Dream of drinking it, work without profit and loss of time.

In a dream, forging money means using vile words, or words without action. (Also see Minting)

Symbolize the live and high feelings even though it reveals fear of diseases and accidents. If the blood is red and livid, it means that without awakening unpleasant feelings and material prosperity will be accompanied by disputes, fights and violence.

Seeing an oil tanker in a dream represents that you need to defend your beliefs without being violent.

…To be alone in bed, hazard. To see a well-made bed indicates safety. To see the pillows burn in the bed without being consumed, good sign for the children who are the owners of the bed. To burn one’s bed or see the bed that is burning means damage, sickness, or illness to the dreamer’s relatives. If a woman has this dream, either she or her husband are in some danger….

If you saw or ride yourself a surfboard, then it denotes to your way to continue with the present without changes the circumstances you are in. The dream suggests you to take more enterprise and motivation instead of being nonchalant. If there is something you wish to get in this life, you must put the effort to achieve the result you wish for.

The panther in dreams is interpreted as something powerful and that is able to provide protection. The panther is the animal that has fierce and is not afraid to fight for her rights. If the panther is attacking you, it means that you are being slandered by others, but if you are able to escape it or you killed the panther, you will overcome all of the obstacles. The Black Panther is a very rare animal, therefore the one who sees is may get a very good luck in short period of time. Overall, you should go through life without fear and act like no one can hurt you no matter what are the circumstances.

If you dream you are a criminal the dream may be showing your unconscious desires to achieve your goals even at the cost of breaking the law, and if the criminal is someone else and you feel threatened in the dream it may be interpreted as inner fears, sometimes without any objective reason.

…If we are unable to move in a crowd among people, then that reveals our inability to dominate in some events. It also shows weakness of character, great timidity. If it’s someone else who is in this situation and we cannot approach that person, the dream indicates our desire to win their affection and friendship and the fear of not achieving it. Seeing a crowd without mixing with it announces some misfortune or bad news, especially if they wear black. Sometimes it is a social, political or economic change in general….

…Dreaming of seeing roses blooming and fragrant, denotes that some joyful occasion is nearing, and you will possess the faithful love of your sweetheart. For a young woman Dreaming of gathering roses, shows she will soon have an offer of marriage, which will be much to her liking. Withered roses, signify the absence of loved ones. White roses, if seen without sunshine or dew, denotes serious if not fatal illness. To inhale their fragrance, brings unalloyed pleasure. For a young woman Dreaming of banks of roses, and that she is gathering and tying them into bouquets, signifies that she will be made very happy by the offering of some person whom she regards very highly….

If you dream of being in an arena, it signifies your hidden feelings. Make sure you are surrounded by those who let you be yourself and you can express yourself as you are, without feeling uncomfortably. Try to find the new area where you can be who you truly are. The dream also indicates the issues you have and it shows that they have to be sorted out.

Vexation and snares, betrayal in love, having business with bad people without knowing it. 355.

…To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a spectator, then it suggests that your enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat you. To dream about a bright and smokeless fire suggests that you enjoy inner-peace, which will give you great opportunities to succeed in life. To dream that you’re handling fire without getting burned announces major successes. To dream about a place where a fire occurred suggests grudge, revenge, and resentment towards others and from others towards you. To dream about a major fire when in you’re real life you’re planning a trip suggests that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to an…

Dreaming of climbing a mountain is a good dream, and it indicates self-improvement with probabilities of success. But if the dreamer fails in his attempt of going up the mountain and falls, then it indicates the opposite. When a young woman dreams of climbing a mountain in company of a male relative, it suggests that she will be the victim of gossip and slander. However, if she seems tired and she refuses the man’s help or other people’s help, it indicates that in real life she’ll waste the opportunity of self-improvement. Dreaming of climbing a mountain covered with lush vegetation is a symbol that there will be improvement in matters that are being handled. But if the mountain is rugged, without any vegetation, and the dreamer does not get to the summit, then it indicates that the dreamer must work hard to achieve his or her goals.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

