…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…

The great celebration is waiting for the dreamer if he is dreaming about tambourine. If you see the roman man playing the tambourine, then you will have to work hard not only for yourself, but for others either. If you see the brand new and excellent tambourine, you will gain your goods.

(See Tamarisk | Tree)

(bot.) In a dream, tamarisk represents someone who hurts the rich and benefits the poor. (Also see Tree)

…To dream of tamarinds shows much vexation and uneasiness through a woman, bad success in trade, a rainy season, and news from beyond sea that is disagreeable: in love they denote disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 77, 16….

…To see bantam chickens in your dream, denotes your fortune will be small, yet you will enjoy contentment. If they appear sickly, or exposed to wintry storms, your interests will be impaired….

Dreaming of a tambourine, signifies you will have enjoyment in some unusual event which will soon take place.

When this dream occurs is symbolizes the need to control our passions or more primary instincts, which can appear in the form of internal contradictions that frighten us. If in the dream there are accidents with wild animals that we are taming, it can be interpreted as a warning of the risk we are running and the need to be cautious and prudent.

Bad news reported by an influential person acting on behalf of a government agency.

If you dream of this foreign sweet, it denotes a short indisposition, but it will cause such anxiety of the heart in a lover or friend, as to procure you a very agreeable visit from him or her, and tend to some happy event.

Play one, represents good luck, prosperity. Dance with one, great delight.

Subduing difficulties patiently.

This dream usually signals the arrival of bad news by an influential person that acts on behalf of a government agency. No need to stop expecting setbacks in the near future.

…Seeing a drum in a dream means false news. Dancing on the drumbeat in a dream means that a calamity will befall that house. If one sees himself turned into a drum in a dream, it means that he is experiencing confused dreams. A one sided tambourine represents a woman with many faults. Women’s drums in a dream mean a wild business, an esoteric commerce, selling gadgets, hideous- ness, or a stingy woman with many enemies. Hearing the sound of drums in a parade in a dream means false news. Hearing the drumbeat of an auctioneer’s drum, a herald, or a harbinger in dream means death. It is also said that hearing the drumbeat of a procession represents someone who is grateful to his Lord under all circumstances. The sound of pilgrims’ drums in a dream represents a wise man and a spiritual guide. (Also see Drummer | Tambourine)…

…To dream about one or more lions symbolizes that a higher power is protecting you; therefore, you’ll succeed in what you’ve decided to do. To dream that you’re taming or dominating a lion suggests that you have enough character, energy and ability to achieve your goals. But if the lion is enraged and attacks you, then it suggests that your enemies are too strong, and are threatening your victory. To dream about caged lions suggests that you doubt of your ability to accomplish what you want. To dream about a tamer that is facing a caged lion suggests how others can achieve what they propose helped by their reason and willpower. To dream about lion cubs suggests that soon there will be new tasks, work, business or social relationships that will need to be addressed. When a young single mother dreams that a lion cub approaches her, it suggests…

Psychologically it represents repressed passions, but that are not tamed, that can explode causing our downfall. But sublimated and tame means they are a source of spiritual energy that is symbolized by the extraordinary fertility of the volcanic soils.

…benefit from him, or it could represent a hypocrite or a handsome looking person, or perhaps a rich woman. If one pluck its fruits in a dream, it means that he will marry her. An apple tree in a dream represents a person with steadfastness and determination. A plum tree in a dream represents a rich and a courageous man. A pear tree in a dream represents a Persian who practices herbal medicine. A tamarisk tree in a dream represents a hypocrite, or it could mean a thief who benefits poor people and harms the rich. Abullace, a wild small plum tree, or a damson tree in a dream represent someone who benefits everyone. A sycamore tree in a dream represents a good person who is steadfast in his servitude to others, though who is also firm, equitable, powerful and rich. A carob tree in a dream represents a man…

…(Vulture) Eagle is the king of birds. Struggling with an eagle in a dream means distress, fury of one’s superior or subjugation to an unjust person. Owning an obedient, well tamed eagle in a dream means prosperity, honor and power. Owning and flying an eagle in a dream means becoming a tyrant. The scratch of an eagle in a dream means a sickness. A killed eagle in a dream means the death of a ruler. If a pregnant woman sees an eagle in her dream, it means seeing a midwife or a nurse. In a dream, an eagle also may be interpreted to represent a great ruler, a prophet or a righteous person. Hearing the cry of an eagle in a dream means a fight. Eating the flesh of an eagle or getting hold of some of its feathers in a dream means receiving money from a ruler. If…

…To dream that you see one of these animals, and are terrified by it, shows that you will be disgusted at the ingratitude of a friend you have served: if, in your dream, you see a tame panther, and caress it, it foretells that you have some ungrateful person is your household, (perhaps a servant,) or else a false-hearted friend. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 7….

