Dreaming about a cherub means the good intentions and actions of the dreamer’s personality. Dreaming of cherubs, is a very good sign, it represents love, spiritual and personal growth, wisdom and altruism. It means that the dreamer is living special moments full of love, selfless acts, which can only bring positive changes.

To dream about your own parents represents different explanations about different people. The parents could indicate your love you have toward them. Maybe you have some problems that are not been resolved between you and them. The parents could also denote to your childhood, affection that you are missing as an adult and love that one gives to you.

The see a sea horse in a dream, symbolizes sadness, love or loneliness. Maybe the dreamer is someone who is feeling neglected by others and different one longing for comfort and love in his life. On the other hand, the dream may indicate the inability to see things clearly and recognize the situation or period of life time the one is at the moment.

If a young woman dreams of sticking buttons to a military uniform, it reveals that she craves for love, but she’s thinking of a charming prince. When a young man dreams of sticking buttons to a military uniform, it reveals that he aspires to join the military and become a hero to receive honors. If married adult dreams of sticking buttons to clothes, it implies that there is love and peace in home. Dreaming of gold and silver buttons indicates that your actions are driven by pretention and you waste both time and money. Dreaming that you lose one of your buttons indicates that you have lots of probably unjustified anxiety. Dreaming of handling old faulty buttons indicates poor health and various problems, including economic problems.

…Dreaming of seeing railings, denotes that some person is trying to obstruct your pathway in love or business. Dreaming of holding on to a railing, foretells that some desperate chance will be taken by you to obtain some object upon which you have set your heart. It may be of love, or of a more material form….

…Dreaming of a lake gives us information about our emotions. A lake surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates the desire to express love and emotions and passion to live. If the banks are arid, then they indicate the fear of not being able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean, it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by the storm, it’s an omen of difficult love. What the people accompanying us say or do will inform us about our true personalities. Fishing on the lake indicates our desire to find partners. If the lake is very murky and there are dead fish or the lake is dry that indicates the failure of our sentimental hopes….

…Passion is usually a mental condition that’s more or less temporary, but it makes the person that’s being affected into suffering from depression or in being very aggressive. Consequently, dreaming of being passionate is always a reflection of what’s happening in real life. Dreaming of being intensely passionate about something indicates that the dreamer is suffering from sudden changes that are making the dreamer go from happiness and optimism to depression and even anger, perhaps due to indifferent, uncontrollable, dubious and contradictory situations, for example, in love, business, politics, etc. Dreaming of having high hopes in love that turn very passionate, suggests that in some cases that the loved one is passionate and unreflective, not in a loving or sexual way, but ideologically, in sports, business, politics, anything that’s capable of producing successes or failures as a result of outbursts of passion which even though they might be temporary,…

(Abstinence | Asceticism) To see oneself living an ascetic life in a dream means that one is earnestly seeking to show kindness and love for people and to earn their love. (Also see Perfume salesman)

Symbolize the intensity of live and love. It augurs an intense and passionate love that will give us happiness.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see cupid when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests a love, desire and passion relationship in your waking life. Its appearance when you are dreaming may mean that you need to take a risk in love or to be more energetic in new projects.

If someone is winking at you in your dream, this means new love relations. This dream may bring you romantic love.

If you are the maid of honor in someone’s wedding while dreaming, then such dream means that you are accepting these people love and wish them good luck in their future relationships, but only if you felt happy about it while dreaming. If you are not happy while being maid of honor, then it means you are not accepting the love of these people.

…Symbolizes the material and biological evolution. It also symbolizes the perpetual birth and the incessant flow of vital energy. If we see them being withered in the dream, then it means that our feelings are withering because of lack of true love. If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy….

…Dreaming of seeing frost on a dark gloomy morning, signifies exile to a strange country, but your wanderings will end in peace. To see frost on a small sunlit landscape, signifies gilded pleasures from which you will be glad to turn later in life, and by your exemplary conduct will succeed in making your circle forget past escapades. Dreaming that you see a friend in a frost, denotes a love affair in which your rival will be worsted. For a young woman, this dream signifies the absence of her lover and danger of his affections waning. This dream is bad for all classes in business and love….

…(See Mad Dog.) To dream of those animals, has very different significations; if they fawn and fondle upon you, it is a lucky omen; if you are in love, it portends marriage and happiness; but if they bark and snarl at you, it denotes that enemies are endeavouring to destroy your reputation and happiness; if in love, crosses. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

…(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…

The mallet in dreams is the symbolism of your new relationships. You will find the love of your life, but only if it is used in a game. The mallet that does nothing, indicates the bad behaviour of those you love.

…The alder in dreams presages travels, chiefly by sea; unrest in home life and work.Ash, bad news of all sorts.Banyan, journeys and surprises.Beech, disaffection (or going abroad) of friends; disappointments in general.Birch, success in work.Broom, illness, sometimes death.Brambles, troubles, both domestic and financial.Cedar, presents of all kinds; loss (by death) of old friends.Chestnut, success in courtship, falling in love.Clematis, reunion of friends and lovers.Elm, death of a relation, of an old friend; or loss of employment.Hawthorn, sickness.Hazel, success of an extraordinary nature; recovery from illness; escape from an accident.Lilac, new clothes; present from lover; unexpected invitations.Mistletoe, great success in courtship and the arts.Olive, falling in love; the forming of new friend-ships.Palm, success in work and rise in social life.Pine, death, illness; and a journey to foreign parts.Poplar, danger from drowning or falling.Willow, death of a great friend or near relation; and sorrow due to illness.Addendum to TreesTo dream of…

If you dream of being in the church, it means that you are getting yourself into spiritual phase. You are looking for answers to the questions you’ve had for a while. The religious people dream about it a lot, because it is the time where they spend while praying. The church could also indicate the fact that you wish to get married in there with the one you love.

