Poverty. 228.


…last half -hour. I came here to be alone — utterly alone — save for him!” and here she gave a kind of convulsive sob and stretched her hands appealingly before her. The woman interested me, and I felt that there was much in her that would furnish me with copy — copy for some article on real humanity, on the flotsam and jetsam of womanhood.And so, instead of obeying her injunctions to go, I stayed.Tell me,” I said persuasively, your history. You can confide in me; I am old — old enough to be your ” — then I thought of my bare thirty-seven summers, and blushed — ” well, old enough to be your uncle. May I sit down? “The seats,” she murmured, are free to all. I can go!”She rose, and I touched her gently on the arm. Come! I said, “You can trust me. I’m only…

When you dream of the address you used to live, this symbolizes your past. Make sure you look at your past and if there were any inaccurate decisions you made, do not hesitate, but learn from them. If you dream of the new address, this is a sign that you have to make new alterations in your life. Maybe the change could be a new job, or new partner, or new lifestyle. If you writing an address on an envelope and sending it, it means that there are more opportunities you need to discover. When you make an important changes in your life, make sure you think twice before you will make the ultimate solution.

Dreaming of making love with your partner indicates harmony and success in business. Making love with an unknown person means good luck. Making love with an ugly woman means a serious illness. Making love at different sites reflects some special need related to your sexuality.

New objects, if they are useful, it signifies a period of benefits. Buying an object that we already have, risk of financial difficulties. If we buy clothing, then there is a need of security, comfort. When you buy furniture, then it brings an advantageous financial situation. When you buy vegetables, then it foretells about disputes at home. Fruits which you buy are the reflection of sentimental disappointment.

When you take a trip in a dream, then such dream suggest you to make some time for yourself. Perhaps you are too tired both mentally and physically, therefore try to make some free time for yourself. The dream could also offer you to make some variations in your life and make it more interesting.

If you dream of having difficulties while dealing with your ordinary life, then it could reflect the actual situation in your waking life. Perhaps there are many obstacles you have to deal with, therefore you even dream of it. If the difficulties you have has something to do with your significant other, then such dream indicates the need to be more open with your lover, otherwise the conflicts will lead you. Make sure you talk about things that don’t make you happy, but make sure you do not make any ultimatums.

…(Tithe) Paying the dues alms tax in a dream means increase in one’s income or prosperity. If a rich man sees himself paying the due tithe on his liquid assets in a dream, it means increase in his wealth, a spiritual growth and receiving the blessing of performing one’s obligatory prayers on time. Payment of one’s due tithe also represents protection from one’s enemies. Paying alms tax in a dream also means performing supererogatory prayers during the night, repayment of debts, absolution, or it could mean paying a fine. Alms tax in a dream also means the death of a dear person in the family, or it could mean losing a limb due to an illness or an accident, giving a charity for the benefit of a departed soul, or payment of one’s debts. Thus, paying alms tax in a dream may mean increase in one’s wealth, recovering from…

…a religious point of view. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves. If a thirsty person quenches his thirst with water in a dream, it means comfort, appeasement of one’s bewilderments, prosperity verses poverty, or reuniting one’s family. Bathing in fresh spring water in a dream means payment of one’s debts. If sweet and potable water becomes salty in a dream, it means apostasy, or straying from the path of God Almighty and meeting with insurmountable difficulties. Car- rying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Clear…

The intersection in dreams is known as the symbolism of the communication or even interaction with those we are surrounded by. If there is some person that goes out of intersection, it shows the feeling you have about certain people in your life who are no longer interested in communicating with you and you are feeling it. If you are in intersection while choosing between something and cannot make up your mind, it means that you are feeling in doubt in your waking life as well, it is difficult to make a final decision. The dream may show that you are in doubt, because you do not have enough of the answers, therefore you feel trapped in your mind.

