When you dream of jack-o-lantern means that you are looking forward for some kind of celebration.

Finding a coat indicates that you’ll have economic problems and big obstacles to overcome; looking for a raincoat to protect yourself from the rain means that you’ll have to hide a big secret to avoid problems in your house.

Skywriting in the dream represents the spirituality of the dreamer. Dreaming about skywriting, has also the symbolic significance of the secret message, which refers to non material or religious content. Alternatively, the dream about the words in the sky, in the form of smoke trails made by an airplane, stand as a symbol of the connection and the union between spirituality and materiality. Skywriting in the dream means that the spiritual realm and the physical realm are joining together. Maybe you have been looking for the action of removing doubts or fears. Skywriting is the message from your subconscious, that foretells complete reassurance for your success in the future of your life.

…One’s heels in a dream also represent his estate. Strong heels in a dream represent good deeds. Dark heels in a dream represent heedlessness and disobedience to the divine commands of God Almighty. Heels in a dream also signify punishment for one’s sins. One’s heels in a dream also may represent a son who is a gambler. A low heel and tendon in a dream represent a daring, courageous and a forward person. As for a bachelor, seeing his heels in a dream means marriage. Heels in a dream also mean vain talk. Playing with one’s heels in a dream means enjoying one’s success over his opponent. A broken heel in a dream means an illness. One’s heels also represent his property and money. Having no heels in a dream means losing one’s wealth. A nice looking heel in a dream means glad tidings and blessings. (Also see Body’)…

Dreaming that you are looking upon a rushing torrent, denotes that you will have unusual trouble and anxiety.

…Dreaming of playing with cards suggests carelessness and superficiality in handling affairs. Dreaming of betting money with cards is a warning that the dreamer is risking a lot and that in the end there will suffering due to losses and problems. Dreaming of playing with cards with several people, but without money being involved just for pure fun, suggests good social relationships. Dreaming of losing by playing with cards announces the presence of adversaries waiting for the opportunity to attack the dreamer, even legally. If a young woman dreams that her fiancé is playing with cards, is a warning that he is not a man who would be good for her, since he is only looking for fun. Cards in dreams usually have the following meanings: CLUBS: difficult and complicated marriage. CUPS: Love, fidelity, an acceptable marriage, but not a happy one. SWORDS: becoming a widow in a short…

…Shaving, clipping or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lessening one’s burdens. A moustache in a dream also means money. A bad cut in one’s moustache in a dream means a mishap or losing money. Having an unusually long moustache in a dream means going against the currents, or it could mean an illness that will deprive one from eating solid food, or it could mean religious innovation. A long and an ugly looking moustache in a dream means difficulties, sorrows, distress, becoming an alcoholic, refusing to surrender to others what belongs to them, or refusing to pay charity, or pretending to ignore the necessity to pay the obligatory alms tax. Shaving one’s moustache in a dream for someone who follows that trend means comfort and dispelling sorrows. If one dislikes to shave his moustache and sees himself shaving it in a dream, it means that he will…

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

…To dream that you’re living as a hermit in a hut or cave, whether it’s in a mountain or elsewhere, it suggests that you long for a radical change of life (environment, employment and perhaps of city). These types of desires are usually felt by taciturn, misanthropic, silent, and in some cases even maniac people. To dream that you’re looking at a hermit suggests that you aspire or feel the need to gain culture, to study, to reason and to research….

Looking far away in the distance indicates that we will have a change in our life that is related to how far our view reaches and landscape elements.

If you are reading some poetry in your dream, then such dream means that you are willing to do some research with the emotions and feelings you have. You are looking for a deeper connection within yourself and people that you are surrounded by.

Dreaming that you’re distanced from your own home, work, human affection, business or from the things you most want, it indicates that you will soon have to make a long journey, probably abroad, and this will have bad results. Dreaming that your family or dear friends are far, reveals that you’re nostalgic for something that has been lost, or you suspect it’s missing, for example, health or an object. Dreaming of looking into the distance and seeing men working indicates success in the distant future after working hard. Dreaming of women greeting you from afar indicates that in the future, you will establish new and important social relationships, although they won’t be very favorable.

Dreaming of yourself in front of a temple, watching it, may mean that your problems are upsetting you, and therefore you’re looking for shelter. Dreaming of yourself entering a temple may mean that you recognize your helplessness when trying to solve your problems, which is why you seek help. Dreaming of yourself praying inside a temple may mean that your problems are being solved, for prayer means dialogue with someone who could help you effectively.

