(Turk. Double veil worn by Muslim women | Apparel | Attire | arb. Khimar | Niqab) A yashmak or a veil covering the lower part of the face up to the eyes in a dream represents a young girl who will live a long life, or it could represent one who devotes her life to religious and spiritual studies. (Also see Khimar | Veil)

…If a girl dreams that her wrist is large or misshapen, it foretells that she will come, to poverty after marriage; if she imagines that there is a tumour or swelling, or even a wart on it, it is a sign that she will be dependent on someone for her bread, and that person may or may not be her husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 57, 19….

…This dream denotes you will have a long and happy life. If you dream you are eating honey it denotes that something will happen that will give you great joy or pleasure. To a young girl it is a sign that she will soon have a lover that will please her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 3, 1….

…A deer in a dream represents women and children. Capturing a deer in a dream or receiving one as a gift means prosperity, an inheritance, marriage, having children or overcoming one’s adversary. Slaughtering a deer in a dream means deflowering a young girl. Bringing a deer inside one’s house means finding a bride for one’s son. If one kills and skins a deer in a dream, it means that he will rape a noble woman. A deer jumping at someone in a dream represents a disobedient wife. Owning a deer in a dream means marriage to a noble woman or it could represent wealth which is earned from lawful sources. (Also see Gazelle)…

…To dream of these animals, foretells many small children: if a newly married woman dreams of them it is a sign that she will have twins or triplets within a year: such a dream will not be very pleasant to a young girl unless she means to marry right sudden, for rabbits do not predict anything else but breeding children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 13….

…If anyone dreams of being vexed, annoyed, or injured by reason of making a mistake, it shadows forth disgrace. Mistaking one person for another in your dream, denotes scandal: thus if a young girl should dream that she hailed a young man as her lover, and found it was a stranger, it shows that some malicious person will make influence on her character. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78, 16….

…To dream that one of these musical little birds makes her best anywhere on your premises, is a sign of joy and riches ,a girl who dreams this will make a happy match, though perhaps not a rich one, as the riches only come to the family that lives in the house. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 53….

…If any one dreams of going into a pulpit, it is a sign he or she will visit a place of disrepute, as such dreams work contrariwise: for a girl to dream that she assists in ornamenting or dressing a pulpit, foretells that she will do some act that she afterwards regrets, because of an unworthy person being connected therewith. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62….

…To dream of proud people who disgust you, foretells that you will rise in the world: a girl who dreams this of her lover, will probably marry a rich or distinguished man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 32, 13….

…To dream of broken promises on the part of a friend is a sign that he will confer a benefit on you: if a girl dreams that her lover has broken his promise to marry, it foreshadows a speedy performance of the ceremony. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3….

…In a dream, hazelnut represents a stranger who is rich, generous but dull, unpleasant though he has the ability to bring people together. It is also interpreted as hard earned money. In general, nuts in a dream represent roar, or even melancholy. Ahazelnut in adream also means news that one’s homeland is ravaged by war and its children are taken prisoners. In a dream, a hazelnut also represents the marriage of the first born girl to an unknown person. (Also see Hazelnut tree)…

…(See Fast.) To dream of being hungry foretells that you will soon engage in some new enterprise which will prove successful. Hungry dreams are excellent omens to lovers, as they denote energy and success. If a girl dreams that a gentleman come to see her who is hungry, it is a sign that he will woo her in such an earnest and affectionate manner as to win her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 37….

…To dream of having any yellow article presented to you, is a sign you will get gold: if a girl dreams that her lover gives her yellow flowers, it foretells that she will marry rich. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 60, 41….

…Dreaming of seeking refuge in a convent, denotes that your future will be signally free from care and enemies, unless on entering the building you encounter a priest. If so, you will seek often and in vain for relief from worldly cares and mind worry. For a young girl Dreaming of seeing a convent, her virtue and honestly will be questioned….

…To dream of s man dressed in black is lucky; in white, a bad omen: to dream of a murdered man, is a sign of long life. To dream you meet a strange man, is a sign you have & vindictive enemy. For a girl to dream she sees her lover by her bedside, is a sign he will attempt some very improper things. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 60, 7….

It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow — the brighter the better; it denotes health and general prosperity; to lovers it foretells a happy marriage, and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present.

Toward the fair sex, satisfaction and good health. If the dreamer is a woman, good luck will be noted while trading different things. If she is an unmarried girl, inconstancy will be to her admirer.

If a man dream that he is very gallant, he will enjoy good health; to a female, the same dream brings good luck; to a girl, inconsistency.

…(See Water and Resuscitate) To dream you are drowning, or that you see another drowned, portends good to the dreamer; to the lover, good-tempered sweethearts and marriage; but to a girl it is a sign she should keep an eye on her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54, 18,1….

