Dream of zany, represents the fact to be cautious who you choose as a partner for life.

(Muezin. Also see Call to prayers)

…might catch you. “”Not if I have even an average amount of luck,’ Jim persisted.” Her arrangements are admirable. Say, Lil, you wouldn’t keep me back, old girl? That extra three hundred and fifty pounds will just set us going.””It certainly was an allurement, and though” I still felt very uneasy — why I don’t know — I eventually yielded, and we spent the rest of the morning talking about our farm. Lord! How we did reckon on it!”Well, Sunday came at last, and Jim stayed with me till it was time for him to make tracks for the lady’s house. Then — well, mister, I will tell you the rest of the story in his own words: ‘ After saying good-bye to you, Lil,’ Jim began, ‘ I shouldered my bag of tools, and, taking a taxi, drove to the Marble Arch. I got out there, and went by…

…the judgment. If one sees himself standing before God Almighty on Judgment Day and if his good deeds weigh heavier than his sins in the dream, it means that he will reckon himself, reflect about his bad actions and correct the course of his life. Consequently, his reward in the hereafter will be greater. Seeing the Balance of the Day of Judgement in a dream means vulnerability of people’s secrets, exposing one’s actions in public, recognition of the ultimate truth, joy, happiness, victory and justice. If one’s deeds are praiseworthy, then he will be a winner. If one’s deeds are blameworthy, then he will be a loser. In general, a balance in a dream represents a guide, an example to follow, a scholar one seeks to learn at his hand, a ruler, a criterion and the Qur’an. It also may represent one’s tongue and correctness, truthfulness, lies, incredulity or trustworthiness….

…(Azan | Muezzin) Hearing the call to prayers in a dream denotes the pilgrimage season or announces its holy months. It also may indicate backbiting, a theft, announcing a major move or blowing the trumpets of war, or it could denote rank and honor or obeyed commands of the one seeing the dream, or perhaps announcing a wife for an unmarried man, and it could mean telling the truth. Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting. If one sees a woman calling to prayers, standing on the top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and trials. If children give the call to prayers in a dream, it means that people filled with ignorance will rule the land. This is particularly true when the call is made outside the proper…

…(Madness) Mental derangement in a dream means cogni- zance of evil people, or it could mean forgiveness of one’s sins….

(arb. £alat) Performing one’s required daily prayers in a dream means fulfillment of one’s promise, attainment of one’s goals, or relief and comfort after distress. Praying at a door, or in front of a bed in a dream denotes a funeral. If one sees himself alone making the call to prayers (Azan) then establishing it (Jqamah) in the dream, it means that he will strive to do good and to eliminate evil in his life. If one completes his prayers with the traditional greetings to the right and then to the left in a dream, it means that his worries and concerns will be eliminated, and that he will pursue the path of love and unity. If one pays the greeting only to the right in his dream, it means that he will seek to correct only some of his religious concerns. If he pays the greeting to…