…Dreaming that you’re on a boat that is in calm waters indicates coming successes, happy moments and satisfactions. However, if the waters are muddy and turbulent, which also seem threatening, indicates that soon there will be problems against which you must be alert. Dreaming that you see a boat going far away, into the deep sea, hints that there are too many illusions that you must control. Dreaming that a ship is sailing towards a storm suggests that the dreamer’s affairs related to business, work, family are not going well, and that the problems soon will increase due to rumors and gossips. Dreaming of boats anchored in the port and stevedores loading things on them, it’s an announcement of personal gains, prosperity, a change of life, etc. If boats are still, without moving around, it indicates that the dreamer’s affairs and business will be the same as the boats….

The dream in which you were sinking indicates the emotional state of you, where you feel like you are drawing down. Maybe there is some situation in which you feel helpless, therefore you are going down. Probably some important event or part of your life is coming to an end. To get more interpretations about your dream, please also check the meaning of Drowning.

When you dream of an ass it symbolizes shortage of perception. This dream is a sign of coming irritations. When you dream of an ass which is carrying burdens it represents that you will attain in professional and personal life. This dream indicates that everything you wished for will become available. If you want to find out more about this dream, please see the meaning of donkey as well.

…It indicates that we are well prepared to face coming events. If you’re the one who wears it, you hide your true personality. If the wearer is someone else, he’s hiding selfish motives….

Dreaming of being in a market warns that the dreamer needs to monitor any affairs that he or she might have. Dreaming of an empty market implies that the dreamer’s own issues are not going well and that they will continue to get worse. Dreaming of a market where vegetables are wilted and on sale, indicates that there is negligence coming from the dreamer and that there are opportunities for self-improvement that are being lost.

…appointment. Pearls in a dream also denote good words, money, or servants. A pearl necklace in a dream means marriage, or a bundle of money, or it could mean memorizing the Qur’an. Carrying loads of pearls in a dream means carrying burdens. Throwing pearls to a swine or over a trash pile in a dream means giving knowledge to people who are not worthy of it, or people who do not understand it and who will consequently mock him. Burning pearls to cook with them rather than wood in a dream means putting a heavy burden on someone who cannot carry it and consequently having him explode. Large pearls in a dream provide for better connotations than the small ones. Pierced pearls in a dream mean easy and fast coming money. Pearls in a dream also may represent tears. (Also see Counting pearls | Mother of pearl | Tears)…

To dream you are in bed, and it changes to a green field, and you see two doves coming, implies that the dreamer will be married at the end of the month.

…home and be obedient again. This dream also indicates a surge of glad tidings, peace and tranquility. Seeing Ishaq (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from persecution by the senators of one’s town, or from some of his relatives, and finally God Almighty will come to his help, and grant him back his integrity and honor. If one sees him in his best form and radiant beauty, it becomes a sign of glad tidings, whereby one’s progeny will engender leaders, governors and righteous people. Seeing him in a dream also may mean coming out of tight circumstances into a more relaxed ones, changing from heedlessness into guidance, poverty into richness, and from disobedience to one’s parents to obeying them again. If one sees himself transformed into Ishaq (uwbp) or to wear his robe in a dream means that he may near his death then be saved from it….

…Dreaming of hounds on a hunt, denotes coming delights and pleasant changes. For a woman Dreaming of hounds, she will love a man below her in station. Dreaming that hounds are following her, she will have many admirers, but there will be no real love felt for her. See Dogs….

To see a bumblebee, when you are dreaming, means coming troubles and difficulties in your life. If you were stung by bumblebee in your dream, then it is symbolic meaning of current distress and obstacles in your life. To kill bumblebee, means solution to your problems and success in relationship or partnership.

…Dreaming of seeing money and valuables in a till, foretells coming success. Your love affairs will be exceedingly favorable. An empty one, denotes disappointed expectations….

…When a woman is looking through a glass in her dream, at several men who aren’t her husband or lover, it suggest that her behavior isn’t very honest which will lead to disrepute. Dreaming of oneself looking through a crystal, usually means that bad times and loss of hope are coming. To dream that there’s another face next to yourself in a glass or mirror, suggests that the dreamer is leading a double life, which will lead him to trouble. Dreaming of smashing glasses, for example doors or windows, may suggest that your plans, intentions or projects will fail. If there’s broken glass in the dream, it almost always means that we’ll receive sad news. Dreaming about receiving cut glass objects shows the upcoming success, and in some cases the honor if you’re involved in artistic activities. Giving cut glass objects to others means self-humiliation which will lead to…

…Marriage in dreams represents the union, this dreams often reflects the desire to get married. If we’re married and we dream of another marriage it indicates a preference or momentary desire for the person we married in dreams. To marry someone of our own gender reveals narcissism in the dreamer. In some cases dreaming of a marriage is an omen that a problem or calamity is coming….

