…Dreaming of an empress, denotes that you will be exalted to high honors, but you will let pride make you very unpopular. Dreaming of an empress and an emperor is not particularly bad, but brings one no substantial good….

It indicates we will get high profits during a bad period.

To see one wheel, shows in marriage, vexation. Many wheels portend fortune, joy and high station.

Symbolize the live and high feelings even though it reveals fear of diseases and accidents. If the blood is red and livid, it means that without awakening unpleasant feelings and material prosperity will be accompanied by disputes, fights and violence.

…in a dream represents a mighty king who is gracious and generous, patient and tender hearted. If an elephant hits someone with his trunk in a dream, it means receiving benefits from such a person or inheriting something from him, receiving a political appointment, or becoming wealthy through high connections. An elephant in a dream also represents righteous people, scholars and noble ones. An elephant in a dream also denotes hardships, toiling, then relief from adversities. Seeing an elephant in a dream and failing to ride on it means lack of integrity or loss of business. Seeing a dead elephant in a dream means that the ruler or a great person from that land will die, or that a noble person will be killed. Seeing an elephant in a land other than its native land in a dream means adversities. If one faces a threatening elephant in a dream, it…

…perfidy. Seeing a lion without being seen, means escape from harm one may fear, attaining knowledge and growing in wisdom. A struggle with a lion that does not lead to one’s death in a dream means observing a long lasting diet caused by an illness. If one fights with a lion and eats or snatches off a piece of his flesh, bones or hair in a dream, it means that he will attain success, leadership, wealth or conquer his enemy. Sleeping beside a lion in a dream means safety from illness, or protection from one’s enemy. If one sees a lion inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will gain the upper hand, or it could represent longevity and a high position in the world. A lion entering a town in a dream means a plague that will strike such a town. (Also see Lioness)…

…Palm trees seen in your dreams, are messages of hopeful situations and happiness of a high order. For a young woman to pass down an avenue of palms, omens a cheerful home and a faithful husband. If the palms are withered, some unexpected sorrowful event will disturb her serenity….

…If one sees himself hanging down loosely from a high place in a dream, it means that he will turn pious and for the sake of his faith, he will give preference to his life in the hereafter over that of this world. One’s fall in the dream connotes despair or disappointment. Hanging loosely to reach a lion, a serpent, a scorpion, or the like creatures in a dream means hanging around with evil companions, soliciting marriage from a corrupt family, or seeking the friendship of the wrong people. Hanging loosely to reach some cattle or a herd of sheep in a dream means delivering charities or spending money in a good way….

…To dream about a train suggests that you yearn to do something, but to do so you must travel and there have been problems that have impeded such voyage; however, a train by itself is a symbol of power and strength, which make your goals feasible to achieve. To dream about a lone train riding at high speed suggests that you long for a fast enrichment, and you’re much likely to achieve it. To dream about a half disassembled train and therefore useless suggests that what you desire will be impossible to achieve and that you’ll most likely experience failures. If you listen to the train’s whistle in your dream, it suggests that soon there will be changes in your activities and fortune, perhaps because of the presence of people who were at distance and now they’ll arriving to help you….

If you dream of the sulfur, then such dream indicates your high intuition which should not be latten down. Trust your sixth sense and everything will go according to plan.

Dreaming of an entertainment where there is music and dancing, you will have pleasant tidings of the absent, and enjoy health and prosperity. To the young, this is a dream of many and varied pleasures and the high regard of friends.

(Collar | Neckband | Neckwear) In a dream, a collarband represents the pleasure and pride of a mother or a wife to see her sons or daughter having a jewelry business. If an unmarried woman sees herself in a dream wearing a neckband, a necklace or a collarband made from pearls, peridot or chrysolite, it means that she will marry a noble and a high ranking man, beget children from him and find her ultimate pleasure and love in such a marriage. If the collarband is made from alum, then it means marrying a young eastern man. If the collarband is made from beads in the dream, it means that her husband is a mean and a contemptible person. If a man sees himself wearing a collarband in a dream, it means suffocation, distress or a quarrel. (Also see Neckband | Necklace)

…(Couch | Mattress | Sleeping pad) Abed without covers in a dream represents travels, a wife, honor or a high rank. Sitting on abed in a dream means regaining power or authority over something one had lost control. If the bed has it covers on, then it means ruling over a group of hypocrites who live in heedlessness. If it is not covered, then it means a journey. If one sees himself wearing his shoes and sitting on his bed in a dream, it means that he will undertake a trip in the company of an ostentatious person. Sitting on a bed in a pleasant surrounding in a dream means honor and power. The covers of one’s bed in a dream represent his wife, his livelihood, or his mistress. Whatever stands on top of a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female…

To see a briefcase in the dream, means organised thinking and readiness to act. To carry a briefcase, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of your high level of preparedness in some situation or circumstance. Alternatively, briefcase can indicate your matter of interest about work and travel. Are worried by some situation in your job, business or related activity?

