…he initiated, or that his intention will not be fulfilled. If a form of life or a good spirit comes out from one’s hands in a dream, it indicates benefits. If such a life is a malignant one, then it means the opposite. If one takes someone by the hand in a dream, it means that he will help him and save his life. If something sprouts in one’s hands or if one’s hands turn into iron, or a vegetable in a dream, it means negative repercussions in wakefulness. Hands in a dream are interpreted in twelve ways – that is a brother, a sister, a partner, a son, a compassionate friend, one’s strength, wealth, leadership, money, proof, a craft, or work. The condition in which the palm of one’s hand looks in a dream indicates the state of one’s health and fitness. Clapping one’s hands in a dream could…
Dream dictionary: mahram ali form apply dream meanings
…To see a Nazi in a dream represents a form of evil and merciless force that you can’t fight back, you may feel that others will want to put you down….
…(Calif | Caliphate | Deputy | Human being | Minister | Ruler | Secretary of state | Vizier) In a dream, a vice-regent represents someone whom people seek for his knowledge, or to learn the mastery of his craft, or he could represent an appointed justice of the peace. He also represents someone who inherits good and bad qualities, or whose character is different privately from the way he portrays himself in public. If one sees the vice-regent of the land in a stately appearance, or if he sees himself in such a form in a dream, it denotes his good state in this world and his success in the hereafter. Seeing him wearing an unsuitable garment in a dream reflects one’s own state, or it may mean that his current religious state is weak, though it may become better at a latter stage of his life. A vice-regent…
Dreaming of seeing intestines, signifies you are about to be visited by a grave calamity, which will remove some friend. To see your own intestines, denotes grave situations are closing around you | sickness of a nature to affect you in your daily communications with others threatens you. Probable loss, with much displeasure, is also denoted. If you think you lay them upon something, which turns out to be a radiator, and they begin to grow hot and make you very uncomfortable, and you ask others to assist you, and they refuse, it foretells unexpected calamity, which will probably come in the form of a desperate illness or a misfortune for which you will be censured by those formerly your friends. You may have trouble in extricating yourself from an unpromising predicament.
Dreams in which you see yourself eating a brain are a bad sign and announce that there is a serious risk of having an accident or that your health will suddenly be weakened. If it appears a human brain, in any form, in one of your dreams, then it is almost always a sign that you are worrying about things that are not worthy, and that you should continue with your life without giving them greater importance.
…Dreaming of letters indicates discomfort. If the letters are urgent or theyre telegrams it suggests that economic hardship or bad health news in the family are going to approach the dreamer. Dreaming of receiving anonymous letters suggests jealousy or envy at the success of others. Dreaming of having a letter in hand, but not being able to read it suggests that the dreamer has mental confusion that prevents the dreamer from resolving problems. Dreaming about receiving a letter from a loved one, to which the dreamer isnt paying attention to, suggests that in everyday life the dreamer is behaving improperly by giving preference to trivialities. Dreaming about receiving a letter about mourning hints that bad news is coming or that there is illness in the immediate future. Anonymous dreams of any kind and in any form are notice of fears and problems that can be serious. A woman who…
…To dream that you’ve forgotten your name or another person’s name means that you feel overwhelmed and overloaded. It also indicates that you will forget your family roots. On the other hand, it suggests that in real life you’ll behave like someone else. If you hear your name in a dream it indicates that you are connected to your spirituality and emphasize your individuality. If you see the name of another person written in the dream, it symbolizes your opinion about that person. Pay attention to the form of writing, your intuition may be true….
…If anyone dream that he sees the moon shine, it shows that his wife loves him extremely well; it also implies the getting of silver; for, as the sun represents gold, so the moon doth silver. Dreaming you see the moon darkened, denotes the death or sickness of your wife, mother, sister, or daughter; loss of money, or danger in a voyage or journey, especially if it be by water; or else it denotes a distemper in the brain or eyes. To dream you see the moon darkened, and grow clear and bright again, implies gain to the woman that dreams, and to the man joy and prosperity; but to dream that you see the moon clear, and afterwards cloudy, presages the contrary. To dream you see the moon in the form of a full white face, implies to the virgin speedy marriage; to the married woman, that she…
…If you dream of seeking rank or advancement through the influence of others, your desires will fail to materialize | but if you are in an influential position, your prospects will assume a bright form. To see friends in high positions, your companions will be congenial, and you will be free from vexations….
