlucky, and signify injuries by enemies, scandal, unkind gossip, and falseness on the part of those who have hitherto posed as friends.From among the many snake-dreams I have heard and recollect, I select the following, as examples.A lady, who had formed a great friendship with a woman with a peculiar cast in her eyes (a disfigurement which, in my opinion, frequently points to deceit), once dreamed she was walking in her garden, when out of a rose glided an enormous green snake. Greatly alarmed, she was on the verge of running away to solicit help to kill the brute, when she saw, to her amazement, that it had human eyes, and, on bending down to examine it more closely, she found herself looking into the countenance of her woman friend. Hair, features and complexion were exactly similar, but the expression was different: it was an expression of…

…The alder in dreams presages travels, chiefly by sea; unrest in home life and work.Ash, bad news of all sorts.Banyan, journeys and surprises.Beech, disaffection (or going abroad) of friends; disappointments in general.Birch, success in work.Broom, illness, sometimes death.Brambles, troubles, both domestic and financial.Cedar, presents of all kinds; loss (by death) of old friends.Chestnut, success in courtship, falling in love.Clematis, reunion of friends and lovers.Elm, death of a relation, of an old friend; or loss of employment.Hawthorn, sickness.Hazel, success of an extraordinary nature; recovery from illness; escape from an accident.Lilac, new clothes; present from lover; unexpected invitations.Mistletoe, great success in courtship and the arts.Olive, falling in love; the forming of new friend-ships.Palm, success in work and rise in social life.Pine, death, illness; and a journey to foreign parts.Poplar, danger from drowning or falling.Willow, death of a great friend or near relation; and sorrow due to illness.Addendum to TreesTo dream of…

…illness. A lance without a spearhead in a dream means the death of one’s brother or child. A lance in a dream also represents a brother or a friend who will part with his brother or friend, or it could mean loss of one’s job. Walking with a lance in one’s hand in the middle of a marketplace in a dream means walking or strolling with one’s son. As for a pregnant woman, a metal lance means that she will deliver a girl, and that she will receive a gift of money or a present after her birth from other daughters. Carrying a lance with a flag raised on top of it in a dream means attaining a position that will earn fame. If one is challenged by someone holding a lance against him in a dream, it means that someone will hurt him with his words, or slander his…

…Dreaming of a cat, denotes ill luck, if you do not succeed in killing it or driving it from your sight. If the cat attacks you, you will have enemies who will go to any extreme to blacken your reputation and to cause you loss of property. But if you succeed in banishing it, you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame. If you meet a thin, mean and dirty-looking cat, you will have bad news from the absent. Some friend lies at death’s door | but if you chase it out of sight, your friend will recover after a long and lingering sickness. To hear the scream or the mewing of a cat, some false friend is using all the words and work at his command to do you harm. Dreaming that a cat scratches you, an enemy will succeed in wrenching from you the…