…To dream that you are driving a vehicle shows your voyage throughout life. Driving fast is like living fast. So dreaming about fast driving shows how you moving on path in life. Are you always in rush? The dream is also telling of how you are navigating through life. If you are driving and cannot see the road ahead of you, then it indicates pointless phase in your life. Maybe you do not have any goal or you not know where you are headed and what you really want to do with your life. Are you missing direction? Try to create first goal. Make a plan and move toward your target. If you are driving on a curvy road, then it directs your eyes to obstacles. Maybe you have complications in achieving your goals or finishing your plans. Also, it means that the changes are ahead and waiting for…

…(Grapes | Sugar cane | Wine) Pressing grapes to make wine in a dream means prosperity and a good harvest. The same interpretation is given for pressing sugar cane or other fruits. If a poor person sees himself pressing grapes to make wine in a dream, it means that he will prosper. If one sees everyone pressing grapes to make wine, or pressing olives for their eating oil in a dream when the economic conditions are down in one’s homeland, it means economic recovery. If a scholar or a student on the path, or a prisoner sees that, it means that they will escape from a potential danger. If a lender sees that, it means that he will recover his money from people. If a student on the path sees that, it means that he will succeed in his quest for knowledge. If a bachelor sees that, it means…

When you see yourself looking at advertisements in your dream it means that there is a message your subliminal wants to tell you. What you have to do is think over of what part of your life needs to be changed, make sure you hear out your inner voice, the message that has to be told. If you dream of your friends, family or someone you know advertising themselves, this is a sign that the person who is advertising himself can help you with your future. Make sure you are going to ask for assistance if you need one. When you dream of yourself putting out an advertisement it symbolizes how tough is going to be for you when you will try to reach out your dream. Make sure you are going to work hard, otherwise you will not succeed.

…may commit an abominable action, or a religious inequity, or seeks profits from someone at the expense of displeasing God Almighty and consequently, one will suffer financial losses or health problems. If the statue combines mixed material of bronze, copper, steel, iron, or lead in the dream, it means that such a person uses his religious garb to make profits, and that he often forgets about his Lord. A statue in a dream also means travels. Seeing a golden or a silver statue in a dream also could mean prosperity. Seeing a bronze statue of a young woman moving around in a dream means a good harvest, prosperity, or travels. If the statue is bigger than life-size, then it means a fright. Statues in a dream also represent one’s children, his sexual drive, or his determination. If one sees himself worshiping a statue in a dream, it means that he…

When you dream of an alarm bell it represents how concern you are of some situation. You will worry a lot about the work you are doing and problems you are facing, but as the time goes by, the problems will be solved and there will be nothing to worry about. However, the actions to make an impact will have to be done, if you want the problems to be solved. So, make sure you a ready to fight and make important decisions.

When you dream of being anxious at specific matter, it is a sign of you finally realizing what is happening with you life. Maybe there are some unsaid thing, hidden thoughts which makes you dream of being anxious. The other meaning of this dream is that you are not separating professional life with personal life. Make sure you are concentrating only on your business, because only then you will make it to the point where you will make a wealthy future for yourself.

If you became settle for something, then such dream shows the barriers you set up for yourself or others made it for you. Make sure you get rid of those obstacles and make some free time for yourself as it will make the work you do or the life you live more fulfilled.

…he was disturbed in his mind. In dreams men are not surprised at such apparitions. Mr. Reid thought that he informed his father of the cause of his distress, adding that the payment of a considerable sum of money was the more unpleasant to him, because he had a strong consciousness that it was not due, though he was unable to recover any evidence in support of his belief. ‘You are right, my son,’ replied the paternal shade,’ I did acquire rights to these tithes, for payment of which you are now prosecuted. The papers relating to the transactions are in the hands of Mr., an attorney, who is now retired from professional business and resides at Inveresk; near Edinburgh. He was the person whom I employed on that occasion for a particular reason; but who never on any other occasion transacted business on my account. It is very possible/…