The water in dreams have many different explanations depending on the circumstances of the dream and waking life. The water that is seen in the form of sea, ocean or lake indicates the big amount of energy you are surrounded by. If the water is crystal clear, the dream promises good and easy life. If you are floating in the clean and calm water, you found the peace with your mind. The water that is muddy or dirty represents the worries and problems the one is suffering from. If the water is stormy, has many waves, then such dream represents the things in your life that causes stress. The changes of the water indicates the changes of your life.
Dreaming of being in a mine or somewhere else and working with gold could mean that there is an ambition for something that doesnt belong to the dreamer, which will cause serious problems. Dreaming of handling gold, even if its not yours, suggests that the dreamer is on the right path to achieve success in certain activities. Dreaming of losing gold, especially in the form of coins could mean that, by the dreamers own fault, he or she is at risk of significant losses. Dreaming of finding gold of any kind suggests big chances of success in whatever is desired. When a woman dreams of receiving gifts of gold, it suggests that in reality she desires to get married to a rich man, regardless of background or reputation.
Dreaming about being the target of slander hints that the dreamers affairs are being managed or operated by inept people and people who are acting in bad faith. When a woman dreams about being slandered she needs to monitor her behavior in order to not lead to misinterpretations. In reality, its a warning that people have already started talking bad about her, and her subconscious knows it. Dreaming about one person slandering another implies that someone will soon ask or even demand favors, perhaps in the form of blackmail. Dreaming about being slandered implies that ones behavior has not been appropriate, which is the reason why losing friendships or romantic partners will bring trouble and disappointment.
Gold symbolizes everything superior, light, knowledge, wealth, perfection and irradiation. Also, gold indicates the permanent and unchanging value of the goods and the supreme spiritual enlightenment. To dream we seek gold by digging in the ground tells us that our desires will not become reality. If we look for gold in the sands of a river it is that we are not sure of the goodness of our feelings. To dream that we manufacture gold indicates that in life we are wasting time in false utopias and ambitions instead of using it for useful things. Spend or lose gold announces that we will be cheated or robbed of our goods. The gold is a good omen if we find it, especially if it is in the form of a treasure.
To dream that you are floating without fear, represents the freedom form difficult emotions and experiences. Also, it indicates recognition and acceptance. You are letting go the all of your problems and worries. You are going happily with the flow. Are you experiencing new-found freedom? It also signifies that you will be champion in overcoming your obstacles that may presently seem overwhelming. To dream that you are floating, but you are afraid to move, means that you are questioning your own capabilities. You are facing doubts in yourself.
…approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent | if you then, after frantic efforts, succeed in escaping its attack, and altogether lose sight of it, it foretells that you will soon imagine you are being disobeyed and slighted, and things will go on from bad to worse. Sickness, uneasiness and unkindness will increase to frightful proportions in your mind | but they will adjust themselves to a normal basis, and by the putting aside of imaginary trouble, and masterfully shouldering duties, you will be contented and repaid. Dreaming that a snake coils itself around you and darts its tongue out at you, is a sign that you will be placed in a position where you will be powerless in the hands of enemies, and you will be attacked with sickness. To handle them, you will use strategy to aid…
Dreaming of being very modest hints that in reality its the completely opposite, which means that the dreamer actually dominates vanity, pride and ostentation. This dream is a form of self-criticism that advises to change the dreamers fake way of being and acting. Dreaming of other people having a modest attitude implies that the dreamer must really put an effort into imitating that way of being.
…tale-dream, the introductory scene of which was also in Hyde Park. I thought I was sauntering down one of the quietest and least -frequented of the side-walks that converge, and, meeting, form an angle atHyde Park Corner, when I saw, sitting on a bench, a man whose mere outline instantly arrested my attention and enlisted my sympathy. As I approached, the gaslight caught his face and threw his features into such strong relief that I paused to look at him; and if ever I saw real, honest resentment at Fortune’s capricious behaviour deep-rooted in a human countenance, I saw it in this man’s. Here was no mere idler, no miserable whiner; here was a man who was up in arms against Providence, because he felt he had justifiable grounds of complaint.He had a strong, massive frame, which, had it been decently nourished, would undoubtedly have marked him for a fine…
…(Hearth | Stove) An iron cast stove or a fireplace in a dream represents a woman who comes from a powerful and a strong family. If the stove or the fireplace is made from yellow copper or brass in the dream, then such a woman may have come from a house of a worldly and rich people. A wooden fireplace in a dream represents hypocrisy in such a family. If the fireplace is made of plaster in the dream, it means that such a family has associated itself with Pharaonic traditions or worship. If the fireplace is made of argillite or form sun- dried bricks in the dream, it means that someone in that family is a godly and a pious person. A fireplace in a dream also represents a state, a government, joblessness or fleeing from one’s enemy. If the fireplace or the stove is lit with no…
Whether we dream of an idol in the form of an image or being personified, it usually represents a quality or state of mind that we admire. So for the interpretation of this dream it will be very useful to find out the evocation that this idol brings out. Some authors also highlight the possibility that there is a feeling of inferiority manifesting in the dream.