…waking life from stress and perhaps changes in blood pressure, or that you’re experiencing serious concerns. Dreaming of washing your head indicates that pretty soon some important people will appreciate your work, giving to it the importance that it really has. Dreaming of human head disconnected from its body indicates that your business and affairs are bad, which will produce various difficulties. Dreaming of having two heads hints that you will soon be successful in your things, but it won’t be permanent. Dreaming of a swollen or/and deformed head means that you’re living in mediocrity, with inconsequential ups and downs. Dreaming about the heads of cheerful children suggests that all your things are going well and you will soon have success. Dreaming of one or more animal heads suggests that you’re only thinking of immediate material benefits and pleasures without any projection into the future or to something higher….

…(Underpants | Underwear) If one discovers some wetness in his under- pants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. If one defecates in his underpants in a dream, it means a fight with his wife after which he will pay her something he owes her, or it could mean a fight that will end in divorce. If one wears his underpants inside-out in his dream, it means that he indulges in the loathsome and forbidden act of anal intercourse with his wife. If one sees himself wearing his underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream, it means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels, or financial growth. Wearing new underpants in a dream means protecting one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties. (Also see Underwear | Pants)…

It symbolizes something related to the ideas or behavior of the dreamer. Seeing hats but not wearing them, announces that you need to take some precautions. Wearing a hat, without wanting to take it off, means that you’re trying to keep a secret that you don’t want to share. Dreaming of wearing a ridiculous hat, could be a warning of some personal attitude that others see as ridiculous but we do not realize that we have it.

To dream that you are laughing indicates that you will encounter a pleasant situation and that your problems will disappear. Laughing is also a sign of your emotional state and happy life without major concerns. On the other hand, laughing may indicate your insecurities and fears. To dream of laughing kids denotes to joy and health. Seeing a devil laughing represents feelings of humiliation or helplessness.

If you were driving any kind of the vehicle in a dream, then it foretells about your ability to control your life without anyone’s help. Perhaps you are the person who is able to make things to the fullest on his own.

Husbandry, signifies pleasure without alloy.

You will be used and exploited without being able to realize it.

Times of a lot of movement and perhaps little complications or surprises in everyday affairs will come. But in any case, nothing will have too much importance. The squirrel has always been a symbol of lightness and superficiality, that’s why some authors indicate that dreaming with release squirrels also indicates our desire for casual encounters or affairs without continuity.

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

…Dreaming that you drive along an embankment, foretells you will be threatened with trouble and unhappiness. If you continue your drive without unpleasant incidents arising, you will succeed in turning these forebodings to useful account in your advancement. To ride on horseback along one, denotes you will fearlessly meet and overcome all obstacles in your way to wealth and happiness. To walk along one, you will have a weary struggle for elevation, but will &ally reap a successful reward….

It means that you’re being very influenced by the opinions and rules that elders are imposing and that you’re also very close to them, but without being able to show tenderness and feelings due to the excessive respect you have for them.

Dreaming of yourself walking on a rug indicates that everything’s going well and that you’ll soon see the good results. Dreaming of yourself shopping for rugs indicates that prosperity smiles at you, and that you must seize it for it to continue. Dreaming of yourself selling rugs indicates the desire of fun and traveling, but without having to abandon your business. When a woman dreams of beautiful rugs, it may mean that she longs for a good life in a beautiful and comfortable home. Dreaming of a dirty, broken rug indicates the immediate risk of suffering from a chronic disease that will only get worse, particularly a disease of the nervous system. If the dreamer sees himself/herself fixing or cleaning the rug, that’s a sign that a visit to the doctor must be made as soon as possible.

Dreaming the eyebrows are hairy, and of a good grace, is good, especially to women. But the eyebrows naked and without hair implies she will be afraid to marry. But if either man or woman dream their eyebrows are more comely and large than they used to be, it is a sign they will do feats in the matrimonial way.

