…(Dagger | Kitchen knife) In a dream, a knife represents the servant of the house or its sire who strives to serve and benefit his family and friends. Its sharpness represents the effectiveness of his commands, the force by which they are carried, or one’s magnanimity and distinct personality. If a woman sees herself carrying a knife, or if she gives someone a knife in a dream, it represents her love for a famous person. A pencil sharpening knife in a dream represents an author or a writer. A slaughtering knife in a dream represents a butcher, while a soldier’s knife means strength and service. If a kindergarten teacher is seen stealing a knife in a dream, it means that he is tempted by one of his children, and that he may abuse him. A table knife in a dream represents a lazy person who does not like to…

If you dream about the high school, then such dream indicates the old days you are missing. The high school could also represent the people you’ve met and missed. The dream could also indicate the childish side of your personality. Perhaps you are not ready to take the responsibilities to be a proper adult. If you are attending the high school in a dream, then such dream shows your fears about the choices you’ve made in the past. Maybe you wish to make different decisions at some situations? You are not sure you’ve made the right choice or there is some situation at your current life that is affected by your past? To get more detailed information about your dream, please see the meaning of School.

…You cannot clearly distinguish the difference between different types of schools in your dreams. To dream that you’re visiting a school symbolizes a self-reproach for having missed valuable opportunities to better yourself. To dream that you’re teaching a subject in a school insinuates that you have intellectual ambitions that you’ve not been able to develop. To dream that a school has honored you symbolizes upcoming success due to your intellectual efforts, the higher the grade the better. To dream that you’re in a high level school, either as a visitor or as a student, suggests that you’ll soon reach your goals and will receive honors. To dream that you’re visiting the school where you studied as a child, suggests an intimate feeling of loss regarding your life and your current activities. To dream that you’ve just returned from visiting the school where you completed your studies indicates that you…

Dreaming of a high school, foretells ascension to more elevated positions in love, as well as social and business affairs. For a young woman to be suspended from a high school, foretells she will have troubles in social circles.

If you dream that you are in high school, it shows that you’ve missed your childhood or friends from the past. It also symbolizes the lessons that you’ve learned during your life.

Being deceived, or getting into trouble.

To use the knife as the tool, means that you are able to move the circumstances to be favorable to you. You know how to deal with problems and troubles. The knife helps you to reach your goals in life. If you are cutting something with the knife, it shows that you are already in the process while dealing with it. The knife that is broken, shows the problems you do not have ability to solve.

If you dream of the school, it could be interpreted as the past and the future. If you are still going to school it is obviously the place where you spend most of your time and experiencing many different emotions, therefore it reflects in the dreams. If you are not going to school for a long time, then the dream could indicate the lessons you learn at your waking life. The new experiences associates with the school, because it is the place where children learns something new every day.

The knife in dreams is used as the tool to hurt the others. That is why it is almost never a good omen. You feel you need to protect yourself or you wish to do the harm to others. The penknife indicates the legal troubles the dreamer will face, but only it is opened, it is closed, he will do well. The rusty knife signifies marriage problems and the sharp one very personal ones. The knife that is not sharp and is dirty, indicates the hard work the dreamer will have.

…Dreaming of a knife is bad for the dreamer, as it portends separation and quarrels, and losses in affairs of a business character. To see rusty knives, means dissatisfaction, and complaints of those in the home, and separation of lovers. Sharp knives and highly polished, denotes worry. Foes are ever surrounding you. Broken knives, denotes defeat whatever the pursuit, whether in love or business. Dreaming that you are wounded with a knife, foretells domestic troubles, in which disobedient children will figure largely. To the unmarried, it denotes that disgrace may follow. Dreaming that you stab another with a knife, denotes baseness of character, and you should strive to cultivate a higher sense of right….

To dream that you are in the school, means that you are not fitting into today’s society standards. You do not trust yourself as an adult and the person who is capable of doing whatever he wants to do. If you are the one who teaches others in school, then you are a very confident person and wish to share your knowledge with those around you. The school is also a symbol of the good times you had in the past and perhaps you are missing the days without any responsibilities.

The school in dreams is symbolism of your past, childishness and purity. Sometimes the school shows the things we missed when we were children, but only if you are an adult now. For teenagers the school dream is very common, because they spend most of their time in there.