To dream that you see the goat of the mountain indicates the strength and capability to stay form on the ground. The dreamer is going through life and its changes no matter what the circumstances are and what kind of the barriers he meets. The mountain goat can represent not only you, but the person in your waking life as well.
…Dreaming of seeing railings, denotes that some person is trying to obstruct your pathway in love or business. Dreaming of holding on to a railing, foretells that some desperate chance will be taken by you to obtain some object upon which you have set your heart. It may be of love, or of a more material form….
When you dream of being an American or that you are in America, when you are already one, it shows how freelance and self-supporting you are when it comes to doing things you like to do. Same meaning is attached to dream that is somehow related to America. This dream wants to tell you that you can be successful in anything you will go for. When you dream of being an American or that you are located in America (or any other form of dream about America) when you are not from there, it represents wealthy, rich and good life you will have. This dream could also be the meaning of your political ideas and intentions.
Dreams involving a bus, subway, or any other public transport, implicate an upcoming change in our lives, change that will take place in the world surrounding us, in the midst of customs and hobbies, and family and social conditions, etc. Thats why it will be important to see who form part of the dream and our reactions to those dreamed events.
…when a woman dream that they are locked in a prison it indicates that they feel surrounded by extreme limitations, and in some cases it suggests various dangers around them that can be consequences of wrong behavior or plotting from their enemies. Dreaming of leaving prison hints coming success in activities, in spite of the dreamers enemies. Dreaming of other people being in prison indicates that there are loved ones who suffer due to their inability to avoid it. Dreaming about a prison of any form usually implies that the dreamer is surrounded by limitations and problems, especially moral situations that makes the dreamer constantly crave a release and at the same time shift away from himself or herself. Limitations and problems may be real or just mental, that is something that the dreamer must analyze and decide on. Dreaming of being in prison indicates that the dreamer might have…
It symbolizes the union, the union until death, and if possible, beyond. This dream reveals our inner desire to form an imperishable union with someone or something. To see ourselves tied means a tie that weighs too much on us. If we manage to untie ourselves we will find liberation. If we tie someone else it means we will commit an injustice, unless it is a person of the opposite sex, then it means attraction.
…not hold such a position, then it means the opposite of one’s wishes. Finding a lost ring in a dream means earning money from a foreign land, or having a new born son, or it could mean a marriage to a righteous woman. If the stone of one’s ring seems unstable in the dream, it means that one will be fired form his job. Removing one’s ring in a dream means that one maybe removed from his job. If a woman sees herself removing her wedding ring in a dream, it means the death of either her husband or of a close relative. A ring in a dream also connotes a band, an encumbrance, or a shackle. If one’s ring disappears and only the stone remains in the dream, it means that once the responsibilities are gone, good memories of the person will remain. A man wearing a golden ring…
…kissing a corpse indicates that the dreamer is about to say goodbye to something that he loves very much. This dream is about definite loss, but also about the beginning of a new form of life. Dreaming that offensive objects are placed on a corpse, for example money, especially on the face, mouth or eyes, indicates that some dishonest people will approach you, and you will mistakenly trust them while they would try to scam you, leaving you with little chances of recovering what was lost. If you hesitate to put these objects on the body, it indicates that either you wont be fooled, or that youll manage to take back some of the things they took away from you. When you identify the corpse as member of your family in the dream, it suggests that death may be near that person or other close relative. Seeing a corpse dressed…
The silver coins in dreams are the reflection of valuable things in your waking life such as money, jewelry or real estate. Sometimes the silver coins indicate the features such as your mental goodness, financial situation or emotional state. The silver coins can also be a reflection of the investments you have made in your waking life and are seen in the form of coins.