If you reached the very high height of something, then such dream promises the magnificent achievements you are going to get. The dream, in which you are afraid of the heights, denotes to the lack of courage to go and get what you really want.

…If one sees himself in a dream invoking false oath, or making false claims to market his merchandise, it means that he will turn into that state to live in falsehood and oppose his own conscious. This includes prejudice, belit- tling the value of things, underweighing the selling measures, or accumulating interest from usury. A wheat salesman in a dream denotes someone who loves the world and does not think about his life in the hereafter. If one sees himself receiving money for his merchandise, or if he discards his profits from the sale in his dream, such an act maybe rewarding. Selling yarn in a dream means travel. Selling salt in a dream means earning extra money. Selling expensive fashion clothing and declining from taking money in a dream represents a trustworthy person who will attain a high ranking position. A fruit salesman in a dream represents a…

Promotion, high office, riches. 7.

To dream of walking in a garden, and gathering flowers, shows the person is given to pride and to have high thoughts of herself, but it also denotes a lasting friendship. If a man dream of seeing fair gardens, he will marry a chaste and beautiful wife. See Flowers and Land.

…(Wife of God’s Messenger upon whom be peace, and Mother of the believers, God be pleased with her) Seeing her in a dream means blessings and bounty. If a woman sees Aisha in a dream, it means earning a high station, a blessed fame, developing righteousness and earning the love of one’s husband and parents….

Distinction, getting an office of high rank. 127.

…(Falcon | Hawk) In a dream, a saker means a son, high rank, authority, or a respected, dignified and awe-inspiring person who comes from noble lineage though he is unjust. If one sees a saker pursuing him in a dream, it means that he has incurred the wrath of a strong and a courageous man who does what he says. Seeing a saker without a fight in a dream means profits, and the same interpretation applies to most hunting birds or animals. Owning a hunting saker who is well trained and obedient in a dream means gaining authority, or becoming unjust and ungodly. Owning a disobedient saker that does not hunt in a dream means begetting a son who will grow to manhood and be independent. A saker in a dream also signifies might, rank, victory, attaining one’ goals, adversities, death, prison, shackles, adornment, or tightening one’s grip on…

…The flying according to some dream interpreters foretells about our will to escape the reality, because there is a necessity for freedom. The flying could also show that we tend to think better about ourselves then the others, because we are above them while flying. The flying could also indicate our sexual wishes where we wish to reach the top of the pleasure. If you are flying really high where you see the earth and able to see the galaxy, it may show that you are not in touch with those around you. You feel very distant and have no idea what is going around you. If you have wings and flying like a bird, then it means you are incapable to agree that you are only human and limitations you’ve got since you were born. You are still in some kind of childish thinking, where you wish to…

…mean fragrance, instability, sickness, love and harmony. White in a dream also means beauty or it could represent elderly people. A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land. A black cloud in a dream represents a just judge while a white cloud represents ablessed, noble and true justice. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night. If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a dream, it means honor, bounty, or it could mean achieving a high rank in one’s community. Unknown white or green tents in a camp in a dream represent the graves of martyrs. Yellow represents strain, sickness, repentance, a son, or it could mean chivalry. (Also see Flag | Garment)…

If you feel heat in a dream, then such dream shows the guilt and humiliation. On the other hand it shows the creative aspects of the dreamer and vitality. The heat in a dream could also be caused by the internal stimulus such as too high body temperature or external stimulus such as very warm duvet.

Learning is always good. If the dreamer is the one who is learning, it indicates a high probability of getting some future benefits. However, if you dream that a child is taught, it can be an indicator of pain and torment.

If we argue with people of a high cultural level means you will have satisfaction in important negotiations. If they are people of lower level you will be despised and ridiculed.