To dream of being in a shower of rain, if it is gentle and soft, denotes great success in your present undertakings, it is very favourable to lovers, and denotes constancy, affection, and sweet temper. To the sailor, it promises, good fortune by sea, and that he will marry a beautiful girl. It will prove to the farmer a source of wealth.

…To dream of this vegetable, signifies that a secret will be discovered, which will occasion a muss in the family. To a girl, it is a sign she will lose her beauty and to a lover, it foreshadows he will be “cut out” by some other nice young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 13….

…To dream you are treated in a mean and shabby manner by anybody, is a sign you will have unexpected honours thrust upon you. If a girl dreams that her lover has behaved means she may be sure he will do something to command her admiration. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 50, 51….

…To dream of being kissed by any particular person means that person is not to be trusted. If a girl dreams of being kissed by her lover, it may be regarded as a sign he is inconstant….

…(See Disease.) If you dream you have had a long sickness, and are recovering, it foretells bad luck and difficulties: should you imagine that you are sick and are going to die, the omen is the reverse, for some good fortune awaits you: if a girl dreams that she is sick ab3d, and her lover visits her, it foretells a smooth courtship and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…To dream of looking over a map, is a sign of an agreeable surprise by the arrival of some dear friend from a distance, if a girl dreams this when her lover is away, he will return unexpectedly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 27….

…It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow — the brighter the better: it denotes health and general prosperity: to lovers it foretells a happy marriage, and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….

…To dream you see a person wearing a mask, is a sign of hypocrisy to the lover, it shows that his sweetheart loves someone better than himself; to a girl, it signifies that her lover is engaged to another. To married people, it portends infidelity to the wedding ring. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 8….

…To dream of hearing hissing noises, such as steam makes, or of geese hissing, is a sign of shame. If a girl dreams this it foretells that she will do something she is ashamed of: to a man it is a sign he will do an undignified act, or one that will injure his prospects. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47….

…To dream of going to this religious celebration, is a sign that someone will either cheat you or rob your house. If a girl dreams this, let her look out that her lover does not prove to be a worthless scamp. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 13….

If leaves are green, it announces prosperity. If leaves are dry and fall, it indicates disease and problems.

…Dreaming of seeing a thumb, foretells that you will be the favorite of artful persons and uncertain fortune. If you are suffering from a sore thumb, you will lose in business, and your companions will prove disagreeable. Dreaming that you have no thumb, implies destitution and loneliness. If it seems unnaturally small, you will enjoy pleasure for a time. If abnormally large, your success will be rapid and brilliant. A soiled thumb indicates gratification of loose desires. If the thumb has a very long nail, you are liable to fall into evil through seeking strange pleasures….

…(Adversary | Boy | Foe | Hidden treasure | Opponent | Power | Snake | Unjust ruler | Woman) To meet an enemy in a dream signifies honor, signing a treaty, rising above differences, receiving God’s help and victory. Facing one’s enemy in a dream also means befriending him. If one is threatened by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will win the upper hand. If one is promised good things by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will fall into his trap and lose his fight to him. If one’s enemy advises him in a dream, it means that he will betray him. If one sees an enemy invading a land in a dream, it means that a destructive flood will devastate that place. If one’s enemy confides to him or pleases him in a dream, it means that he will suffer…

Dreaming of one or many of bohemian surrounding you, indicates we often fall in to our passions.

To grow fleshy, unexpected wealth. To an unaccountable degree, new taste for pleasures and ostentation. Lose flesh and become attenuated, should the dreamer be rich he will gradually sink to poverty, should he be poor he will fall into extreme misery, if it be a female who has this dream, she will lose the friendship of her husband, family and friends.

…(Fire.) To see, in your dream, one or more houses burning, but not wholly destroyed, signifies, for the poor, that they will become rich and for the rich man, that his riches will be augmented; but if the fire is furious, and the houses fall down, the dreamer may expect losses, disappointments, shame, and death. To dream you burn yourself is a sign the malice of a stupid enemy will be attacking you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45,16….

To dream that you see blood, is a good sign; you will fall heir to an estate. To lose blood signifies sorrow and disappointment.

A ruse to which the dreamer will fall victim. Killed, triumph over enemies; petted, abuse of confidence, unfortunate undertaking.

Dreaming you fall upon the ground, denotes dishonour, shame, and scandal.

…Dreaming of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent. If a young woman dreams of fainting, it denotes that she will fall into ill health and experience disappointment from her careless way of living….

In the case of modeling clay, it indicates that we will create excellent projects and we will reach triumph. If it is very liquid mud, the one that makes you filth, it portends fall into immorality; although it is always possible to regenerate.