…A sign of thieves; to dream of fighting with them, shows that you will have to deal with some cunning enemy; to keep a tame fox, signifies that you will love a lewd woman, or have a bad servant, who will rob you. A number of foxes, false friends. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 11, 17….

…(Animal | Carrier | Mount | Vehicle) A vehicle in a dream represents care, concern, attaining one’s purpose, or it could mean reaching one’s destination through striving and hard work. To ride an animal in a dream means following one’s desires and passions. However, to be carried by any animal, or by any type of vehicle in a dream is a sign of honor and authority. Riding a horse one cannot control in a dream means following one’s passions and wantonness. If one is able to adequately tame his horse and control it in the dream, it means that he will be saved from adversities. Riding an elaborately dressed horse for a parade, being surrounded by servants and an entourage in the dream means receiving an inheritance, or it could mean becoming the guardian of an estate one will inherit in a short while. Riding over the shoulder of…

…Whenever the park has vegetation it is a symbol of the orderly nature, subdued and tamed by man. It always produces the sensation of something hidden, intimate and personal where you can breathe peace and tranquility. If it’s whole, then harmonious is inside of us. If it doesn’t have the order and beauty it should mean that the unconscious dominates the conscious. If it’s dry and uncultured so will be our personality….

…The wolf in a dream symbolizes unknowingness, power, manhood, intelligence, freedom, awareness and grace. The dream about wolf has a negative meaning when the dreamer kills the wolf, because it means that the secrets one has will be revealed to others or he will suffer from the shame. If you heard the wolf that is howling, then it indicates the dishonest action of yours will be revealed. If the wolf has followed you, such dream symbolizes danger, which you should be aware of. If the wolf has attacked you, then it denotes to false friendship. The dreamer that has tamed the wolf will overcome his opponents and enemies….

(See Tambourine)

…This dream is linked to water. If water runs tame and placidly by the channel, happiness will accompany our love. If the channel is broken, then it indicates that we have mistaken our feelings. If it’s too long, it announces a marriage in a distant country. According to the water we can interpret our dream with the explanation that water is very significant, because it symbolizes life, feelings and it is the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, then it announces a long and happy life exactly like our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water indicates physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually shows evil and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, cloudy or yellowish, then it predicts disease. Tainted water foretells about your way of living with anger in the body. Smelly…

…To paddle a canoe on a calm stream, denotes your perfect confidence in your own ability to conduct your business in a profitable way. To row with a sweetheart, means an early marriage and fidelity. To row on rough waters you will have to tame a shrew before you attain connubial bliss. Affairs in the business world will prove disappointing after you dream of rowing in muddy waters. If the waters are shallow and swift, a hasty courtship or stolen pleasures, from which there can be no lasting good, are indicated. Shallow, clear and calm waters in rowing, signifies happiness of a pleasing character, but of short duration. Water is typical of futurity in the dream realms. If a pleasant immediate future awaits the dreamer he will come in close proximity with clear water. Or if he emerges from disturbed watery elements into waking life the near future is…

…To dream that a favourite slave has become ungrateful, and run away, is a sign that someone has been tampering with him or her, but without effect; if, in your dream, you imagine that one of your favourite negroes has been impertinent or neglectful, and is to be flogged, and that you feel bad about it, it shows that someone will try to injure you through the medium of your slaves, and you should therefore look sharp to the characters of white people around. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 4….

