Genitals in dreams are the symbol of sexual wishes and desires the dreamer has. The genitals show your desire to satisfy not only sexually, but spiritually either. To get more information and explanation about your dream, please see the meaning of Penis and Vagina.

(Homosexuality | Pederasty | Sodomize) Sodomy in a dream means a meeting between two men to engage in an evil act. To see an unknown person forcibly subjecting the one seeing the dream to engage in sodomy means letting oneself be overcome by an enemy. (Also see Pederasty | Vagina)

…In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. If one sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife. A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency. If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly. (Also see Saddle)…

…one’s dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one’s keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one’s parents, husband or wife. Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower. If one’s lips look thin and rosy in a dream, they denote clarity of speech, guidance, good food, good drink and happiness. Thick lips with black or blue color in a dream represent laziness, languor, failure to present a verifiable proof or to bring a strong witness, or they could mean discomfort, or difficulty in earning one’s livelihood. If a sick person sees his lips black or blue in a dream, it could mean his death. Closed lips in a dream represent one’s eyelids, a vagina, the anus, the banks of a river or a well. (Also see Body’)…

Seeing an oval in a dream represents the qualities of a vagina, the womb and the female. It also symbolizes your aura and your spiritual energy.

(See Vagina)

If you dream that someone is coming to inspect your work, the dream reflects fear of someone finding out about an aspect of your personality that somehow you kept hidden. And if you are the one who inspects others in the dream, then this indicates a feeling of superiority and desire to dominate the situations around you.

…(Deception | Plot | Profits | Fall) Digging a hole, a water well, or an irrigation and planning to water the plants with them in a dream means attending one’s needs and serving the interests of his family. Eating from the dirt one piles from digging in his dream represents a swagger, or someone who acquires money through deception. Seeing oneself inside a hole in a dream also means divorce. To see oneself outside of such a hole looking at it in a dream means having an argument with one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation. If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials. Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip. A hole in a dream also represents…

Dreaming of listening to music coming from an accordion or similar musical instrument, suggests that you’ll soon enjoy from all the fun you wanted to have; if the music comes from far away, then it indicates that instead of fun you will experience sadness or have diseases in the immediate future.

…They represent at the top, husband or wife and at the bottom, the family. To have them broken or forced in, means conjugal quarrels, soon made up, or with parents and relatives, depending to location of the injury or the sex of the dreamer. To have them stronger and larger than usual people have, means huge happiness, contentment, coming from the family or those taking an interest in the dreamer’s affairs. To have a side being swollen, riches for the husband or wife….

A heritage is coming.

It reveals concern about our appearance. As easy or difficult it is to comb our hair so will be our personal affairs in the coming days.

In the interpretation of dreams, the difference between the ox and the bull is that the ox seems meek, docile, slow and sometimes old, while the bull is brave, agile and fast. When a woman is haunted by an (meek) ox in dreams, it probably implies an unmet sexuality desire, which is why she wants to relate to any man. Dreaming of oxen and cows that are malnourished because the pasture is very scarce, it indicates that bad times are coming: losses, damages, etc. This is a warning dream, and it means you should be properly prepared. Dreaming of oxen in the country, when some of them are fighting and others are grazing peacefully, suggests that the dreamer will be involved in various problems because of nosy people, but it’s also due to negligence of his own actions.

A coming disruptions. To carry one, safety. To break one, vain fatigue.

…Dreaming that you are riding in a chariot, is interpreted as a sign of uncontrolled situation. Maybe in your dream your subconscious is suggesting that you need to exercise more control in your life. To dream that you or someone else fall from a chariot, announces coming failure in your or other person’s life….

When you are gathering the gooseberries, then such dream denotes to joy and fulfilment in your waking life, after the hard times you have suffered from. The dream in which you are gathering the gooseberries also shows the end of hard times, which means that the brighter days are coming to you. If you see yourself eating the gooseberries in a dream, then it shows the mistakes you have made in the past in order to get the joy.