…hood. Childbirth in a dream also means comfort, relaxation, payment of one’s debts and repentance from sin. If a woman gives birth to a son in a dream, it denotes the conclusion of her sufferings, glad tidings, payment of her debts or repentance from sin. If she gives birth to a daughter in the dream, then it means honor, prosperity and ease. If a poor man gives birth to a child in a dream, it means prosperity. If he is rich, then it means distress. If he is unmarried, it means a forthcoming marriage, so that his future wife will give the birth he saw in his dream. In general, if a man sees himself giving birth in a dream, it means his death or the death of a relative, or it could mean experiencing poverty. As for a needy person, it means relief or an escape. As for a…

…The dream, in which you see the computer foretells about growth, knowledge and intelligence. Perhaps the dream shows that new chances have been given to you. The computer could also indicate the state of your mind where you are being emotionless and stagnated. Perhaps you should open up more to others and show the way you feel instead of hiding all of your feelings. Consider if you are making any effort in order to make your life easier and more interested. The computers could also represent your desire to learn new things every day. The opportunities you have while using the computer are magnificent, therefore it shows how interested you are in various aspects. The dream, in which the computer has virus, represents the things you are unable to control, because of other peoples actions. If you are working with computer in your waking life, then it is very…

…Dreaming of seeing birds’ nests, denotes that you will be interested in an enterprise which will be prosperous. For a young woman, this dream foretells change of abode. To see an empty nest, indicates sorrow through the absence of a friend. Hens’ nests, foretells that you will be interested in domesticities, and children will be cheerful and obedient. Dreaming of a nest filled with broken or bad eggs, portends disappointments and failure. See Birds’ Nest….

…or the need for a reply concerning an interest one has with the other party. If one commences talking to someone before greeting him in a dream, it means innovation, and the same interpretation is given if he does not reply to a greeting, or if he replies with a gesture. Payingthe regards of peace at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means pursuing one’s path, following the proper traditions, completing one’s job, resignation from one’s job, appointment, dis- missal, travels and profits. If one ends his prayers beginning his greetings from the left, then proceeding to the right in a dream, it means that he pursues the road of evildoing and innovation. If one ends his prayers without the traditional greetings in a dream, it means that he is more interested in collecting his profit, than in protecting his capital investment. (Also see Prayers 2 )…

…hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. To see a happily barking dog in your dream, indicates pleasures, friendship and much social activity in your life. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also indicate unfriendly or dangerious companions. To dream that you are buying a dog, indicates your inclination to bribe or buy your friends or buy compliments / favors. Alternatively, it suggest a need for you to find friendship, companionship and new place in society. Dreaming that you are dressing up your dog with clothes, signifies your attempts to cover up your own character imperfections, flaws and habits. Also you must reconsider the conceptions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty (man’s best friend) and to be “treated like a dog”….

…To dream you buy all sorts of things that one uses, is good; to buy that which is only for victuals and relief, is good for the poor; but to the rich it signifies expenses and great charges. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 2, 69….

To dream you buy all sorts of things which one are used, is good; to buy that which is only for victuals and relief, is good for the poor; but to the rich and wealthy, it signifies expenses and great charge.

When you dream of seeing ashes in your dream it signifies unpleasant variations and failures. Dreaming of ashes shows possibility of unsuccessful professional activities or personal life. Make sure you are avoiding negativity and trying to escape the disruption. This dream is a sign of hard work ahead of you, but do not worry, as nothing is lost yet. Make sure you do not think too much of your past, try to forget the past and move on.

…For a girl to dream of sweeping the house, foretells that a lover will soon make his appearance: if a married woman dreams this, it shows that some outsider is charmed with her, and may venture to make dishonourable proposals. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 12….

