Being in trouble warns you to think about solving your problems. Seeing other people in trouble indicates you have filled your rivals with doubt and perplexity.

If candle burns brightly, happiness; if the light be dim, misfortune; if you light candle, success in what you undertake.

…To dream a candle burns bright and clear, denotes a pleasing letter from your sweetheart; but if the candle’s blaze gets dull, you will be disappointed….

To dream of Jay Leno talk show and attending in means that you like hanging out with your friends. The Jay Leno could also indicate some person in your waking life who reminds you of this celebrity. The dream could also mean that you watch too many TV, therefore you keep dreaming of it. If you watched the show before you went to bed, this dream doesn’t have any meaning.

…In a dream, a scent bottle or a perfume bottle represents a guardian who is entrusted with an estate to manage, or a guardian who is entrusted with an inheritance to distribute as charity on God’s path, or it could denote a woman or a child….

Dream of drinking lemon juice is a sign of pain and anguish. Also indicates disease. Dream of a lemon tree indicates peace at home.

Traditionally, seeing a tree with new green leaves can be interpreted as an omen of abundance which could mean that there will be economic and sentimental abundance. As well as it could mean that there could be ideas, that will be followed through. But on the other hand, seeing leaves fall from the tree means that you can lose something very important, but only for short period of time. It will come back again in your life.

If you fastened the buckle in a dream, then such dream shows that you agree with the duties you were given. The buckle that is in a very good condition denotes to the acceptance and adornment from others.

…Dreaming of elderly people without being old may indicate that you live in an inappropriate and uncomfortable environment, in which you work and complete your duties just because it’s mandatory. Dreaming of elder people means the innocence of a girl. Dreaming that you’re old while you’re young in waking life means respect and consideration. If you see an old man in your dream, you should accept and follow the advice which he can give you….

In a dream, a mortar and a pestle represent a husband and a wife. None of the two works without the other. They perform hard work that no one else will do for them. The mortar represents the man and the pestle represents his wife.

(Insufficient | Scarce) Having little of something after having abundance of it in a dream represents unlawful earnings, or money earned from usury, or it could denote heavy financial obligations, or liabilities. However, having little of something in a dream also could signify having plenty of it. (Also see Famine)

To dream that you see yourself being in the temple, means that you are trying to find the spiritual aspects of your personality. You try to find the connection between yourself and other world that is unknown to us. The temple could also indicate the new phases of your life that you are trying to understand and pass.

To see or to ride a motorcycle in a dream symbolizes a peaceful feeling, your need of freedom and your desire to make an adventure. A motorcycle is also a symbol of raw sexuality.

If you are dancing the maypole dance, then it shows your happiness in which you are saying good bye to old days and welcoming the new one. The maypole dance could also indicate the manhood and its sexual factors.

If you see a handle in a dream, then it shows your ability to manage your own life. The dream shows that the main decision maker in your life is you. On the negative note, the dream could show the lost control o your life, but only if the handle is broken. Make sure you fix it.

If you see a hole in the dream, it shows the unsureness and unknowingness. If you felt into the hole, you feel hopeless about some situation.

…Dreaming you see a teakettle, implies sudden news which will be likely to distress you. For a woman to pour sparkling, cold water from a teakettle, she will have unexpected favor shown her….

Dreaming you are girt with a girdle, means labour and pains. If you dream you have a new girdle, it means honour.

Smelling an apple inside a mosque in a dream means getting married. If a woman sees herself smelling an apple during a reception in a dream, it denotes her misconduct, and that she could commit an abominable sin during that same evening. (Also see Nose)

If the candle in our dream is firm, some authors interpret this as a sign of strength and longevity, and the opposite when the flame is flickering. It can also be interpreted in relation to our ideas, so it can be a form of warning about our mental instability or lack of serenity. If we see ourselves lighting up a candle to illuminate somewhere that’s dark, it will express our tendency to delve into the spiritual life.

Dreaming about being close to a crocodile is a bad omen, and worse if the animal attacks the dreamer, this indicates serious dangers in many ways, unless the dreamer sees himself or herself killing it, in which case the dangers are diminished| but the symbol indicates that to achieve this it requires skill and patience. In the case of having this dream, the dreamer should remain alert regarding friends who could give nasty surprises. The crocodile in dreams is a symbol of betrayal, deceit, and hypocrisy by people that surround the dreamer daily. Dreaming of stepping on the crocodiles back by mistake, is a warning to remain alert, since this hints that there will be serious and dangerous problems if the dreamer doesn’t act with due prudence and firmness.

Seeing a lead in a dream indicates that you will have a problem blamed on you. Perhaps a relationship or blame is weighing on you deep down. Seeing a lead mine in a dream denotes deception, false situations, justice.

…Dreaming of the Bible, foretells that innocent and disillusioned enjoyment will be proffered for your acceptance. Dreaming that you villify{sic} the teachings of the Bible, forewarns you that you are about to succumb to resisted temptations through the seductive persuasiveness of a friend….

Usually dreams about TV shows or celebrities show our desire to be acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes people have these dream because of the time they spent in front of TV. The dream could also indicate your admiration of Jay Leno as the celebrity, therefore you dream about him. Or you see some qualities of yourself or other people just like Jay Leno has.

Anything from marble symbolizes fullness and durability. Marble as a symbol refers to those loves that begin as indifferent and cold but later are solid and durable.

Learning is always good. If the dreamer is the one who is learning, it indicates a high probability of getting some future benefits. However, if you dream that a child is taught, it can be an indicator of pain and torment.

If you see yourself being in gale or any other kind of storm, then it shows then things you are unable to escape. You feel trapped in some situation and have no idea how to look after those you love and even give the safety to yourself. Make sure you find the way to escape this gale in reality.

(Inverted | Queer) Seeing a pimp in a dream means moving from a clean place to a loathsome one, or from a vagina to the anus. A pimp in a dream also represents a pervert, or an inverted person who exhibits sexual desire for both sexes. (Also see Panderer | Thread)

…To dream of shedding tears of sympathy, is a sign that someone is in love with you; this applies to both sexes, but more particularly to girls who cry easy: if you imagine you cry from grief, some good fortune awaits you, and you will have riches in proportion to the tears shed: if you dream that you shed tears from vexation, it shows that you will experience a loss just in proportion to the tears, or that someone will injure your prospects by circulating a scandal. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

Among lovers it means advantageous marriages. Among friends, decline of fortune. To enter upon a quarrel, constancy and friendship. Quarrels among men symbolizes jealousy. Among women denotes oppressive torments. Of both sexes means the birth of love.

Turnips show to both sexes, ill toil and bad ends.