Dream of longing for something or someone indicates a void in your life. You need to fill this gap. On the other hand you may delete some old habit or refuse something that will be offered.

When in dreams we stare down into the eyes of those before us that reveals the fear to betray something we want to keep hidden. To feel like we are being observed insistently but without seeing the eyes that look at us denotes guilt complexes. If we dream we are blind or blindfolded, then it is indicative of an illogical fear of being cheated or persecuted or can also reveal our powerlessness over the circumstances in real life. To dream that we suffer from bad sight without wearing glasses shows a lack of courage that prevents us from looking straight at facts. If we go to an eye doctor it indicates the desire to find someone we can involve in our problems and who would help us.

To dream about looking at something suggests that you must get closer to a situation and analyze it well.

Dreaming of yourself with a loom predicts that thanks to your courage, obstinacy and constant struggle, you’ll achieve an enviable social position. You’ll have the support and respect of your closed ones, to whom you’ll bring joy and happiness.

Dream of buying a lottery ticket is sign of good omen. If it goes well, remember the numbers and try to acquire them.

Dreaming that you have a lover in an affair means that you’ll suffer from moral damages, your luck will be reversed, or a possible illness.

To dream that you are lost in some area shows that there are things you are afraid of. It could also mean that you cannot make up your mind about some matter.

If you had dream about locomotive, see the interpretation of train.

Signing a loan in a dream means beingput under a court restraint. (Also see Borrowing | Lending money | Write)

If you dreamed loveseat, please see the interpretation of couch.

If you dream that you see the figure being surrounded by halo, it means that you are looking for your spiritual self.

(Betting | Gambling) Casting lots in a dream or betting means adversities, rebukes, reprimands or exaggeration. If one wins a bet in a dream, it means that he will overcome his opponent. If one loses the bet to his counterpart in the dream, it means that he may suffer from a life imprisonment. (Also see Gambling)

To dream that you are locking something means that you are trying to hide something or simply protecting what belongs to you. The dream suggests to keep looking after yourself and if it is needed use whatever it takes to keep it.

To dream that you lose some kind of the item, means that you are feeling lost in some situation of your waking life. There is a decision that must be done and you have no idea what to do.

…If a woman dreams that she kills a lot of buffaloes, she will undertake a stupendous enterprise, but by enforcing will power and leaving off material pleasures, she will win commendation from men, and may receive long wished for favors. Buffalo, seen in a dream, augurs obstinate and powerful but stupid enemies. They will boldly declare against you but by diplomacy you will escape much misfortune….

Dreaming of a yule log, foretells that your joyous anticipations will be realized by your attendance at great festivities.

(See Lost | Wandering)

(See loss)

…Dreaming of seeing lobsters, denotes great favors, and riches will endow you. If you eat them, you will sustain contamination by associating too freely with pleasure-seeking people. If the lobsters are made into a salad, success will not change your generous nature, but you will enjoy to the fullest your ideas of pleasure. To order a lobster, you will hold prominent positions and command many subordinates….

…Dreaming of a locomotive running with great speed, denotes a rapid rise in fortune, and foreign travel. If it is disabled, then many vexations will interfere with business affairs, and anticipated journeys will be laid aside through the want of means. To see one completely demolished, signifies great distress and loss of property. To hear one coming, denotes news of a foreign nature. Business will assume changes that will mean success to all classes. To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you….

Dreaming you are in love or of cupid, indicates a new and true friend.

For a woman Dreaming of a looking-glass, denotes that she is soon to be confronted with shocking deceitfulness and discrepancies, which may result in tragic scenes or separations. See Mirror.

Dreaming of a louse, foretells that you will have uneasy feelings regarding your health, and an enemy will give you exasperating vexation. See Lice.

Dreaming of lozenges, foretells success in small matters. For a woman to eat or throw them away, foretells her life will be harassed by little spites from the envious.

When you dream of armadillo it means that you need to determine particular limits. Maybe you are making the boundaries with those around you and do not let get anyone too close to you. What you have to do is to become more opinionated and stand up for yourself. Make sure you show more initiative in work you are doing.

(Money) In a dream, a loaf of bread represents little money, little earnings, or a small wage. (Also see Bread)

…Dreaming of repeating the Lord’s Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties. To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend….

…For a man, a beard in a dream signifies wealth, honor and dignity. If it is moderately long or well trimmed in the dream, it means earning respect, rising in rank, prosperity, beauty and sovereignty. If only the sides of one’s beard are long and not the middle section in the dream, it means that one will work to save money for someone else. If one’s beard is too long and lacks proper trimming in a dream, it means indebtedness, distress and suffering from depression. If it becomes long to the extent of reaching the floor in the dream, it means death. If one’s beard grows long and thick in a dream, it means longevity or increase in one’s wealth. If it reaches his belly in the dream, it means that he does not obey God’s commands. If it grows longer than one’s grip in the dream, it means…

…(Batch | Clump | Cluster) In a dream, a lot or a cluster represents atonement for one’s sin, or something offered to compensate for failing to fulfill a vow, or it could mean earning tainted money….

If you see a yule log in your dream, then such dream indicates your targets you have set. If it is burning it means that you have too high expectations on yourself.

(Cave | Den | Harbor | lodge | Refuge | Retreat | Sanctuary. See Inn | Hostel | Pub)

(Basin | Cavity | Depression) Walking through a lowland in a dream means suffering from adverse conditions, or it could mean depression and hoping to reach a time of recovery.

(See Elephant man | Love)

…(Heavens | Highest goal | Ultimate results) Seeing the heavenly Lot tree in a dream means attaining one’s highest goal and reaching the ultimate promise. (Also see Buckthorn | Lotus tree)…

Love shows fortune, and joy, with a pretty wife, chaste.

…(Sexual organs | Vagina) Lustfully looking at the vagina of one’s wife or that of another woman, or touching it in a dream means engaging in a rotten business. Seeing a naked woman without her knowledge in a dream represents common pitfalls and mistakes one makes in his life….

Leeches, lentils, or locusts, famine, want, and sorrow.

…(Aloneness | Isolation | Solitude) Loneliness in a dream means fame, artistry or attaining excellence in one’s craft. If a ruler or a governor sees himself alone in a dream, it represents his impeachment from office. Finding oneself alone in a dream also means poverty, or separation from one’s beloved. Lone- liness in a dream also means humiliation, infamy, or segregation….

To dream of the silo shows that you are wasting too much of your money. The dream suggests to think about what you are spending on and beware of material temptation.

Getting into need, want.