…(Capture | Fingernails | Strength | Victory) Fingernails in a dream represent victory over one’s enemy. Having long fingernails for someone who needs them for his or her work in a dream means prosperity. Long fingernails in a dream also mean a trend that opposes what is common and practical. Long fingernails in a dream also mean strength, power and protection from one’s enemy. Long fingernails in a dream also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking…

Honour and wealth.

It reveals our desire to reach a higher level.

Being robbed or cheated in business.

(See Couch)

True friends. 148.

Surprised by some agreeable occurrence, meeting with a friend. 133.

Profit and luck, commendable deeds. 9.

(See Zikr)

(See Pederasty)

Death .of parent or grandparent. 38.

Scruples of conscience about present actions. 157.

The locks are the symbols of protection according to some dream interpreters. The locks could also indicate some situation that is not approachable to you at the moment, because you have no access to it.

Denotes disappointed hope, parting of friends, trouble in love. 76.

Poverty, distress. 44.

Shows many changes during the next seven years of your life.

To dream you see them, shows you will marry well and, if married, expect prosperity.

Denotes a secret vexation. 268.

Fulfilment of a wish.

…To dream of seeing large logs around, is a sign that yon will soon move into a new house; but if you imagine that you are splitting the logs, it will spoil all this, for it shows that you will want a house badly without being able to get one to your mind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 18….

Steadiness in fortune, finding happiness in troubles and afflictions. 77.

…To dream of losing your hat is a sign you with entertain in large company, either by making a speech, or otherwise attracting their attention: dreaming of the loss of money, a watch, or any valuables of that kind, predicts that you y/ill gain as much and perhaps more than your loss amounts to: if a girl dreams of losing her shoe-strings, she will be kissed by an agreeable young man; any article of clothing that you may dream of having lost, shows that you will rig yourself out in a new suit. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47, 6….

…Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in a dream means seeking God’s nearness and his pleasure through good deeds. It also means feeling safe, mixing with people of knowledge, associating with people of religious ranks, joining the company of knowledge seekers, and developing sincere love for the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, serving and loving those who love his progeny. Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in a dream also means love, knowledge and guidance. Visiting Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual subjects and miraculous events, or reflecting upon the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night in which the eight heavens were decorated to receive and honor him when he was called upon to come before God Almighty. Visiting the grave of God’s Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream means obedience to…

(See Prize.)…

(See Nit)

The locket that was given to you as a present, brings luck and joy in your life. You will get into great relationships with the person who gave it to you. There is a possibility of marriage. If the one dreams that he breaks the locket, then it means the one who broke it will experience the betrayal from the one he loves.

If you are waiting in the line and someone has taken from you, it shows that you think the life is not fair to you. The dream shows that the unfair friends or colleagues will try to take the advantage that was made to you.

(See Courting | Poet)

(See Backbone | Body’)…

(See Spell out)

(See Destitute)

It indicates our desire to make money.

Unsteadiness in love affairs.

Apprenticeship and some study or trade.

Dreaming of locusts, foretells discrepancies will be found in your business, for which you will worry and suffer. For a woman, this dream foretells she will bestow her affections upon ungenerous people.

If you see the number, success. Otherwise, unless expenditure, prodigality.

…For a woman Dreaming that she has lodgers, foretells she will be burdened with unpleasant secrets. If one goes away without paying his bills, she will have unexpected trouble with men. For one to pay his bill, omens favor and accumulation of money….

This dream reveals that in real life we are accumulating resentment, fear and contempt for others. When we see our home invaded by insects, earwigs or louses that reveals our fear of judgments and gossip from others. If the insects attack us, it shows that there are people that we cannot control despite how we consider them inferior to us. If the insects become gigantic and they corner us they represent bosses who are feared and despised at once. If we perceive the inconvenience of insects but without feelings of rejection, fear or repulsion they reflect minor discomfort, loss or concerns that accompany a task that has become tedious for us.

Increase of wealth, successful transactions, universal respect.

Dreaming of exchanging them indicates a good bargain soon.