(Abscess | Boil | Postulate | Pus | Swelling | Tumor | Ulcer) When one sees that he has contracted pimples that open, and if pus starts running from them in the dream, it means benefits or a booty. In general, open wounds and pimples in a dream represent money and profits, unless if they appear in high concentration or cause sufferings in the dream. Thus, pimples could represent money that keeps coming as long as the pus has not dried in the dream. (Also see Swelling)

Dreaming of participating in gossip is a warning that the dreamer’s image will lose prestige as a result of intrigues from false friends. Dreaming of rejecting gossip suggests that there is an important and positive surprise for the dreamer coming soon.

To see a bakery, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of wealth and fortune. Bakery represents positive changes in your life. It announces richness and success in near future. In you life is coming something, what will give you an enjoyable, pleasant satisfaction.

Coming into good condition and gaining wealth. 80.

…Necklaces usually indicate slander and gossip about women. When a woman dreams of necklaces, one or more, in the hands of another person, it indicates that someone is trying to falsely impress her with dishonest intentions. When a woman dreams about wearing a beautiful necklace it insinuates that soon she’ll receive praise and attention and perhaps even honors, but all of it surrounded by hypocrisy, since in any society where this occurs she would hardly be able to shine by herself, meaning that the praises are directed to the gem and not to who is wearing it. A young woman who dreams about necklaces hints that she will have admirers, but not sincere ones, these will only be attracted by the jewels, indicating false promises. This same dream coming from a single woman, and worse if she’s older, means that she’ll remain single for a long time, regardless of…

…The griffon in dreams is the symbol of something special. Everything that the dreamer has his best is presented in the griffon. All of the talents and great abilities are shown in the object of griffon. The griffin or griffon is the creature that is made of lion and eagle, therefore the characteristics these animals have are forwarded to the dreamer. The dreamer is strong and able to handle any situation he is going to get in. The dreamer is strong not only physically, but mentally either. The griffon as the symbol could also be associated with the symbol of the sun. Sun is something where all of the life is coming from. Otherwise, the sun can burn you, therefore the griffon can be interpreted as a very good omen and a bad omen. Perhaps the dream suggests you to use your abilities in a smart way, otherwise you…

When you are seeing a cast in any shape during the dream, then it foretells about the proximity of a painful period. We can expect to incur a large debt as well as suffer emotional losses. If the dreamer sees himself with a casted body part, it is a clear warning that some danger is coming.

To dream that you experience afterbirth, shows major events in your life that made very big influence in your life. This experience is coming into your dreams. The dream could also represent your actual desire to have babies.

On the spiritual note, it is said that acorns represent the nurturing virtue of truth that comes from nature. Other authors extend this as good omen to all aspects of daily life, interpreting coming times of success after hard work.

In dreams of accidents the first thing we should analyze is if there is some uncertainty about our ability to control our reflexes and emotions, in which case this dream reflects our intimate fear, that surely has been updated by the proximity of important decisions, of travel, or similar causes. Otherwise, it indicates that on our path (personal, professional or social) major obstacles will appear, so we must pay special attention in the coming days to find out what is the danger that threatens us. If we escape the accident, it means that our good sense will take us out of an embarrassing situation. If we just see the accident and we are not part of it, it means that our existence will be disturbed by a setback or humiliation, but without any further consequences.

Dreaming of being alone on a dock with boats, insinuates the desire to have a long trip, with probabilities of self-fulfillment. If in the dream the sun comes out bright, the trip that’s desired will be productive and enjoyable. But if mist and darkness appear, then this indicates that trouble is coming, and if there’s a storm threat then the problems are going to be more serious and difficult to resolve. Dreaming of being on a dock simply observing the sea or the boats means that the dreamer will have to work very hard to achieve success. Dreaming of trying to get to a dock, but without success to reach it, suggests that the dreamer’s aspirations are difficult to achieve. Also, it has the meaning that the dreamer is too ambitious.

…from the dirt one digs in his dream, means profits earned from deception. Finding oneself inside a hole in a dream means that one may divorce his wife. If one sees himself outside a hole, looking at it in a dream, it means an argument with her which will end in reconciliation. If a sick person sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means recovering from illness or being set free from prison. If one sees himself digging the earth in a dream, it also means muddling in falsehood to earn nothing but wrath. Digging a cavity through a mountain in a dream represents a person who associates himself with a difficult but a beneficial person. Digging a well in a dream also represents a crafty and an artful deceiver. A person digging the ground in a dream also represents a jailer, or veiling abominable actions….

To see a devil in a dream means a very difficult time is coming, many difficulties, sadness and melancholy, financial problems.