…(Splice | Entwine | Twine) To splice a rope or a thread, or to twist a rope around oneself, or to whorl it around a spindle, or to make a bobbin in a dream means undertaking a journey. If it comes out thin in the dream, then the outcome of one’s journey is meager. If the rope comes out thick and strong in the dream, it means that the outcome of one’s journey is beneficial. If the twisting of the rope or the thread is easy in the dream, it means that one’s endeavor is free from constraint. If one sees himself plucking the hair of his beard and twisting it like a rope in a dream, it means that he will receive a bribe to make a false testimony in court. Twisting a rope or a thread in a dream also could mean signing a contract, establishing a…

To dream that you are bewildered, indicates that you are stuck in the middle between two opposing views. It represents your indecision and your inability to make up your mind. Such dreams often reflect your waking state of confusion and shock. When dreaming of being bewildered or confused it symbolizes the state of imbalance that your mind is affected. It seems that it is hard for you to decide which direction you should go, you do not know the answers to the questions and have no ability to stay on the track, instead of that you are always in doubt. Sometimes it is very hard to find the solution, but remember that if you avoid, to make up your mind, you will not achieve a thing.

To see a brood of chicks reveals the need or desire for marriage and maternity. If next to the chicks there is a threatening broody that won’t allow us to approach them, then it means that there will be obstacles and problems arising from relatives that will make difficult to make our wishes come true.

There is a necessity for a better regulation of your life. You should make sure that the things you do are going to make great profits for the future.

Dreaming of betting, wagering, gambling money is a warning which means that you must be cautious when you make deals or business with strangers. It also announces that your opponents seek for an opportunity to harm you. It’s the same if you dream of playing with money in casinos or any board game or table game; it means that you must be careful of not wasting money. Dreaming of betting money in any way, suggests that you proceed without reasoning in your everyday life, which will make you to have problems. Dreaming of losing bets announces that you’ll experience setbacks in the affairs you’re handling, but if your play with money gives you profits, if it looks like you are winning, then this dream indicates that you’ll triumph.

…Dream of kissing a dead person indicates a long life. When you make someone die, then it shows loss or damage. When you see a corpse in a coffin, then it means indigestion. See someone dead who is alive and in good health indicates annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see someone die who is already dead in reality, means approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak in a dream, represents to the dreamer that he/she has the same passions and the same destiny like the person he dreamed of. To see or to speak to dead person, means that you should be aware with the situation in your business, especially if the dead one is someone from your friends or relatives. See one dead whom you know is living, means…

…When you dream of seeing an alloy it symbolizes the work you do and danger you will have. Make sure you are not tricking your colleagues and are honest doing your business. However, don’t make any rush decisions as this might lead you to bankrupt and there is a possibility loosing all you have. Anyway, even if the things will go not the right way, it won’t involve your personal life….

To dream of scorpion relates to birth and death which means that the one who sees a scorpion in his dream should change some aspects of his personality and incorporate something new, totally different that he had before. The scorpion that is in the water symbolizes the negativity that is suppressed and needs to be expressed. Make sure you get rid of those unfavorable emotions and feelings. The scorpion could also signify the scars that were made by others and you find it hard to remove them. Make sure there are no hard feelings towards the others as it will cause only disruption and problems in your life. Consider that scorpion is also one of the astrological signs.

The frog shows that you tend to move one very fast while jumping through big problems. To make the progress you have to take step by step, otherwise you will make big mistakes in your life.

…To dream you make enclosures your fortune you’ll make….

When you dream that you are the android it means that you lost your spiritual aspect of yourself. Maybe you should go to church to look for some answers you have or maybe you should read some of religious literature to help yourself reclaim your spiritual views. The other meaning of this dream could be that you should consider to make sure what you say before things are being said. Make sure you are liable for your actions.

Dreaming that you see the fork in the road signifies the necessity to stop and think about some serious question and make the final decision for it, because it will change your life completely, that is way you must think about it a lot with lots of attention. If seeing the fork in the road is very normal to you, then it shows minor problems that aren’t solved, however this will not make much of the stress.