…The dream about fishes is a signal of peace and harmony at home, tranquility of spirit. Fishing big fish indicates that to you will be said a lie or a secret. Small fish means discussions and coming dangers. Also, indicates invitation to a wedding….

Dreaming of a lighted house chimney hints that all matters at hand are going well and that there is prosperity. Dreaming of throwing wood to a burning fireplace indicates that any affairs that the dreamer might have will improve due to the attention that is being paid to them. If the dreamer throws any kind of fuel when the fireplace is off it indicates losses and failures. Dreaming that there is smoke coming out of a factory chimney, indicates that any affairs or matters that the dreamer may have are on track. Dreaming of factory chimney’s without smoke means that the dreamer’s affairs are declining and that bad times are approaching that will bring problems, diseases, etc. Dreaming of a chimney collapsing means that any activities that the dreamer might have will collapse as well.

…In a dream, pus means a continuous source of money. Puss-filled sore in a dream represents the growing of one’s savings, a show of prosperity, a monthly pay off to a band of criminals, or it could mean slander. Anything that runs from one’s body such as puss, purulence, sperms, etcetera, in a dream means unlawful money. If one sees pus coming out of a sore or a boil in a dream, then it represents the male or the female sexual organs. (Also see Pimple)…

Dreaming of past years suggests longing. If we dream of coming years, it announces new projects. To dream about the New Year predicts a change in your life.

…To dream that you’re healing a wound or an animal bite suggests that some people to whom you have done favors are scheming to harm you. To dream that you’ve been injured or bitten is always a symbol of envy, resentment and sometimes warns you about possible attacks by disaffected people. To dream that you’re wounding or biting someone suggests that your behavior isn’t correct, and that it could cause you problems in your relationships or even cause you material losses. This dream is a warning that you have to correct yourself. To dream about blood that is coming from someone else’s open wound or bite, or even from a wound or bite of your own, indicates that your health is not doing well, so you have to be careful. To dream that a bullet has wounded you or that you’ve been hurt with any other weapon and are…

Denotes coming to honours; according to other interpreters, dispute with superiors, or employers. 64.

…Dreaming about dragon represents your strong passions and secret desires. Red dragon symbolizes sexuality and intimacy. Blue dragon stands for intellect and wisdom. Green dragon represents hard working personality. Yellow dragon indicates the relaxation and freedom. Black dragon is an omen of dangers or anger. Brown dragon symbolizes wealth and all kinds of riches. White dragon means spiritual rebirth. Grey dragon shows blank emotions and character (the dreamer has a lot of options and can’t choose). Burning dragon is an indication of the troubles or burning passion for something, in either way, good or bad. To see dragon is flying at you, it signifies that something is coming in your life. See the meaning of dragon’s colour. If dragon is flying away from you, then condition or situation is going away. Example: black dragon is flying away – dangers are going away. To kill a dragon, means overcoming or…

To dream about the Thanksgiving Day when the one is coming on the way, means that you are very excited about it and waiting for it. If you dream about this, but it’s still far away, then there is something that happened to you during this day and you still remember it because it made a very important impact in your life. Some people who have very deep connections with their families dream about Thanksgiving Day, because it reminds them about the good times with their families.

…(Magic practice | Medium | Prophecies) If a fortuneteller sees himself gathering white sand in his dream, it means profiting from his trade. A fortuneteller in a dream represents someone who can explain the meaning of things, a man of knowledge, an emissary, a dream interpreter, a treasurer or a supply controller. Seeing a fortuneteller in a dream also signifies stagnation of businesses, a recession and a slump. Coming before a fortuneteller to ask about some understanding in a dream denotes distress, burdens or dismay. If the fortuneteller replies with a truthful answer in the dream, one should accept his answer. If the fortuneteller maintains silence and declines to answer in the dream, it means abolition of one’s intent or dismissal of any benefits. (Also see Astrologer | Divination | Dream interpreter | Seer)…

…In a dream, a fountain placed in a suitable place or as a decorative item in the middle of a yard or a park represents honor, dignity, dispelling worries or adversities, hearing good news or listening to good music, squandering money, dispersal of one’s interests, breaking a gathering, or adding and sub- tracting if seen near an accountant. A fountain in a dream also means avoiding evil actions. If one is told that such a fountain is a blessed one in the dream, it means the opposite, and should one wash himself with its water or drink from it in a dream, it means depression and trouble. A fountain in a dream also could represent a beautiful, rich and a noble woman. If no water is coming from the fountainhead in the dream, then it represents a poor woman or a barren woman. (Also see Fountainhead | Spring)…

…neutralize half of the enemy’s power. Discovering a snake skin which is made from gold in a dream means that one will discover a hidden treasure. If a snake swallows someone in a dream, it means that he will reach a powerful position. If one sees a snake sitting over his head in a dream, it means that he will earn the respect of people in authority. A field which is covered with snakes in a dream represents a destructive rain. A snake with a horn in a dream represents a profitable business. Black snakes and pythons in a dream represent army generals. Water snakes in a dream represent money. If one sees his garden covered with snakes in a dream, it means that its trees will bear fruits and exceed the normal crop. A snake coming out of its hole in a dream represents a son. A snake leaving…

To dream of the tombstone means that you are coming into some phase of your life where things are changing. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of death.