In dreams the eyes are the symbols of your view to word. The eyes that are beautiful and even sparkles, signifies the goodness. The ones that are closed foretells about the reality the dreamer tries to escape. If the eyes are crossed, then it foretells about some misunderstanding between your inner self. You do not find the solution to some problems. If your eyes were injured by someone, then it shows that those people are trying to get the financial goodness from you. It is the same explanation that is given if the eyes were covered with a hood. The dream in which you are wearing the blindfolded, foretells about certain situation that you are trying to avoid facing it. You tend to pretend that nothing is going on around you. The small eyes shows the secrets, but the large ones denotes to friendship, love purity and truth.

…This dream usually implies that there’s a yearning to travel in the dreamer and to change the routine in which he lives (take a vacation, change of address or employment, and find other businesses or even other affections and love). The chances that this wish will come true in a short-term, depends on the symbols displayed in the dream itself, for example: If in the dream the train or bus, or car in which he was traveling leaves the dreamer stranded, then it indicates that it is unlikely to make the trip or change what he wants soon, perhaps because he have failed to seize the opportunity presented to him before and he delayed the date without actually knowing it. If in the dream you appear to get into the train, then it indicates that it is very likely that you will travel or make the change you wanted…

To see actress play, misfortune; if you talk with her, you will have success in what you undertake if you make love to her, your life will be joyful. If you dream that you enjoy her, you will meet great troubles.

…To dream that any one praises or flatters you, is a sign of scandal: if a girl dreams that her lover praises her good looks or amiability, she bad better discard him as a false-hearted person who cares nothing about her, but is merely flattering his own vanity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 17….

To dream of being mad, or performing extravagant actions in public, indicates a long life, popular reverence, official respect, prosperity. If an unmarried girl or widow has this dream, prompt and happy marriage. If she is a married woman, birth of a son destined to become a distinguished character.

When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesn’t make a bad impact into your life. If you take the responsibility and duties you’ve got to do, the dream stands as a very good omen.

An angel on the wing means death to the sick doth bring; To those in health much joy— man, woman, girl, or boy.

…(See Worm.) To dream of clean-looking, white fat grubs, is a sign of good crops to farmers, but to dream of black or dirty looking grubs is the reverse. For a girl to dream of grubs is a bad sign, as it puts her in peril of losing her virtue; but to a married woman it is a good sign, for the reason that she will soon be in the family way. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 70, 65….

…For a girl to dream of having a plaster on her person is a sign that someone win offer her an insult, or perhaps make an attempt upon her chastity: if a man dreams this, the same will probably happen to his wife or sweetheart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 8….

…To dream that a beggar annoys you, is a sign of misfortune, or some piece of bad luck. To a young girl who has a suitor, it predicts that if she marries him she will be poor. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 26….

…To dream that you hate any particular person is a sign that he or she has been talking bad about you. If a girl should ever be so silly as to dream such a dream about her lover, it shows that he meditates an attack upon her chastity; on the contrary, if she dreams that he hates her, it is a sign that she possesses his whole heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44….

…(Castle | Citadel | Stronghold) A fortress in a dream means obliterating something from its roots or eliminating one’s trouble. A fortress in a dream also represents a positive power that eliminates negative forces, or it could represent good verses evil. Entering a fortress in a dream also could mean growing in piety or developing ascetic detachment. Seeing a distant fortress in a dream means travelling from one place to another and gaining fame. Taking refuge in a fortress in a dream means victory. A fortress in a dream also means repenting from one’s sins, or it could represent a great person. To conquer and capture a fortress in a dream means deflowering a virgin girl. (Also see Castle | Citadel)…

…Dreaming of elderly people without being old may indicate that you live in an inappropriate and uncomfortable environment, in which you work and complete your duties just because it’s mandatory. Dreaming of elder people means the innocence of a girl. Dreaming that you’re old while you’re young in waking life means respect and consideration. If you see an old man in your dream, you should accept and follow the advice which he can give you….

…For a girl to dream of picking these whortleberries in abundance, is a sign she will marry very young and very good husband, though not a rich one: to dream of eating whortleberries, denotes health. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 69, 30….

…For a woman to dream that she is pregnant when she is not, is a sign of some special good fortune; she will either have a handsome present, or else her husband will be lucky is some business transaction and give her a part of the money: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will get married about as sudden as if the dream were a reality. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4. 11, 44,…

…If any respectable person dreams of being arrested by police officers, it is a sign that some distinguished honour will be conferred on him: if a young girl should dream that policemen took her lover into custody, she will hear of his advancement in the world. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 30….

…(See Fingers.) To dream of bleeding at the nose signifies loss of goods, and decay of riches; to a young girl it foretells the loss of her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 75, 19, 5….

…To dream that you hear bells ringing merrily is a sign of a wedding, or else that you will soon hear some good news. If the bell tolls solemnly, it foretells a funeral or bad news. To a girl, the tolling of a bell predicts that someone will deceive her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16….

…To dream of polite people is a sign that a stranger will visit, or be introduced to you: if a girl dreams that her beau is stiff and formal in addressing her, it foretells that she will soon have a new admirer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

…(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

To dream of receiving gifts, denotes good luck; you will marry the girl of your choice, and prosper in what you undertake.