…Dreaming that you find a wall obstructing your progress, you will surely succumb to ill-favored influences and lose important victories in your affairs. To jump over it, you will overcome obstacles and win your desires. To force a breach in a wall, you will succeed in the attainment of your wishes by sheer tenacity of purpose. To demolish one, you will overthrow your enemies. To build one, foretells that you will carefully lay plans and will solidify your fortune to the exclusion of failure, or designing enemies. For a young woman to walk on top of a wall, shows that her future happiness will soon be made secure. For her to hide behind a wall, denotes that she will form connections that she will be ashamed to acknowledge. If she walks beside a base wall. she will soon have run the gamut of her attractions, and will likely be…
…If you are turned into stone, then it symbolizes your anchoring in an issue of the past. If you see someone else in the form of sculpture, perhaps you’re missing a greater sensitivity on their part….
…praiseworthy deeds, a handcraft, stagnation of one’s business, fear, hope, salvation, a mosque, a marketplace, one’s father, one’s mother, master, teacher, educator, wealth, a house, an adulteress, a vehicle, one’s wife, or his servant. A ship in a dream also represents a tavern in the sense that one enters it sober and leaves it light headed. A ship in a dream also represents the human form and its body represents his body. Its oars represent his hands. Its front represents his head. Its contents represent his brain. Its boards represent his ribs, and its ropes represent his veins, etcetera. If one sees a ship sitting on top of a mountain in a dream, it means safety, or escape from a danger, or protection from one’s enemy. If it sinks in the sea in the dream, it also means that he is one of the dwellers of hell-fire. If the ship…
…Reid was strangely impressed with the belief that his father had (by a form of process peculiar to the law of Scotland) purchased these lands from the titular, and, therefore, that the present prosecution was groundless. But after an investigation of the public records, and a careful inquiry among all persons who had transacted law business for his father, no evidence could be recovered to support his defence. The period was now near at hand when he conceived the loss of his lawsuit inevitable, and he had formed his determination to ride to Edinburgh next day, and make the best bargain he could in the way of compromise. He went to bed with this resolution, and, with all the circumstances of the case floating upon his mind, had a dream to the following purpose.His father, who had been many years dead, appeared to him, he thought, and asked him why…
Dreaming of paralysis in any form is usually a bad dream, and it announces bad business, loss, illness, and dislikes. Dreaming of being a paralytic is a warning that the dreamers behavior is not correct because he or she is having problematic relationships. Dreaming of a friend being paralyzed suggests that a bad streak could affect the dreamer and his or her family.
In dreams, the secretary usually means the same as in real life. Dreaming of having a secretary, without having one in real life, is a sign that you will get help and support in the affairs youre currently handling. This help will generally be represented in the form of secrets that will be very useful for your business. Overall, this dream portends that youll be discreetly protected and this will be very valuable and useful for your business.
Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security.
…now and then, the most grotesque and extravagant attitude. I was wondering what he meant by these attitudes, when he came to an abrupt pause, and, stooping slightly forward, craned his neck in my direction, and began contorting his face in every conceivable shape, till at last he appeared all mouth. Rushing at me he was about to swallow me, when I awoke. I had this dream prior to a time when my affairs were singularly prosperous all round, which condition of things was undoubtedly presaged by the lark (a bird of exceptional good omen), by the carnations, pansies, forget-me-nots, and pink and white roses, by the clearness of the water in the river, and by the deep blue of the sea. I cannot attach any meaning to the figure and its strange antics; they form one of those apparently insoluble enigmas that so frequently occur in fantastic phantomania….
To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.
…Dreaming of seeing any of your people dead, warns you of coming dissolution or sorrow. Disappointments always follow dreams of this nature. To hear of any friend or relative being dead, you will soon have bad news from some of them. Dreams relating to death or dying, unless they are due to spiritual causes, are misleading and very confusing to the novice in dream lore when he attempts to interpret them. A man who thinks intensely fills his aura with thought or subjective images active with the passions that gave them birth | by thinking and acting on other lines, he may supplant these images with others possessed of a different form and nature. In his dreams he may see these images dying, dead or their burial, and mistake them for friends or enemies. In this way he may, while asleep, see himself or a relative die, when in…
To see one, indicates glory, honor, success, prosecution of business, above all if he is a man. If the dreamer is a woman and the stranger has long and beautiful hair, they will eventually meet and form a mutual attachment.
…Pleasant pursuits, honor and riches Dreaming of studying them. For an author Dreaming of his works going to press, is a dream of caution | he will have much trouble in placing them before the public. Dreaming of spending great study and time in solving some intricate subjects, and the hidden meaning of learned authors, is significant of honors well earned. To see children at their books, denotes harmony and good conduct of the young. Dreaming of old books, is a warning to shun evil in any form….