…To dream of going up a hill is a sign you will rise in the world, and of going downhill the reverse; if, in your dream, you seem to be approaching a smooth high hill it shows that you will shortly have a piece of good fortune; but if the hill be rugged and stony, it foretells difficulties in connection with the good fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 46, 18,…

When you see the milking cow in a dream, then it promises high expectations which you will reach by the hard work. At the end of the day you will be able to reach what you were aiming for.

…To go up a ladder, high in life you’ll ascend. But to descend the same you’ll come to bad end….

If any one dreams of this abode of the blessed that he or she is ascending to Heaven, or is already enjoying its delights, it shows that some joyful event is to happen, such as the birth of an heir to childless people, good fortune to those who are poor, distinction to the wealthy, and high honours to the ambitious. If lovers have such a dream, it foretells an early marriage under the most auspicious circumstances, and that their wedding will be attended with troops of congratulating friends, who will shower presents upon them.

…Symbolizes the character and value. Seeing someone with a different forehead from the one they have in reality reflects their true character. If we dream of a high forehead it’s a serious, intelligent person we can trust. If it is elusive it is a wicked person who will try to steal from us. If is covered with stains the person will try to betray us shamefully….

…Dreaming that you see seals, denotes that you are striving for a place above your power to maintain. Dreams of seals usually show that the dreamer has high aspirations and discontent will harass him into struggles to advance his position….

…Reading the front page of a letter, a paper, or a book in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Reading the last page, or the back cover of a book in a dream means indebtedness. Reading a book in a dream also means receiving an inheritance. If one finds himself as a lettered person and if he reads well in his dream, it means that he will attain a high ranking job. If one sees himself reading his book of records in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. Reading a book in another language in a dream means travelling to such a country, or going to places one is not familiar with and performing a job that will earn him fame. If one sees himself reading a book in a foreign language and is unable to properly decipher its words in a dream, it…

(Carrion crow | Crow | Hooded crow | Rook) In a dream, a raven represents a high ranking man, a forbearing and a patient person, or a strong and a well feared person. (Also see Crow | Rook)

…For a young woman Dreaming that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers. If she avails herself of the opportunity, she will stand in high favor with friends. If she finds she must reach up to shake hands, she will find rivalry and opposition. If she has on gloves, she will overcome these obstacles. To shake hands with those beneath you, denotes you will be loved and honored for your kindness and benevolence. If you think you or they have soiled hands, you will find enemies among seeming friends. For a young woman Dreaming of shaking hands with a decrepit old man, foretells she will find trouble where amusement was sought….

…is used to wearing black clothing, then it means honor, wealth and receiving a high ranking position. Wearing a red garment in a dream means excess earnings that are not yet free from due alms. Such a person then must immediately pay the proper share of his earnings. A red garment in a dream means death, sickness and to a poor person, it means increase in his difficulties. Wearing a red garment in a dream can mean good only if the person wearing it is an unmarried woman. Otherwise, wearing red during festivals or social gatherings in a dream has no meaning. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream or any of its derivative colors in general means ulcer or other internal festering illness. Wearing a silken garment in a dream means loss and negligence of one’s religious life. Wearing a blue garment in a dream means distress and difficulties….

…If you dream of seeking rank or advancement through the influence of others, your desires will fail to materialize | but if you are in an influential position, your prospects will assume a bright form. To see friends in high positions, your companions will be congenial, and you will be free from vexations….

…When you dreaming of Aborigine it signifies soft side of your personality. This means that you are innocent and decent person. The meaning of dream explains, how you need to find the connection with your natural self and insight you have in yourself. It also offers that you must become less high – pitched and forgiving beyond others. You may harm yourself thorough your abandonment. It also means that you are going to become psychologically unsteady….

…(Straw mat) Owning a carpet or a straw mat on which one sits in the wintertime in a dream means comfort, promotion, high ranking status and exaltation. A carpet in a dream also represents the master of the house. All types of carpets or mats are included in this category. If one sees himself sitting on a carpet in a dream, it means that he will purchase a property or a farm. In a time of war, sitting on a carpet in a dream means safety from danger. If one sees himself gazing at a carpet in the dream, and if he sees in it the image reflection of a person he recognizes, it means that the figure drawn on the carpet is a person who has gone astray. It also means that such a person will present him with an amazing report that will be infested with falsehood….

…Dreaming that you accuse any one of a mean action, denotes that you will have quarrels with those under you, and your dignity will be thrown from a high pedestal. If you are accused, you are in danger of being guilty of distributing scandal in a sly and malicious way. See similar words in following chapters….