Unexpected separation from your sweetheart or lover, friends or relatives. 69.

We should be careful with swindles.

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

(See Cargo)

(See Shameful act)

(See Tap)

…To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find your driver’s license, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the lawful right to move everyone forward. Alternatively, driving permit means that you are facing catastrophe in your individuality. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. Maybe you became vulnerable to opinion of others. As internal stimuli, the dream about driver’s permit shows your…

(Also see earth)

Vexation, dispute. 6.

(See Destitute)

(See Teeth)

(See Scowling)

(Blindness) If one sees in his dream as though the world is totally destroyed and that he remained alone therein, it means that he may lose his sight.

Adultery. 249.

(See Disappearing)

(See Compensation | Finding something)

Neglect of business, carelessness.

…God Almighty, Lord, Creator and Cherisher of the universes. There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the Al-Seeing Lord. Seeing Him in a dream can be interpreted according to one’s state of being. If one sees Him in His glory and majesty, without descriptive designation, without ascrip- tion of human characteristics to Him and without depiction or portrayal in the dream, it is an indication of glad tidings for both this world and the hereafter. These blessings also may continue to affect the lives of one’s progeny. If one sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him. If an ailing person sees Him in a dream, it means that he will soon die and come to meet Him. If a straying soul sees God Almighty in a dream, it will find guidance. If an…

Long servitude.

Loss, misfortune.