Dreaming of one or more water-carriers indicates annoyance, tiredness, or fatigue, coming from the dreamer, or someone close to him, depending on the context.

…Dreaming of going through a tunnel is bad for those in business and in love. To see a train coming towards you while in a tunnel, foretells ill health and change in occupation. To pass through a tunnel in a car, denotes unsatisfactory business, and much unpleasant and expensive travel. To see a tunnel caving in, portends failure and malignant enemies. To look into one, denotes that you will soon be compelled to face a desperate issue….

If you are dreaming of yourself listening to music on a record player, then it announces joys, parties and happiness due to your own successes or those of family or close friends. If the record is interrupted, for example because the record or tape is broken, then it signifies that serious problems are coming.

It’s the sign as if you were in the middle of the road, or perhaps the prediction of a coming crossroad for which you must prepare calmly.

…Dreaming of letters indicates discomfort. If the letters are urgent or they’re telegrams it suggests that economic hardship or bad health news in the family are going to approach the dreamer. Dreaming of receiving anonymous letters suggests jealousy or envy at the success of others. Dreaming of having a letter in hand, but not being able to read it suggests that the dreamer has mental confusion that prevents the dreamer from resolving problems. Dreaming about receiving a letter from a loved one, to which the dreamer isn’t paying attention to, suggests that in everyday life the dreamer is behaving improperly by giving preference to trivialities. Dreaming about receiving a letter about mourning hints that bad news is coming or that there is illness in the immediate future. Anonymous dreams of any kind and in any form are notice of fears and problems that can be serious. A woman who…

…Storm in dreams are always a warning calls from the subconscious. The storm is the symbol that is used to warn the dreamer that something more or less harmful or dangerous is coming against him. The dream suggests to start reviewing the necessary issues, because we don’t know where the storm will come from. Consider that business men are usually ready for unknown disturbances, because they have their matters under control most of the time. To dream that we hear the threat about an upcoming storm is usually a warning that some kind of dangerous disease will affect your life. There is also a possibility that you will have some conflicts between you and your family members or you will face some misfortune while dealing with your daily life. To dream that you’re in a house that is being shaken or even destroyed by a storm indicates serious disturbances…

If you dream about the keg, then such dream indicates disputes in your family. The band that is lose signifies the break up between two individuals and it is not possible to avoid. The new future is coming on your way. To dream of seeing many kegs foretells that you will have difficulties against some disaster. The kegs that are empty, foretells about new beginning that must start immediately.

To dream that you hear a door bell, means that new chances are coming into your life. Perhaps the opportunity you were waiting for is finally here. The doorbell could also symbolize the forgotten problems you haven’t solved yet and the unconscious mind is giving you an alert.

Elegant shoes, indicates honor, profit coming from subordinates. To have bad or old ones means shame and loss, to endure in poverty. To shoe a horse or to see it being done, indicates trouble and obstacles. To wear wooden shoes promises some increase in fortune. To make shoes, decay and poverty to the rich people and prosperity and gayety to poor men. To lose shoes means poverty.

…To see a long bridge dilapidated, and mysteriously winding into darkness, profound melancholy over the loss of dearest possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you. To the young and those in love, disappointment in the heart’s fondest hopes, as the loved one will fall below your ideal. To cross a bridge safely, a final surmounting of difficulties, though the means seem hardly safe to use. Any obstacle or delay denotes disaster. To see a bridge give way before you, beware of treachery and false admirers. Affluence comes with clear waters. Sorrowful returns of best efforts are experienced after looking upon or coming in contact with muddy or turbid water in dreams….

…the small and hard working people. If a sick person sees ants walking over his body in a dream, it means his death. Flying ants in a dream also mean hardships during a journey. Seeing winged ants in a dream means a war and destruction of a large army. Ants in a dream also may signify prosperity. They also represent the person seeing the dream or members of his family or relatives. Understanding the language of ants in a dream means sovereignty, leadership and prosperity. If one sees ants entering his house and carrying food in a dream, it means prosperity in that family. If one sees ants leaving his house and carrying food with them in a dream, it means poverty. Seeing ants coming out of one’s nostrils, ears, mouth or any part of his body and rejoicing at that sight in the dream means martyrdom. However, if one…