When you look at the strangers face while dreaming, then such dream shows various aspects of your personality. The different faces have different meanings. The funny face may be a suggestion to be more relaxed. The face without the nose eyes or mouth, shows that you are feeling numb and even have no opinions about something, or simply feel uninteresting person. The happy face with the smile on it, signifies your inner joy, where you feel happy even about minor things. If you look at the mirror at your own face, then you have to deal with some situation you were delaying. You are telling it for yourself during the sleep. The ugly faces, or the ones that are out of proportion, shows your fears.

…(Mediation) Interceding on behalf of someone in a dream represents honor, a seat of authority, or influence. Intercession in a dream also means cheating, or earning a wage for one’s work without humiliation. If one sees the Day of Reckoning in a dream and people searching for an intercessor among the prophets, upon all of them be peace, it means social unrest and privation of the poor and needy from one’s assistance. If one’s neighbor intercedes for him on such a day in a dream, it means that one will benefit from his neighbor, or receive his help, or find a helper in a friend in times of difficulty. If one sees his own son interceding on his behalf in a dream, it means that he will benefit from him or through his business connections, and the same is true if one intercedes on behalf of someone else in…

…To dream that you find one is a good sign; to dream that you find one without either eggs or birds, shows you will meet with great disappointment. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64….

…Ants show you’ll have good trade without adversity; Visits from strangers, much profit and prosperity….

…(A tyrant | An unjust ruler | Death | Healing from a sickness | Receiving an inheritance) A lioness in a dream represents ignorance, pride, affectation and perfidy. Seeing a lion without being seen, means escape from harm one may fear, attaining knowledge and growing in wisdom. A struggle with a lion that does not lead to one’s death in a dream means observing a long lasting diet caused by an illness. If one fights with a lion and eats or snatches off a piece of his flesh, bones or hair in a dream, it means that he will attain success, leadership, wealth or conquer his enemy. Sleeping beside a lion in a dream means safety from illness, or protection from one’s enemy. If one sees a lion inside his own house in a dream, it means that he will gain the upper hand, or it could represent longevity…

Going up or climbing it means you will achieve your desired goals, not without going through great effort first. Going down it is a signal of childish arguments. A mountain collapsing means economic loss or distancing from a loved one.

To see or use a harness in a dream, symbolizes controlled freedom. Also, it is an omen of deficiency to act free. Possibly you feel that you are being suppressed either by your own apprehension or by others. You need to explore more options in your life in order to act without restriction.

To dream of marrying a maiden means pleasure without regrets. Be jilted by one, sickness and bitter arguments. Be deluded by a pretended maid, means anxiety of spirit, loss of good health. To elope with a maid means joy. Carry one off by force means imprisonment. Embrace a maiden signifies temporary delusions.

A dream about a sign indicates that you will be informed of circumstances or facts from which you will suffer consequences without being able to intervene.

…If one acts irrationally in a dream, it means that he will act with disgrace, stupidity or shamelessness in real life. Being irrational in a dream and intentionally using violent or insulting words, and acting deliberately in an evil way means despair of God’s mercy. It also means refuting or opposing some- thing. It is also interpreted to mean attending to one’s prayers without the ritual ablution. Irrationality in a dream also may mean insolent behavior, or ill speaking of peoples’ honor or chastity. (Also see Insanity | Mental derangement)…

In a dream, locusts represent an adversity, a trial, a calamity or a punishment. They also represent a destructive rain, or an occupation by a vehement army. Eating locusts in a dream means that one will receive money. If one fills a cup or a pitcher with locust in a dream it also means earnings. Any place locusts fly into without causing harm in a dream means overcoming from adversities. If a rich person who has lost his wealth sees a swarm of locust falling all over him in a dream, it means that he will recuperate his wealth.

…To see rye, is a dream of good, as prosperity envelopes your future in brightest promises. To see coffee made of rye, denotes that your pleasures will be tempered with sound judgment, and your affairs will be managed without disagreeable friction. To see stock entering rye fields, denotes that you will be prosperous….