…(Institute | Learning | Tutoring) In a dream, a school represents its teachers, scholars, a gnostic, a school of thought, or its founder. Seeing a school in a dream also could mean divorcing one’s wife then returning her to wedlock. It also means righteousness, establishingthe divine laws, promoting a business, or inviting trouble. (Also see Institute)…

…Dreaming of attending school, indicates distinction in literary work. If you think you are young and at school as in your youth, you will find that sorrow and reverses will make you sincerely long for the simple trusts and pleasures of days of yore. Dreaming of teaching a school, foretells that you will strive for literary attainments, but the bare necessities of life must first be forthcoming. To visit the schoolhouse of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadows the present….

…Dreaming of one’s cousin, denotes disappointments and afflictions. Saddened lives are predicted by this dream. Dreaming of an affectionate correspondence with one’s cousin, denotes a fatal rupture between families….

If you use the knife as the weapon in order to protect yourself, it means that you feel as being attacked by something or someone. You know that there is no one that can protect you, but yourself. The knife that’s been used against you indicates the dangers you could put yourself into. The dream suggests to be more careful with people you know.

A knife sharpener in a dream represents someone who teaches people skills, sagacity and adroitness. A knife sharpener in a dream also represents sobriety, a dignified bearing of adversities, or he could represent a vile person, a trouble maker, or a decisive person.

Dream of being at school means you should follow advice from older or experienced people. Dream of taking children to school means you’ll have family joys and satisfactions.

Attending school means you should follow the advice of more experienced and older people. Taking kids to school means satisfaction and happiness in the family.

(Haft | Saber guard | Sword hilt) Seeing a knife handle or a sword haft in a dream means that one still has a property or a minimum amount of property, including but not limited to livestock, gold, silver, or cash savings that is subject to the obligatory (Zakat) alms tax.

To dream you bestow a knife upon any one, signifies injustice and contention.

…Dreaming of a knife grinder, foretells unwarrantable liberties will be taken with your possessions. For a woman, this omens unhappy unions and much drudgery….

To dream you bestow a knife upon any one denotes injustice and contention.

To dream you bestow a knife upon anybody denotes injustice or quarrelling.

…To dream of a pen-knife, is a bad omen, and foretells loss in trade, attacks by thieves, and unfaithfulness in love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 29, 41….

Dream of receiving a blow from a knife blade in the throat means injuries or violence. See many knives signifies quarrels and assaults. To see knives in the shape of across, or knives that are crossed, means deadly assaults, murder.

…To see or use a draw-knife, portends unfulfiled hopes or desires. Some fair prospect will loom before you, only to go down in mistake and disappointment….

Dreaming of one or more knives or any other white and light weapon announces the presence of hidden but dangerous enemies. If the weapon appears in the hands of someone who is acting in a threatening manner, it means that the dreamer’s enemies are willing to do the worst. If the dreamer snatches the knife from the other person it could mean that he or she will triumph over enemies and adversities in the immediate future.

…It is always associated with ideas of revenge. It reflects anger and fear. If it’s a table knife or kitchen, then it symbolizes that marital disputes can become violent….

Knife dream: using it, you should take care of your enemies or people who will want to hurt you.

If you see the knife grinder in a dream, then such dream indicates the lack of freedom and liberty.

To attend a riding school, foretells some friend will act falsely by you, but you will throw off the vexing influence occasioned by it.

(see SCHOOL).

If you dream of the school bus, then such dream shows the new destinations of your life, that you are willing to make yourself a better person and gain more experience in life. To be a driver of the bus, means that you wish to take control over someone else and make the better life for them.

…To dream of attending school, is a sign of advancement and good fortune: if you dream of studying, and succeed well, it shadows forth that you will rise to a position in society above your present one: if you find it difficult to learn, you will have trouble in getting along, but will rise at last. 42, 72….

The dream in which you are being in the class, but in reality you are already an adult, shows some memories that are very important to you from your childhood. If you are child, it is very normal dream because of the time you spend in the school.

…Dreaming of a school teacher, denotes you are likely to enjoy learning and amusements in a quiet way. If you are one, you are likely to reach desired success in literary and other works….

(Cost of living) Seeing a winged loaf of bread flying in a dream means high prices. (Also see Bread)

The high heels in dream represents feminine aspects of your personality. The dream shows that you have no problems while being confident and trustful. The dream could also indicate that you are not feeling powerful enough, therefore you need to use your femininity while dealing with others. Without heels you do not feel confident.

(Ocean) In a dream, swimming in troubled waters or high tides means adversities, or having to face a strong opponent.