…Jealousy means losses for the one experiencing it in the dream. A jealous person has an evil quality, and jealousy is evil. If one who suffers from people’s jealousy sees his condition improving in a dream, it means poverty, rancor, spite, black magic, or malice for the jealous person and benefits for the victim of jealousy. In a dream, jealousy also represents covetousness, grudges, avarice and love for the world. To devastate someone by looking at him with despise in a dream means that the assailant will suffer from the jealous eye of his victim. (Also see Jaundice)…

…Sopped bread with meat and broth or soup in a dream represent man’s livelihood. The amount of food one eats from a bowl of soup represents the portion of life one has spent, and the balance in the bowl represents what is left. Looking at a bowl of soup and being afraid to eat from it in the dream means longevity which is accompanied with comfort and ease. Eating fat-free soup in a dream means wishing for death because of one’s poverty or illness. Soup with bread but without meat in a dream represents a high ranking position without benefits. Eating a lion’s soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. If the soup has no fat…

Idle in dreams signifies that you do not know how to plan your day and time overall. For a female being idle is the sign that she will get married to a man, who is not good enough for her. The man you know is in idle means that he is looking for help. This person will get in some trouble.

The woods shows your connection with the nature. There is also a possibility that you feel the lack of connection with the real world, because of the work and responsibilities you do in daily life. If you are lost in the woods, then you are looking for the exit of some situation, but have no idea how to solve it, therefore you feel confused. Otherwise, being lost in the woods promises riches, but only if you are poor. Walking around in the woods picking up the berries, mushrooms and enjoying the nature while dreaming shows your inner harmony.

…Urinating in a dream means wasting money in an unnecessary or an unlawful way. It also means a marriage to an unsuitable or a non-compatible person. Frequency of urination in a dream means receiving regular income. On the other hand, suppression of urine in a dream means the opposite, or it may mean hastiness, or making an incorrect decision. If one sees himself urinating in an unknown place, in someone else’s house, a lodge, a town, etcetera in a dream, it may mean kinship with its people. Wetting one’s underpants in a dream means a newborn in the family. Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or giving charity. Urinating in a valley in a dream means expansion of one’s progeny. Emitting bad odor after urination while others are looking with despise in a dream means defamation, or exposing one’s ills in public. Drinking urine in…

…To dream you are looking through one of these curious instruments, and if you are delighted with the changes that present themselves, it is a sign, that you will either travel in distant countries or be very discontented at home. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 75….

…(God’s prophet Jesus son of Mary, upon both of them be peace.) One who sees God’s prophet Jesus upon whom be peace, in a dream is a blessed man, a generous one, an ascetic who pleases his Lord, who is filled with contentment, who travels excessively and may acquire knowledge about medicine and herbs. It is said that whoever sees Jesus in a dream will be protected against calamities for that year. If he asks or wishes for something, he will receive it, and if he learns a trade, he will become successful at it. One who sees Jesus upon whom be peace, in a dream will become an ascetic, travels throughout the land, escape from his enemy and may become a renowned physician. If one sees Jesus son of Mary in a town looking into people’s conditions, it means that calamities will be lifted away from that place,…

…(Ibex | Oryx | Sasin | Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one’s town. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money from a king or from a wealthy and a powerful person, for the mountain in a dream represents such a person and the goat represents the prize. Looking at a mountain goat in a dream means slandering a person who holds an important position in the government and who is well connected with the ruler. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means harm and sufferings, though eating its meat in a dream means that one will receive money from such a person. (Also see Oryx)…

…To hear the roar and see a hurricane heading towards you with its frightful force, you will undergo torture and suspense, striving to avert failure and ruin in your affairs. If you are in a house which is being blown to pieces by a hurricane, and you struggle in the awful gloom to extricate some one from the falling timbers, your life will suffer a change. You will move and remove to distant places, and still find no improvement in domestic or business affairs. If you dream of looking on de’bris and havoc wrought by a hurricane, you will come close to trouble, which will be averted by the turn in the affairs of others. To see dead and wounded caused by a hurricane, you will be much distressed over the troubles of others….

Dreaming of looking at rags is often an indicator of shame and misery. Dreaming of mixing rags is an indicative sign of great sorrows.