…Dreaming that you see passengers coming in with their luggage, denotes improvement in your surroundings. If they are leaving you will lose an opportunity of gaining some desired property. If you are one of the passengers leaving home, you will be dissatisfied with your present living and will seek to change it….

…(Anger | Ascertain | Cold | Disdain | Disregard | Exhale | Fury) Sneezing in a dream means reassessing something about which one had doubt. Thus, sneezing in a dream could mean acknowledging the truth, and that is why people’s common reply is “God bless you.” Sneezing in a dream also could mean the death of a sick person, or experiencing agony, distress, adversities, or facing a disturbing problem. If one who is experiencing such trials sees himself sneezing in a dream, it means that the time has come to dispel them. If a poor person sneezes in a dream, it means that he may wake up to find that help is coming his way. Sneezing in a dream also could mean paying one’s debts, or recovering from a cold or a nasal congestion, or it could mean exasperation, fury, rage, anger, or frowning. If one sneezes with force…

If you have a visitor in a dream, then it indicates the new messages that are coming up your way. The dream also represents the new love affairs one is getting to start. If you are the one who is visiting, then it shows the need of looking into things closer.

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

…avoid difficult and uncomfortable situations and that you’ll suffer attacks that will harm your honor, dignity and reputation. Dreaming that you are moving clockwise suggests that something important is coming and that you may be wasting time instead of looking for success. Dreaming of a wristwatch, no matter of what kind, suggests that you could achieve much more putting more effort in the things you do. It also suggests that there is a very intimate satisfaction with what has been achieved so far. Dreaming that you see the hands of any kind of watch moving closer together to get one over the other in the number 12, suggests that success is very close. When the dreamer is winding up a watch, it suggests that all of your social relationships will be favorable and that the things you care about will be okay. Dreaming that someone is giving you a watch…

Work promotion is coming, taking into account as combat goes.

…Billiards, foretell coming troubles to the dreamer. Law suits and contentions over property. Slander will get in her work to your detriment. If you see table and balls idle, deceitful comrades are undermining you{.}…

Dream of a male statue means you’ll have honor and glory. A female statue means fertility. To dream that a statue is walking near you means a big problem is coming. Seeing people you know as statues in a dream means a lack of communication with these people and that those relations are inflexible. On a more positive note, it may represent someone you idealize and admire. To dream that you are a statue means you are out of touch with reality. Seeing the Statue of Liberty in a dream means personal or cultural freedom. You have found your own independence and you are starting to live again. On the other hand, means a symbol of free enterprise and good condition.

Scantiness, coming to want.

…Dreaming of coming into the possession of your income, denotes that you may deceive some one and cause trouble to your family and friends. Dreaming that some of your family inherits an income, predicts success for you. For a woman Dreaming of losing her income, signifies disappointments in life. Dreaming that your income is insufficient to support you, denotes trouble to relatives or friends. Dreaming of a portion of your income remaining, signifies that you will be very successful for a short time, but you may expect more than you receive….

When you dream of the dentist, then such dream could indicate the actual fear you have for dentists. The dream could also show that you do not trust some person in your waking life. The dentist in dreams could be coming from the internal stimulus such as tooth pain you are suffering from while sleeping, therefore you see a dentist. If you see the dentist that is fixing someone else’s teeth, then it means you will be surprised by other people’s negative experiences.

…Dreaming of passing through a green and luxurious corn-field, and seeing full ears hanging heavily, denotes great wealth for the farmer. It denotes fine crops and rich harvest and harmony in the home. To the young it promises much happiness and true friends, but to see the ears blasted, denotes disappointments and bereavements. To see young corn newly ploughed, denotes favor with the powerful and coming success. To see it ripe, denotes fame and wealth. To see it cribbed, signifies that your highest desires will be realized. To see shelled corn, denotes wealthy combines and unstinted favors. Dreaming of eating green corn, denotes harmony among friends and happy unions for the young….

Coming into danger.

To dream of icicles that are melting, means that your troubles and worries are going away. You are entering the new phase of your life. If you see the icicles that are forming, then it means that some minor problems are coming your way, however they will be very easy to solve. The icicle that is melting on the buildings, means that personal problems will go away.

If you dream of seeing some women having a chat, then such dream signifies the good news that are coming your way. If you see the woman who is expecting the baby, then you will be very healthy. The woman who is working in her house promises domestic happiness at home.