(See Flute | Oboe | Tambourine | String instruments)

A lion is a symbol of the father, teacher, judge and ruler. The lions symbolize maximum success. Also, the lion in dreams can represent an admirable being or an unbearable tyrant who must be feared. The dream is good or bad depending on the accompanying feelings and behavior of the lion. To dream about a family of lions portends joy and family togetherness in which each of members knows their place and has fully embraced it. To dream of a lion symbolizes a powerful protector or a fearsome enemy, depending on the lion attitude towards us. Taming, domesticating or defeating a lion foreshadows our superiority over our opponents and that we will reach the desired position.

…A kitchen in a dream means preparing food, or it could represent a servant, menial work, a cook, a greasy spoon restaurant, ruins, loss of status, spoils taken from others by force, or it could mean a craft, heat, lust, tampering with the elements, or meddling with people’s business. (Also see Ladle)…

To dream you see pigeons is a good sign; to wit, that you will have content and delight at home, and success in affairs abroad. To dream that you see a white pigeon flying denotes consolation, devotion, and success in good undertakings. Wild pigeons signify wild and dissolute women, and tame pigeons signify virtuous women.

…To dream that you’re a horse rider but in that moment you’re walking, leading a horse that refuses to obey, suggests that you’ll experience difficulties to obtain what you desire. If the horse is tamed and obedient, such problems will be easily solved. To dream that you’re a horse rider and that you are riding at that moment suggests that you’ll receive a surprise. If a young man dreams that he is somehow related to a horse rider or jockey, whether he is on foot or is riding a horse, it suggests that his marriage may stagger and that his partner is a volatile person. When a woman dreams that a horse rider falls from his horse, it suggests that she’ll soon have to aid someone….

…(Food | Valuable gift | Unexpected favor) A gummy saccharine secretion found on a species of a Tamarisk tree. A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money….

You should learn how to tame your feelings and control your reactions better.

…to recite his final rites in a dream, it means glad tidings and attainment of what his heart desires, a guarantee of his safety, happiness, joy and of having a blessed and a good heart. If he sees them angry with him or beating him or subduing and taming him in a dream, it means that he may revert to sin, earn the displeasure of his parents, disdain from complying with God’s commands, or he could even come to deny the necessity of God’s religion. Such angels in a dream also represent the emissaries of a governor or his deputies. If a dying person is told in the dream that no angels have come to see him, then it is a testimony of his good character and piety, or it could mean payment of one’s debts or recovering from an illness. Angels in a dream also could represent scholars, gnostics…

(Sycamore, bibl.) In a dream, a mulberry tree represents a person in a high position who has many children, who is big in size but ill mannered, who benefits no one, though he remains well respected. If one gets some of its fruits in his dream, it means that he will receive something from such a person. If he is hurt by its thorns in the dream, the same will take place in wakefulness. When maple trees, tamarisk trees and shrubs are mixed together in a dream, they mean victory and glad tidings for one who is contemplating a war or gearing for a fight. However, for the rest of people, these trees in a dream mean poverty and meekness.

…When we deal with a volcanic eruption: the volcano symbolizes a sudden mutation of real life and the long-repressed passions that can get to explode with all virulence. If we manage to tame these passions they become a source of spiritual life. If it’s a skin rash, then the dream announces fears, concerns and problems painful to bear….

…(Cow bell | Sleigh bell) Possessing small bells in a dream means a fight, an argument or vain talk known of the person holding them. Seeing a bell in a dream represents the announcer or the forerunner of a ruler. Generally speaking seeing a bell in a dream means that someone will bring glad tidings. If the bell is roped around the neck of an animal in the dream, it means travel. The bells of a church represent people one can seek their advice and follow their opinion. Bells in a dream also represent calling to prayers or preparing to meet one’s enemies, or they could mean the arrival of a caravan or a shipment. Bells in a dream also represent abrogated books of revelations or tampering with God’s revelations or they could represent past traditions. (Also see Hand bell)…

Surprise because of thieves. Be aware of the fraud. Fight with fox, means that you will overcome obstacles, especially if you win. A tame fox, afflictions ill placed in love matters, a domestic abusing with your servants.

…distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person. If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. If one sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that he will guide a heedless person and lead him on the straight path. If one takes the camel through a side road in a dream, it means that he will lead such a person into wrongdoing. If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death. A camel in a dream also represents prosperity, trials, a tree or women’s holdings. A tamed camel in a dream represents a learned person. Collecting camel’s fur in a dream means money. (Also see Counting camels | Milk)…