The phone is the tool to communicate. To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

The dream, in which you help someone, shows the goodness, and honesty of your personality. The dream also shows the energy you put in, in order to achieve the success not only for your own goodness, but others too. If you helped for the person that you do not like in your waking life, then such dream suggests you to be less polite to those that want to harm you. If you are the one who is looking for help in his dream, then it means you are feeling abandoned, shocked and unsuitable.

…too small for the horse’s foot, you will be charged with making fraudulent deals with unsuspecting parties. To ride a horse down hill, your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you. For a young woman Dreaming that a friend rides behind her on a horse, denotes that she will be foremost in the favors of many prominent and successful men. If she was frightened, she is likely to stir up jealous sensations. If after she alights from the horse it turns into a pig, she will carelessly pass by honorable offers of marriage, preferring freedom until her chances of a desirable marriage are lost. If afterward she sees the pig sliding gracefully along the telegraph wire, she will by intriguing advance her position, For a young woman Dreaming that she is riding a white horse up and down hill, often looking back and seeing some one on a black horse, pursuing her,…

The one that was taking the bubble bath in his dream is looking for relaxation and tranquility. Perhaps the dream suggests you to find some spare time for yourself and relax as much as you can.

By the pictures of our dream we can learn a lot about ourselves and the people and situations that we care about. So, looking at old photographs indicate that we want to recover gone times. If we are taking pictures of other people, the identity of these people speaks to us of our affections and interests. And if we see a picture of us in the dream, we must analyze what is the sensation when we look at ourselves and what nuances we contemplate.

In the world of dreams seeing of the stars means looking at our destiny or current projects. If the stars shine that is a good omen and we will move forward successfully, but if they’re covered with clouds, or show a faint light we can expect difficulties in reaching our goals. Some authors suggest that if the stars flicker that means disease or duels….

The dream in which you meet an unknown person and he seems very nice to you indicates the great times are ahead of you. If this unknown person is looking ugly, you will experience bad situations.

…(Toy) To see oneself in a dream swinging on a rope means faltering in one’s faith. Swinging on a suspended seat in a dream also means heedlessness, or looking at random in search for a true religion….

To dream of being on crutches or seeing someone using the crutches denotes to support you are looking for. The dream shows that you desperately trying to find the assistance from those around you.

When you dream of providing assistance to someone, it means that there is someone who is looking for help and you are the one who should help him. If you see yourself receiving an assistance, it means that you need a hand from someone in particular situation. This dream is a sign how fragile and hesitant you are. Maybe there are areas in your life that can be changed and you could become more self confident person.

The crystal in dreams signifies plentitude, innocence and clearness. The dream, in which you see yourself looking at crystal foretells about your desire to find the true meaning of the life.

Any pet that you have in your dream represents duties that you have. If you are suffering with this pet and having troubles while looking after it, it means that you feel too much pressure on yourself.

If you are looking at the crystal ball, then such dream indicates your desire to look for guidance in some aspect of your life.

The glass in dream is a good omen if you are looking through it and if it is nice, clean and clear, then it shows the real view you see of the world. The dirty glass or scratched one shows your inner destruction. If you dream about the broken glass, then such dream foretells about the things you did and now you feel sorry about it, or it signifies the broken hopes. For example, it shows your work that wasn’t done, or the relationships you worked so hard and it didn’t fulfill your dreams. Overall, the drinking from the clear glass signifies happiness and fortune.

…marriage agreement, or it could represent an intelligent son who will become a famous writer. Owning a pen or receiving a one as a gift in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Then, if one proceeds to write with it in his dream, it means receiving an appointment, or occupying a position of authority. Looking at a pen one is holding in his hand and seeing another pen laying beside him in a dream denotes having a half brother, or if one’s mother is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a new son. A pen in a dream also means a guarantee. If one’s wife is pregnant, then if he sees a pen laying beside an inkwell in his dream, it means that she will beget a son. Holding a pen in a dream also means making an oath. If one’s pen is broken or scratched in a dream, it…

…For persons dreaming of peacocks, there lies below the brilliant and flashing ebb and flow of the stream of pleasure and riches, the slums of sorrow and failure, which threaten to mix with its clearness at the least disturbing influence. For a woman dreaming that she owns peacocks, denotes that she will be deceived in her estimate of man’s honor. To hear their harsh voices while looking upon their proudly spread plumage, denotes that some beautiful and well-appearing person will work you discomfort and uneasiness of mind….

Dreaming that you are wandering suggests that you are looking for a certain direction for your life. It may also represent a transformation.